s r' i ' -v. A' J THE TIMES most widely cir Slatcd Weekly Pa- i i ifSffL !mW?' ' - f THE TIMES ) iper . j .j. WVWUi tt Attracts" : - j - -. " ' 7" y -T::. ';; - V. - ? ' ' " -" - yOLUMEXXV V . . HENDERSONVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY DECEV1BER 16. 1910 ' s : ;o 36 Gratifyijiigei-es Henderson County Increases Its Re- publican majoriiy more Than 212 .percent, in Spite of Jhe "Landslide" before stated, Wps a great success. ! bers. in ase;tf tariff revision, will place for youngy men rwho have Bapt stweekwe published a letter republican vote, 1476: averagedem .iMattention toan error which ocratic tote, 296; aV"rle republi eeo inadvertently made by can majority, 1180. A canvassing board in announcing A comparison of the figures for iitfefor sheriff of this county, the two years discloses the highly ,Blackweirs majority, originally gratifying fact that, in the teeth of asl98, is now found to have j a democratic landslide, Henderson 312. Two years v ago has increased its average republican Weirs maioritv was 254 majorSy fpn 378 to 1180,-anin- ysjiie nas uiucoacu u wau ucaa9; 01 a iiuie more man 212 G cukes over the results of 1908. j percent iisaremarkably good showing ye consider that this year tea characterized by whafis , Ma "democratic landslide" and der further the fact that the $ democrats to a large extent acentrated their efforts in an at- ptto defeat Mr. BlackwelL avery interesting sand mstruc- u to compare in detail, th ote 3 for county officera in this coun- jial90aand 1910. . Following are figures for 1908: Rep Dem Rep Vote Vote Maj 1411 1012 399 1438 1011 427 1339 1U85 254 or 1441 1003 438 ier 138? 105 4' . &8 jsanssioners 1441 1036 : 405 1428 1035 393 " 1376 997 379 lis we find that foreight offices total vote was: "'Republican J: democratic-8233; - average or was not thoroughly satisfied with jiieaa vote, 1407; average his leception and treatment, no one devote, 1029; avera ge re-j has yet found it out The hotels Ian majority 378. . - s and liverymen redudted their rates, jUremfefiure3 for 1910: and many private nomes were Rep thrown oipen for the entertainment Mai S of this great body of Christian peo ple. The only mistake being that made by the local and county church people in. failing to realize their op portuity, and failing to attend upon the 'convention.' AH this proves that our Hendersonville people, when united, can do anything they decide is wise and best for the town and community. i i The Pastors' Conference met Mon day evening; Dec. 5, aid continued till the next day. and as has been presentative ist Convention Hendersonville has been favored with many great conventions and assemblies, but none haveHbeen more important than the state Baptist convention, that met with the Hen dersonville Baptist church last week. Hie whole town and community are much gratified at the suceessofl this great convention, and also gratified at Uje generous, whole-hearted hos pitalitjr given the convention dele gated lry the people of the town, re gardjess their church affiliation. There were about, three hundred delegates, and a number of visitors in attendance, still the homes ten dered by the Hendersonville people were-but; little more" than one half taken;' ". And if anv delegate or visit- Rep Dem Vote- Vote 1489 694 795 1529 0 1529 1536 0 ' 1536 1331 1039 312 1507 0 1507 1497 0 1497 1474 942 532 1463 0 1463 1433 0 1433 Here we find that for nine bflSces total vote was: republican 219: democratic! 2R7Et average 'Tesentative 'if m jveyor' iaiissioner3 E, Lewis &Sons Seventh ANNIVERSARY Hen-than Seven vears aifo. we "ohciied iio our businc flersonville. We arc doinnwre)business today we have ever done. , Our bDoks sh'ow a constant inr creasing patronage. Our aim tas been to please our customers and give them the full worth for their .money. .. , We are goirig,to celebratevdur ' 7th Anniversary by serving our customers! the greatest values in season able and up-to-date merchandise ever offered at any sale in Hendersonville oHelse where. yfoaie to our store prepared to save ,loney . E. Lew-ts&Son !The Undeselling Store" Agents for Standard! Fashions TV ' iup t-uuveouon, proper, convenea Tuesday evening, Dec6v with the Hon. W. C. Dowd, former president in the chair, and secretaries Brought on and Brewer at their desks. In a very short time the committee on organization reported a working quorum of delegates present, and the permanent organization of th6 convention was effeeted Jby the "re election of the aboveliamed officers. Dr. 3. J. Hall ofFayetteville de livered the Introductory sermon, and a very great sermon it wai