r" r i . cc::ly o::e ti::::o ehss UT GC1DI "Hurt's Dr. King's New DU covery for fifty year a cold-breaker" NOTHING but sustained quality and unfailing effectiveness can arouse such enthusiasm. Nom ine but sure relief from stubborn old colds and onrushing new ones, grippe, throat-tearing coughs, and croup could have made Dr. King's New Discovery the nationally popular and standard remedy it Is today. ; Fifty years old and always reliable. ' Good for the whole family. A bottle in the medicine cabinet means a short lived cold or cough. 60c. and L20. All druggists. Give It a trial , LETTER OF APPRECIATION Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 24, 1919. Rector Publishing Company, Hendersonville, N. C. ; . Gentlemen: t m enchain, herewith, my cnecK ti nn as subscription to your pa per, though I have never been a sub scriber but have enjoyeq reau.K -u In consideration of that, I send you the $1.00 for subscription to your paper as 1 enjoy me inae attitude although I donot f""1-"- .7. lwavs aeree with your puuwi views. Yours very turly, J. C. HASKELL, Pres. Atlantic Compress Co. .Regular Bowels Is Health Bowels that move spasmodically- free one aay ana siuuuum mo should be healthfully regulated by Dr. King's New Life Pills. In this way youkeep the Impurities of waste mat- m ilotlncr thmiicrh th HV8- tem by cleansing the bowels thorough ly and promoting the proper flow of Due. Mild, comfortable, yet always rella- ... rxl vlr.o'a Mow T.lfo Pills WOrk Die, il . xuu() o ' " : , with precision without the constipation results of violent purgatives. 2oc as usual at au uruggisia. Gel vour mae-axine and newspaper .. Mw Stand. 10-17-tf mx ins vHw . - -. . t AN T A D S LOST Army tent. If found com municate with J. W. Bailey, nen dersonville, N. C. - ltPd J. W. Mclntyre Sanitary Plumber Steam and Hot Water Fitter. All Work Guaranteed. MAIN STREET PHONE 159 HENDERSONVILLE. N. C FOR SALE Farm containing 63 acres, 8 room house, and outbuild- infrc- nn i raD reeiv "-" Holly Springs church. Your price and terms. Wm. B. Gardiner, Etowah, N. C. 10-31-2tpd WANTED For the winter 4 or 5 room bungalow, furnished. Best care guaranteed. Tax Collector's office. 10-31-2tpd WOOD SAWING For wood tawing phone 61 or see G. F. Chapel. F 10-31-2tpd LOST Gold watch Saturday night between postoffice and the Five & Ten Cent Store. Waltham move ments. Letters M. A. en-raved on ! back. Finder return to me and re : ceive reward. Butler Mills, Hen ! dersonville, R. F. D. 0, Box 2 ltpd ANOTHER DIFFICULT PROBLEM ' 1 " 1 t , Thev are tointr to have , an election over in Tennessee on November 4. The campaign, which has been going n for several weeks, is one of the hottest that has ever been waged in the state, in connection with munici pal elections. The registration closed the otner dav. and if the same ratio prevails in the country towns, as in the larger cities, it would seem that women out number men on registration books. Tn Memnhis a very active campaign : - J nM aavanl wopics DV was carrieu v "t" " v the women who made a special effort to procure the registration of more female voters than any other section nf the state. So active was the cam paign that it appears few negro wo men are to be found in the city of Memphis whose names are not on the rptfiatration books. A quotation from the Memphis Commercial Appeal will serve to show something of the ef forts that were put forth to get the names of all women voters on the registration books. The Appeal says: "A trip through the business sec tion yesterday afternooi-was a little discouraging, for one of the facts in regard to the general registration in Antrust. which had caused most com ment, was the preponderence of white I women who had registered above me negro women. Moreover, in the gen eral registration few women register ed in the uptown districts and large numbers enrolled in the residential section of the city. "When a visit to some of the up- town polling places yesterday showed that many negro women and lew white women were registering for a time it looked as though the women leaders might not be able to point to. the figures of the supplemental regis tration with the pride they had dis played when the figures of the general