, - . - T . . -r V r tjtt TTMF.f THE TIMES Headquarters for "Job Printing That Attracts " 4 xx - The most widely cir culated Weekly Pa per in its Territory VOLUME XXV HENDERS0NV1LLE, N.C., FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 16, 1910. No. 23 . . . v . . . . X i j . : ... . f - -4. .v." . - , .p- -V. . . - - , . r.r. e-, Graded School made. . The board met again Tuesday, September 13, when Prof. Ivins submitted his - report showing that he had (under authorization from the previous board) appointed the following teachers: Grades IB 1 A 2 3 4 5 and 6 Teachers Mrs. Ethel Dixon Mrs. Mears Miss Lillian Waldrop Miss Annie L. Smith Miss Mary Burckmyer Miss Eugenia Harrison Last January we published an ccount of conditions at the graded chool, based on a personal inspec- od. We gave facts and figures hOWing OVercrOWUlllg aim mauc- late facilities; we pointed out that fe building is not adapted to the teds of a school as large as Hen iLimIIp's snhool now is: and we ClOvii'"" I Wed in some detail the plans' Mch the then trustees favored for modeling the building. Afterwards, we published an al- Vnative suggesnou wmuu wc ink is far more practicable, name- that the old academy property ould be utilized. We are glad to km that the trustees are strongly favor of this suggestion and are tn nnrrv it into fiffifiCt- ' Tvinc at tTio rrllodo novt iataoV onrl e academy lot is more centrally , , r ted than the college lot and. ter adapted for a school site; Id the cost of erecting anew up fdate building would be very little 1 fVor tfio prct nf rpmnHplind iurr i nnii i iivj vvuv w wx-w i . r .. nlanfi thft mllfidfi nronertv Annnf htn Hinrl ha conti- : o x nt of the trustees is., that the t way out of the present difficul is to sell the college property W erect a modern and well equip- !d school house on the academy Is S orry fThe newly elected board of jstees of the Hcndersonville grad- school met Friday night, Septem : 9, and organized by electing F. P. King chairman, K. G. Mor treasurer, and T. W. Valentine pretary. It appeared that ,the 7, 8, 9, 10 Miss Voris, Miss Bessie Steedman, R. M. Ivins. Two committees were appointed, one on buildings and the. other on teahers. - The buildings committee arranged to meet Superintendent le college i see what arrangements could be made to relieve the great incon venience which resulted from over crowding last year. The secretary, was instructed to in the hands of real estate agents for sale. Maine eding board had authorizfb(t5 ptds erintendent R. M. Ivins to ap- nt teachers for the coming year, it was decided to meet again lay and ask Mr. Ivins to be sent on that occasion and report lere was a discussion of the Idequacyof the present school Iding, of the necessity of provid- increased facilities and ways means of so doing, and of the pessity of having the school arter amended in order to give e trustees power to take rational lion. There was general agree !nt among the trustees that the Jsent building is inadeniiatp; nnrl adapted to remodeling, and that only sensible course is to sell building and lot, and erect a iern school house on the acad- ylot as soon as the necessarv icial arrandsments ran ho The democrats have - carried Maine. The opposition to the prohibition law. was a leading factor in the election. This opposition has been steadily growing and has been teridlni to reduce republican ma jorities,, for v the republican party favored prohibition, while the dem- "wets" increased their strength and were able to turn the state over to he democrats by a small margin. South Carolina After an exciting and rather un pleasant contest, the democratic pri maries in South Carolina have re sulted in the' nomination of Blease for governor. This is regarded as a victory for the "wets." Blease is a man whose record is none too good, but his anti-prohibition views secur ed the support of the majority of his party, as the South Carolina demo cracy evidently has no use for prohibition. That He Based His Campaign on a Silly Yarn Special Agent Headed This Way to Select a Site When J. M. Gudgerjr. decided to base his campaign up on the silly pretense that the public buildings bill was a "fake," it was evident that he was banking on the supposed ignorance of the voters. His claim was a. manifest absurd ity, as he was doubtless well aware; it was bound to be ex posed as soon as the" facts could be presented to the voters. His only chance was to stir up as much doubt and uncertain ty as possible in the hope that election day would come be fore the facts could catch up with his misrepresentations. The public buildings bill "authorized and directed" the secretary, of the treasury to purchase ihe sites and let con tracts for the buildings therein named,. As it was of course impossible to do all this work at once,- the money for it was not set aside out of this year's revenues. This is perfectly natural. Uncle Sam is something of a . business man and does not tie up this year's money for next year's work. Pensions are all the time being authorized and directed, and the money is set aside as it is needed, not before it can pos sibly be used. The construction of the Panama canal was authorized and directed; but the hundreds of millians of dollars necessary were not set aside out of current funds at tKeoutsefr tEey were made available as fast as they were needed for the actual work. The purchase of sites and erection of buildings named in this year's bill have been authorized and directed; and, if any proof were needed that the money will be forthcoming, that proof is furnished by the fact that the treasury department is now sending out special agents to select the sites for buildings authorized in this year's public buildings bill. It is a safe bet that Mr. Gudger wishes he had not based his hopes on a fallacy which is so easily exploded. Last week we learned from an j will then be notified to make