) TBE TIMES; THE TIIIES ' Headquarters for? i; Job. Printing That' Attracts" Weekly I' J r&u. Territory., J. .. ; VOLUME HENDERSONVILLE, . tf. C.v FRIDAY ; NOVEMBER 11; 1910, No. 31 - -r v , : T' ' ..' ,. , ' " ..... ,- AAV, ; . . r erson: increases- Its Re 4 But Other; Places -Turn Tppsy-Turvy fibbed Henderson stands un- the tumult. While al jthe country seemed to be ic, while the storms the land sliding, and gniture being smashed in places, Henderson county re sanity and piled up re- majorities of nve r orx sbc ed and in some cases fifteen fed. -:v J elsewhere the tide flowed .jy : against the republicans) 2e section returns came - in laynight, it grew rapidly, eyi- peace and J. PCa n4 unstable, f r ' SiSrsttofW the l COUNTRY 'SWEPlti The Jote in Henderson For Congress: Grant 1526;Gudger 937r Grant's, majority, 589. State ticket: republican 1496; denlocratic 945; republican majority 551. State senator. Connor 1510; Fish er 925; republican majority 585. Judges: republican 1493; dem ocrat 948; republican majority 511. Solicitor: McRorie 1489; Johnston 978; republican majority 51 1. County Ticket DEOqtfATIC WAVE Political Convulsion Similar to That of 1882. GREAT CHaS IS EfFEBTED Many Dig States Take a Position in th Democratic Column Roosevelt and His' Party Are Given Quite a Heavy Jtflt-r-Compiexion of t Next Congress. , Baldwin- democratic"1 candidate, , is ( elected sgoveriior c ver, .Charles A. Goodwin,, republican, by about 4,000 pluf-alityj'- reversing the ; previous re publican fplarality of 16,000. ; I Harmon Holds Place. j In Ohio Governor Judsoii Harmon, democratic candidate for irelection, 1 appeass to ave -carried the state by ' about- 50,P0fr over Warren G. Harding, republican candidate. In rNev; Hampshire Robert Hv Bass, republican Candidate for governor, is leading Charles , E. Carr, democratic candidate, by. about 6,000 plurality. " In l Pennsylvania the - election of John H. Tener, republican candidate, for governor is claimed ; by a large plurality. In Rhode Island, Governor Pothier, republfcan candidate, is slightly in the lead over Lewis A. Waterman, democratic candidate, with a plural ity much reduced from that of 1909. . In Tennessee the. Fusion-candidate, Ben W. Hooper, ig apparently elected by 15,000 plurality. Democratic governors have been elected fn-Alabama and South Caro lina, -i ) . - v -' Democrat In Iowa. In Iowa tfreT democrats i 'claim, the election of Claude R.- Porter for gov ernor, but this is not conceded. In . Wisconsin the election of the Local Wtel f wave, or earthquake, or stfme was in active eruption. The ;sdts of the regrettable disturb t are that the democrats will majority of 30 or more in the :!OTse (in which North Car : will have the misfortune to be iiited (?) by ten democrats) I f democratic governors have ! .elected in New York, New. X Connecticut and Massachus i addition to the reelection of ;a in Ohio; and that,, several lican senators, including Bev , sill fail of reelection; ; H i worst feature of all is the de- fJsSa'Grant , - Rep. Dem. legislature 1489 694 Clerk- -,1229 0 Register . 1536 0 Coroner. 1507 0 Surveyor 1497 0 Commissioners. 1474 942 County Vote by Precincts Q 03 lofii Bbvmans Bluff BatCaye Broad River L JEdneyyille Ktowah ' Flat Rock Greeii River. 51 77 230 104 47 68 "103 a 13 39 5 85 29 59 38 o pa 53 . 79 231 105 '48 79 c 00. 12 45 47 89 35 51 U06- 40 ties claimed by - Gudger ' H6oters Creek 130 -19 123 78 s: Buncombe 700, Hay- i 179, Jackson 50, Polk ',75. Tivania 30, Macon 50, -Mc-123; Rutherford 435, Clay 50; 2194. The majorities ' for -are: Henderson 6 10t Graham "m 225. Cherokee 225; total According to these ' figures 's majority would be '1,104. -returns may revise the figures t very materially change t result' - ',:':--(.-;:- -ersonville towhsHp e -went ? republican, electing ;B. :F. W Drake; M. r&edge M.Corn as justices -cf? the UCrab Creek E.II'ville W. H'ville Horse Shoe Mills River Raven Rock 88 84 77 11 49 11 73 24 168 " 93 201 122 23 62 87 97 80 16 47 60 78 19 17:i 118 215 165 23 66 1489 694 1526 937 Wh at will the warring leaders of the discredited democratic ring in this county say about the scorching and scathing rebuke which was ad ministered them Tuesday by the 1 voters of Henderson? Elections held throughout the coun try Tuesday resulted in a political convulsion of far-rraching extent similar at many points to the famous tidal wave of 1832 and apparently more widespread in its effect. The indications are that the nation al house of representatives has beea carried by the democrats, reversing the present republican majority of 43. The United States senate willrob ably have ?, reduced republican ma jority as a result of legislative elec tions held in many states. Democrats Get Many Governors. In New York state John A. Bix, democratic candidate for governor, is elected over Henry L. Stimson, re publican, by a plurality of aboitt 65,000, reversing the republican plu rality of 70,000 in 190S forGovernor Hughes: . In New Jersey Woodrow Wilson-, fjmooatie car) di date for trovernor i elected ovsr yivian JJ. Lwjs, reptr. 