r. -: -II (i . It ' 'JU-,-; f ' ' ' ' i, '. '': ft ' ... V i;c:,TU C i . . ... iTS C t -4.. y- v y. : ; --r-"S-..i.. T''.'.,vir?. ''V-.-;: i i' ' j ' ijTbV ,ect ".emending, tW ileaiargpn ,'';, .county, road JaW provide that silj able .lodlod male persons between thevagSs '-ix 21 ; knd; 451 'yea,' excepting: those ; 's$,pu'2 as I sistrict-sup'ervsors shall be i Jiabletb ; 'tdr annually five' dayBVlaboif-oh e y public ,adsi; br'.ih-;fier:,iof ib'rl: . shall pay' the dlsttii'''X vipylsile ' Bum of $4. The law" atop provides 'patfttielge ulnyidirtftc ''M tight to use 8a feet in width for, the ,y construction of any public road ,'wperb y . itla under theieohtroljof ;abn";pbunty irba& supryfa - toad authorities are, given the'iC to - 'enter UDon ahV lands-for m distance .,oi., jo ; xee on - eitner side, oi any pubUcy road ;djxendyef iiy timber !hat.; may damage : mi'nii '&' yyi mental trees' surrbundlhgny MA ;50i;shall.bp It isl provided atop tbat''inWfe' -Jff- tjff make the law effectual, therejahall -v-be constituted a board of three -road trustees,- ! elected Cby the board pj ,counry commissioners one or tvmciu . trustees shall ,.be 'a memher of;the board of, county : commissioners,; And ' the' other two shall.be men of known -businea V 'quaMeatioiuC rwhpvi have '; i " -proven themselves to be intern' - the '.promotion of the Jbestf interests -:,':"'' of i Henderson county; .. -h The1 three i;membenio' 'chosen'shall!coristitiite the .board of . county road trustees Ibr j JJ ; tney are constituted a corporate Way K t: wi sail, w acai twa act generally xoTtne wst interests ox u tne public v . . ..V roads. of Henderson county. ? .tvfc r board "of trustees are -given control ;B:i;and;suipemsi6ncof, ll;f'':3llhe'1 other gj:jamw. in, tne;county, .toy tlw4th"1lri:iow th make J , 'vnd tegulfttions jlot thribverniifS(t' . . , iujr lUHjr usu .auopi,. ruies go vern 7' ing1 the working of the county chain 0'. gngand make such , regulations as ;.; deem , advfsable n connection with ; the building and upkeep of the jroads ' in the countyTJie'aipf specifies ! that ,:u when such' rules And regulations are , adopted, persons violating them sfiall ; be guilty of i misdemeanor. .tSfrCbe ;;:41wct-,tht. the trustees snau employ, a suitable ' ana, , com- ; V :petent fuU-time man to bf known as y general road supervisor of all. public roads In the' couMtv.- thi aUnervisbr y f of .trustees, general, supervision and charge of all the road ' and bridge , V; management oi me cnain gang. ;it'T!tvn ;aet'prvide thai it shaU .1 . bfi. the duty ; of the; road 4npryisor ;':to Jeep an v accurate account, of all expenditures ftnd to define xthe pur ,rv. pose of such expenditures and ex- ::niine -: carefully all accounts irmade 'I'f sainst any and'! all rotd, bridge . funds, hich ecoTO V l proved vby him and the chainnan of the hoard of road trustees, before, the fMme: shaUbe : ordred'; paid by .tiie ' V . omty commissioners, l fhi ''p&''mgfitvmi la given the right to1 go upon, any lands in , ,' Henderson county for the fwtpvtiffl ;"i ceding material for. the construction w,t n4 maintanancfl i of .the public roads. i' , But tn procuring mtHal be sbAll Sib 5 as: little "damara ' as "oossible" to h' J'Cpropertyupon1 which he goes for this ?f purpose ; and ehalji have the right to li::pay! owner or owners o f property frqm which- material is taken ajrinatyi comnensation 'therefor. it .furtter provideC;sp tfWv,' ;' 'th hanrAnl toad tnmtees shall upkeep, repair and main- 4 K?i,teRcnde..i9f: existing graded roads in the county of more importance than ? the construction of new roads.. Plain i.'"A V sig-bban ' y. jat-ently. ;,,;,J "and Vlfc boards are required ta be per erected at all cross roads forks of , roads in' the county. Ilia fofegbiflg covers the principal rs wherein the ew law d.era tVe old. - The act amended is r 3 of the Public' Laws c the cf wis.' ' i.'fur'., i r- i a r i i ! 