NOTICE OF LAND. SALE UNDER MORTGAGE. v virtue of a mortgage deed, itk iver of sale' executed by 'jred Rhodes to S. Maxwell and wiie to secure certain indebted ness therein named, which said jeoTlgage deed bears date Octe ts 28, 1909 and is registered in. the efficer of the Register of deeds .for Henderson County, in- book 28 ge 64 of mortgages and deeds 0f trust; and default having been made in the payment of the in- iebtedness secured thereby, I will oa Wednesday the 21st day of May !613 at the court house door in HendersonviUe, N. C. within the le gal hurs of aale' offer fr BalC at public outcry, and sell to the high est Udder, for cash, to eatisfythe w,bnM due on said indebtedness, with interest and cost, all the fol- iinff described land, in the coun ty of Henderson, township of Hen dersonviUe, and known and des ignated as follows, viz.: Being the land conveyed by J. C. duorrow ec ro 4. L. Tabor by deed dated Aug. 17th, 1908, which deed is du- I ly recorded in Book eo page Kes el records of Deeds of Henderson County arid more particularly described as follows : Beginning at & &take in the east margin of TTathineton street, said stake standing 100 feet south of the in tersection of Brook street with Washington street, being the south west corner of lot convyeed by J. C -Morrow et ux to H. T, Brock, nd runs with Brock's line (now Anders) E. parallel with Brook Street 75 feet to asiaKe; meow uth parallel with Washington, Street, passing through center of '& well, 50 feet to a stake in b. JJ. bogan's line; thence with Dogan's line west 75 feet to a stake in the feast margin of Washington Street ; lithence with the east margin of i Washington Street to the Begin ning. Excepting and reserving a W,rip of land eight feet wide on me north side of the above lot So' be used as an alley for the convenience of this and also the hot in the rear. This April 19th, 1913. S. Maxwell, Arnie Maxwell, Mortgagees. First Bank & Trust Company, Assignee. MORTGAGEE'S SALE By virtue of a 'power of sale con tained in a Mortgage Deed, exe cuted by C. E. Cole and wife, Jean- sue Cole, to T. A. Allen, on October 29th, 1910, and duly registered in Book No. 30, page 207, Records of Mortgages for Henderson County, which mortgage deed was exe cuted to secure a certain debt therein mentioned, which said ctebt, or note and the said Mort gage deed were duly 'assigned to W. C. Jordan for value, and de fault having been made in the payment of said note, debt, ac- I cording to the terms of said Mort gage deed, and payment having Jbeer. neglected and refused after lue notice and demand for pay jment, and the power of sale under morigdge uttu iia.viJ.ig we ironic ibsolute; Now, therefore, for the urpose of satisfying said debt, int erest, costs, commission and ex penses of sale, I will sell at ublic auction, at the court House jdoor. in HendersonviUe, N. CM on May 17th, 1913, durin? J r leal aouts of sale, to the highest bid jder for cash, all the following Mads, described and conveyed In foresaid MnrJnirp "npprl. tn Sxrit 1st tract, Beginning on a stake the old run bf Mud Creek, Hen- J Jones' corner, and runs South aer; thence West 21 poles to a ake, his corner; thence 'North 38 28 poles to la stake at the head f the ditch; thence North 4 & 44 poles to a stake in the mid- le of the old Creek run ; theace the same with its meanders o the beginning, containing 18 ares more or less. 2nd tract, Beginning at a stake f the South bank of Mud Greek .vposite the S. E. corner of the conveyed bv Annie R Patton w- Watson aid runs the same urae as Watson and Wntkin's s- 28 W. 5 poles and 9 & jf eet a Stake in thPt rvrvrT nf tVio J Ciek run, .thence folo wing the v o . j. uo ju. ,u jjKsirra, t , - n I" I TOlCJ. 4-T PVT -n. o - - v P ea to the carwiT. .otw xr-itv. fv.o fl . 59 w. 21 poles and 9& flvl ianing containing w 50 polea Ifcl8 April 17th, 1913. T. A. Allen, Mortgagee. W. in u T- F- fiJyth, Arty. