i THE TIMES. THE TIIIESJ Headquarters for "Job Printing That A ii It ; he most widely cir- ; ; ' uated Weekly Pa- I IV 3r in its Territory 70LUME XXV HENDERSON VILLE, N. C, FRIDAY AUGUST 12 1910. No. 18 11 mr uly ecords ie Hendersonville weather re for July 1910, which has been to Raleigh to the section direc 6f the U. S. weather. bureau, is normal , temperature and ry precipitation. The data for month are as follows: ' Maxi i, 86 on the 26th; minnimum, m the 20th; mean maximum, ; mean minimum, 61.5; mean, ; precipation, 9.58 inches. Of "heavy rainfall, (surpassed in one July In the past eleven 3), more than two-thirds fell the first' eleven days -of the th; the remainder of the month exceedingly pleasant The perature was moderate through- i considering the temperatures rded - for Hendersonvielle, it Id be remembered that the in dents are located at a height of about 5 1-2 feet above the nd, dhd that 5 consequently they rd the actual temperature. The sst temperature recorded here year was 88; and that means temperature 5 1-2 feet above ground in a slatted Jbox set in :unshine. "A recorded tempera of 88 in one of the large cities as that cooler regions 100 to 200 above ground had recorded that e, and that the actual street )erature in that city vould be 3 than 100. llowing are the local July rec beginnfng with 1899: : Max. Min. Mean Pr'c'n 95 " 47 72.4 4.07 ) 90 50 73.4 5.75 94 57 75.0 5.22 : 93 51 73.7 1.74 i 91 51 73.4 6.50 91 83 I. 87 I 93 90 ) ' 89 nal 91 ) 88 50 55V 57 56" 55 53 53 52 69.8 70.7 71.1 745 73.2 70.7 725 72.4 3,65 12.90 672 2.91 6.81 5.40 57 9.58 rayside Inn already has from ity to twenty-five gnests with 3 coming. " JUST PRINTED On good Bond Paper Warranty Deeds v Approved Form Times Office Causes Very, Heavy Loss at Saluda At a late hour Tuesday evening a destructive fire occured at Saluda, destroying one block in the business part of the town. The loss is es timated at $20,000 or more, - not covered by insurance. The fire, whose cause is unknown, is believed to have started in S, D. Staton's store building, and when discovered, had progressed too far to be controlled. The stores of S. D. Staton and Thorne &. Boone, Q. C. Sonner's warehouse and L. M. Tin-er-s shoe shop were destroyed. Mr Staton's loss' is probably between $5,000 and $6,000. Universal sympathy is felt here for the men who have lost so heav- Uy, by the . fire. ..They., are well known business men and leading citizens of Saluda., Mr. Staton is a brother of fc H., B. F. and D. S. Staton of Hendersonville. TAFT MKES BRYAN And Favors Him for the State Legislature Taf t has - always thought very highly of Bryan and this good opin ion continUesto grow. We are not speaking of the President or the orator from Nebraska; we are speak irig of the thriving little town of Taft, S. C, and its most prominent citizen, W. D. Bryan, who arrived in Hendersonville last week. Mr. Bryan has been coming to Hendersonville every summer for several years and owns some at tractive property in the northwest part of this city.. He ' .has many friends here and is exceedingly pop ular in his home town. He has been an efficient member of the South Carolina legislature and his fellow citizens are anxious to re elect him. During the last campaign, the people of Taft, who are democrats, learned with dismay that a man who was named for their town was running for President on the repub lican ticket. They talked of starting a movement to have the name of that burg changed from Taft to Bryan ; and when they talk of Bryan down there, they mean W. D. of South Carolina, not W. J. of Ne braska. Speak easy patrons often are loud mouthed. A pleasant thought that is told is -Ihfittfir than a t1 eapanter one unsaid. ----- -- r - J - CLEARANCE SALE OF SUMMER GOODS $1.50 wash Skirts, full width at s 88c $2.00 Wash Skirts, neatly trimmed selling now for - 98c $400 Wash Suitsj in all the leading colors selling now for. J2.89 White Shirtwaist goods and figured Lawns 10c white shirtwaist goods in different patterns selling now at 7 15c white Batiste, suitable for dresses selling now at '10c Full line of dress goods, suitable for skirts, such as Panamas, Mo hairs, Serges etc, selling now at greatly reduced prices. ? - ' - Millinery . . We ' will sell - all our. - Millinery at about one half price. This is enough said to those who have been buying their hats from us. Here are a few extra specials for Saturday and Monday. ' 10 yds Calico 39c rf " . 10 yds figured Lawns 39c 10 yds Canton Flannel 39c . 0 10 yds Apron Gingham CCut is outandbnngvith you 'ZltZl More Elected State Chairman by Ac clamation at the Great Con vention at Greensboro SPECIAL TO THE TIMES Greensboro, Aug. 10. The state republican conven tion, a gigantic gathering which surpassed all of its predecessors in size, in vitality and in representative char acter, has elected as state chairman John Motley More- head, the business man who redeemed the Fifth district in the face of an enormous democratic majority. Morehead was put forward for the state chairmanship as the choice of the rank and file otthe party; and the rank and file captured the convention, and with a wave of enthusiasm brushed away those who had previously been in control, and installed a new man as the harbinger of a new day. Twelve hundred intensely earnest delegates and two thousand spectators, assembled in a metal-roofed struct ure which intensified the awful heat of sultry Greensboro, almost forgot their physical sufferings in the absorbing in terest with which they followed every stage of the great battle. Eech side had claimed victory; the credential committee was eight to two for Duncan; but when the first test vote was taken (on the election of a chairman for the convention) the Morehead men were successful by 737 to 378. v,- The victory was complete. When the time came to elect a state chairman, Duncan's nome was withdrawn