1 ' lA il-Isxwell chairman I'- of k v tte State commissi lowing explanation of the manner of atmg'tiixes' Blunder; the, .recenUy exacted, jmcjiiriery - actV f$J$0Wf ''Theifusual: form, of machinery vact. was re-enacted with 'some, important amendments, for .the regular listing of 'personal projrtyVthis yeaT. The boards? of j coflnty commissioners in 'the;;se;rabWtieslw i their regulaY meeting in Apri, town ship Ustkers for taking the; Bstf if personal property in the .usual way in the. months of May .and June, ; and wiUbr;forrd;lR) old valuation of ..real propertyJil; 40nii " impprtant" change, applica ble ; in listmgi this ; year;l does ;:aMray with the listing1 of shares of jrtock m banks; by the shareholders.' .The tax is each, case will.hereafter be charged against the bank " .nistead, " of : the shareholder.; and vpaiuV.by the; banE This ha3 been, the rule as to ail in. corparld ; C9mipnie!r other than banks. ' Bnks are permitted, as here tofpre, tosdeduct stato'nda'.issuedJ since from surplus, and are now permitted to. deduct federal and' state. bonds, to the- extent ' of . 25 per ceht of capital and surplus if held ;three months prior to date of listihg--May first and can'eductr, federal bonds of the new issue of Victory Bonds to be issued in April,, if paid . for 3f Apriisoth;; t y:. . , Hyjti "i'or the year I9l taxpayers witt oe.requirea to vswx income irom sajariesand t 'fees ' for .the eight mpntbi from May llSlSto .Jah- u-lpl?, jtoatead ; of for a full year, j This change is made zor tne purpose cjf haying;he stateincome tax t -ffK&A :;conf drrff o'Hhe 'ciiehdar ffae period ;as that used by the federal government, and afterlthif ,'yeal incoinewiu. : beJrs ported ifibyte56r':4t' calendafyear. .fejilidMti&M awadfftht .exemptions; :favor tionislreiiu f baingle" :U'x(n! fi560piear b! $i,nO(and ior married men or widows and widowers having minor children the' exemption' is increased from $1,250 to $1,600. For the year 19.19, In which the in come reported 1m fdr eight months, the exemption is prorated' accord- inely and will"be $666.66 And $1,000, respective:r't;.. ' r "The taxlister in every township in the state this year will want to kno. If you own a dog, pr U any member of yonr family owns a dog, and if you admit theinsinuation jthe tax will be $1.00 for males and $2.00 for fe male dogs, which will go to the school fund of the county. . 1 " " ' S .ThesV gare; the ; only material changes respecting, your tax list for tbi;year,?.;4: ... WGTOIIY LOAN YlCTOHY LrtERTY LOAW SUN .''DAY MAY 4''-;'? May 4 has been fixed as Victory Liberty Loan Sunday, it has been officially announced by the war loan organization, v Lewis ' B. Franklin, director of Ae war loan, organization of .the United States Treasury stated in a "telegram,, that the above date had been set, to avoid anv conflict with the Easter, services of Sunday, April 20. i-i'H'ft-f -f : -s I :, j Cominirjiust after the . middle of the Victory Liberty Loan campaign it is hoped that this Sunday will be observed S a speeial day of thankst giving; for victory. ! Every minister In theJEifth Federal Reserve Wistnct will .be asked to co-operate ' to this end. Ministerial unions will also be expected 4 to participated - Sunday schools and Bible classes Will be re? auested to Observe Victory Sunday, as th Easter season, seems a fitting time for a dayV: of ; Wjoteing i; and thanksgiving. '...;.'...:c(is...;. ''I1 If -f! "1 MImm Sbipnaa'EnterUUi W On last Monday ; evening Misses Jessie, Gert and Beulah ShipmanL e- hightfuUy'ientertained m'ehpnbr't bl their brother, Grover, who has Just returned yfront -v; service overseas.' Music was'' enjoyed' .from a string band and games, contests, etc., con tributed to tie pleasures.pf ;tiie; eve4 ning.V; Kefresr-nenta conBistmg.of ice' cieaoi end cilse v ere served the f ol- i2 gm-ts; irnses 'Biffie.