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. Whereas, on the 13th day of Au gust, 1908, J. D. Waldrop executed to W. A. Smith, Trustee, that mort gage recorded in Book 25 at page 209 of the records of mortgages and deeds' of Trust for Henderson County to secure three notes, ag gregating $118.48 ; and whereas de fault has been made in the pay ment of said notes ; Now therefore by virtue of the power contained in said mortgage and for the purpose of satis fying -said 'notes with interest, cost and expense of sale, the unV der signed wjll on the 26th day of May, 1913, between the hours of 10 A. M. anjd 4 P. M., offer for sale at public outcry, at the court House door in HendersonviUe, N. C, to the highest bidder for cash, all the following described land, being the land conveyed by said mortgage and known and designated as fol lows : Lots 13 and 14 of the Smith, Wal drop, Holmes and Valentine Divis ion as surveyed and platted by P. F. Patton, Beginning at a stake on W. margin of Jordan street (it be ing a-cross street leading from Broad to Accademy Street passing immediately West of the Mrs. F. A. Waldrop property) and the north margin of Academy street, said stake standing 6. 4 deg. E. 473 feet from intersection of west margin of Jordan St. with south margin of Broad Street, and running thence North 4 deg. West with Jordan Street 112 feet to a stake corner of Lot No. 12; thence with lines of Lots 12 and 15, S. 81 deg. W. 268 feet to a stake dn east mar gin of cross street ; thence with east margin of said cross street, S. 1 deg: E. 75 feet to astakein north margin of Academy St.; thence with Academy St. an east erly direction to the beginning ; This the 24th day of April 1913. . W. A. Smith Trustee. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE Whereas on the 13th day of Au gust, 1908, J. D. Waldrop executed to G. H. Valentine and A. L. Holmes, that mortgage recorded in book 25 at page 210 of the records of mortgages and deeds of trust for Henderson county to secure three notes, aggregating $87.89; and whereas default has been made in payment of said notes; Now therefore by virtue of the power contained in said mortgage and for the purpose of satisfying said notes with interest, cost and expense of sale, the undersigned will on the 26th day of May, 1913, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 ip. m. , offer for sale at public outcry, at the Court House door in HendersonviUe N. C, to the highest bidder for cash, all the following described land, being the land conveyed by said mortgage and known and designated as fol lows: Beginning at a stake in north margin of Broad St., south west corner of M. E. Edwards lot, said stake standing South 80 deg. West 412 feet from intersection of north margin of Broad Street with west margin of Blythe Street, and 'runs thence with Broad Street South 80 deg. West 115 feet to a stake in a branch, Mrs. B. W. Car ter's corner ; thence with her line North 30 deg. West 222 feet to a stake her corner; thence North 41 deg. West 193 87-100 feet to south, margin of a 40 foot (New) Street ; thence with said street N. 80 deg.E 298 feet to M. E. Edwards' inorth west corner ; thence with west line of her two lots South 10 deg. East 385 feet to the beginning ; con taining 1 9-16 acres more or less. This the 24th day of April 1913. G. H. Valentine, A. L. Holmes, Mortgagees. Smith, Shipman & Justice, Att'y3- 9 NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR PARTITION. By virtue of the power and au thority vested in toe as commis sioner jby a idecree of the Superioi court in the case of B. O. Edney against Daliie Edaey and J. W. Ed ney dated April 7th 1913, I will sell at the court House door in Hendersoniville at 12 ociock noon on May 10th 1913 ;at public auction to ithe highest bidder for cash for the purpose of partition