the authoritative source that a special i necessary titles in order that the agent was headed for this state for ; construction of the necessary build- Kiss M. E; Woodall WILL HAVE HER FALL AND JILLINERY WINRER Sept OPENING ember 21 r GUIS NEW Arriving Daily No trouble to Show Goods Come and Look E. Lew i s & , "The Undeselling Store" ' Aeats for Standard Fashions Son the work of site-selection. Shortly afterwards we noticed the following Washington dispatch to the Char lotte Observer: i - Washington, Sept. 10. Acting Secretary Charles D. Hilles has de tailed agents of the Treasury Depart ment to visit cities for which new government buildings were provided at the last session of Congress, and to inspect the sites which have been offered in response to advertisements William D. Windon will visit Penn sylvana, New York and the New England States, and Col. J. P. Lew will visit the central Western states. Mr. Hilles will go to St. Louis within the next month and select a site for a new sub-treasury. The name of those to be sent to the Southern cities will be announc ed in a few day s" and a personal in spection made of the property offer ed. A few days later the following dispatch appeared in the daily pa pers, and it is a "clincher": Washington, Sept 12. It was an nounced at the Treasury Depart ment today that M. 0. Van Horton, special agentv would at once be dispatched to North Carolina to select sites for public buildings m accordance with the act of congress passed in June.' Mr. Van Hoftoh will visit Frank lin Rocky Mount,-Tarbor6, Wilkes- boro, WaynesvUle, Hendersonville and Shelby,-andi personally , inspect the- sites which -have been r offered the goveriimentIfces cation ; are fouml txccej tUb - persons bwiing ;the property ings later on may not be delayed. This settles the matter. The 4 treasury department of the United States government means business and does not indulge in practical I jokes. ! School Editor Times: 1 Will you please announce that the Hendersonville graded school will reopen Thursday, September 22. Those who were not given a certificate at the close of last term will be required to take an exami nation to determine their grade. R. M. Ivins. Teachers Meeting of Editor Times: The regular monthly meeting the county teachers will be held in the court house hall on Saturday, September 24 at 11 o'clock a. m. Rev. K. W. Cawthon, pastor of the First Baptist church of Union, S. C, and Rev. J. W. Moore, pastor of the First Methodist church of Hen dersonville, will address the teach ers at this meeting. We especially urge the teachers and all who are " interested in edu cation to attend this meeting. W. S. Shitle. Weather Report for week ending 6 p. m September 13 I 1 S p t S el Sep. 7 86 64 75 73 T aw clr 8 88 61 74 72 w clr 9 85 63 74 12 w clr 10 72 59 66" 62 w pc 11 82 56 70 72 w clr 12 82 61 72 72 w clr 13 85 " 69 72 75 w clr Max 88 Min 59 Mean Max. 83 Mean Min 61 Mean 72 Precip'n T Locals iSW. B. Orr of Route 6 was in town Monday. Don't fail to see all the novelties in hats at Miss M. E. Woodall's milli nery opening Wednesday Sept 21. The family connections of W. H. Pittillo desire to express to their friends their heartfelt thanks for their kindness to them in their be reavement caused by the fatal acci dent on Monday, August 29. A number of new arrivals are re ported at various boarding houses in town. Many of them are visit ors who have been spending the summer at Asheville and other suburbs and are unwilling to leave the mountains without experienc ing the attractions of Henderson- Iville, ... Rev. K. W. Cawthon, pastor of the First Baptist church of UnioD, S. C.r will preach at the First Baptist church of Hendersonville next Sun day morning and night He will al so preach the following Sunday. Mr. Cawthon enjoys an enviable reputa tion as a preacher and is held in high esteem bv those who know him. Lewis Dalton of Etowah was in town Thursday and called at this office. About two years ago he met with a very severe accident, being run over by a wagon and breaking his leg. But we are glad to see that in spite of this fact and in spite of the further fact that he is nearly sixty-eight years old, he is well and hearty. "His eye is not dim nor his natural strength abat-ed- Hecan read without glasses and can work on the farm as well as many a younger man. Southern Railway For best schedules, fewest changes of cars, and! lowest rates to all points, call on or write J. W. BaL'ey, Agent, Hendersonville N.C. J. H. Wocd. D. P. A. Asheville, N. C. DEATH OF LLOYD W. BOWERS Boston, Sept. 10- Lloyd W. Bowers, who was regarded as likely to be appointed to the supreme court bench of the limited States, died yesterday. TENNESSEE A peculiar situation has develop ed in Tennessee. The democratic jnachine nominated Patterson for governor. The republicans noini- ... nated Hooper who received a proipise of support from the re spectable element in the democrat ic party which had no use for Pat terson. At the eleventh hour Pat terson withdrew from the race; but the respectable democrats have just held a convention and decided that they are morally bound by their promise and that they will keep faith with the republicans who have already kept faith with them in the matter or i supreme court :nomma- tions.: ; " ' v -'.; This means a republican govern or for Tennessee. HUNTER'S MLIdOIIS Soda Water we Our bisr Soda Season is now on us and are well prepared to taKe care of the great crowds who want GOOD SODA, Our magnificent Iceless fountain is serving many fine tempting drinks to our many patrons. WE INVITE YOU TO MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS UNTER'S HARM AC Y Near POSTOFFICE Justus W. H. Pays' $5.00 for Largest Grown in Henderson County in 1910 -Decided, byjweight to be weighed on scales selected by 1 I V .. il 1 ; . r . i '- - .'4 H A l r. 'W J 4 I" -. -. . i.'1 .K"-:f::-;--Z.-. - , - - - !.! f.C--