i - t 1 . S '"k - "V -i -MCT T- T7 ... y . . .-f-.'--'y--.i,,'-v-'"'f,."" V-''- THE TIMES r r THE TIMES "I -The : most widely cir culated' Weekly Pa- 0 I Headquarters for "Job Printing That Attracts M 'vV,' oer in us jLii.w VS&-' w . iJ r-ii- VOLUME XXV HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 30, 1910. No. 25 W " I1 Keil pock, Convention Saratoga, N. Y., September 28.The New York re publican convention, which is in sessiori here, elected rheOUOre JXOUSCVCit tcmpuiai uuauiuau, ClCUlCU OeUULUr loot permanent chairmanf adopted a jstrpngjplatfbrm and dominated H. L. Stimson for governor. Mr. Stimson is a Ln of high character and recognized ability. In his opening speeun, vuanmau xooseveic spoKe in 1l 'Driioerat Hants to Know f -V art as follows: "We come here feeling that we kve the right to appeal to the peo- le from the standpoint alike of na joDal and state achievement. Dur Ig the last 18 months a long list W: embddying legislation most wily to be commended, as com W Wisdom with progress', have W enacted by congress and ap- hv President Taft The iyiw" "j aiendments to the interstate com merce law, the beginning of a na- Wal legislative program for. the erdse of the taxing power in cop. Won with big corporations doing isiness, the appointment of a com- ieiinn to frame measures that do4 vay with evils of over capitaliza and improper and excessive mes of stocks and bonds, the law Wding for publicity of campaign penses, the establishment of the aTimum and minimum tariff oviaons, and le negotiation Dr. Reagan Asks about Certain Solicitor Fees the exceedingly of the Canadian d other treaties in accordance srewith; the inauguration of the licy of providing for a disinterest- revision of tariff .schedules dagh "a high class commission of fsrts, which will treat each sched purely on its own merits with a ootn to protecting tne eath of Dr Dixon Raleigh, September 27. Dr. Ben jamin Franklin Dixoni state auditor, died. here last niget, aged 64 years. He had been ill for only a short time. He was a man of wide pop ularity, and his death is deeply re gretted. ,;. t galeigh, Sept27.--The funeral of Major a. r . Dixon, late state audi tor," will be conducted from the Edenton Street Methodist church tomorrow "afternoon at 2 o clock with the interment thereafter in Oakwood cemetary. This decision was reached his afternoon after the arrival of the out-of-town members of the family. TH AT'S SO con- t nier trom excessive prices ana securing to the American pro per, and, especially the American :ge worker, what will represent 8 difference of cost in production re as compared with the cost of Muction in countries where labor jess liberally rewarded; extension the laws regulating appliances tlie protection of labor, the on of a bureau of , mines se and similar laws, backed up executive action, reflect' high ditupon all who succeeded in ting them in their present shape nthe statute books; they repre t an earnest of the achieve Qt which is yet to come; and the feficence and far-reaching im ttance of this work done for the pe people, measure the ' credit fch is rightly due to the congress M 10 OUr flhlP nnridh onA Aio. sinsnea President, WiUiam How- TafL" Spartanburg Journal th3 Greenville Piedmont. He is back- .. ... ' Peather Report for week ending 6 p. m September 27 B c D B a B p a o ct- K o 2. ,. a O cr What Will Gudger Do about It? We copy from the Asheville Gazette-News the follow ing letter irom Dr. Reagan which will be read with inter est by pur readers: Editor Gazett-News: Having lived over three "score years and ten, and having devoted 50 years of this time to preaching the gospel and in my humble way practicing medicine as best I could, and during all this time since I be came of age, having been 'intensely interested in public education, (and having; been before the war a whig and after the war a. democrat, inde pendent, voting for whom I please) I have, a right to ask for the infor mation requested in this communi cation. I want to vote the demo cratic ticket, but will not vote for any man who antagonizes our pub lic schools, and withholds money rightfully belonging to the school children. I therefore write this letter which will be made public, so clear his skirts. It may be that he