ibetween the patties interested, the (follow ing described piece or parcal of land lying and being in 'the town ship of Edneyville, Oounlty of Hen derson and State of iNortih Caro lina 'janid known, and designated as follows, yie: Beginning b!t a poplar, Coston's and B. Edniey'a pomer, and runs with. Jtheir line B. 35v deg. E. 104 poles Ito a pine known as the I. R. Bawyer corner; tihenice with the Davis tine N. 45 deg, E. (Vasr. 5 deg.v 62 poles to a"n old cornier now down some Oak saplings marked as a pointer ; thence North with isaid Darriii line yar. 6 ;deg.) 12 poles to a aud pointer ; ibence 6. 50 deg. W. 2 poles to Winston Ed ney's corner; thence with his line N. 88 deg. W. 28 poles to a pine Winston Edney's corner; thence 35 deg. W. 52 poles to a black oak mow down; thence N. 37 deg. W. 49 poles to a forked maple at the branch ; thence down the braincih and with its meanders to tjhe beginning Containing 48 acres more or less. This 7th day of April 1913. McD. Ray, CoJnmissio ner. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE. Whereas on the 17th of Novem ber, 1909, C. E. Pinner and wife Sallie B. Pinner, W. G. Hutchison and wife, Lela Hutchison, execut ed (to The Wanteska Trust & Bank ing Company, a Corporation, that mortgage recorded in Book 28 at page 115 of jtjhe records of mort gages laud deeds of trust for Hen derson County to Secure one note for $110.50 ; and whereas default has jbeen made In the payment ox said tnotes; Now therefore by virtue, of the power contained in said mortgage and jfor the purpose of Biatisfying said (notes with Interest, cost and expense of sale, the undersigned will on the loth day of May, 1913, between (the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., offer for pale at public outcry, at the Court House door in HendersonviUe, N. C., to the highest bidder for cash, all the following described land, being the land conveyed by laaid mortgage and known and designated as fol lows: Beginning at a stake in Hender sonviUe and Ftruitland IRoad, the corner of a tract of land convey ed by T. JJ. Posey to W. H.. Hutch inson, jand runs "with the uaid road S. 41 deg. W. 38 poles to & stake in Whitaker's line; thence with Whitaker's line N. 15 deg. W. 58 poles to a (stake ; thence N. 88 deg. E. 30 poles to a stake in- Hutchin son's line ; thence with Hutchin son's line to the beginning, con taining 10 acres. Being ja part of the land con veyed by T. iH. Posey, et nx to C. E. Pinner and W. G. Hutchinson by deed dated the 22nd Day of October 1909. This the 9th day of April, 1913. iFirst Bank & : Trust Company, Successors to Wanteska Trust & Banking Co., Mortagee. Smith Shipman & Justice, Att'ys. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HENDERSON. In the Superior Court. David A. Thompson, et al. vs.' Julia Ethel Rospigliosi, and Gianbittista Prince Rospigliosi, her husband, Oliver Bronson, and Julia F. C. Bronson, his wife, Robert D. Bronson and Isabella D. Bronson, his wife, New York Life Insurance & Trust Company, as Trustee un der the .will of Frederic Bronson, 2nd, for the benefit of Elizabeth D Griscom and Sarah Grade Bron son, Elizabeth D. Griscom, Lloyd Griscom her husband, Sarah Gracie Bronson, Issue and heirs of Elizabeth D. Griscom, if any, Francis W. Hun newell, as Trustee under the will of Louise Hunnewell for HoLlis H. HunneWell and Charlotte Sorchau, Hollis H. Hunnewell and Belle Hunnewell, his wife, Charlotte Sorchau, and Victor Sorchau, her husband, Issue, if amy, of Hollis H. Hunnewell and of Charlotte Sorchau, Egerto.n L. Winthrop, Egerton L. Winthrop, Jr., and Emeline D. Winthrop, his wife, Bronson Win throp, Charlotte T. B. Cram, (an infant of 18,) Egerton L. Win throp, Jr., Bronson Winthrop and John Sergeant Cram, General Guardian of Charlotte T. B. Cram, infant, John J. ToWnsend, individ ually, and as substituted Trustee under the will of Arthur