Hon. C. F. Toms made the address of welcome on behalf of the Baptist church, and Hon. R. H. Staton, may or Hendersonville, on behalf of the town, to which response was made bv Rev. W; N. Johnson, of Wake Forest, in an interesting speech. Then followed the appoint ment of committees, and the -convention work began in earnest, and continued in almost a continuous session till the close Friday, Dec. 9, at twelve o'clock, M. ' Some of the more important speeches of the convention were de livered by Dr. A. T: Robertson, for the Louisville Seminary, J. W. Bailey, for Meredith college, Rev. C E. Maddreyt for Thomasville Orphanage, Dr. R. J. Willingham, on Foreign Missions, Dr. W. L. P6 teat, for Wake Forest college, and Dr. Vining's address on World-wide Christianity an appeal for aid in the establishment of a religious school in Europe, underthe au spices of the Baptist denomination. This was the great speech of the convention. Much work was- done pertaining to the Baptist denomination, its wide fiel(j; of work and usefulness, whieh we would be glad to give if we had time and space. And all Hendersonville and community unite in saying: Come again .Bro. Baptists. Tariff' be the salvage of all those favors for their localities that were so suc cessful worked into the tariff law of 1909.i- Of Interest Washmgton7D. C, December 10. The Southern Railway company, through its tand and Industrial department, is taking steps to in augurate' a Ime of work recemly outlined by President Finley in which Western North Carolina is especially interested. M, A. Hays, who has had long experience in development work of all kinds, is ta give spe ial attention for the present to Western North Carolina. He is well equipped for this work by knowledge of the re sources and opportunities of , that region. He is making a special study of those resources and oppor tunities and is to concentrate his worjt on a campaign for more peo ple aid more industries for West ern North Carolina. Mr, Hays has opened an office of the Land and Industrial department in Harrisburg, Pa, a - convenient location for reaching a large extent of territory in which there are many p ple likely to become interested in the Mountain and Piedmont sections of the South. In addition to the work to which Mr. Hays will give his special at tention, a trained horticultural and agricultural agent will be placed in Western North Carolina, with head quarters at Asheville, for education al and intensive demonstration workWmort the fanners and fruit growers already there and those who may settle in the region. This agent will co-operate with the State Agricultural department, the United States Department of Agriculture, afld allbther agencies engaged in advancing the farming interests of the section. f7?EgsaBcas u.ji..L.M i-mium&&?rrrrTZ"- r - - ... ' mw Everything ;infprugs ihe Drue Store. Review of Reviews Mr. Taft deserves especiaU credit for having seen, at last, that 'there was no sense in wrangling overtfce question whether or not the Payht -Aldrich .tariff was quite as good as it could havebeen made under the circumstances, but that there was great gqod sense in setting about to create a method for revising the tariff in a way that would not haim business while getting rid of the worst abuses. It would seem that we are to have a chance in the near future to try the revision of one ojr. two schedules. It is rumored that some attempt to do this may be made at the present short session. This will be the only chance that the republicans will have before 1913 to show their sincerity. If Xhe tariff board could give them suffi cient data for attempting a reason able revision of some one schedule before the present congress expires on the 4th of 41arcb, the gain w ould be very great to the republican cause- The democrats seem to be committed to the doctrine cf a com plete and immediate tariff revision all along the line on ihe principle of a' tariff for revenue -olIv There are two gre it obstacles in the way of any such, program. In the first' place, nobody posseses information authoritative enough to justify a complete and sweeping chan the tari& In the second Letter from Wake Forest The report of the BaDtist state convention to the Wake Forest Bap tist church Sunday night was of in terest, especially to one who claims Hendersonville as his own town. Dr. C. E. Brewer, one of the secre taries of the convention, spoke cf the cordiality extended the dele gates, stating among other compli mentary things, that while the weather man was against them, he was not in league with the people of Hendersonville. A more cordial reception, said