mmt& Stat of North Carolina j Henderson 'County. John A. Burckmyer & B. P. Burckmyer Trading as Burckmyer Bros, vs. S. F. Wheeler, NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE. By virtue of an execution direct ed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Henderson Coun ty in the above entitled action I will on Monday the 5th day of May 1913 during the legal hours of sale at the court house door of said county 6ell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said ex ecution all th fright, title and in terest which the Baid S. F. Wheel er, the defendant above named, has in the following described Real Estate to-wit: All the interest of said S. F. Wheeler in and Ito that land on the East side of Main St., in the town of Hendersonville, known as the Wheeler Hotel prop erty, containing seven) acres more or less including the Hotel build v ing and ibeing the same land con veyed by W. A. Smiith,Trustee to D. H. Wheeler by Deed recorded ia Book 38 page 55 of the Records of Deeds foU Henderson County. J. C. Drake, Sheriff. This the llth day of March 1913. State of North Carolina. Henderson County. In the Superior Court. Calla Poitvant Seefeld, vs F. W G. Seefeld, alias F. Von G. Seefeld. The defendant above named wiil take notice that the depositions of Fred P. Miller, Nathaniel Iv'nez and N. Fran cis will be taken by .iol-(1 F Denief commissioner, on the 26th day of" April, 1913, at 11 o'clock a. m., in the office f said commissioner, in Harriman Nat. Bank building, on I-ih and 44th streets, in the city and state of New York, and t'-iat the evidence of said witnesses will be used by the said plaintiff in the trial of the above entitled cause, which is a suit brought by the plaintiff against the defendant, for the purpose of obtaining an absolute divorce. This the 27th day of March, 1913. C. M. PACE Clerk Superior Cour Smith, Shipman & Justice, P. A. Lelong, jr. Attorneys for Plaintiff. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified as the Executrix of J. P. Israel, deceased, this is to notify ali persons holding claims against the estate of the said deceased to present ! them to the undersigned on or before North 20 deg. West .with Leonard's the 6th day of February, i914 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery . All persons indebted to the said es tate will please make immediate pay ment. This the 6th day of February, 11)13. ANNA BELLE ISRAEL, Executrix. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HENDERSON. In the Superior Court. J. B. Stepp vs. Lilly Stepp NOTICE. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior court of Henderson county by the plaintiff to obtain a divorce absolute from her, and the said defendant Will further take notice that she is required to appear at the Jinext term of the Su perior court of said county to be held at the court house in Hender sonville, North Carolina on the loth Momday after the 1st Monday in March. 1913 and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court ;for the relief demanded in hia said complaint. This 12th day of March, 1913. C. M. Pace, j Clerk Superior Court Henderson j county. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust exe cuted by John Whit mire, Jr., and wife, to G. H. Valentine, trustee dated May 27, 1912, registered in book 35 page 48 of the records) of mortgages and deeds in trust for Henderson county, North Carolina, securing a note, of even date therewith, for $36.75, due six motnths after date, and drawing iaterest from date at 6 per cent.; and default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness, I will, on Saturday the 3rd day oi ivxay, J.UJ.O, in (ironx oi xne court house door in Hendersonville, N. C, within the legal (hours of sale, offer for sale at public outcry, and sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy the amount due on said indebtedness, with interest and cost, all the interest of the said John Whitmire Jr. and wife in and to the following