BronM son, Sr., for the benefit of Cath arine R. B. Townsend, Andrew Hamersley, Anne E. B. Bmith, and Sheldon Smith, jher husband, New York Life Insurance & Trust Co., as Trustee Jjunder the will of Theo dore Bronson, for the benefit of Anne E. B. Smith, Xssue, if anr, of Anne E. B. Smith, Mayhew W. Bronson, New York Life Insurance & Trust Company, as substituted Trustee under (the will of Arthur BronsonvJr., for the benefit of Edith M. Rucellai, New York Life Insurance & Trust Com pany, as Trustee under the will of Karthiaxine De Kay Bronson, for the benefit of Edith M. Rucellai and Cosina Rucellai, Edith M. Ru cellai, and Cosina RuceWai, her husband, Issue, if lany, and appointees of Edith. M. RufeellaL Emily IB. Patton, and Villiers Hatton, .her husband, George Willet Van Nest, George W. Van Nest amd Moses Taylor pyne, as Trustees under (the will of MaTgaret Van Nest, for the benefit of Rynjer V&n Nest, Bynfer Vain Nest, Appointed at Rynier Van Netft, MarimfUB Williett, and Catherine D. WiHefct, feis fwife, J- lia C. Willett, Thomas Willett his Francis Willett, his wife, George Willett Van Nest, as substitute Trustee under deed of Isaac Bron son amd Goold Hoyt, James p. Murray, and Alma P. Murray, his wife, Caroline M. Wilmerding, and Lucius K. Wilmerding, her hus band, Olivia M. Cutting and W. Bayard Cutting, her husband, J. "Archibald Murray and Alice R. Murray, his wife, Annie M. Yulee, and C. Wickliff e Yulee, her hus band", Felicia M. Tucker and Frank Tucker, her husband, J. Archibald Murray and George W. Wicker sham, as substituted Trustees un der the Will of Washington Mur ray, for the benefit of Eliza B. Latrobe, Eliza B. Latrobe, and Osnian Latrobe, her hus band. Anna B. Dana and Wil liam P. W. Dana, herihusband, Ma ria W. Livingston, Cambridge Liv ingston and Alice Liivingston, his wife, John G. Livingston and Clara D. Livingston, his wife, Henry W. Livingston, Johnston Livingston, Jr., iand Nathalie Liv ston, .his wife, Louis Livingston, Maud L. Bull, and Henry W. Bull her husband, Caroline L. Baker and Harold W. Baker, her husband, David Sears, Henry F. Bears, and Jean I. Sears, his Wife, Gerald L. Hoyt, and Mary A. Hoytv his wife, Angelica Morgan, Gertrude Hoyt, Winfield S. Hoyt, Percy S. Hoyt, Camilla S. Hoyt, Virginia B. Hoyt, Winfield S. Hoyt and ,Percy S. Hoyt, as Trustees under the will of Goold Hoyt, for the benefit of Cammilla S. and Virginia 6. Hoyt, Winfield S. Hoyt and Percy S. Hoyt, as Trustees under the will of Geraldine Kane, for the benefit of Camilla S. and Virginia S. Hoyt. Henry B. Livingston, as JTrustee under the will of William Red-! mond, for the benefit of William P. Redmond, William P. Redmond and Ida Redmond, his wife, Issue of William P. Redmond, if any, Issue of Francis Livingston, if any, Sabinia R. Struthers, individually and as Trustee under the will of Sabina R. Wood, Robert Btruthers, her husband, Issue of Sabinia R. Struthers, if any, Mary R. Mar tin, individually, and as Trustee under the fwill of Babima R. Wood, Issue of Mary R. Martin, if any, Harriett A Hoskier, individually, and as Trustee under the will of Sabina R. Wood, Herman C. Hoski ers, her husband, Issue bf Harriett A. Hoskier, if any,, J. Walter Wood and Nathalie Wood, his wife, JXen ry Redmond, and Lydia Red mond, his wife, Emily Redmond, Helen C. Redmond, Richard Cross, Eleanor C. Marquaud, and Allan Marquaud, her husband, William Redmond Cross, individually, and as substituted Trustee under deed of Isaac Bronson and Goold Hoyt, Mary R. Cross, Emily R. Cross, Eliot Cross, John W. Cross and Lily Lee Cross, his wife, Francis Livingston, and Henry B. Living ston, her husband, Annie R. Cross, and Richard J. Cross, her husband, Geraldyn Redmond and Estelle Redmond, his wife, Elizabeth MeD. Grout, Julia C. Holroyd, and George Holroyd, her husband, An nie McNaughton, Margaret MCN. Thompson, and David A. Thomp