by his followers and Morehead was elected by acclamatiou. Nominations for state officers were made as follows: For the supreme court, T. T. Hicks for chief justice and E. W. Timberlake and Harry Skinner for assistance justices; James H. White and C. M. Hoover for corporation com missionprs. . . The platform contianed a ringing declaration for local self-government. The revolution which was effected was a peaceful rev olution. Feeling ran high but the convention ended in a love feast. Morehead's speech of acceptance was praised even by those who had fiercely opposed his election. The platform adopted is an able document which rings true to republican principles. Meeting Of Republicans of Edneyville Township We are requested to publish to following notice to the republicans of Edneyville township: Notice mmmm mm m ammm aa ana Meeting Saturday for Good Roads At the meeting held in the Court house August 1 in the interest of good roads for Henderson county, it was decided to hold anther meeting in the court house Sat urday, August 13, at 11 cclock for the purpose of effecting a definite organization. Everybody who is interested in this important mat ter is urged to attend and to persuade as "many as possible of his friends and neighbors to .attend. Good roads are of vital importance to Henderson county. Remember the time and place, 11 o'clock Saturday morning, August 13, at the court house. There will be a mass meeting of the republicans of Edneyville town ship Saturday, August 13, at 2 o'clock p. m., at John S. Lyda's, for the purpose of selecting township officers and transacting such other business as may come before said meeting. Let every republican attend. Van Grant, Temp. Ch'm'n. L. R. Rhodes, Sec. Road ork The county road force, otherwise known as the chain-gang, is still at at work in Hooper's Creek township. And some persons are wondering why it is there. To this natural question the county road supervisor gives a an equally natural answer. Long ago he announced that work would be done first where the big gest inducements were offered. The people interested in the road from Fletchers to Fruitland offered work and material to the value of $400; therefore that road, vas worked Then persons interested in the road from Fletcher to the Buncombe line put up $700 or. $800 (including a check for $100 from a resident of Asheville, Dr. Hall Fletcher). There fore that road is being worked now. Some people act as if they plan ned their own pedigrees. CALL FOR COUNTY CON VENTION, A Convention of the Republicans of Henderson County -is hereby; called to meet in the Court House in the town of Hendersonville, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, Satur day, August 20, 1910, for the pur pose of nominating a candidate to represent the county in the next General Assembly of North Caro lina, and the candidates for the various county offices, to-wit: Clerk of the Superior Court, Register of Deeds, Sheriff, Coroner, Surveyor and three county commissioners, and for transacting such other business as may properly come be for the convention. The commit tees of the various . townships and voting precincts of said county are respectfully requested . to call a meeting of the Republicans of their said townships or voting precincts on Friday, August 19, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing delegates to the county convention and selecting township or voting precinct committees to serve for the ensuing two years. The number of delegates to which the various townships or voting pre cincts will be entitled to is as fol lows: Bat Cave Precinct 3Delegates Blue Ridge Township, 10 Bowman's Bluff Precinct 3 Clear Creek Township 2 Crab Creek Precinct 4 Kdneyville Precinct 4 u Etowah Precinct 2 ' E. Hendersonville Prect. G " Flat Rock Precinct 3 Green River Precinct 5 Hooper's Creek Township 0 Horse Shoe Precinct 2 Mills River Precinct 4 ' Raven Rock Precinct 3 " W. Hendersonville Prect. 8 " AVe earnestly request the republi cans to attend the meeting to be held in their townships or voting precincts, and send good men to the county convention to nominate the candidates and transact the business of the convention. Done by order of the Republican Executive Com mittee of said county. This July 28th, 1910. R. H. Staton, Chm'n. Rep. Ex. Com. Henderson County. J. D. Davis, Sec. Rep. Ex. Com. Henderson County. a HUNTER'S DELICIOUS od a Water SINGING GLASS E. Lewis & The Undcstllifig StcrcV Agents fcr Standard Fashions OXFORD FROM ORPHANAGE Editor Times: Please annomce that the people of Hendersonville will have the pleasure of attending a concert given by the "Singing ClassH of the Oxford Masonic orphanage on the evening of August 30 at the Audir torium. Year by year the tours of the of - the class . are becoming more popular. ' The concerts merit a very liberal patronage because they nave reached a high standard of excel lency and the institution justly claims our sympathy and ,support Be sure to . attend. Your heart will be made" warmer and your " sym pathy will be broadened. F. V. Hunter R. B. Grinnan J. P. Embler FrS.Wetmur' I fommittee. R N. Wilcox, W. M. W. Q Rector. Secty. NOTICE , V1 My . Personal Property Tax Sa'e will be continued from Saturday, to Saturday until all are settled up. ' V. C V. SHEPHERD, 1 Aug. 10, 1910. Tax Collector Our big Soda Season is now on us and we are well prepared to taKe care of the great crowds who want GOOD SODA; Our magnificent Iceless fountain is serving many fine tempting drinks to our many patrons. WE INVITE YOU TO MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS TH" " UNTER'S P HA Rm AC Y Near P0ST0FFICE .hm 13.0 w tuvwy lkUV? Pays $5:00 for Largest Grown in Henderson County in 1910 Decided by weight-to be weighed on scales selected by him. ' ' - " - " r' " 'l - - 3C 3Z . v y i - S v.-

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