described piece or parcel of land, to-wit: "Situate, lying and being in Hen derson. County. State of North Car olina, adjoining the lands (now or formerly) of W. A. Smith and IP. B. Justice, BEGINNING on a stone in the old Thomas line, and runs north 28 poles to a stone; thence east 11 poles to a stake; thence south 28 poles'to a stone; thence west to the BEGINNING; contain ing two acres, more or less ; and being the land which John Whit mire Sr., deceased, owned at the time of his death. This April 2, 1913. G. H. Valentine, Trustee. North Caioiira Henderson County In the Superior Court. Louise Underwood ( vs. G. M. Underwood NOTICE Of the taking of Depositions. The defendant above named will take notice, that in the above en titled action, the depositions of A. Wolfel and J. R. Perry will be tak en before W.W. Elliot, Commlssionr er, at his office 519 Bank of Com,-, merce building, in the city of Nor folk and State of Virginia on the 1st day of May 1913 at 12 m.,and that the evidence of said witneas- es will be used by the plaintiff in the trial of the above entitled cause, which is an action brought by the plaintiff against the de fendant for the purpose of ob taining an absolute divorce. This April 2, 1913. C. M. Pace, Clerk Superior Court. H. S. Anderson. Att'v for nlainf-ff 7 J A M - .M V 1 A NOTICE OF LAND SALE UNDER j MORTGAGE. i By virtue of a mortgage deed, j Hendersonville Realty Co., and STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HENDERSON. In the Superior Court. W. a. Garland, vs. District Court of the United States, Western District of North Carol ina. In the Matter of R. J. Brown, Bankrupt. Notice of Bale. By virtue of a'n order of F. W. Thomas, Referee in Bankruptcy, dated March 29, 1913, the under signed will, on (Monday, (the 5th day of May, 1913, at the Court House Door in. Hendersonville, in the County of Henderson, North Carolina, sell at fcubjieie, on the the following terms, jto-wit: one third leash, balance in itwo equal instalments in six and twelve months, deferred payments to draw interest at 6 .percent, and to be secured by mortgage on the land, all the following described real estate in Henderson County, ! .North Carolina: A. L. Maxwell's corner of 82 Acre tract, thence, with A. L. Maxwell's line South 75 ideg. East 118 poles to a stake his corner, thence South 9 deg. West 88 poles to two Chest nuts thence to the (beginning con taining 34 Acres more or less and being part of the land conveyed by MoBrayer and Others to R. J. Brown. Sixth Tract. Part of the Cary Maxwell land, Beginning on a Gum corner of David Maxwell's line and runs North 29 deg. West with his line 52 poles to a stake, thenjee North 60 deg. East with said line 100 poles to a stake, thence South 36 deg. East with t he same 25 pojes to a stake, thence North .with the same line 60 poles to a stake, thence North 56 deg. West With said line 100 poles to a stake James Edney's line, thence with Edney's line South 64 deg. West 160 poles to a stake in Samuel Maxwell's line, thence with Samuel iMaxwell's line East 19 poles jto a stake, thenice South 45 deg. East iwith said line 20 poles to a js-take, thenice with the same Soutlh 88 poles to a stake, thence with the game lime South 21 deg. East 66 jpoles to a stake in the line of R. J. Brown's 56 ,Aere tract, thence with R. J. Brown's line North 54 deg. East 18 poles to a stake his corner, thenjee with his line South 40 deg. East 73 poles fro a rock and pointers his corner, thence with his line North 76 poles to the beginning containing 137 Acres more or less. Seventh Tract, also part .of the Cary Maxwell land, Beginning on a Chestnut in David Maxwell's line and runs North 60 deg. East 125 poles to a stake, thence South 60 deg. East 110 poles to a stake in Whitaker's line, thence with Whit aker's line South 55 deg. West 150 poles to a stake in Lyda's line, thence with Lyda's line (North 55 deg. West 40 poles tto a stake an, David Maxwell's line, Xjhenjce with said line North 35 