' The ?ploits of Elaine A'DetfectiireNovel and amotion Picture Drama Dy ARTHUR -reseated h Coliaborstioa With tbe Path . Ooprrlg, 1?K ay the Star Company. All Forelga Rights bnnii 8YN0PSIS. ' The New Tork potto are mystified by a serins of murder of promlaent men. The ntaelpal elu to the murderer la the warn ing letteY which la tmt the victims, aimed with a "ehiUhing band." The latest Tic Urn of the mysterious aaeaaain la Taylor Dodge, the Insurance president His daughter, Elaloe. employs Craig Kennedy, tae Samoa scientific detective, to try to unravel q mystery. What Kennedy eo conplbrhes Is told by his friend, Jameson, a aevrspaper man. THIRDEPISODE The Vanishing Jewels. Hanging away at my typewriter the next day. la Kennedy'- laboratory, t was startled, by the sudden, insistent riaging of the telephone near me. "Hello," I answered, for Craig was at work at lis table, trying still to ex tract some clue from the slender evi dence thus far elicited in the Dodge mystery. "Oh, Mr. Kennedy," I heard an ex cited voice over the wire reply, "ray friend, Susie Martin, Is here. Her fa lser has just received a message from that Clutching Hand and" "Just a moment, Miss Dodge, ' 1 in terrupted 'This is Mr. Jameson." "Oh!" cams back the voice, breath less and disappointed. "Let nie have tx Kennedy quick." I had already passed the telephone te Craig and was watching him keen ly as he listened over it. Ha motioned to me for a pad and sesefl that lay near me. "Please read the letter again, slow er. Miss Dodge," he asked, adding, "there isn't time for me to see it jgtst jt$. But I want It exactly. Ton af H fc mad up of separate words and type tnt from newspapers and pasted on Bote papea?" I hasded hftn paper and pencil. "All tight, now. Miss Dodge, bo ahead." As ke wrote he indicated to ma by his eyts that ke wanted ID to read. IIMn: Murtevaat Mania, Jeweler, NO. Vt Fltta Avenue. Kcw York City. Sf-Aa yea have failed te eVMver the HMOs, I shall aeb your main diamond pas at exactly tedy. "Thank Toa, Kiss Dodge," continued Kennedy Wing town tbe pencil. "Yes, I "understand perfectly signed by that same Cntchiag Hand. Let me teer be astdcrea JpokiBg at his wjjjrit. "A to ap kaJMast elevea. Very well. I shaft in ft, yen and Miss A Remarkable Scene Greeted Us. Martin at Mr. Martin's store directly." It lacked live minutes of noon when Kennedy and I dashed up before Mar tin's and dismissed our taxicab. A remarkable scene greeted us a we entered the famous jewelry shop. Involuntarily 1 drew back. Squarely in front of us a man had suddenly i -raised a revolver and leveled it at us. "Don't!" cried a familiar voice. t "That to Mr ICennprlv'" , Just then, from a little knot of peo- pie, Elaine Dodge sprang forward with a cry and seized the gun. Kennedy turned to her, apparently not half so much concerned about the automatic that yawned at him aa about the anxiety of the pretty girl whe had intervened. The too eager plain-clothes man lowered tbe gun sheepishly. Sturtevant Martin was a typical so ciety business man, quietly but richly Pressed., v In the excitement I glanced about hurriedly. Directly in front of me was a sign ; lacaea up .on a pinar, wmcn reaa; "This store will be closed at noon to day. Martin & Co." All the customers were gone. k 1 j B. REEVE Players and the Eclectic Fika Qoenseay jmiMIMMMMMMtM Martin himself was evidently Tery nervous and very much alarmed. In deed, no one could blame him for that Merely to have been singled out by this amazing master criminal was enough to cause panic. Already he had engaged detectives, prepared for whatever might happen, and they had advised him tq leave the diamonds in the counter, clear the store and let the crooks try anything, if they dared. Just back of us, and around the cor ner, as we came in, we had noticed a limousine which had driven up. Three faultlessly attired dandies had entered a doorway down the street, as we learned afterward, apparently going to a fashionable tailor's which occupied the second floor of the old-fashioned building, the first floor having been renovated and made ready for renting Had we .been there a moment sooner we might have seen, I suppose, that one of them nodded to a taxicab driv er, who was standing at a public hack stand a few feet up the block. The driver nodded unostentatiously back at tbe man. In spite of the excitement, Kennedy quietly examined tbe showcase, which was, indeed, a veritable treasure store of brilliants. Slowly the hands of the clock came nearer together at noon. We all gathered about the showcase, with its glittering hoard of wealth, forming a circle at a respectable dis tance. In deep-lunged tones the clock played the chords written, I believe, by Handel. Then it began striking. Nothing had happened. We all breathed a sigh of relief. Well, it is still there:" exclaimed Martin, pointing at the showcase with a forced