S:. f;-. 4 5: ' -1 ' ,;t' -.ft ii LiUlii Cdl JAl (3 W S 1 IU3J1J1JU3 11 TX CALLED . MEETING OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ETOWAH NEWS The singing done by the old peo ple Sunday was greatly 'enjoyed by a vast audience. A revival meeting at the M. E. Church started Sunday night, with Rev. Geo. Wadsworth conducting the services. Jas. Mann, and family have mov ed to Green River where Mr. Mann will be employed in the timber busi ness for some time. Carol Blythe of Canton is now at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Blythe. . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sitton were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Blythe, Sunday. Rev. George Wadford is on the sick list. Raymond English who has been engaged in the automobile business at Brevard for some time is spend ing a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 0 .English. J. E. Justus one of our General Grocery and Dry Goods dealers is expecting a nice stock of winter dry goods to arrive soon, which he is confident will be a very inviting dis play for his many customers. Henry McCall js again at home with his parents, after spending the summer in Morganton. UNION HILL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Harcey motor ed to Rutherfordton, N. C, Satur day. Mrs. R. M. Justice who has been very ill is very much improved at this writing. Gay Justus and Edwin Allen of the Ridge were visitors at the home of S. K. Justus Sunday The Sebren quartette will sing at Union Hill School house on Wednes day night, Oct. 4th. Admission 25c. Everybody is cordially invited to at tend. Be sure and come. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Edney and little daughter Kate who returned from Detroit, Mich., are spending a few weeks with Mr. Edney's brother, Mr. Newton Edney, of Flat Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young and daughters, Gladys and Blanche vis ited relatives at Upward, Saturday. Misses Lucy and Sallie Kate Jus tus attended the singing at George Hyder's Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. George Heyward who have been occupying their sum mer home, "Heyward Rest", on the Sugar Loaf road will return to their home in Blufton, S. C, Wednesday of this week. A series of meetings will begin at Union Hill Holiness Church on Fri day before the fifth Sunday in Octo ber, conducted by Rev. N. A. Melton and Rev. Vauhn of Fruitland. Every body is cordially invite;! to attend these services. DARLIXG. ROUTE 5 NEWS. C. F. Bland and son Frank Bland and a party of friends from Hender sonville motored through this section Sunday afternoon. Ed. Branks went to Flat Rock on business Monday. Mr. Chevis and party of friends from Flat Rock visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Watson Mon day afternoon. Solf Jameson is attending court at Hendersonvilel this week. Louis Israel of Flat Rock Route 1 visited Wilson Watson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Montieth had as their guests Sunday the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Montieth of Brickton. A party of young people of Ashe ville chaperoned by Mrs. Turner vis ited, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ballard's Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Justice had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ball of Asheville. J. J. Ballard had as his guest Thursday night of last week R. L. Ballard and Pink Pressley of Fair- view. A. W. Smith went to Henderson ville on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robertson of Haywood road visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Webb Monday afternoon. R. V. Evans went to Henderson ville Monday. Miss Nancy Anne Ballard, visited Mrs. J. M. Dalton of Fletcher Route one Tuesday afternoon. Fred Dalton of Fletcher Route 1 visited his sister Mrs. Edith Elling burg Tuesday. J. J. Spann has bought a tractor. G. B. Justice who is working at Asheville spent Sunday at his home here. BLUE BIRD. MILLS RIVER NEWS YOU cant sell if people don't know it is for sale. A little "For Sale" ad in The Times will turn the trick. A few cents will sell it. OAK GROVE NEWS L. K. Roper moved from his farm here Monday to his home in West Hendersonville where he will spend the winter. T. H. M. Tabor and family visited J. M. Carncfield on Route 3, Hen dersonville Sunday. Miss Charity Shepherd spent Sun day with Misses Gertrude, Effie and Lena Tabor. Rev. G. B. Russell filled his ap pointment on Saturday and Sunday with two fine sermons. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hill of Asheville are visiting in this section. Miss Lena Tabor spent Friday night with her grandmother in East Flat Rock. Mrs. George Benison spent the day Friday with Mrs. Andrew Hill. Mrs. Mary Tabor spent Sunday with Mrs. L. K. Roper. Misses Norsil, and Lizzie Capps from East Flat Rock spent Sunday with Miss Mary Stepp. Mrs. Winnie Stepp spent the week end with her sister Mrs. Wade Young of Union Hill. Everette Pace of Upward attend ed church at Oak Grove Sunday. SULPHUR CLEARS A PIMPLY SKIN Apply Sulphur as Told When Your Skin Breaks Out Anv breakine out of the sWin on farp neck, arms or body is' overcome quick est by applying Mentho-Sulphur. The pimples seem to dry right up and go away, declares a noted skin specialist. Nothing has ever been found to take the place of sulphur as a pimple re mover. It is harmless and inexpensive. Just ask any druggist for a small jar of Rowles Mentho-Sulphur and use it like cold cream. Money back without quettion if HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt Salve and Soap), fail in the treatment of Itch, Bei etna, RinEworm.Tetterorotheritch- inn akin diaeaaea. Try tale treatment at our rltk. WILSON DRUG COMPANY At the Depot tAf I HORSE SHOE, R-l NEWS Miss Nina Sparrow of Avery's Creek was visiting Miss Blanche Bal lard Sunday. Clyde Bowen is home with his par ents now. Mrs. Phillip Hightower and little son, are visitinar her mother, Mrs. T. J. Bell. The Oakley High School is pro gressing nicely. Miss Mabel Dalton was home Sun day from Asheville. Mrs. E. D. McCollum of West Asheville spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Owenby. Miss Zelma Mahaffey has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. E. Pray tor. Miss Julia Holcombe of Tuxedo, N. C, was visiting friends and rela ives here last week. S- C. Tinsley's little boy had the misfortune of getting his hand scald ed Tuesday. Fred Ruth was home Sunday from ' Asheville. 1 PET. iiui 1, , iixa I 1 I ! Mills River was well represented at the "Old Time Singing" which was held on last Sunday at Etowah. This is an annual event of great in terest and the singing was excellent. James Crook of Birmingham, Ala., is visiting his parents and friends for & few days. Jim is looking well and prosperous. The last monthlv meetincr of the Woman's Social Club was held at the spacious home of Mrs. Mary C. Sny der. A large crowd was in atten dance and a very pleasant evening was spent. The committee ap pointed to purchase a piano for the school reported that they had se cured a Hobart W. Cable and the rer port was adopted. The Community Fair committee reported their plans were about complete and made an nouncements concerning the exhi bits. Thev ask that each one in the township make an exhibit and notify the committee how much space is needed. Lumber is on the grounds for tables and pens for stock. Let every one cooperate and make this fair a grat success. Arrangements were made to se cure a ?60 library and the World s Book Encyclopedia was purchased Nearly every one present pledged to donate some books from their pri cate library. Some excellent music was ren dered by the Grenwood-Corpening orchestra and Frank Cathey preach ed a mock sermon. The next meet ing will be held at the home of the' President, Mrs. T. L. Johnson. One of the greatest events in the history of Mills River was the open ng of school in the handsome new building on last Tuesday. Rev. Holo way, pastor of the Methodist Church conducted the devotional exercises. County Superintendent R. G. An ders deliverecka very interesting and helpful adress urging upon each pu pil to make the most of the oppor tunity which was offered to them to secure an education. He emphasiz ed the importance of obedience and the beauty of appreciation in a way that will not soon be forgotten. Rev. Holoway and Otis T. Hallman also related some school experiences and excellent advice. Several selections were sung by the school with Mrs. Slifer at the piano. The faculty is: C. H. Slifer, Principal, Misses Georgia Corpening, Helen Johnson, Sue Lanning