son, her husband, Katharine Mc Naughton, Olga Henderson,Dudle S. Gregory, and Lucy F. Gregory, his wife, Daniel G. Elliot, individ ually, and as Trustee under the will of Ann E. EUiott, Margaret H. Elliott, Appointess, of Daniel G. Elliott, if any, Issue of Benjamin Strong iaind Ad die F. Strong, his wife, Elizabeth MeD. Curtis, Heirs, devisees and assigns, of Isaac Bronson, Goold Hoyt and Archibald Mdntyre, if any, aind their he'.rs, devisees and assigns, if amy, and all persens claiming any interest in said lands from any source whatever, Notice to the (Defendants. The defendants in the above en titled cause fcvill take motice that G. H. Valentine, Referee appoint-, ed by the Court in said ease to ascertain the interest of all the parties in the above entit' d cause in the land described in .he pe-s tition in said case, has made and filed his report in rwhich he has ascertained the interest of all the parties a set forth in said report in which he finds that 86 percent of the proceeds of the pales of said land are payable and receiv able by Willett Bronson, Superin tending Agent for all the parties and that the other 14 per cent is payable to the parties as set out in said report and that a motion will be made at the Superior Court, to convene on the 12th )day of May. 1913, to confirm said re port; Therefore the said defendants are notified to appear at the Said court amd show cuse,"if any, they have why said report fefcall mot foe confirmed, Thi the 9th day of AprH, 1913. C. M. Pace, Clerk Superior Court f Hender son County. Don't Wait for the Wood to Show Before You Paint ! Postponing painting is like putting off payment of taxes. You are only piling up expense. The wise man paints often, so that there is always a protecting film of paint between his house and the elements. The more durable the paint, the less often this must be done. The most durable paint in the world is LEWIS WHITE LEAD when mixed to suit the conditions of the wood. All good painters do it this way. Make sure that yours does it, too, and that he uses Dutch Boy white lead and linseed oil. Drop in at our store and get our "Paintinz Points? containing valuable suggestions on selecting color schemes for inside and out side your home. Clarke H'ware Go. ac G36TOE Is here, and so is a full line of Drugs and a full assortment of Patent Medicines to cure those aches and pains' peculiar to Springtime. Ask your physician to send us his prescriptions. We care fully compound all prescriptions, and deliver promptly. You will find your favorite brand of Toilet-Waters, Per fumes Massage CreamsFace Powder, Toilet Soaps at our store A large assortment of Clothes and Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Purses, Bill-books, etc. Jacobs' Candies, " mode last night," in attractive boxes. Let us have your ordes for bedding plants and pot flowers, Cut Flowers for sale to order Phone 5O 1 L. ROSE, Prop. There's a BULLDOG Gasoline Engine i For Every Farm Need 14 to 12 H. P e ar.d bav Mai, other9 i:' St-,v.r;itors, Chums, 1 i:iue which you ;ni f.rrv icv. one lor your 1 hresmvc jxiac-nr adapted to Pumping, Si v. Hp. Iv.-.t etc. TlieDull Dee is a ?; c can rtbsolutelv rely upon iuc knp. h; Write to'ry for cornplf.o. der.criyt.ive catalog, showing designs and bizes for e ery purpusc. THE FAIRBANKS CO., BALTIMORE. MD. The Fairbr.nks CotPfanv never Manufacturers cf ratrb&aks. scales made & Door article. Standard for SO years. thak W lilt ftltti II M,3 r M WI M UltHBiMl imimmr if 1 tit mum Do YOUR banking with US. PEOPLE'S NATIONAL BANK W. K. Howe, President. C. S. Fullbright, Cashier. U 'G 'Staton Vice!President W. A. Youngs Ass't. Cashier S, Sternberg & Co. ASHEV1LLE, N. C. All sizes and lengths of I Beams, Channels, Structu ral Material, Relaying Rails, Boilers and Engines. Prompt Delivery Write for Prices

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