laugh. Suddenly came a rending and crash ing sound. It seemed as ff the very floor on which wt stood was giving way. The showcase, with all its priceless contents, went smashing into the cel lar below. The flooring beneath the case had been cut through! All crowded forward, gazing at the black, yawning cavern. . Down below, three men, covered with smocks and their faces hidden by masks, had knocked the props away from the ceiling of the cellar, whieb tbey had sawed almost throagh at their leisure, aad the howcase had landed eight r sea feet below, skiv ered iate a tnousaad bits. A volley of shets whizzed past us. and anetber. While one crook was hastily stuffing the untold wealth of jewels info a burlap bag the others had drawn revolvers aad were firing tip through the hole in the floer des peratcly. "Look out!" cried someone behind us before we could recover from our first surprise and return the fire. One of the desperadoes had taken n bomb from under his smock, lighted it and thrown it up thnmirh tlie holp in I lie floor. It sailed up over our heads and land ed near our little groupon the floor. Iho fuse sputtering ominously. I heard an exclamation of fear from Elaine. Kennedy had pushed his way past us and picked up the deadly infernal machine in his hare hands. j I watched him, fascinated. As near I io lio ftnrnil ho nnnrnnftioit tllo linlo in the floor, still holding the thing off at arm's length. Would he never throw it? He was coolly holding it, allowing the fuse to burn down closer to the explosion point. It was now within less than an irich of sure death. Suddenly he raised it and hurled the j deadly thing down through the hole. We could hear the imprecations of the crooks as it struck the cellar floor, near them. "Leave the store quick!" rang out Kennedy's voice. Down below the crooks were beat ing a hasty retreat through secret entrance which they had effected. - "The bag! The bag!" we could hear one of them bellow. - "The bomb run!" cried another voice gruffly. The explosion that followed lifted uS fairlv off our feet. j As the smoke from the explosion cleared away, Kennedy could b- seen, tVi Vnf tn mn the first to run forward. Meanwhile Martin's detectives had rushed down a flight of back stairs that led into a coal cellar. With coal shovels and bars, anything they could lay hands on, they attacked the door that opened forward from the coal cel lar into the front basement where the robbers had been. i A moment Kennedy and Bennett paused on the brink of the abyss which the bomb bad made, waiting for the smoke to decrease. Then they began to climb down cautioucly over the piled-up wreckage. The explosion bad set the basement afire, but tbe fire had not gained much headway by the time they reached the basement. . Quickly Kennedy ran to tbe door into the coal cellar ; and opened it. From the other side Martin, fol lowed by the police and tbe detec tives, burst in. . . ' "Fire!" cried one of tbe policemen, leaping back to turn in an alarm from the special apparatus upstairs. ' ; All except Martin began beating oat the flames, using - such weapons aa they already , held In their, bands to batter down tbe door. To Martin there was one thing para mountthe jewels. In the midst of the confusion, Elaine, closely followed by her friend, Susie, made her way fearlessly into the stifle of smoke down the stair. ."There are your Jewels, Mr. Martin," Cried Kennedy, kicking the precious burlap bag with his foot aa If it had been so much ordinary merchandise, and turning toward what was In his mind the most important thing at stake the direction taken by the agents of the Clutching Hand. "Thank heaven!" ejaculated Martin, fairly pouncing on the bag and tearing it open. "They didn't get away with them after all!" he exclaimed, exam ining the contents with satisfaction. Events were moving rapidly. The limousine bad been standing in nocently enough at the curb near the corner, with the taxicab close be hind it Less than ten minutes after they had entered, three well-dressed men came out of the vacant shop,, appar ently from the tailor's above, and climbed leisurely into their car. As the last one entered, he half turned to the taxicab driver, hiding from passers-by the sign of the Clutch ing Hand, which the taxicab driver re turned in the same manner. Then the big car whirled up the avenue. All this we learned later from a street sweeper who was at work near by. , Down below, while the police and detectives were putting out the fire, Kennedy was examining the wall of the cellar, looking for the spot where the crooks had escaped. "A secret door!" he exclaimed, as he paused after tapping along the wall to determine its character. "You can see how the force of the explosion has loosened it." Sure enough, when he pointed it out to us, it was plainly visible. One of the detectives picked up a crowbar and