and Mrs. Maggie Wil son. Another teacher for the High School will be added as there are sixty pupils enrolled in that depart ment. The High School has launched a contest in Salesmanship and have divided into two teams, the "Live Wire's" led by Miss Ruth Johnson and Mack Brittain and the "Chain Lightning's" led by Miss Julia ,Cor pening and Clinton Whitesides. A lively contest is on and the goal is set for 100 subscriptions. Mr. Otis T. Hallman, vocational director made a very interesting and practical talk to the pupils and ex plained how to sell and how not to sell. While the funds for the school use are important yet the pupils will learn much of salesmanship that will help them in dealing with the pubic. A gold filled Conkin pencil will be given to the boy and girl securing the most subscriptions and the losing side will treat the winners. Miss Pearl Weaver the Red Cross Nurse of Henderson County was a welcome visitor at the High School Wednesday and made a very inter esting talk at the opening exercises. She promised to bring her scales and weigh the boys and girls at the Community Fair, October 14th. She will give a blue ribbon to all children weighing within 5 pounds of normal Our new seats, teachers chairs and desks have arrived and are being in stalled. Our blackboards are al ready in the building and by next Monday we expect to be fully equipped for work. Most of the books needed have been secured by the teachers who went to nearby towns whenever books could be pur chased. State of North Carolina, County of Henderson. ' Notice is hereby given that a call ed meeting of the Board of County commissioners 01 uenaerson coun ty will be convened and held at the Court House in Hendersonville on Tuesday the 10th of October. 1922. at 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon, for more convenient dispatch of - the business of said board, pursuant to the call of the Chairman of said board upon the request of a mem ber of said board, according to law, This the 3rd day of October, 1922. W. P. BANE, Chairman Board County Commis sioners of Henderson County. NOTICE. State of North, Carolina, Henderson County. Mrs. Lillian Syfan, vs. Gus Plakakis. NOTICE OF SERVICE BY V PUB LICATION. The defendant above named will take notice that a summon in fha above entitled action was issued against said defendant on the 9th day of September, 1922, by C. M. Pace, clerk of the superior court of Hen derson County, North Carolina, for the sum of 2800.00. Hue aniA nlnintiflP by promissory note, secured by a ..1 . 1 1 iiiattci ujurtgage, nuu Dy virtue OI the nower of sale vested in cnM plaintiff as mortgagee of the above reien-ea 10 cnauei mortgage, exe cuted by said defendant to said plain tiff, which summons is rpt.n ran Vila ro- fore the clerk of the superior court of Henderson County, at his office in Hendersonville, N. C, on the 19th, day of September, 1922. The defendant will also take notice that an order of "Plnim anA rtoliir. erv". was issneH hv sm'H lorlr n fho court, on the 9th, day of September 4 AAA l a 1 i . . 1 is a, against tne property of tne de fendant, which order was returnable before said clerk of the cnnrt 'at tva time and place above named for the return of the summons, when and where the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur 'to the complaint or the relief demanded will be granted. This 19th day of September, 1922. C. M. PACE. f!. s. C. F9-22-4w. lana. NOTICE OP FORECLOSURE . . .. .'. SALE. - ! By vrtue of the power Tested in me in a certain judgment rendered in the above entitled' cause on the 18th day oi September, 1922, in the Superior Court of Henderson Coun ty, I will proceed to sell to the high est, bidder for cash , at the court house door in the town of Hender sonville at 12 o'clock M., on the 21st day of October, 1922, in order to dis charge a judgment for the stun of $1,000, and interests and costs, the following described piece or parcel of land, towit: .', All that certain tract of land with buildings thereon, bounded as fol lows, towit: Beginning at a stake on the east side, of the Willow road bearing South 60 degrees west 18 feet from a red oak pointers and North 23 degrees East 18 feet from the Willow Road South 21 degrees west 11 poles and 22 links to a stake; at Valley Street; thence with Valley Street South 