deg. West 60 poles to the beginning containing (92 Acres more or less. a stake A. L. .Maxwell's and R. M. Barnwell's icornier and rums West 113 poles to a Chestnut Stump R. M Barnwell's corner, thence with his line North 10 deg. East 111 poles Ito a stake in R. J Brownie line of his 15 Acre tract, thence with said line South .21 Ug. East 6 poles to a stake R. J. Brown's corner thence with his line North 78 Ideg. East 46 poles, to a stake in the public road R. J. Brown's cor ner thence with his line South 24 deg. East 18 poles to stake his corner, tihence with Ms line South 82 deg. East 21 poles to a stake this corner, thence with his line North 70 deg. East 44 poles. to stake his banner in A. Q. Edney's line thenice South with his line 20 poles to a stake, thence East with said A. Q. Edney's line 32 poles to a stake (now a rock), thenice South 18 Ideg. West with Edney's line 45 poles to a R. J. Brown's and A. Q. Edney's Post Oak corner, thence South 61 deg. West 40 poles to a a stake at Puncheon Camp Creek R. J. Brown's porner tihence to the beginning containing 88 Acres more or less, being the Sam Max well Home tract, afnd ibeing the iaind conveyed by W. F. Byers et al to R. J. JBrowin, Fifteenth Tract, known as the Cox tract, Adjoining jthe lands of R. J. Brown .and H. W. Conner and bounded as follows : Beginning on a Black Oak and runs South 42 'deg. East 108 poles to a stake and pointers at R. J. Bro-Wn's Corner, thence North 63 deg. East 90 poles ito a Black Oak theince North 61 tieg. West 37 poles to a Chestnut, thenjee North 16 deg. West 80 poles to a Chestnut, thenice North 66 deg. West 42 poles Jto a stake the Set tles corner made by W. B. Wil liams, thence South 88 deg. West 100 poles to the beginning con taining 75 Acres more or less. Sixteenth Tract. Beginning at a troek in A. Q. Edney's line and R. J. Brown's line 19 poles west of tneir corner and tuns with a line XK.O.A.t I 1 CI UU1 IJId . 'LI HILHO f ' . J W. 28 poles to a stake at the? I of the ditch; thence North i , I r m memM ? 41o of the old Dreek run; the I up the same with Its mni to the beginning, containing ? ; acres more or less. !- 2nd tract, Beginning at a on the South bank bf Mud opposite the S. E. corner stake !' creek k ill L ? course as watson and v-.ti. . line S. 28 W. 5 (poles and 9&vt & rn i ii . . U1 the , , -v,.w iuiywiIlJH. 5: old run as followsi: S. 62 F , U E. 7 poles, thence N. 52 cc ; E . " pols to the canal, thence vithttffe canal jn. 59 VV 21 nolAa . ; feet to the beginndng-wntaini' J ?v 1 acre and 50 poles. 8i! j. ma ajjtu iun, iyia. T. A. Allen, Mortgagee T. r 17 fni 1.1 .... ! jtj. w. v. x. xiyine, Att y. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND PARTITION. for -; ; North 66 deg Chestnut thence North 37 itIp? - try T. with power of sale, executed by ! Fred Rhodes to S. Maxwell and j wife to secure certain indebted- r ness therein named, which said moilgage deed bears date OctoT ber 28, 1909 and Is registered in the officer of the Register t)f deeds " for Henderson County, in book 28 page 84 of mortgages and deeds of trust ; and default having been made in the payment of the in7 debtedness secured thereby, I will on Wednesday the 21st day of May 1913, at the court house door in Hendersonville, N. C. within the le gal hours of sale, offer for Bale at public outcry, and sell to the high est bidder, for cash, to satisfy the balance due on said indebtedness, with interest and cost, all the fol lowing described land, in the COun ty of Henderson, township of Hen dersonville, and known and des ignated as follows, viz.: Being the land conveyed by J. C. Morrow et jux to A. L. Tabor jby deed dated Aug. 17th, 1908, which deed is du ly recorded in Book 60 page 288 of records of Deeds of Henderson County and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stake in the east margin of Washington street, said stake standing 100 feet south of the in tersection of Brook street with Washington street, being the south west corner