others, still with the hastily selected Implements they had seized to fight the fire, started in to pry it open. As it yielded Kennedy rushed his way through: Elaine, always utterly fearless, followed. Then the rest of us went through. There seemed to. be nothing, how ever, that would help us In the cellar next door, and Kennedy mounted the steps of a stairway in the rear. The stairway led to a sortjof store room, full of barrels and boxes, but otherwise characterless. When I ar rived Kennedys was gingerly holding up the smoeks which the crooks had worn. "We're oa the right tral," eottaieat d Elaisc as be showed them te her, "but where do you nrapose the ewa ers are?" Craig shrugged his shoulders and gave a quick look about. "Evidently they came in from and went away by the street." he observed, hurryimg to the door, followed ky Elaine. On the sidewalk he gazed . up the avenue, then- catching sight of the street cleaner, called to him. "Yes, sor," replied the man. stolidly, looking up from his work. "I see three gintlemen come out and get into an astomcbile." "Which way did they go?" asked Kennedy. For answer the man jerked his thumb over his shoulder in the general direction uptown. With keen glance, Kennedy strained his eyes. Far up the avenue he could descry the car threading Its way in and ou: among the others, just about disappearing. A moment later Craig caught sight of the vacant taxicab and ,'ooked his finger at the driver, who answered promptly by cranking his engine. "You saw that limousine standing here?" asked Craig. "Yes," nodded the chauffeur, with a show of alertness. "Well, follow it," ordered Kennedy, jumping into the cab. "Yes. sir." Craig was just about to close the door when a slight figure flashed past us and a dainty foot was placed on the step. "Please. Mr. Kennedy," pleaded Elaine, "let me go. They may lead to my father's slayer." She said it so earnestly that Craig could scarcely have resisted if he, had wanted to do so. Just as Elaine and Kennedy were moving off I came out of the vacant store, with Bennett and the detectives. "Craig!" I cried. "Where are you going?" Kennedy stuck his head out of the window, and I am quite sure that he was not altogether displeased that I was not with him. "Chasing that limousine," he shout ed back. "Follow us in another car." A moment later he and Elaine were gone. Bennett and I looked about. : "There are a couple of cabs down there." I pointed out at the other end of the block. "I'll take one, you take the ether." . .. Who, besides Bennett, went in the other car I don't know, but It made no difference, for we soon lost them. Our driver, however, was a really clever fellow. Far ahead now we could see the limousine drive around a corner, making a dangerous swerve, Ken nedy's cab followed, skidding danger ously near a pole. . , j put the taxicab was no 'match for the powerful limousine. On uptown they went, the only thing preventing the limousine from escaping being the fear of pursuit by traffic police If the driver let out speed. They were eon tent to manage to keep Just far enough ahead to be put of danger of having Kennedy overhaul them. As for us, we followed aa beat we could, on up town, oast the city Una, and oat into the country. ' ' ; There Kennedy lost sight alto gether of the car he was trailing. Worse .than tha, we lost sight of Kennedy. Still We kept eo blindly, trusting to luck and common snse In picking the road. I was peering ahead over the driver's shoulder, the window down, trying to direct him, when we ap proached a tork in the road. Here was a dilemma which must be decided at once, rightly or wrongly. As we neared the crossroad I gave an involuntary exclamation. Beside tbe road, almost on It, lay the figure of a man. Onr driver pulled np with a jerk and I was ont of the car In an instant. There lay Kennedy! Someone had blackjacked him. lie waa groaning and just beginning to show signs of consciousness as I bent' over. "What's the matter, old man?" I asked, helping him to his feet. He looked about dazed a moment, then seeing me and comprehending, he pointed excitedly, but vaguely. "Elaine!" he cried. "They've kid naped Elaine!" What had really happened, as we learned later from Elaiue and others, was that when the crossroads was reached the three crooks in the limou sine had stopped long enough to speak to an accomplice stationed there, ac cording to their plan for a getaway. He was a tough-looking individual who might have been hoboing it to tbe city. When, a, few minutes later, Ken nedy and Elaine had approached the fork, their driver had slowed up, as if , y 1 i KMW-- . .. ..MtfSlH WWW . , j j (. . hw Kennedy Quietly Examined the Showcase. ; in doubt nhich way to go. Craig had j stuck his head out of the window, as j I had done, and, seeing the crossroads, I had told the chauffeur to stop. There ! stood the hobo. i "Did a