77 12 degrees West 18 poles 'to a stake at P. P. Davis Southwest corner; thence with Davs line 11 poles and 20 links to a stake in Rhodes line at Davis' North west corner; thence North 77 1-2 de- grees West 15 poles and 4 links to the beginning, containing one acre and one rod; the Sam King lot No. 7 of the King plat; this being the' land described in a deed from J. D Copeland to M. H. Copeland dated November 20th, 1894, and recorded in Book 22 at page 448, of the rec ords of deeds for Henderson County, North Carolina. This the 18th day of September, 1922. R. L. WHITMIRE, T9-19-4w. Commissoner. NOTICE. North Carolina. Henderson J. D. Copeland and wife Mildred copeiana vs. David Uraham Cope land and wife, Marie Natalee Pao la Castidano Copeland, Mozelle Copeland Squirer and her husband, Merrill Squirer and Kathleen Ril ey. Heirs at law of M. H. f!nno- a black oak pointers and runs with Qmek Service GASOLINE, KEROSENE AND HIGH GRADE MOTOR OILS AND GREASES. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR HIGH GRADE COAL DRY STOVE WOOD HEAVY HAULING Carolina Oil and Supply Co. 40 TELEPHONE 40 Dress Up Your Home WEST HENDERSONVILLE Mrs. Alice Redden of Asheville, N. C, preached at Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kedden's Tuesday night. Mrs. Jim Cox is on the sick list Miss Mary Painter spent Tuesday mxat, witn juiss name Jtseue justice.. Mr, and Mrs. G. F. Jones and chil dren Miss LiUie McCall and Carey Blythe motored to Waynesville : Sunday. y i -r. - Billery Brock, is spending a few auyn "with his mother, Mrs. Amanda Brock.. V v1'--'-':-- Read It T OOK at your in- 1 surance policy. Find out what a val uable document it really is what a won derful service it re presents. The name of the company it the moat important part. Are you iniured ill the Hartford Fire Insurance Company? , Call on This Agenqj Ewbank & Ewbank , .... . ... : ..:'. . . Insurance Real Estate THE IMPROVED ASPIRIN TABLET Iax Aspirin Aspirin is prescribed by ph7 Biolans more often than any othi'r drug. It iJ safest and quickest relief from congestion, j.ain arul lever. TINGi.E'U LAXO-A3i IK1M Is the new scientific a .plrin tablet. It is gently laxative, clear.ainv; the system of poisons which aro often the cause of pain. Doe not cause heartburn or indies tion as ordinary aspirin does. Breaks up a cold remove:) the acid and relievos t'o pain ci rheumatism, neurltus nnd lum bago. Brings almost Instant re lief In headache and neurakvin. Ask your drugrerist for TINGLR'3 LAXO-ASPIRIN In the three point box, or mailed postpaid for 25a ' Therapeutic Research Lab oratories, Waihlnfton, D C, FARMERS' GUIDE FREE ururen oy jjr. j. w. Buchanan, late of the U. 8. Department of Ag riculture and Profesoor of Veterin ary Science at Clemson College. Be markable book on treatment of dis-' orders, accidents and diseases of h(.rseg, mules, cattle and hogs. There ijahuge demand for the valuable information contained in this book. Over 30,000 copies have been dig trilmted among farmers. For a lim ited time, as long as our supply lasts,' we will supply every- farmer or live stock man with a free copy of thi book. Write today for your copy. CAftGLINA REMEDIES CO Hom Remedto - Dept. J sor Union, 8. 0. J " AS WELL AS YOURSELF P1 VEN a small addition of Furniture makes a big differ- L- ence in any home. Personal adornment alone will not make the home life cozy and attractive. We can sell you any kind of furniture you desire, from the very best to the most economical, and guarantee the quality of every piece. Goods and Prices Will Suit You Walker Furniture Co. YOUTH Is no Bar to a Savings Account in This Bank Open your own Account Now. The younger you start the sooner you will have a competence. The sooner you amass a Competence the More, years you will have to enjoy it An Invitation: Many young people, (boy and girl) hesitate to open an account be cause they have but a few dollars at hand. To all such we would say do not wait. Start now, even if you have only a dollar. Some of our most successful meii' started with no more. This bank extends this special invitation to the young people of this community. The opening of a 'savings account is the first step towa success ful future. - CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK 'A

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