( Car ; k II rcnce Justus, Juno Israel, i .at. ..ta Crr, 'vine Connor, , TJilla C 'f, 1-Ic.?.riie"r..'itaan, Anne Con- v ' ; Am ; :d-. V i: 1X1W, y -: ',: -.'-m-i V-) Pf-i Increase of 20 per cett in. domestic telegraph rateeffecive April 1 were announced' Saturday by Poslnaater K -The increase was agreed upon at a Ineetmg of the federal wire board and jwrt; .madeMcessftrylto thnouncement said, , to meej: "the in creased cost of oneration. bcca'Sibned by wage Increases now ih effect, maide duripg;the;ipast year.".'. Mr,' Burleson added that Jthe . advance would ; be "barely ; sufficient:! or ;;this purppsev ; ,The ojelt'tftltta ,1ox jjremV aid commercial messages,' but it was announced that there would be noin lirease in special press rates for news papers or in .'charge'f or special wires leased by press associations and hews- under the order, nowever, cpmmerr cial and government leased wires will be-' charged for at an- advance of 20 per cent over existing, rates whether such wires.be furnished by a teleg raph or telephone system under gov ernment control.' ' . j . . v. i . -" ' . .Mr, Burleson's order follows: r '. i"The following schedule for domes' tie commercial telegraph . rates ; shall be effectivpironv April 1, 1919, and continue uixtifotherwise ordered, the echedule'giving.'the present rate and the new rate (: 25 cents,5 accents for each additional wbrd 30 .cents, 2.5 cents; 80 cents,, 2 Cents; 36 cents, 2.5 cents; 85 cents,"' 2 cents i ' 42 cents, 2.5; 40 cents,T8 cents ; 48; cents, 3.5 ; 50 cents, 3 tents; 60 cents, .3.5; 60 icents, 4 cpats;; --72 ; cents,! 5.; , 75 cents, 5 cents; 9 cents, 6.;. $1, 7 icents; $t.2P, 8.5i: f . V ;;"Day letters and night letters shall bet :;eompute4: ast present:; r but eharged f or 'on the basU of the above rates Night messages' Will b charg ed for at; over'xwtttg'nigh:;ms'sM jomereial;.';-ancl t government leased wires sha$ bib" charged for t jnk'jlaaled'T'V) teiwbaflhatliich; wires be furnished by a telegraph or a telephone system, X under, : govern- anient .eootSJ'Pv- v.-'r The, telegraphic rates for domes tic United States government - tele grams are increased 20 per cent oyer the present government rate. ' . The rate increases herein ordered are made necessary to meet- the in- erease.d cost of operation occasioned by wage increases now m-eireevmaa during the past year and are barely sufficient for the purpose." ;; Mr. Burleson's order was issued by the . department without - comment, other than the explanation that the increase would not affect press rates and charges on Wires leased by news papers and press associations.' i Increased wages of employes of all departments of telegraph sys tems under federal- control, except employes at "non-functional" offices and messengers became effective last December .1. Employes , in service more than a year and a half received an increase of 10 per cent and those employes less than a year and a half five. per cent' -.- v-.-v RE 500 SHARES The 16th series-of . Bui and Loan stock has been selling like hot cakes. J More than 600 j shares nave already been taken,; representing a maturity value of more than $50,000. Mi CarntlclMial EnUrtauia u; On ; last Saturday . evening . gillie' Carmichael. delightfully; enter tained at the home of her aunt; Mrs. E. JEt-Davis, in honor f Misi EtBel Marlow and Mrs. Eel. Hyrne" of Ashe- 'villejy;,Musicf:iganwj5fa were enjoyed in addition, to a delight ful jMilad coursen? The guestsiwerti Mis:'Mariow;-hd;:Mrs;arPyrne Asheville; MissesMariprie Peaice Katie ''MeeVA'''treai4oidali and Gert' Shlpmari Ethel Manders; Glover. JoneW Manning r Morris, !Bill Keese, : GrbverShipmanBill Xadson, AI srt . EdwaTdsii ELVCase- n& Joe iVeemali.: iyt'-yiyii ie Voman's C'u.ofl Henderson- is making every effort, to com- " '7 'entertaihttlieFed-ated 'a Cls 'of t! -re..ia'J.""9,;i ?ir!miif;niiv f dl; S;A? recent issue 'of the Miami FlaJ)-Herald Contains the following interview with Henry. Watterson, which will interest a large number tlXiiti response to -The Herald'rin- quiry, 'What of the President's con. us ; performance in Europe?" 