of lot convyeed Ibv J C. Morrow et ux to H. T. Brock, ana runs with Brock's line (now naers) is. parallel with Brook Street 75 feet to a stake ; thence south parallel with Washington, iireei, passing through center of a well, 50 feet to a stake in S.D. uogan'a lane; thence with Dogan's line west 75 feet to a stake in-the east margin of Washington Street ; thence with the east margin of Washington Street to the Begin ning. Excepting and reserving a atrip of . land eight feet wide on the north side of the above lot to be used as an alley for the convenience of thia and also the lot in the rear. This April 19th, 1913. S. Maxwell, Annie Maxwell, Mortgagees. First Bank & Trust Company, Assignee. C. Williams and W. H. Lyles Notice of Execution Sale. By virtue of an execution direct ed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Henderson Coun ty in the above entitled action,! will on the first Monday (5th day) of May, 1913, during the legal hours of sale, between 12 m. and 2 p. m., at the Court House door in said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said exe cution, all the right, title, interest and estate owned by said defend ants, or either of them, on the 7th day of October, 1912, in the follow- , mg described real estate in said county, to-wit: All that land described in the following deeds, now of record in said county, to-wit; Deed from M. S. and W. J. Hatch to Henderson ville Realty Co., recorded in Book 54 at page 448, deed from C. E.and Bessie Laughter to Hendersonville Realty Co., recorded in Book 56 at page 38, and deed from J. C. Ry mer, et al. to Hendersonville Real ty Go. recorded in Book 56 at page 316, being all the land described in the boundaries of said deeds, ex-, oept that part of said land award ed W. A Marland by iudement in in said case and that part deeded off by the Hendersonville Realty uompany, prior to the date of the docketing of said judgment. The amount of said judgment, being $475.41 with, interest since the 24th day of September, 1912, $58.87 cost and the coat and charges, incident to said execution. This the first day of April, 1913. J. C. Drake, Sheriff of Henderson County. NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the Last Will and (Testament of Robert Tabor, deceased, All First Tract, on the waters of Puncheon Camp Creek. Beginning on a large White Oak and Doe- wood the beginning corner of the grant and runs with the old line North 88 poles to a Chestnut and some rocks thence with the old line North 45 deg. West 20 poles to j two Chestnuts thence with the old line West 19 poles to a Sourwood at James M. Edney's corner, thenCe with his line North 55 deg. West 80 poles to a take, thence with the old line South 25 deg. West 40 poles to a rock in said line, a conditional corner, thence a new line South 9 deg. East 64 poles to cO a unestnut, thence a line South 23 deg. East 22 poles to Chest nut Oak nea,r a (rock, thence a Hew line South 32 deg, East 53 poles to a Black Gum, thence a new line South 45 deg. East '27 poles to a rock in the old field, thence North 63 deg. East 50 poles to the .begin ninig containing 60 Acres more or-less. Second Tract, also on the waters of Puncheon Camp Creek. Begin iwng on a water Oak on a rock by the road aind runs North 54 deg. East 58 poles to ;a stake, thence South 40 dee:. East 73 rock, thence South l deg. West 70 poies ito a stake tAence South 70 deg. West 44 poles to a stake thence North 82 deg. West 21 poles to a stake in the road leading up to the thence with the road JNornn 24 deg. West 18 poles to a stake, thence North 17 deg. West 23 poles to a stake, thelmce North '4 deg. East 16 poles to a stake thence North 35 deg. West 16 poles to a stake, thence North B2 dee- Wa 12 poles to a stake, thence North 11 jdeg. E. fl ooles v o ittf ir m Notrtfh 11 deg. West 16 jpoles to the beginning: containing 56 Acres more or less. Third Tract, oin waters of Clear Creek. Beginning o,n a Wild Cher ry Ion the bank of an old channel F1 Creek Collins' line and and Maxwell's line and runs with, their line North .42 feoles to a rock tbneir corner at the edge of the fTL fe with thteir line North u l?