.s ;". 'Hi ii ( 1 FLETCHER NEWS Mrs. Mary Baldwin died at her . home here last Friday morning after an extended illness. Funeral ser . vices were conducted Sunday morn ing at Patty's Chapel by Rev. M. W. ' .Dargan. Mrs. Baldwin is survived by her husband, M. L. Baldwin, one daughter, Mrs. E. J. Baldwin, two brothers, M. L. Gullick of Greenville, S, C, and W. G. Gullick of Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Butler Bradley of Asheville spent the week-en'd , with the former's parents heer. Charles Lance is building a hand some bungalow on bis lot on the Asheville road. Mrs. Lawrence Long has returned to Spartanburg after a visit to rela tives here. Prof. C. E. Cunningham is teach ing a Singing School at Alexander. Mrs. Zeb Souther and E. G. Wilk ie were called to Summerton, S. C, last week on account of the sudden death of their brother, Joe Wilkie. Mrs. Dora Henderson and daugh ter Miss Sara of Hendersonville are guests of Miss Ruth Livingstone this week. Revival services are going on at the Methodist church here now. Rev. M. W. Dargan is being assisted by Rev. R. M. Monk of Bryson City. The Oak Forest Graded School 1 opened Monday with a very large en rollment. The teachers are Prof, and Mrs. W. V. Cape, Misses Joyce Shook and Neta Cole. SACONON NEWS B. B. Cobett formerly of Orange burg, S. C, but now of Henderson ville was at Saconon Monday on business. J. P. Merrell of Grensboro, N. C, is visiting relatives and friends in this community.. "J. P." is a native of our wooded mountains. He has been living in other parts about twenty-five years but he still has a longing for the "old home town," James L. Ward went fox hunting Thursday. He bagged three of the animals in short order. Two were tak en alive. It is said that Mr. Ward ran neck and neck with his dogs un til all three of the foxes were cap tured. Hugh Gibbs of Hendersonville vis ited Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Merrell re cently. Hugh said he was coming back again and that he would bring I somebody with him not his wife but a mighty good friend. W. F. Merrell of Ottanola was in this locality Monday. He is wearng his usual smile one that won't come off. Mesdames A. H. and Ida Black well of the Hungary section was here 2J9483 - some of the Advertiie in The Times. TO THE KIDNEYS Take a tablespoonfol of Salts if Back hurts or Bladder bothers Meat forma uric acid. We are a nation of meat eaters and our blood is filled with uric acid, says a well-known authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork; they get sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog and thus the waste is retained in the blood to poison the entire system. When your kidneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and you have stinging pains in the back or the urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder is irri table, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when you have severe head aches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleepless ness, acia stomach or rheumatism in bad : weather, get from your pharmacist about I four ounces of Jad Salts; take aj tablespoonful in a glass of water before i breakfast each morning and in a few i uays your Kidneys win act nne. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with Qthia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neutralize the acids in urine so it is no longer a sonree of irritation, thus ending urinary and bladder disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink, and nobody can make a mistake by taking a little occasionally w seep we moneys eiean ana acure. MEAT MK ; A1ICKIE, THE' PRINTER'S DEVIL . c ; m What KM of aTanh XVU, MICIUE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL GOLLN HERE IS MV TW OUE OFFICE. XOXAOR0M 1A GOW XO VyASWIMGcTOtt AUO AFTER OLD "to E A IU fb4M a Ai At a- - - ' Ha - 'aM; i 1 7 OArTCROVE SECTION M and Mr. J. TT. Ttror.V and son Walter and L. L. Tabor and T. H. M. Tabor and daughter Lena visited Mrs. K. V. Osteon of Datfa Thursday. . Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Cantrell spent the week-end with -their daughter, Mrs .Wade Young at Union Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones and family of Dana spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones of this PlwTlliam McCraw and daughter Dovie of Hendersonville were the dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. M. Tabor and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Jones who have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Thompson left for Asheville Sunday afternoon Walter Brock left Monday for a two weks stay with the "117th Ar tillery at Camp Bragg at Fayette ville, N. C. , Vi Mrs. J. H. . Brock and daughter Miss Nannie and Walter Brock, and W. L. Young motored to Fruitland Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Walter Justus and children' spent the week-end with the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brian at East Flat Rock. QnitB n larce crowd attended the baptizing at Oak Grove Sunday. Mrs. John Parker of Tryon spent the week-end with relatives here and also visited her daughter Mrs. Ed ward Owens. Misses Ethel and Edith Roper of Hendersonville are visiting their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Roper. Miss Edith Jones spent SufRlay with Miss Lillie Fair Justus. Miss Alma Case of East Flat Rock spent Sunday with the Misses Rop er's of this place. Mr. and Mrs. John Hill of Mt. Vernon spent Thursday afternoon with L. L. Tabor. Mrs. P. M. Thompson and small son Boyce spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pink Thompson. Kirk Ledbetter of Boiling Springs, N. C, spent Friday night with Dray ton Justus. ' Misses Lena and Ruth Tabor spent Sunday with Miss Harriette Thomp son. BILLIE. Advert! it in The Time. THE UNIVERSAL CAR'; Ask any one of the millions of Ford owners and they willtellyou,thatforpleasure, convenience, utility, service