5P$!Henry''Watterso; Miami -.by recent indisposition,' re- Ui Wnk,that Events- helped .along by the Pdent;hfanselfr;will verify my forecast thati neiJs;.iriot merely a candidate fpr; a third-term inithe White House, but tiiat for a nomination to such ne holds all the wihnfng cards in his' hands.v;, .You men that 'he bontrbls the i)cfmbcratic machbet" 'W 'S i; i;why. yes," be answered, "if you cari'to put jt . that way.'- The Demo- party, so-called, he long ago abolished, having previously much de baucifed it.; Nothing of it survives, exe'epithe tattered label, and he holds thai oetwixt his thumb and forefinger. t Vm . inclined to believe, however, that " he has eliminated ' the ; United States fromT his immediate activities M aoi established conquest and is now giving his mighty thought to the sub liniaon Of the world." v . "That suggestion, Mr. Patterson,'' uiterjected the reporter, "would seem to -require elaboration, if not .expla nation." fMr. Wilson," the editor resumed, "likes most of those whose ambitions outrpn their talents, has "become the of the. contingencies he - has himself raised up. He has been cangit by the foreign lure. He -sails the blue of the'empyrean. a The scion of a race of jteligioua - fanatics and rustic scholars his , commbn place mhid)'grew to be over-trained, and he. -''"Reached manhood . already a dangerous intellectual aaventurer. ich characters' seem strangely Within" lss than a decade, advanced from a University professor ;;to 'ne chief magistracy, Woodrow Wilson has so thrust himself into the affairs it his own land- and other lands, as to be t this moment the most conspicious figure, at the fore-front. "A ..'virtuous, right-minded man flius situate "would (emulate the hu milityjpf. a. Washington and the hu manity of a Lincoln. Mr. -Wilson Sees nothing but himself and his per sonal exaltation lives .for : nothing except his' ; own advantage seeks nothing save power and authority, the concrete things pf rulership rep resented by the regal splendors and feudal glories, which through some what trawled and fading, still go on about him. He is too . clever not to set up for a prophet Thus the league of peactf and the religion of the .up lift 'The1 once ' famous .faker, the Immortal J, N.fc' as he called himself, must turn over with envy In his grave and the bones of Mother Eddy grow sick with the thought of lost opportunities,'-' : V';:,7 -';.- .. .. ;- , . "Dont you think, Mr. Watterson,'? asked The Herald, "that Mr. Wilson is doing more good than harm, on the other side l'" "If I,were phrase-making, at wbrd solitting.'? ,he replied, ! "I might say that he. deserves imneachment for goinffjat alk v jt is he ld story of meddle and muddle. - The world is al ways full of it - As a consequence of his maladroit tinkering Europe will find itself the middle of the coming summer in flames. Then we shall have him home, again urging intervention. It has been his mission in life to make trouble-wherever hb appeared.. When .the great Jehovah interjected such a sinster ;bpirit,intMur nairs it- must have been to punish us ior our mani fold delinauencies as a nation and a people---; y -o. f ? Y- f-'v:''-; "WoJ should steer clear Of Ettro neari cbmidicatibn;Nevef has been a time when the admonitions of Washington Jefferson, and Monroe carried greater weight. ' Mr. Wilson's mediocre! mind inl i' colossal - vanity have already Carried hin far' to sea. It is 'burs to look to it that he ioes not' carry the country to the ship- EASTm MILLlKERY OPENING . On JTaturday. April 5j the ladies of the oman' Club of Henderionvine will ) -e a great display of remodeled hata . , le so!J. below cosLT This m- :i 1.:: NEWSIKOlSil OF INTEREST The Rosedale . State . Bank' of . Special Communications of Eedron Kansas CityMp., made $5 as- the fe- Lodge, No.: 887 , A. P; .