can, truthfully say that all solicitors did th6 same thing, but if so, when they found it wrong they should have refunded - j ust as Mark W. Brown; did. Dst Mhr Gudgef ' say " whether he will continue to hold on to that money, orpay it over to the school authorities in accordance with the decision of the supreme court And how-about Mr. Martin and Professor 1 Reynolds: It would be weJU for them xo explain why they accepted a republican solicitors money and made no 'effort to col lect from his predecessor, Mr. Gud ger; a democrat? Why did they not institute suit to cover what is due? We certainly should keep politics out of schools. Mark Erwin bitterly denounced the republican solicitor for doing tne same tnmg tnat Mr. Gudger did. WJ11 Mr Erwin stand by his guns 1 1 1 1 . 1 4 as to give Mr. J. M. Gudger, jr., the ana puoiiciy give us nis opmion oi Sep. 21 i' 85 55 70 70 w cl r 22 81 51 68 64 . w . clr - -23; 81 51 , 66 67 . e . ,24 84 , 52 68 . 70 e ' i 25 81 58 70 71 0.29 8 26 ' 83 55 69 60 ew 27 82 54 68 66 0 26 se clr clr PC clr pc t the easiest thing in the world uiogize -WDen you are Max Mln Mean"Max. 85. 51' 82 Mean Mln 54 Mean 68 Precip'n 0 55 H. H. CARSOW, HENDERSONVILLE N. Office over Bank C. ogize when tou are in the m. ' . .. .... I : ; I : I . . .. ? ' . - . ... ' No Arriving ;Dailv to Show -Goods trouble Come I ''1' '-IkIw s-'? Tha Uhdcselling Store" s for Standard Fashi . 1 :. opportunity to publicly explain re ports which have come to me re garding certain school funds which it is claimed he now has in his possession, and- which her received while solicitor of this district. On the eve of election four years ago, Marcus Erwin, clerk of the superior court, published a circular severely denouncing Mark W. Brown, the republican solicitor of this dis trict, for accepting fees in sci. fa. cases, claiming tnat Dy so aoing "he has taken the people's money unlawfully "and ought, to pay it back;" that he had been guilty of graft and extortion and robbed the school children of their money. Mr. Brown replied in a letter that the money was paid to him by Mr. Erwin as clerk under the belief that he, as solicitor, was legally entitled to the compensation, and that all the solicitors in the state, including J. M. Gudger jr., had received like fees. Immediately after the election Mr. Brown caused a test case to be submitted to the supreme court, and that court having decided' that the fees were unlawful, he volun tarily refunded the money. Julius C. Martin, chairman of the board of education, gave a receipt for the fees belonging to the school fund, as appears by the Citizen and the Gazette-News of June 7, 1907, and in that receipt stated that Mr. Gudger had collected , like fees as appears by the records. f Two years ago -A I ferooks, then democratic solicitor of the Greens boro district, -was ;n6minated for mndrpes He had not taken time' by the forelock, and refunded the fees declared unlawful by the su preme court, ' and the ; people rose up against nun, defeating, him in a district which is normally democrat ic by more than 5000 majority. f 1 Thbse of us interested in the pub lic schools naturally want the school fund' to be protected, and brushing aside all questions of politics, will insist that thCscnrols beTBSfiallftV ed to suffer-because - 6f the unlaw ful claims of any individual, espec ially .when there is not nowfc enough money on hand to -pay the teachers. f Mr. Gudger has moneyf belong ingto the school xMdrenas; Martin has" certified; then in all good conscience he should refund it Very respectfully, L, A. REAGAN, M. D. Asheville, Sept. 26, 1910. Cholera in Italy Rome, Sept. 25. Official announ cement was made tonight that one case of Asiatic cholera had been found in Naples. It is also announced that all who were in contact with the disease have been isolatedaad that further measures are being taken to pre vent its spread. The sanitary staff at Naples has been reinforced. Collision Philadelphia, Sept. 25.