and economy, to Buy a Ford and Bank the Difference. Wetmur Motor Company Hendersonvilfe, v North Carolina -r : i . v t k . m y- ' 1. . .. . T W W... V'MPra-f VKVUIM . LASX OAN IM I GfT TOO SDiAT. KAOSrL - IN - -. . . ; nun u& FOSTER CREEK NEWS - Carl Justus is visiting his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Stuart. "The revival meeting will start at Fanning's Chapel next Wednesday night .T . . Harper Lance who has been at home for a few weeks has returned to the mountains to his work. . Hillard Lanning spent Sunday af ternoon at General Dalton's. Miss Thella Moore and Howard Lance attended prayer meeting Sun day afternoon. Miss Viola Lance and Lala Allen spent the night Sunday with Mrs. J. P. Robertson. , v We are glad to know that C. F. Bowen is able to be out again. Fred Ruth was at home Sunday from Asheville where he has n been working. V s Miss Viola Lance and Lala Allen have gone to Asheville for to ex- ,M. M. Lance and family spent theJ day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Allen. "Howard Lance had the misfortune A feed made of selected ingredients SZ 3s ANDERS & SEAR Shrill GOOPQtf, SCEWES OF AY CHVLOHOOOl HERS I EAME0 MY flRST OatAR! I HERE. LEARMEP TVV MMS??ER ZV, HEfc I LfcARMEO WOVJ TO CUSS. in getting his finger mashed in the threshing machine. Roy Meece spent Sunday after noon with Epurgeon Allen. B. F. Taylor from Greer, SC, has been visiting at W. M. Lance's. Rosalee Lance was visiting her sister last week. .-.'-. - CUPID. PLANNING TO MAKE STATE . FAIR MORE INSTRUCTIVE (Special to The Times.) Raleigh, August 9V Real help to the farmers of the state in the fur therance of the adoption : of more modern methods of farming by an extended display of farm machinery of all types at the 61st State Fair on October 16-21 is the aim of the North Carolina Agricultural society. In carrying out their slogan "It Shows Noth Carolina," fair officials are, laying particular stress upon modern machinery of all kinds, par ticularly that adapted to use on the farm. E. V. Walbgrn, manager of the fair, has addressed a letter to manufacturers and dealers in such machiney inviting their co-operation and a serious effort is being made to have the exhibits thoroughly repre sentative of, the latest developments in machinery for all uses. Machinery designed for use in the cultivation of crops and for lightening the drudgery of housework in farm homes will be in prominence but will furnish only a part of a display of ThaRtady Ration for Dairy CtoM . Dairymen of this section Bhould remember that each ingredient used in Larrots the highest quality obtainable. No adulte rants no fillers no off-grade ingredients ever enten into it. Moreover, its high quality never changes. This explains why we guarantee Larro to bring more milk or money back. Also why it maintains better health conditions. We are asking our customers to prove these things for themselves. We invite you to try two bags of Larro on our trial offer. HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. F.O.B. DETROIT Terms if Desired M r)3Aa.v gowrr hemes. seE WWfS , WUDU W- 9 VUN t i:ZSS LOUO. AUD NOiyii C3. All Aim' LMUam:, machinery that will far exceed any thing heretofore attempted at a state fair in North Carolina or this section. Leters of inquiry already received from well established manufacturer! and dealers in the state as well as those who are just beginning to. make a serious campaign for business in North Carolina indicate that the fair management will receive hearty co operation in its plan to make the ma chinery exhibits hot only interesting to the curious, but a real benefit to those who ar&, in the market for ma chinery and are desirous of obtain ing information as to the types of machinery best adapted to" -their uses. It is expected that when allotment of space begins on August 18th, ap plications on "hand will exhaust all space available for ; machinery dis plays. ,W.-v.'-v' In anticipation of increased de mand, the space reserved for ma chinery has been greatly increased. In addition to the Machinery build ing, temporary structures are being provided to take care of the over flow and the entire , southwest sec tion of the gounds had been set apart for machinery 'exhibits. As' has been the custom in the past, old ex hibitors will' be given the first op portunity to reserve space .occupied by them last year, but there are am ple facilities to Accomodate a large numDer ox new exhibitors INDIAN GAVE HOTEL " American Plan v A. A. AMES, Manager . Five miles from Hendersonville on Hebron road. Rates from $2.00 per day up. Table supplied with the best of everything. , Magnificent view. Pure spring water. LUNCHES AND SPECIAL DINNERS SERVED TO AUTO AND RIDING PARTIES. W ? - ' r - " I J' - tr-J' i ' t i . vV 1 3.. J , f J Minnehh I ' (f Home Care v 8jf A I Camp Fun for Qirli 'I - Addra. ' ;':'Jj. 1 ,, '' i.UCllC . ... . Ow 1 ' ((JIV I We have the most complete line of VICTIOLAS' In Western North Carolina j Also the Latest ' ' RECORDS. AND j FITTINGS ! Call and See the New Models Baker's Art Gallery Nou o li . VIA MVR W C2AOX 'ki I TTTN T catjd cr t::: We wish thron-i tie colj-g cf . your paper to thaisk our many f riends . j. for the kindness and sy:rrr' y sl own us during the sickness and uea;h of our dear wife and mother and for the beautiful floral offerings. Lucius Baldwin and Family. For . quick service ea drayaye and hauling, call Carolina Oil & Supply Company Phone 40. For best Coal and Wood call Phone 40 Carolina Oil A Supply- Company, v x . s-s-tf. kty. '4 5 1 1 o ' 1 1 1 t -.I ;Lii lJ. . i ( Money buck without netlon if HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DISBA8B REMBDIE8 Htmta Salr and SoD).(aU In I the traatnwot of Itch, Iamit KlnflMorm.Tttrorothrlteb- I traatOMat at oar risk. y WILSON DRUG COMPANY i At the Depot GtCHVAa IB POrfcl Tt TTVi 1 rVsTTT. ( I

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