1 NEW-:GQBS 10 Arriving iDaily troubles to hbw : Goods Gome and Look "The; Undeselling Store Agents for Standard Fashions - SDN it Everything jn -Dru-s M . " T. MS i 3 lican. byabout-15,000 plurality, revers ing the previous republican plurality of 8,000 for Governor Fort. , - . In" Massachusetts Eugene N. Foss. 'democratic candidate has defeated Governor Eben S. Draperrepublican candidate for re-eleetion, by about a0,000 plurality, reversing Governor Draper's former plurality of 8,000. : In . Connecticut 'judre S?mon E. Weather , . "Report republican candidate for governor. Francis E McGoyern, is claimed by a reduced majority and the . return of Senator La Follette to the United States senate is assured. In Michigan Chase E. Osborne, the republican .candidate for governor, ap pears to have a safe lead over L. T. Hemans, democrat. - Pennsylvania Republican. Estimates from all but five of the lixty-seven counties in Pennsylvania indicate that John K. Tener. ; repub lican, carried the state "by 'feput 25,000 plurality oyer William H. Berry, tne Keystone party candidate. Webster Gram, the regular democratic "candi date, ran far behind. Tener needed Philadelphia to win, the, city giving him a plurality of 45,254, Allegheny county, which includes Pittsburg, gave Tener an estimated plurality of 15,000. The democrats gained two congress men with three, close districts to hear from. The democrats and independ ents made, slight -gains . in the legisla fureV Orie'f the notable 'factories of the democrats was the capturing of the fifth conaressionai district in Philadelphia, which two years- ago gave W. W. Foulkerod &. majority of 13,268. ; - 0 RCIA ELECTION In for. week ending 6 p.m November 8 e w a B - a ZD a M Z s 2 SO Q Gordon Lee Wins Over Afcerrran Seventh District. News from Athens, Ga., indicates that after the-.bitterest fight i- ir con ducted In th5s district in a congres eibpal election, Samuel JV Tribble has won out. over the incumbent congress man, William J. Howard, by. 2,410. ma jority. -He carried nine of the twelve counties" in the . district, losing,, hU Home county, however. ' V ' Both were cahdidtitcs in the demo cratic primary cf August 23 and a difference of foOr totes in Elbert county can s ed a conte s t. The majo Hty falling .t first . on one - side and" then the other, boti filed contests. Tribble's-.contest was withdrawn. The district executive committee de cided the contest filed with them , by Howard in favor of Howard. Mr. Tribble's friends did not recognize .the action and named another ; committee which, declared Mr. -"Tribble the egu lar democratic nominee. . ' h i . Hard wick Wins by Fcur to One. Thomas' W. Hardwick, incumbent, was. reelected to congress, as the reg ular nominee of the democratic party, over C. ,E. . McGregor, democratic in surgent, by a majority of approximate ly'. 2.S0O, in a total vote of little over 3,500. : The vote all over the district was light. Richmond County gave Hardwick 1,183 and McGregor 72. Hardwiek carried Columbia county by 250 majority, Hancock by .250, Taliaferro by two to one,- Wilkinson practically solid, Lincoln by .75, Mc Duffie br 150. - u Seventh DietrictGojps for Gordon Lee. Returns indicate the reelection of Gordon Lee dejnocrat over Walter Akerman, repttblican, by a majority of 2,000." Lee" carried Floyd by 800, Whitfield by 400, Murray by 1 165, Chattooga by" 300, Dade by 200, Bar tow (Akerman's home county) by 100, Gordon by four to one, Haralson , by 100, Paulding by three to one, Cobb by 600,: Polk by 415, ; " r,r ' , i M. P.Barnett of Horse Shoe was among our callers Wednesday. The County Commissioners held heir regular monthly meeting Mon day. Attention is invited to the adver tisement of Statoh & Jones which will be found on our last page. The bargains there offered will repay easeful reading. C. W. Davis and J. E. Banning returned Sunday from the National Trade SchooJ at Indianapolis, where they have oeen learning the lino type business. - f : Staton & Jones announce a ten days sale beginning Wednesday, November 16. During that sale goods will be offered at prices whose, lowness is enough to take your breath away. The regular monthly meeting of the town council, postponed from Thursday, November 3, was held Thursday, November 10. A large amount