car pass here, just now a big car?" called Craig. The man put his hand to bis ear, as if only half comprehending. "Which way did the big car go?" re peated Kennedy. ' The hobo approached the taxicab sullenly, as if he bad a grudge against cars in general. , i One question after another elicited little that could be construed as intel ligence. If Craig had only been able to see, he would have found out that, with his back toward the taxicab driver, the hobo held one hand behind him and made the sign of the Clutch ing Hand, glancing surreptitiously at the driver to catch the answering sign, while Craig gazed earnestly up the two roads. ! At last Craig gave him up as hope j less. " "Well go ahead that way," be indicated, picking the most likely road. As the chauffeur was about to start he stalled his engine. "Hurry!" urged Craig, exasperated at the delays. The driver got out and tried to crank the engine. Again and again he turned it over, but somehow it refused to start. Then be lifted the hood and be gau to tinker.' "What's the matter?" asked Craig, impatiently jumping out' and bending over the engine, too. The driver shrugged his shoulders. "Must be something wrong with tbe ignition, -I guess," he replied. Kennedy looked the car over hastily. "I can't see anything wrong," he frowned. ; - "Well, there Is," growled the driver. Precious , minutes were speeding away as they argued. Finally with, his characteristic energy, Kennedy pot the taxicab driver aside. y, J "Let me try it," he said. "Miss Dodge, will yon arrange that park and throttle?" Elaine, equal to anything, did so, and Craig bent down and cranked the en gine. . It started on the first spin, "See;" he exclaimed. "There wasn't anything, after all." " He took a step toward the taxicab. ' "Mr. Kennedy look out!" cried Elaine.' . , Craig turned. But it was toe late. The rough-looking fellow lad'-awak-ened to life. Suddenly he stepped np behind Kennedy with a blackjack. As tbe heavy weight descended : Craig Crumpled up on tbe ground uncon scious. ' i. .v "" With a scream, Elaine turned and started to run. But the chauffeur aeised her arm. " " " " ' "Bay, bo," he asked et the rough fel low,! "what does Clutching Hand want with her? Quickl There's another oab likely to be along In a moment with that fellow Jameson In it" ' The rough fellow, with an oath, aeised her and dragged her into the taxicab. "Go ahead!" he growled, in dicating the road. ' And away they, sped, leaving Ken nedy unconscious, on the side of the road, where we found him. e e "What are we to do?" I asked help lessly of Kennedy, when we had at last got him on bis feet His head still ringing from the force of the blow of the blackjack, Craig stooped down, then knelt in the dust of the road, then ran ahead a bit, wh re it was somewhat muddy. "Which way -which way?" he mut tered to himself. I thought perhaps the blow bud af fected him and leaned over to see what he was doing. Instead, be was studying the marks made 'by the tire of the Clutching Hand cab. More slowly now and carefully, we proceeded, for a mistake meant losing the trail of Elaine. We came to another crossroads and the driver glanced at Craig. "Stop!" he ordered. In another instant he was down in the dirt, examining the road for marks. "That way!" he indicated, leaping back to the running board. We piled back into the car and pro ceeded under Kennedy's direction, as fast as he would permit. So it con tinued, perhaps for a couple of hours. At last Kennedy stopped the cab and slowly directed the driver to veer into an open space that looked partic ularly lonesome. Near It stood a one story brick factory building, closed, but not abandoned. As I looked about at the unattrac tive scene, Kennedy already was down on bis knees in the dirt again, study ing the tire tracks. They were all confused, showing that the taxicab we were following had evidently backed in and turned several times before going on. "Crossed by another set of tire tracks!" he exclaimed excitedly, studying closer. "That must have been the limousine, waiting." Laboriously he was following the course of the cars in the open space, when one word escaped him, "Foot prints!" He was up and off in a moment, be fore -we could .Imagine what he was after. We had got out of the cab, and f folio wed him as, down to the very shore of a sort of cove or bay, he went. There lay a rusty, discard ed boiler on the. beach, half sub merged Ja the rising tide. At this tank the - footprints seemed te go right down the sand and into the waves, which were slowly obliterating them. Kennedy gazed out as if to make out a possible boat on the hori zon where the cove widened out, "Look!" I cried. ; Further down the shore, a few feet, 1 had discovered the same prints, go ing in the opposite direction, back to ward the place from which he had just ceme. I started to follow them but soon found myself alone, , Ken nedy had paused beside the eld boiler -V "What is it?" I asked, retracing oiy steps. " ' He didf not answer, but1 seemed to b" listening. We listened also. There certainly waa a most peculiar noise inside that tank. Was it a muffled scream1? Kennedy reached down and picked ap a" rock, bttttes the tank with a re sounding- blow. -Aa the) eche died down, he listened again.' '' - Tea, there waa a souaA acream, perhAp--woman's yoIm, tafnVlRt unmistakable. - looked at his lace inejaMgly. Without a word I read ta It O con flrmaOon of the thought that bad Hashed into my talnd.