Friday, Nov.25 The Western North Carolina Times Statement of Condition Sept; 1, I9IO 1 j 1 . ERSOURCES LOANS ... Overdrafts secured ..... Furniture and Fixtures. Cash in vault and in LIABILITIES $85 440 78 Capital ............... $30,000.00 uumviuea rronts Dividens uncalled for. . . 40.00 barren s Blood if ufiiier .1,701.22 o,i4o.o9 Bills Payable. None Bills Re-discounted None Banks . -19,837.32 DEPOSITS 75 341.37 $110,123.01 $110,123.01 OUR MOTTO "ABSOLUTE SAFETY FOR DEPOSITORS" No Bills Payable or Bills Re-discounted DIRECTORS: Dr. A. B. Drafts F. A. Bly Curtis Bynum F. E. Durfee President G. M. Glazener M. F. Whitt W. A. Cannon E. W. Ewbank Vice-President J. 0. Williams T. P. Mallorie A. H. Aawkins C. E. Brooks Cashiei We Want Your Business Jtist Shelved! JOB LOT of the BEST CLOTH E5 Suits and extra Pants We can sell you a good Suit from $2 up, Boys' -Suits from $1,5() up, Good Ail-Wool Pants from 7$1 up. These Goods are Up-to-date and can't be beat in quality for the price. We are still selling LONG-WEAR SHOES, and selling lots of them. COME and SEE for YOURSELVES, Our GROCERY Stock is complete in every de scription, and we are honet in saying that we have THE Price.. We invite all our customers and the General Public to make our store Head quarteis. We look out for your Bundles while you are shopping elsewhere R. L. JONES & CO, Opposite court house PHONE 3 Allen's old stand mo to the 5, 10 & 25c Store Bar gains 2 Doors below car line Patterson Bros. Props. Gaxren Medicine Co., Hendersonville, N. G. Gentlemen: At the time I began taking yourjtonic I could not eat anything, but what hurt me, I did not average sleeping more than an hour at . night and immediately after I begun taking your tonic my appetite returned and I could eat all kinds of vegetables, or most any thing I wanted without any bad after effect, and at the time I began taking your tonic everything I ate would bloat me after meals, but before I had finished taking one sample bottle I could eat three square meals a day lay down and sleep like a baby at night I gained fifteen pounds in weight and twice that gmuch in strength. I had not been able to work a day in three months, but in side of ten days I could work in the field, could hoe corn or plow. In a months time I could plow a half day alright, and after I got through takiag your medicine I felt stronger and in better health than I have been in ten years. I could plow an oxen in the roots and stumps for half a day without cursing a word. And I owe the re turn of health to the Garren Medicine. Company. Hoping you all Iiinds of success I remain Yours. Zirconia. R. F. D. No. 1 JL Charles D. Osteen. 1 We are Pfetty Well Posted on real estate values and- pros pects. We make1 it our busi ness to find out everything about property there is to know. Our - knowledge and experience are at your service in any real estate transaction you have in mind. Better consult us before ; you either buy or selL - We can probably save you from a costly mistake Wanteska Trust 5 arid Ban king Company Capital $30,660.06 -,:. Justus Pharmacy MORE FOR THE SAME OR THE SAME FOR LESS, Everything in Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes and Groceries. We have just bought an Elegant Line of Men's Work and Dress Shirts, Overalls, and Uoderwear; and Ladies', Gent' and Misses' Fine Hosiery. In der to make Room for New Goods, we are O rfering GREAT BARGAIN PRICES CIM OUR ENTIRE STOCK of General Merchandise, pv We still sell Salt at 45c a sack. We buy Butter, Eggs, and other Prod uce, and pay the highest market prices for. same J. D. DAVIS Old Ripley Rock Store near Court House Phone 27 ros. & Co, Factory Representatives of Weaver Organ & Piano Co. of York, Pa. Have just unloaded a CARLOAD V of Pianos and Organs at the AUDITORIUM where they are on exhibition and for Sale W. R. GRUBER, Local Manager Michael B The Times Job Printing Office 44 Ibrinttng tbat attracts ' rize Offers from Leading Manufacturers t: ' a1 ...... " . ' . r ; , .... Book on patents. "Hints to inventors." "Inventions needed ' TWhy some inventors, fail.'" Send rough sketch or model for search of Patent Office records. Our Mr. Greeley was formerly. Acting Commissioner of Patents, and as such had JuU charge of the U. S. Patent Office. v " GREELEY &M3NTIRE BvreNT Attorneys- Washington; 13: C " MANILA TO HOLD UORLOCARtJIlAL Philippine Capital Expects Thou sands In February, 1911. Hc'eiiii PRESS AGENT PROMISES MUCH Exposition of Insular Industrie to Bs Spiced by All Sorts of Amusements, From Confetti Battles to Field Sports, During Month In Which Many Amer icans Are Shoveling Snow. After three years of experiment In carnival making the inhabitants of Manila, in the faraway Philippine Is lands, are making preparations for a festival in February, 191,1. which will surpass, they say. anything of the kind ever before attempted in any city of the world. Although it is to be presumed that this oriental capital is far away from the Influence of the Yankee circus proprietor and his press agent, the language used in the preliminary an nouncements of the carnival Is not un like that with which the American pleasure seeking public is familiar, for the world is assured that the week cf festivities. Feb. 21 to 28. will "not only far outclass and eclipse anything of the sort ever given in the far east, but it is proposed to make it the largest, most gorgeous, most sjxvfacular affair of the sort ever held anywhere." Press Agent Is Alert. Something of the smallness of the world as it exists in these days of swift steamship and railroad travel is indicated in