of routine business was transacted. Mrs. S. W. Hamilton requests us to express her heartfelt apprecia- Evah BIythe sang a group of ' songs charmingly, and was liberally .. :ap-4 plauded.also for her piano number.. Read Maxwell &. Brown's adver- tisement on page 2L Woodward-Hart Thursday afternoon, at half past three one of the prettiest of, home weddings was solemnized ; at, the " residence of the bride's '.'parents,' Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Hart, the contracting parties being Miss Edna Allen Hart; to John Andre Woodward.;; The en tire lower floor was thrown open to the guests, one room being decorat ed in pink, '.one in yello the parlor: " and dining room in white and green. The bride's attendants - were ; her sisters, Mrs.. Freeman ura charming ' gown of gray with pink trimmiags,; and Miss theo Hart in a lovely cos tume of pink. Ir. , Wood ward was. accompanied by his best man, Clyde Thaxton of Columbia, S. C. The; beautiful bride, attired injexquisite messaline, and carrying a bouquet of bride's roses, came in upon the arm of her father. The wedding" march was played by Mrs. M. C tion of the many kindnesses and Totms, who also rendered approp helpful sympathy shown by her riate music during the impressive neighbors and friends at the time of the illness and death of her hus band. The funeral of S. W. Hamilton took place last Friday, the services being held at the house, Revs. A. L Justice, K. W. Cawthon and Wil liams officiating. The interment took place at Oakdale cemetery the same day1. J. H. Hines has moved back to his old stand at the corner of Main street and 2nd ave. E (otherwise known as Aspen street.) He is I very glad to be back again, as his present location is right in the cen ter of town and is therefore con venient to him and to his customers. At -the recital was" given last Thursday evening by the pupils of the Ashevllle School of Musical Art and Languages, Miss Evan BIythe of Hendekenville received many iustly deserved compliments for her artistic rendition of two songs (Daniels.' "Lady, of Dreams" and Whelpley's "Gather Rosebuds") and a piano solo (Chaminade's Air de Ballet) The Asheville Citizen, in its notice of the recital, said: "The program was of special merit Miss frNov 2G7 ,3852 -4o- var cdy S 50 33 4238 002- n'.dr 5 55 ;3i4S 41 8.09 n ' Vpo 6 ,4 '83 '40 38 " Dff vClx v .V; ,59 i23 .11. 4$ ; ,nw dr The ;DrugStore on ;theCprner!V - y i : Mean Mln 30 ' v ' Result I n . Iowa. ; i ' y Governor W. rt' Stubbg, ; republican, has undoubtedly been elected to 8uc cee'd himself, but-1)r a decreased ma jority.. Six of. eight republican, 'con gressmen will be 'returned It appears. The dietriqts in doubt are . the- third and sixth la which P.. Campbell and I. D. ".Young, . republicans, are. opnosed by , Henderson : Martin - and Frank Rockefeller. - , -" ' 7 ' , , r ; 1 'll Broyles Wins In Atlanta. - Judge Nash Broyles, who has tor q many-ypar : filled the .pasulon..of cord ex int Atlanta, was again eieclgfl on! Tuesday by a majority of 262' orer Mean f , . 43 1 PreciP'n ,. n . ilalrern Hill, his' opponent V NOTICE , , , Having qualified asexeciitaix; of the last wilrahd testament of S. W. Hamilton, deceased all persona, having claims against his. estate wilt present to me at Hendersonville, N. C, b' the.l2th day of: .Novem ber, 1911, or this notice will be pled in bar of their recovery, and any persons indebted to .the estate will please make prompt payment; This-the 8th day of November 3910 M. O." Hamilton . ' , Executrix. . i - May Safe Your Doctor knows that he needs Drugs ' having certain and positive properties to ; gain the results he seeks. He also knows that we have whatever he demands, and that the quality always meets the require- .1 - - ' -f "' ' ' -i' ment. Bring all 'your Prescriptions to us, '. and you will be safe and .the docto satisfied ceremony, performed by the Rev. J. , W. Moore. Immediately after de lightful refreshments' were served in the dining rpom. y Mr. : and 'Mrs. Woodward) left on the 5:10 train for Charlotte and other points of interest The bride's going-away gown was of handsome brown cloth with hat and gloves to match. Very many elegant and useful gifts testified to the popular ity Of both the bride and groom. . Among the out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Woodward of Durham, parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Woodward Jr. from the same place, Mrs. Miller of Brevard. Mrs. Ballin ger of Tryqn, and Mis Snyder of Fort Meyer, Fla ' . n UNTER'S s1- i.1 HARMACY . ... ..... r , - . .. 4'. . vttc rS.Ncan. B0ST0FFICE : V',, l":'V-J Si t .r- 1: '-" ; -

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