- , Elaine Dodge waa inside! First had come the limousine, with Its three bandits, te the spot fixed on as a rendetvoqa. Later had come the taxicab. As it hove into sight, the three well-dressed crooks had drawn revolvers, thinking perhaps the plan for getting rid of Kennedy might pos sibly have miscarried. But the taxi- cab driver and the rough-faced fellow had reassured them with the sign of the Clutching Hand, and the revolvers were lowered. - As they parleyed hastily, the roughneck and the fake chauffeur lifted Elaine out of tbe taxi. She was bound and gagged. "Well, now we've got her, what shall we do with her?" asked one. "It's got to be quick. There's an other cab," put in the driver. "The deuce with that" "The deuce with nothing," he re turned. "That- fellow Kennedy's a clever one. He may come to. If he does, he won't miss us. Quick, now!" "See," cried the third. "See that old boiler down there at the edge of the water? Why not put her in there? No one'll ever think to look in such a place." With a hasty expression of approval, the roughneck picked Elaine up bodily. still struggling vainly, and together 1 they carried her, bound and gagged, to the tank. The opening, which was j toward the water, was small, but tbey i managed, roughly, to thrust her in. I A moment later and they had rolled up a huge bowlder against tbe small entrance, bracing it so that It would be impossible for her to get out from the inside. Then they drove off hast ily. Frantically Elaine managed to loosen the gag. She screamed. Her voice seemed to be bound around by the iron walls as she was herself. She shuddered. The water was risings had reached her chest, and was still rising, slowly, inexorably. What was that? Silence? Or was someone outside? ! Coollv. In snite of the emergency. Kennedy took in the perilous situa tion. The lower end of the boiler, which was 'on a slant on the rapidly shelving beach, was now completely under wa ter and impossible to get at Besides, the opening was small, too small. Kennedy gazed about frantically aad his eye caught the sign on the factory: OXVAri:TVT.WNE Vr,I.BIK CO. f , "Come, Walter," he cried, running up the shore. ' A mouv-nt later, breathless, we reached the doorway. It was, ef course, locked. Kennedy Whipped out his revolver and several well-directed shots through the keyhole smashed the lock. We put our shoulders to It and swung the door open, entering the factory. Beside a work bench stood two long j cylinders, studded with bolts. I "That's what I'm looking for," ex : claimed Craig. "Here, Walter, take ! T11 Inba tha rtthar anil t'h tubes and" We ran, for there was no time to lose. As nearly as I could estimate it the water mist now be slowly closing over Elaine. "What is it?" I asked, as he joined up the tubes from the tanks to the peculiar hooklike apparatus he car ried. "An oxyacetylene blowpipe," he mut tered back feverishly. "Used for weld ing and cutting, too," he added. With a light he touched the nozzle, Instantly a hissing, blinding flame needle made the steel under it lncan descent. The terrific heat from one nozzle made the steel glow. The stream of oxygen from the second completely consumed the hot metal. Kennedy was actually cutting out a huge hole in the still exposed surface of the tank all around, except for a few inches, to prevent the heavy piece from falling Inward. As Kennedy carefully bent outvard the section of the tank which he had cut, he quickly reached down and lifted Elaine, unconscious, out of the water. Gently he laid her on the sand. It was the work of only a inoraent to cut the cords that bound her hands. There she lay, pale and still. Was she dead? Kennedy worked frantically to re vive her. - At last, slowly, the color seemed to return to her pale Hps. Her eyelids fluttered. Then her great, deep eyes opened. ,-. : . As she looked np and caught sight of Craig bending anxlonsly over her, she seemed to comprehend. For a mo-,, ment both were silent. Then Elaine reached up and took his hand. y ' "Craig," she whispered, "you you've saved my life!" V : 11 ' Her tone was eloquent ' - "Elaln V he whispered, still gating , down "fnto her wonderful eyes, "the, ' Clutciilug Hand shall vpay for this! It.. Is a fight to b finish between us!" (TO BE CONTINUED.! , . ,