the statement that the 1910 carnival attracted "hundreds and hundreds of people from many foreign lands." while the transpacific steam ship companies arranged their sched ules so that their big passenger car riers could be in Manila bay duiiug the carnival to accommodate excur sionists. Manila proposes to demonstrate that it Is both oriental and occidental. It claims to be "one of the most up to date, bustling cities to be found any where on earth." in addition to being "full of the remains of a civilization centuries old." To pleasure seeking people no claim could be more attractive, doubtless, than that in spite of the business and the bustle of Manila life ont there Is delightfully easy. "Everybody seems to be happy and prosperous." says the official announcement of the carnival, "and ben on securing the maximum of pleasure and satisfaction from life' in the tropics, and this somewhat easy going and luxurious style of living has not produced in Manila the undesirable conditions which usually accompany it in other parts of the world." In spite of Manila's being In the trop ics all are assured that "the climate is ideal" and the month of February, when people dwelling in the northern part of the United States are shoveling snow or chopping ice from their side walks, "is the most delightful part of the year." Rarely does the tempera ture go above 85 degrees during the morning hours. You will require blan kets every night of your stay. Real Carnival Is Planned. For the 1911 carnival the city will be given up to pleasure. There will be pa rades of gorgeous floats, accompanied by mounted heralds, with the king and queen, of the carnival seated in their Imperial cars, parades of gayly deco rated automobiles, battles between con fetti throwe;s and international sport ing contests as the main features. Among the athletic sports will be in ternational polo, cricket, football, trap shooting and tennis matches. Music will be everywhere, for It Is said that the Filipinos are the most musically Inclined people on earth. The carnival costumes will be rich and va ried, and many of them made to order In Europe will cost, it is said, each a small fortune. The famous hippodrome, which 6eats 22.000 people, will be given over to special carnival features and military spectacles. The stage of the hippo drome holds more than 5.000 people and is for big bails. All the perform ances will be given in the open air. On its industrial side the carnival will give visitors a chance to lean) about the resources of the Philippines through extensive exhibits. But the keynote of carnival week will be pleas ure, and Manila claims that by reason of its cosmopolitan character. Its cli mate and Its great development since "Dewey did It" In 1898 it can provide more pleasure than any other Ity In the world. RUSSIAN POPULATION GROWS Five Millions Added to 150,000.000 In Two Years. The recent census of the Russian 'empire adds another 6.000.000 to the population as enumerated in 190S. The czar's subjects now number 160; 000.000, an Increase every year of 2,500,000 despite wars, epidemics and internal disturbances. . : Ah there Is no lack of cultivated soil in Russia there seems no reason why this big- annual increase should not continue. Chileans Are Wine d rowers. Chilean vineyards yielded 254.04d.fiS9 Editor Times: The teachers regular moot meeting will convene in tfenden villa Qnhi.J t '. ' .v. uaimuay, novemDer 26 11 a. m. All teachers in the county j the public generally, who are iD estedinthe eradication of ho, worm disease, are especially urj to be present Rev. K. W. Cawthon will condu the devotional service. Dr RefiruWiI1 0Pen the discus and will be follnwari k., t., FerreU,". ' Raleigh. I r errell is onp nf tha . u xt . ow-raaries I the North Carolina Board of Heal auu io a wuvinciDg speaker. I I trust evervnnp ,.,k ' J come and hear the discussion J uus injporiani subject. W. S. Shitle. Ah Ideal Husband is patient, even with a nap wile, lor he knows she newla Win She may be bo nervous and rn3 down in health that trills anno ner. If she is melancholy, ,.X(a able, troubled with Joss of'appetiu headache, sleeplessness, conrtitf tion or faintina nnl a-,-, iJ She needs Electric Bitters the mJ wonderful remedy for ailing wnnJ Thousands of sufferers from fPmJ troubles, nervous troubles, bad! ache and weak kidneys have ud them and become healthy at happy. Try them. Only 5ft Satisfaction guaranteed by W.R Jdstus and F. V. Hunter. NOTICE There will be a call meeting l the Board of Road Supervisor jrt Hendersonville township tomrtat the court house on the first Maj in December being the 5th dajji! 1 1 a. in. aswe did not have a meet ing the first Monday in November This Nov. 11, 1910. J. P. Patton. Ch'rai J. D. Derm id. Sec. NOTICE OF SALE All persons will take notice tl under and by virtue of a decree the Superior court in I he ras-e of D. Capps et ;u. versus Willis 15ai - - et al, appointing the unlersim(J commissioner. 1 wiU si ll at tif . .... i court house door ot liendersq countv on the 12th day of Den ruber I9W at 12 o'clock m, for cash, all it I.. n.Jr. .v ...l.:U .1... J ;nuuo ii willow uu; jau; fl. a:.. A i TI...J.-.J county fully referred to in thejr tition for partition in said procee: ings, fully descrihed in survey k in the papers in the case, and V maps made by order of the filed in said papers, said landcsf taining 151 acres more or less, j 'I he said lands will be soldi, whole. This the 9th day of Nov. 19K Charles r rench Toe CommisEG Up-to-Date Printing at he mtm Kilfsho o ( C o G 01 hi bi t r 101 re gallons of wine fa 1000. , f