rptristration were made public." In other words, in the supplemental registration the number of negro : women who registered equaled or ex-; ceeded that of white women. I Another interesting quotation from. " 18 cents a package EXPERTLY blended choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos in Camel cigarettes elimi nate bite and free them from any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor. Camels win instant and permanent success with smokers because the blend brings out to the limit the What you pay out your good money for is cigarette satisfaction and, my, how you do get it in every puff of Camels! low-mildness of the tobaccos yet re taining the desirable "body." Camels are simply a revelation! You may smoke them without tiring yourtaste! For your own satisfaction you must compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price. Then, you'll best realize their superior quality and the rare enjoyment refreshing flavor and delightful mel- they provide. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Win.ton-Salem, N. C. BT2E l?--yy-Tre.a:c..a.u.aitgJ I P REGAL SHOES (WANTED To hire a married man. Fifty dollars per monm ana iuu.-. rent. R- J. Woollcy, P. 0. Box 515. Hendersonville, N. C. l'0-24-3t Mtneola WANTED To trade Henderionville real estate for pair of mules and wagon or Tractor engine, kerosene prefered. Robert E. Ward, Hen ille. N. C. Route 1. 10-21-2tpd The ADDeal follows: "In the second precinct of the hrst, TAKES ON MORE INSPEC ward negro women were registering: TORS who acknowledged that they did not even Know vnai a iKB.-.. t . -,a, ,aw w was, but who said they had been told! Aimougn in - '.t r and vote Ibcen in operauuu um wi.v, . "The heaviest registration found in I the volume of work has become so the untown section was at the DeSoto I great that three new inspectors have hotel on Calhoun avenue, where 65 just been added to the force. Eight counties have already bcenj A campaign qf ridicule is being covered more or less completely by directed against the ocngressional in vestigations into administration wasie had registered by 4 o'clock. Of this number all save 4 or 5 were women, These men are Clyde H. Cline, of Newton, Hugh E. Fritts, of Salisbury, ana A ... n m J TTAM.14- ivhA havo hPPTI and there wasn't a single white lerry, oi nnw, in thP lot." assigned to their respective ar.c, It is said Democratic workers were :tliP state insDectors. The favorable fall weather is making it possible lor their work to proceed with great rapidity. The addition of three more insnectors will eive great impetus to work, so that every community in the state, if possible, will be reached in the first round of inspection Del ore the bad weather of the winter months sets in. and extravagance. The committees must be "getting warm. Maybe a "contemptible quitter" is i . .1 i.L r v-k I a fellow wno senas uie anuy navy to Vera. Cruz to get a salute, doesn't get it, and comes away with out it, leaving his countrymen to the mercy of murderous Mexico. GLAZENER'S TWO STORES FOR Shoes, Dry Good and Clothing. The cheapest stores in the state. We cut the price and sell the p;oods. Follow the crowd. mR SALE Ford Worm Truck. Good condition. Would Ford Roadster. Can I'AV IIUUJ-,1-' v - ---- WANTED Table boarders. Apply to Mrs. J. M. Dermic!. 224 Third Avenue. 10-24-2t Drive '.especially active in this precinct. Twenty years ago who would nave thnne-ht the time would come wheni be seen at W. J. Turners earn, pomicai , Hendersonville, N. C, 10-26-3tpd faith could be seen industriously at; work procuring me regisirauuu i ; negro women But women, in many. states, have already been given me right to vote. The state of Tennes-, see has conferred upon its women the right to vote in municipal elections, and men in their zeal to win an elec tion, even a municipal election, will not let the color of a woman s skin deter them from getting her name on the registration books, if she agrees j to support the .ticket for which tneyj are working. : The experience the folks in Mem phis are now having in getting women FOR QUICK SALE 35-acre farm 9. miles from Hendersonville; good state of cultivation, good cottage and small out-buildings and shop at the price of $3500. Staton and Rector, Hendersonville, N. C. 9-26 A lSi L-iL-i l I n ' FOR SALE At a bargain, one Auto- 1 I j knitter and . all accessories wun I eiirht nounds of wool yarn. W. H. care G. G. Hyder, Seventh Ave., Hendersonville, N. C. 10-17-4tpd Dr. 11. M. Carson Dentist Office over H. Patterson' Store Mani street. Hendersonville, N. C. WANTED Men or women to take orders among friends and neigh bors for the genuine guaranteed hosiery, full line for men, women and children. Eliminates darning. We pay 50c and hour spare time -i ,. wpok for full time. Ex- ti - perience unnecessary. Write In ternational Stocking Mill, Norris town, Pa. 10-17-12t-pd Dr. e.a. McMillan Dentist Successor to Dr. W.T.Wallace Oftice in Burckmyer Bldg. Entrance on 4th avenue Phone 442 HENDERSONVILLE. N. C. j WANTED Respectable white woriian to cook and keep house for two. Everything convenient. Good home and pay for the right party. P. O. Box 522, Hendersonville, N. C. 9-26-tfc FOR SALE Will soon have about twenty or thirty good pigs ready for sale. J. C. Wooten, Kentucky Home. 8-22-tfc DR. H. L KEITH DENTIST (Successor to Dr. W. F. Nickel) Offic Over Hnnter'a Pharmacy FOR SALE Easy terms. Two lots on Connor St. One and half-acre lot with three-room h'ouse, good spring, young orchard, on Hebron road 1 1-2 miles of Court House. Five acres on Steep St, 1 mile of Court House, wood land. . Seventy five acres 2 miles of Etowah, wood land; good growth of young timber fine for orchard.;. I have other places .not mentioned here, a 4 Raah. Hendersonville. N. C 7-18tf-c Or. GEORGE WRIGHT Osteopath registered to vote, will probably be that which will be experienced all over the country in 1920, as it is now thought' the suffrage amendment to the federal constitution will be adop ted before the campaign of next year comes on. When women of all colors are al lowed to vote what will the men do? This is a question that is agitating the minds of "politicians throughout the country. The white men of the south will not want to line up at the polling places with colored women voters, and the disfranchised colored men will not want to stand around the polls and seetheir wives, sisters and daughters exercising their right 'to vote, when they are denied tnai privilege. This, however, is likely to be brought to pass. The only, way out of the dilema that we can see is lor the election boards to provide sepa rate polling places for the negro women, and the white men ana women, and let the negro men stay at home and do the cooking and take care of the children while the negro women are at the election. If any body has a better plan for the hand ling of the proposition we shall be pleased to hear from them. I will meet the Taxpayers of Henderson County at the following times and places for the pur pose of receiving Taxes for the year 1919, which are due and in my hands for collection : Fruitland, Sinclair's Store, Thursday, Nov. 6, forenoon Edneyville, Justus' Store, Thursday, November 6, afternoon Bat Cave, Postoffice, Friday, Dana, Postoffice, Monday, WANTED For canning Quinces, will take all I can get. Also want pesetas and pears. Will take a few mod sweet apples. . J. ' C. Wnntfin. EentnckT Home. 8-22-tfc FOR SALE Stock tags and 4 pigs. I Phone 810 or see E. J. Khodes. Vice-President Marshall recalled to his post of duty from Atlantic City, complains that Congress has been "playing "ping pong all summer." It must be irritating to a man of vice President Marshall's callibe to watch the Senate debate the mere natter of the nation's destiny with several tnou- iand dollars in good chautauqua en- frnrementa iroinff to waste because oi the necessity of stayinar in the chair to keep the galleries from applauding " ... . , -a -9.!J the opposition senators toct . vivuev ously. , ! , . - November 7, all day November 10, all day Mills River, Whitaker's Store, Tuesday, November 1 1 , all day Etowah,McKinney'sStore,Wednesday,Novemberl2,allday Bowmans Bluff, Mace's Store, Thursday, November 13,allday Green River, Tuxedo, Friday, November 14, all day Mt Page, Yount's Store, Monday, November 17, all day Hooper's Creek, Lance's Store, Tuesday, November 18, all day Respectfully, A. E. HUDGINS, T. C. & T. This Octobsr 21; 1919. . 9 .