-6 v est oz poles to a Post Os, V l of marked trees North 23 deg. West ! 14i TJOleS f O ktako In. A r nCJU .r? Eighth Tract, also , part of the ! ai,d R. J firow w I?' Z!u Cary Maxwell land. Begintning on their line South about 14 poles to a B Oak, Big Mountain, running : the old corner fchencp Ft West 83 poles to a .' Irniintr -K, - SevenltefTufch Trot n East 53 poles, to a Water Oak. Rhodes Tlac . l wT.", tjhence South 62 deg. East 18 pole, -aid place and odltlhe west side of a Gum, tihence South 47 de. Eai.t 7j Clear c k , , m& . poles to a -Black Gum, thence to ; lows: Begin at a ,atake in a branch the containing 16 Acres i where the th T? i;.. in Ithe branlch and runs down the branch to Clear Creek, thence up the creek to the Rhodes line thence thence with the Rhodes line North 42 deg. West fco the beginnjing eon tainlnjg about of an Acre. more or less. Ninth Tract, also part of the Cary Maxwell land, Adjoining land with John Lyda, his own land land the Cox place beginning at a Black Gum his own corner! in Cox's line and runs with said line j West 43 poles to a stake in Lyda's line, thence with his own line North 14 dez. West 30 noles to s Black Oak his corner also and cor ner of the Edney tract, thence with the line of said tract North 81 deg. East 51 poles to the beginning 9 acres. Tenth Tract, also part of the Cary Maxwell land, Beginning on a Chestnut said C. Maxwell's own) corner and runs North 60 poles to a Spanish Oak Ednev's. cornpr. thence North 75 deg. East with his line 70 poles to a stairs Said lands will he jso,ld free of any incumbrance existing by vir tue of the (following mortgages and deeds of trust to-wit-mortgage to M. C. Toms, recorded in boos: 32 page 140 of the records' of mortgages land deeds of trust for Henderson County; mortgage to S. M. King, recorded in (book 32 page 54 of said (records ; land deed of trust to R. H. Staton, trustee, re corded in book fi9 page 133 of said records. sales of fcald treal estntp wiii be (reported to fche court, and on By virtue of (the power aiwi au si? thority vested in ne as commis'r " sooner jby a decree of the Superior? court n the case of 6. 0. Ednevl against Dollie Edney and J W Ej ney dated April 7th 1913 l'vJjp: sell )a,t the court House door ifl Hendersoniville at 12 o'clock mAM on (May 10th 1913 at public auctioa':!" to Ithe highest idder for cash fa the tpurpose of partition ibetweea' the parties interested, the follow C- 16 wooiueu piece or parcal 0! land lyiaig and (being in the tovJ ship of Edneyville, County of Hen ; derson and State of North Car0J lina land known, arid designated aJ follows, viz: 'I Beginning Jat a poplar. Cati and R. Ednjey's corner, and run!? with (their line B. 35 de2. E. iJ poles Ito a pine iknpwn as the I K. lawyer corner ; tihence with ti? i Davaa line N. 45 deg. E. fvar. 5 dp? , 62 poles to a'n old corner now W some oak saplings marked as : pointer; frhemce North with Raid Davaa Jine (var. B 'deg.) 12 fcolegfJ a stake and pointers ; thence S. ' deg. W. 2 poles (to Winston Ed.' ney'a Icorner; tihence with his rt N. 38 deg. W. fi8- poles to apioe Winston Edney's corner; thence 3 deg. W. jB2 poles to a blaci oak now down; fchence N. 37 iei. W. 49 poles to a forked maple a: i the Ibranch; thence down the, branch and with its meanders to t the beginning Containing 48 aeV more or less. This 7th day of April 1913. McD. Kay, l Commisrsioner. Ledbetter's line and tken South ; ? 1tth "t (May 1913, the ten- ' v Mi oLdULC f in r.n o persons having claims against his bank of Puncheon Camp Creek -state are hereby notified to pre sent them to mo by the 12th-day of Marchj 1914, or thia (Notice wi:i oe peao: in bar of their recov ery ; and all persona indehtp the estate will pleace make prompt Fajunsm uji me ox same. im the 12th 01 March M. N. TABOR, Executrix. thence doWni the nbu X L a meanaera (to the old chaminel bfno mentioned, thence un aatid 10 tine beginning containing 16?4 Acres more or less. Fourth Tract, : Beginning Qn a Hickory n Jerry Leonard's Jine and runa North 8 poles to a Chest nut Oak Jerry Leonard's corner, tkence West 23 poles to Black Oak in fferry Leonard's Hue, thence irloor Wnc J T jr a.