' '. . . '. TW A '"V "i"iri j"" n ij " - ) 111 .J (JO . : i : ' : i " " " " SPECIALS SPECIALS 11 ft. m 1 If tw in' m it Kit: r .41 i! 90 1h Granulated Sugar $1.00. Endicott Johnson Work Shoes at VOMSd. $12,50Suits$6.89, $15 00 Suits $7 68 Groceries at an extra low price. Everything will be remarked down, extra bargains will prevail throughout the store until May 31st. ' Don't fail to come. Ladies' $2.00 Skirts, now, 69c, 12ic ginghams 8c, Ladies and Men's 5c Handke rchief s 2c, 10c can goods 8c. Extra special bar gains all this week. II n V This sale is being conducted by W.F.Byram & Co., of Charlotte N.C.,and the goods must be sold. On account of our advertising matter being delayed, and not being distributed to all our customed we have decided to continue this sale throughout the week up to Saturday night, May 31st, as same is the demand of each and ev ery one of our friends and customers. Don't forget that the whole entire stock must be sold regardless of cost. Everybody is f0j. lowing the Byram Way. $12,000 Stock of Bry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Clothing Farming Tools, Etc., must be sold by Saturday Night, May 31st, regardless of cost or price You make the price we wrap up the goods. IS Y KAiVl DUN'-l tAKt! This bis: Stock of Frstclass, UptoDate Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, etc., has been bought for about 42 cents on the dollar, and the whole entire stock must be closed out regardless of cost. We are in a position to cut the price to fit the pocket book of all. Don't fail to come and look, it don't cost you anything; to look. This is abso lutely one of the greatest slaughter cut price, gigantic bankrupt sales that Western North Carolina has ever been able to witness, don't stay at home and wonder why as these tremendous bargains may pass you by. How to find the place .You will find the big bankrupt sale down at the Southern Depot, ten blocks down, each block saves you money, buy four articles for the price of one. Follow the Byram Way. TD m m 0 sSO AT THE DEPOT CAISON'S STOM HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. TWO REAL ESTAT BARGAINS 30E DUE JOZ a A First-Class Hotel Surrounded by Delightful Scenes. 100 Acres mountain land, 12 miles kom HerkdersoaviHe ; 25 acres in cultivation.; 10 acres in pasture, balance in woodland. Pine place for fruit and vegetables. Four room weatherboarded log dwelling, small barn and shop ; SO bearing apple trees; good roads, good com munity. Price $1,000 upon the fol lowing terms i $500 cash, balance in flive equal annual payments. 4 Vacant lota (1J acres) in Laur el Park near car line ; beautiful building site, good shade, good place for garden. . A bargain at the price of $1,000. STATON KECJ 01 endersonville, N. C. O SCEOLA HOTEL, attractive in design, up-to-date in construc tion, and equipped with baths. electric lights and all other modern conveniences, combines picturesque location and ease of access. llWhile only a few hundred yards from the city limits, the hotel is located on an elevation surrounded by a grove of native oaks and pines, overlooking beautiful Lake Osceola and commanding extensive views of the mountains beyond. Hendersonville is known far and wide as " the Lake City of the Moun tains " Of the numerous lakes from which this name is derived, the most beautiful and the nearest to the city is Lake Osceola. It is surrounded by a magnificent three-mile automo bile road. Among the attractions afforded are fishing and boating The lake is well stocked with trout, bream and bass. The boat house is equipped with naphtha launches and row boats. Though so close to the city, and connected with it by a hack line which makes five trips daily, Osceola Hotel has also all the charm and attraction of the country. Nestling among the trees, on a commanding elevation, it isfree from the heat and dust of the city. On the warm est nights in the summer the ther mometer goes down to 65 degrees! and usually several degrees lower. On the warmest and stillest summer days, there is always a cooling and refreshing breeze. All the surround ings insure rest, recreation and com fort to the fullest extent. Osceola Hotel is a well built and substantial structure. The interior arrangement is comfortable and con venient and modern in all respects. The cuisine is excellent. Our own dairy and truck farm supplies the tables bountifully with milk, butter, chickens, eggs, vegetables and other country produce. For terms and other information, address J. H. JORDAN, Prop. Hendersonville, N. C. DANGEROUS FISH TO MEET Habitat of South American Waters That Seems Particularly Fond of the Human Body. Probably one of the most dangerous and least known of man's watery ene mies, says the Wide World Maga zine, is the candern, or canern, a fish three to eight inches long, and guilty of the extraordinary habit of diving suddenly into the human anatomy by the most convenient channels. There are two distinct species, one eel-like in appearance, , blunt-headed and smooth-bodied, the other armed with a sharp, bony snout, two to three Inches in length, swallow-tailed, and covered from snout to tail by small barbs. It is particularly attracted by the human body, into which it dives suddenly and with great force, pro ducing a shock somewhat akin to a powerful electric discharge. In the case of both types a serious surgical operation Is involved; but in the case of the Beni variety the more the fish or the victim wriggles the far. ther the fish penetrates and it can not get back. It frequently causes death, for a surgeon is a rara avis in these wilds. $2.00 Trancflsflttman Riri J m W W a -ww CUBES RHEUMATISM. NeUKtlQU. Wk TKA. AND KINDRED DUEASEA Monejr Refunded If it fill ron t np (ummtiio R. KIRKWO0D THE NEW JEWELER In Front at Orr's Store Hendersonville, N.C I saw two cut out of a woman l Rlveralta, South America, where tlms are common. The fish la 1 bloodsucker, and can be easily cacji with a lump of raw meat, into wold it dives in a much similar way-tii proboscis being probably Its usuI means of securing blood. WAS DABBLING IN THE PAST Pilgrim Somewhat Resentful Becau He Was Misled Into Perusing an Old Magazine. "Among the things I'd like to W about," remarked the weary looW pilgrim with the drab mustacha, the car. "is this: How does a doeW or dentist come by his niagaxta1 Does he go around among his frieaj axl buy up old ones after his frlJ have read 'em, bo's to get 'em cheaptfj Or does he buy new magazines J then lay them away somewhere aw them age by natural process be placing them on the table in Mi caption room? b "A day or so ago I had occasion" sit in the reception room of a proflF us dentist that is, I suppose v prosperous if he charges everycw on the same scale that he does or and while I waited I began to mage through his magaxinea tw found lying on the table. I got J ested in an article in the Llteraf gest about a threatened war betvj Russia and Japan. What! Ane Russian mix-up? I became all up about it and turned over a pMJ further details. Then 1 &apPneS glance at the date, and found t Vast tvAM a manrine lSfiuco January, 1904." 66 n 7 T7T7n1 S9