he, had not in his opinion, been extended the Baptist Stat convention. Dr. Brewer then proceeded to give his impressions of the convention, and to stt3 some striking paralelis between the Bap tist state of affair in North Caro lina in 1900 and 1910. quoting from the report of Sec. Johnson. He al so spoke of the attendance, lament ing the absence of the women, and of the speakers and their themes. Dr. Poteat next spoke, referring first of all to the eloquent address of welcome, and particularly to the "lare crowd of beautiful women" welcomed to the convention. Dr. Poteat, while conceding the impost e of ( bility of transporting the spirit of place, ! the convention, did in a?' w&y, bring dftmocratin' nractire is t.otllv riifj- 'ua ta rpnlizfi something of the fereat from democratic theory, and , brotherly feeling and good fellow- democratic members, of congress, I ship that pervaded the convention behind n he scones, werCxust as s ac tive and successful in the logrolling that made the Payne-Aldrich tariff as were' their republican colleagues. The1 next ; house 7o.f Tepresentatives is ra.1r4.ye UiUemycrauu majority vk nmsnea tne nigh scnqoi courses, and we are anxious to see" more ; of the young men "coming this way. No mistake an be made by. com ing to Wake Forest for it r compares favorably with any institution of its kind in the South. . Ilenderson cDunty has only three representa tives here now, but more are ex pected in for the spring term. 0F. M. Huggins. t He referred with some? amusement yet with peculiar' fondness to Bro, Jordon and tothesoulvstirrihg song in which he led Jbexanvenjpn. HendersonviUetiSi dntheUipsof thedeleatcwjui hathfi Weatler Report for week ending 6 p. m December 13 My Traur4. ' ' ' rve been picking up - the. bluslncr til along feki rugged Vay Till I have a goodly harvest In my treas ure bouse today,. Every step that 'I have traveled, every path that )iave knorn. . Has been scatteraQ full, of bleaalnga that I count today my own'." ' Here a smile and thera V teardrop: her a handclasp firm, and true. Now a HtUe word of oomfort; now a hop that flamed anew. ' t . . All about and far befora me.up the roughened mountain steep, I have) come on sweet, ambttlotia which were mine to know 'anH keep. . ' ' . Little gems of fond affection, precious Jewels -of dejight, ' . ' Flowery bloonws , of fragrant frUndahlp "gteamlnjr brPjfilly in- my sight." 'j-v. All the long, rfark erfrtWy journey I hava plucked . them as went, Modei t. gentle little bleaslnga which have kept my aoul content. , "New York Times. Xmas Rates WEATHER REPORT ST SB M B e 5 D 5 a B 00 s M r? So 2 a - B O B IP eg Dec 7 8 9 II) II 12 13 7 47 48 63 48 39 42 22 23 21 24 30 23 16 80 35 30 38 39. 3o 29 28 35 28 46 37 32 36 n nw DW s nw n n cir c!r cJr pa clr dr clr Mac 63 Mia 16 Mean vox. 45 Man Aln 23 Mean 33 Preclp'n 00 wisdom and Love. TTTISDOM and Love do "dwell apart. v On id the head, one in the heart. And of t -ihelr f ereee rlaJia the fleid. And Wisdom's often known to yield. Kor while hl heavy -legions form l6v falls upon- titm. Ue a- atorm And ere the battle Is begun Rejoices Ic a victory won. rrZ O. Blanden. The Southern Railway offers very low rates during the Holidays Tickets on sale December 15, 1Q. 17,21, 22, 23, s24, 25 arid 31,1910, also January 1,1911. Finallimit all tickets to reach original starting point not later than midnight Jan uary 8th, 1911. For any information apply to nearest ticket agent J. W. BAILEY, Ticket Agent J. H. Wood. District Passenger Agent State of North Carolina, Henderson county, Register' s Qffice, Hendersopvflle. K. M. Mullinax, thia 4fay makeH application to enter two hundred acres of land more or less in Green River township on the waters-- of Rock creek adjoining the lands of ' J. A. Mullinax on the east, Thomas Maborne on the north, 'John Qapps on' the west and M. "Capps 6n tfi south in Henderson county. This Nov: 21sf, 1910. 4 r 8, King:, . , ' Entry Takex ' Beaut if n Holiday v Go dds Do yoiir shopping; early at our Store and get the pick. Useful and Ornamental Presents This year dur XHA$ LINE is very complete and embraces almost everything in standard HOLIDAY GOODS COMB TO S3E. unter's Pharmacy Near POSTOFFICE Makwell. M$wn s Justeceived Large Shipment of Candies AH Kinds of Nuts at 20c per pound ' -Headquarters for All Kinds' of Fruits , VJ; Eveqthingin the GROCERY .LINE' J 't foro:etiviu rop vr PHONE 104 'A I v. i . . . i'W.. ."-on the Corner" - f "vfifty.o.'.xty, but th3 chief object 'impressions mads are favorable. i Ft l?'tl?JLjiof manyibf these democratic 'mem- - Wake Forest is eidently the .4 r 4 v. i i 4-. )