- w noil, biaiu. jjeuoeiter s line 34 poles to a stake, said C. Maxwell's line, thence to the be ginning 22 Acres. . Eleventh Tract, In the town of Hendersonville, Beginning at a stake on the East Margin of first avenue street 20 feet from the cen ter 0f &aLid avenue and 230 feet North of the - A.MU.d Oii avenue, and runs Norjih 63 deg East 155 feet to a stake inj line of lt No. 45 thetoce N0rth 27 deg west 75 ifeet to a stake in line loflot No. 40 thence South 63 deg. West 150 feet to a jstake on first avenue tihence with said avenue South 27 aeg. tuna 75 feet Jo the beginning Twelfth Tract. Beginning on a black Gum on the ade of the road, and runs Soutjh 77 deg. West 15 poles to a rock thence North 32 deg. West 22 poles to a rock thence ooum 72fc de?. West ,35 poles to a rock, thence S. 21 deg. Est 58 poles to a stake A. L. Maxwell's corner, thence North 78 desr. East 46 ioa to a stake in the road in' A.J. Brown's own line tihence with his line North. 17 deg. West 22 poles to a stake ia his corn- fl,AnM won his line IN. 4 Ideg. East 16 poles to a stake his corner thence with iois nne Worth 35cdejg. West 2 poles ito a stake, ifehelnee to the. begins- wuiaiuing 10 Acres Jmore or (oeing a tratat conveyed by A Maxwell to R. j; (Brown- Thirteenth Tract. Beginning at .r.oxte in Asa Q. Edney's line and runs with hia line North 30 aeg. wesc 72tf poles to birfram Asa Q. Edneys old icorner, thence WMJIi Hana iSdney'a line ouai 76 (poles and 20 Oinfes to wv fWters, fchentae North 70 deg. East 36 poles and 20 Jinks fro 1 Containing 8 Acres and 64 poles more or leas. signed trustee, before P. W. TOiom- as, iKeferee m Banjkruptcy, at his office, 33-34 American National Bank Building, A&heville N. C will imove the court jf or a confirms ation (thereof, or for such direc tions in regard (thereto jas ma v ap pear to be proper. .. This April 5th A. D. 1913. G. M. Valentine, Trustee in Bankruptcy of R. J. Brown, Hendersonville, N. C. ." MORTGAGEE'S SALE By virtue of a power of salo ob tained in a Mortgage Deed, exe cuted ry u. E. Cole and wife. Jenu nte Cole, to T. A. Allen, on October win, laio, and duly registered in xvook jno. 30, page 207, Records of Mortgages for Henderson County, wii mortgage deed was exe- cuxea to secure a certain debt therein mentioned, ww b.ia debt, or mote and the said Mort gage oeed were duly assae-nd w. C. Jordan- for value, and de- xauic having been made in the payment of HENDERSONVILLE NEWS STAND Periodicals. Newspapers Magazines 1 Exclusive Agents: Saturday I Evening Post: Ladies Hoid Journal: Country Gentlem Phone us your order and will deliver to your home. TELEPHONE 260 t I: v FOR A REALLY GOOD Lunch or Dip, Try E. L. Pace's Restaurat BWteeoith tract. Beginning on said note. deKf. o re cording to the terms'of said Mort gage deed, and navmonif oeen neglected and rfFnaAri I - T a. n m due ,nf,w a a 1 41 wepoi. rntcsmi-- v,v- cxjiu uemiana tot -non- . .0 ment, and the power bf r erate. the service tfood, lTeJ silently well pre ed. Trv it and vou will m satisfied. therefore, for th utpow 01 eatisfying said debt, in terest, costs, commission and ex- v or sale, I sell at public auction, at the court House dOOr. 11 TTftn, q o. : , , . T r- . "uviue, JN. KJ., on xven, 1913. during 'tours of sale, to the highest bid der for 6ash, all lands, described and conveyed in aforesaid Mortgage Deed, to Wit: m w tract,Beginning j0n a btake . At E. L PAC AT THE DEPOt Buy your Warranty T&, . t-,u to the old run bf Mud fWl. ZZZ x 1 We try Jo' " 'jr7 Provea form which is usea r 22 Tirii. o-'ff .-HO office of the Reirister corner: thon xxr 0 1 '-P0 reauces me com ICU - if X 10 a tratloo. y ft