& A. II., are suit of an-ampted ' holdup ; four Rtrnncnm hnnHotl tha amriatanf" cashier a bill , to change drew revolvers on him e cashier unexpectedly and the strangers forget to take their money in their hasty retreat. ', GRADUATES WILL"'. WEAR $10 ". v GOWNS ' h Girls of the Lewis and Clark High school, in Spokane, Wash., have decid ed they will Wear graduation gowns that shall not cost more than $10, land that the maximum price to be paid for pumps shall be $6. . ; r ' NEW QUEEN OF THE SEASy The superdreadnought Idaho) the most formidable warship ever built, has been put in commission at the New York Shipbuilding Corporation's plant in Camden, N. J. . Naval officers maintain that ""the Idaho is invincible if attacked by a fleet of the most modern vessels, and the assertion has. beep made that she Could sink them, all without a scratch to herself. The Idaho has a battery of 12 14-inch guns, each' capable of hurling a 1,500-pound projectile 15 miles at the average speed of 2,800 feet a second. The warship has a speed of 25 miles an hour. No other fighting vessel, it is said, can shoot a projectile further than ten miles or can maintain a speed equal to the Idaho. The Idaho is '634 feet, 6 inches long, has a beam of 97 feet 4 inches, and a draught pf 80 feet His dis placement is 84,000 tons and her oil fuel turbine engines are capable, of 32,060 horsepower. ' More than $l$r .000,000 has been spent on the dreadnought HEAVY GUNS FOR" U. 5. ARMY &e:Warl5eiiiBrann bbTabmlpKte ie Waf T5eitorftnntt bbfiteft)t8 the expenditure of $48,240,855 for guns of various types. These include 396 of .the "preferred type" of heavy howitzers, the ,9.6-inch model;, 841 new 5.05-inch guns; 50 8-mch howit sers, and, 20 9.2-inch howitzers, work on which could not be stopped when the armistice was signed. 1 ' The War Department also will buy 4,281 Browning heavy machine guns and 22419 light Brownings. Among other items are 74 carriages for 12 inch sea-coast mortars and 73 railway mounts for weapons of this type. .Light thousand, four hundred and sixty-seven tractors and 1,065 tanks will be completed for the army. The tanks Will include 15 of the small 8- ton type, 950 of the 6-ton type, and 100 of the 30-ton model. . FREEDOM DILL BE GRANTED J... FEW ALIENS . . Between 500 and' 600 Germans no longer considered dangerous will be released on parole from two intern ment camps in the United States within, the next two weeks, accord- ins; to an announcement made by the department of justice. JAP LAND DEAL HELD UP The state department acting under insistent representations of Senator James JJ. PhSlan,' of California, has warned the California-Mexico Land Company, of Los Angeles, that the proposed sale to Japanese interests of 800,000 acres of land . in Lower California will not be tolerated by the United States. ; ' The state department directed at tention of the land company to the Lodge resolution, adopted, by the Sen ate in -1912, which caused the sus pension - of negotiations between Japanese interests and an American syndicate for the transfer Of Magda- lena bay tp Japanese; --If allowed, this deal would have given Japan Valuable site as naval base.. I; The present proposed transfer of 'Lower California property, it is stated, was assuming the appearance of the transr- f er f fishing properties. , iil l:he questioitraised by the proposed amis; lirid the; action of ,;the state- de partment' ia regarded ' as one, which Lmay 'find an techo at the peace- con ference. The Japanese' embassy in Washington claims to: h&ve had' no knowledge of the alleged negotia- yS3ner jdbct thing resultinj; from the v :md"::nse'.of '..aut-c".'