-Three persons were killed and two seri ously injured at Gloucester, N. J., tonight when an electric train on the West Jersey Railroad struck an automabile. Mine Caves In Lead, S. Dak., Sept. 25 The Homestake mine caved in early this morning from tlje 200-foot level to the surface. Buildings in the center of the city are being vacated. Office of City Engineer Hendersonville, N. C, Sept. 16, 1910 Sealed proposals will be received by the Hon. Board of Town Com missioners for the buUding of a bridge and its approaches over Wash Creek S 4th st west Plans and. specifications to be seen at the office of the City Engineer First Na tional Bank Building. ' The Com missioners reserve the right to, re ject any or all' bids. " " All bids to be in beforeOctober 6,19, t ,:l Som e of therthings you ought to know can. be learned in rib other way than by reading the advertise ments. .- v And sometimes candidate dis eprers that .the r Jarty i leaders were at liis bak- for" th'e purpose of kick ..5 : ; , - p Before Mr. Uudger can expect ine - Talk may be ? cheap, but some !2 ? him. ; ! ' - ' r:u':.-'r . . ' f u good people to suppor 3im;te extragant J language.4? r. - """ " ' . . . Letter from Mcduffie Ray Editor Times: A few dayo ago there appeared an article in the French Broad Hustler purporting to be the Hen derson county democratic platform. It appears from the article that the platform consists of eleven para graphs which it seems were intend ed to set forth briefly some of the things in which the democratic party believes. For the informa tion of all the people of the county, whether democrats or republicans I desire that you copy in your paper section five of the platform as pub lished in the Hustler which reads as follows: 5th. That we endorse and good roads movement in the coun pledge ourselves to support the ty, and we advocate a change of the present fre labor system of lie roads, and we pledge our selves to an effort to have enact working and keeping up our pub the present condition in our county. ed a road law to meet the needs of You will see from this the perfect conception which the Hustler has of our democratic platform declara tions. Here is the section as it appears in the platform adopted by the dem ocratic convention: 6th. That we endorse and pledge ourselves to support the good roads movement in the county. ' and we further advocate a change of the present system of working and keeping up our public roads. And we pledge ourselves to an effort to have enacted a road law to meet the needs of the present conditions in our county. In this garbled 4ess is displayed the same fairness shown me by that paper hr its pretended publica tion of the proposed road law which I tried to have passed by the last legislature. The public will easily understand the Hustler's mo tive in thus attempting to suppress this section of the democratic plat form, piis section is a complete endorsement of the principles in corporated in the law I tried to have passed and the Hustler does not wish to publish the fact that the democratic party is committed to those principles. The garbled mess above is not. an accident It was so published on purpose This shows the "people Gf the county how excellent a newspaper the 'Hustler is and how hard it tries to 'serve the public. From this attempted fraud on the public one is justified in the as sumption that the Hustler would again oppose the enactment by the next legislature of a law embracing the principles thus declared for by the democratic party. If a news paper publishes the news, what would you call a paper that sup presses the news? . I desire further to call attention to the fact that section 5 of the platform is entirely omitted in the publication in the Hustler, al though the publication is entitled "County Democratic Platform." This garbled mess called section 5 in the publication and the entire omission of section 5 in the platform cannot be accidental and as before stated can be nothing less than an attempted fraud on the democratic fraud on the democratic party of the county. . McD. Ray. You May Feel Safe Your Doctor knows that he needs Drugs having certain and positive properties to gain the results he seeks. He also knows that we have whatever he demands, and that the quality always meets the require ment. Bring all your Prescriptions to us, and you will be safe and the docto satisfied UNTER'S TPhARMACY 1L Near P0ST0FFICE I, Pays $5.00 for Larg est r mm llGfovn in sbyjWeight scales, selected Jby j -y i X t 1 .1 i. j - r; .v ' v v:..