.les':,in , U4 ' -nlj j. , . W'tlll;y,:i:'l.i''-'!f:1' and then work' in the First Deeree. - tHs ; 'C ? appearea T-itvMiriitt-.m,'A; , Visiting Brothers cordially wel- cpmedyS;)! , 7 t ' ' at S. 0. s. TP tne jE.uitor,oi 'im Times rv-;yfii5$ . The undersigned, though protest ing that he' is already over worked,; has been designated county chairman to press' the Victory Liberty Loan,' " V over "his protest' Having -been ap- ' y , pointed and urged to do this work I ",, , am going to do: my best, and - pur :'i y suant to this purpose have selected a number of the foremost people fa; y.Ny the county to aid in the great work, . ''y but nearly all of these whom I have;'';:.'' '.: . called upon to aid have positively re4 ;i'i; . fused because of the pressure of their y-YV own business. I must, therefore, ap-, peal to the people of Henderson conn-' , ty, at large, for volunteers to aid in this work. If the German army had ' - ? ' won the war none of us would have - yi had any personal business to attend - ? ; . -to, but would be serving the Kaiser ' "t ' ;'-:; in such capacity as it pleased him ''to;'' ;,'vSv.; command. We can't quit until all the' ! boys in Europe are home again. We . , ' . have got to pay to get them back. . - ; This Liberty Loan is the fifth1 and last, k v , that the government will ask the peo-'' . y r: pie to take. It is to bring home the . yy'.-: hoys who have saved our liberties and ' kept us from under the German heeL y . 'f. ' Wttl not red-blooded, patriotic citi- , ' sens from every precinct in this y i'ii county organize a committee of work-! en at once and -advise me that .they ' are ready to ennd up Henderson s hand contiedjnn'Jietipw4TIMtlwn dred percent patriotic and liberty- loving. Seiw.jniB;.tJi'iiime.'.'o who are ready; to 'WtaiAe',;nlhTf army that has to put up the last fight y y that must be made to crown, bur yte tory. Let me have your offer of services quickly that I may post you and furnish you with the necessary equipment for the work. Who will volunteer? Quick! . .' . . i';"i The drive begins April 21st . We must be ready before then. ' ' E. W. EWBANK, County Chairman. PERSONAL MENTION Walter Orr, of the U. S. a W(PS$ wood, is visiting his parents in the-'-' city. Walter has made five - trips ' . V across the ''pond" and says the navy "'.'": "-r "the Ufe." "".' ' Charles French Toms, . Sr., and !y Charles French Toms, Jr., were here ' : ; from Asheville Wednesday. rV - M. R. Anderson, who met with the ' misfortune . of getting a leg broken " , at the mill of the Calx Manufacture y ing Company; near Etowah, some two- ;'; ; weeks ago, is reported to be improv. ing nicely. - - . W. J.1 Baldwin, a well-known jcitfc zen of Fletcher was a visitor in town., f Thursday. ; f t. W. R. Whitson, attorney, of Ashe-yi;, ', ville, was here Wednesday on pro , i , fessional business. , ,. . ' V i -,' '' "" - ' ':, 7j;y;!i"py' B. K. Newman, a well-known farm er of Balfour section, Thursday on business. was. tnere, Richard Thompson, son of our ,y ' . townsman, A. G. ' Thompson, ' died y y Wednesday night,- after a lingering illness of several months.! y Solomon Jones,' one bf i the oldest and be'st-known' citizens of the county ty was here Thursday from his home V in. Crab .C!eV. tovmshipl ;; -!'v i-i-i- e, son .of. Mrs. . Blythe, ha received hisy;, honorat discharge anpl h.;rettufned; fco--Mr. Blythe ' spht almost a year c seas and in M member of tLa 1 ' ' amsaiUc'traitf'Whiclicper:.' WW .A(;s; 44,. I'Jjt due wo pc .".Jireinu ' The customer sot IV- .ce.''1.'-" -V will be i's ell county fat!:' tvrel a --v.t.v..: 1

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