71. 'V NUMBER Krw&avSG.IVlLLEi NC3TU CAT. . TUESDAY, NOV. 21, 122 FIVE CENTS COPY 'S a. t r- IK, Osceola kalteij Rebuilt 0. Fv Joins, of ;A$hevill6 RurcHases Os ; 7'icebla Lake Hpldmg$ For; Approximate : Sum hi $45,60U;-Will Construct New V ,n ft v n .i tj L -j XY.-n D. Doai nouse, Dam Ideal Place foV Boatihg. and Baching. Announcement has just-been made of the purchase by B, F., Toms, son of Chasi French Toms, of Asheville, . of the Osceola Lake holdings south of the city ' together with some 130 . acres from Mrs. Malallasand . E. L. Anders. ' The total Investment made 4s Around f 45,000. It is stated that within ten days Mr. Toms will let contract for. re- construction of the Osceola Lake damfgreat flength of time the lakqwould be at the old site..' The; new, dam to be of- modern construction, and some what' .higher than the , old one, and will back up water to a greater dis tance than, before, making the lake onq of the most attractive lakes in Western Norh Carolina. ' A new boat house, will '.be constructed "on the opiveUpment of the property. The deal posite side of the lake from the pres ent one; if 400 foot bathing beach will be constructed, and the property sub-divided in such a manner a)Kwill enable! the prospective purchaser of a site to acquire acreage if desired. The lake will be stocked with fish and with the purchase of lots the boating and' fishing privilege , will bd included, it is stated. . ' ; ' Mr. Toms will also "nave the electric-lights and. sewer connection and the .roads put ; in fine shape, i The property is one of the most attractive for development near town and it will be learned with much gratifies? Intake - Nearing Virginia Machinery and Well Making Fine Showing on ' Reiervoir. 1 V-V '' . ' L. W. awn, loca. manager ivr u, Virginia masninery pany, contractors for . the construc tion of the' Intake Dam and the Re servoir, is 'pushing the work to the uttermost.-Already the Intake Dam is nearing completion and , under good weather conditions will be completed within two weeks. Tne reservoir on Ewart's hill is well underway with -more than- naif . the concrete walls poured. Without an unforseeh set back the middle of December will .see this work and the bottom, of the reservoir completed according to a statement of . Mr.- Swain. vMost people do not jrealize what is going on when it 'comes to the new water plant,-' but, when one remem- ""iers that more than J.0,200 bags of cement; 1,500 cubic yards (two horse , wagon ", loads) of stone 'p 665 .cubic -v yardsjof sand; and 225 cubic yards of rock dust will: be used, Desides ; 'pounds of water, proof paste for every yardin the constructien of the re servoir alone one can get some Idea vol thesiefjtheprojec4;;$-iV ? The reservoir covert, a 'acre-and half of ground and will told five ' mon gauon wepures.waie obtainable anywhere when completed and in use: Those who are Interested the welfare and progress i of Hen dersonville should feo jito'take; look !take 'the longer .trip to the iliake.dam and here view the magnificent water shed and dam from where the water Co. J ' supply comes. S'r . ' ' - " V V Mr. Sain has- seen man; . water i" t) ,plantt janiias himself worked for his t company ioii many 'of ,m, Wt nis .' &..' rnrni'ai of thZ locahtilant is such that ; ; 5 rany'.urazen ; oj. vie wwn can weu , oe ilSp proud of the facilities which mtt put ;7. A ' thitown in ihe top' rank of cities when watertonsiderei-l Vi! C Hi T.:BLY;iMPROytNG;f Si ' C. H:- Tfelyi' who nas been under ti weather' for aome veeks with' a crM i'J .rrs throat, iav ta- S 10- WitK Increase Jn Si nouses anu w m uxz tion that, the property.will again be one of the-attractive f eatures of Hen dersonville, The lake formerly cov- epng a part of the property went high gene- llowine. has're- vented up to iWk time-, its " being put back, but every one at all fami liar wih the property felt that at no rebuilt end, the property again put in the fore rank of suburban property of the most attractive kind. There is a great area of -beautiful build ine hroperty surrounding , the lake and (ft flfoek without savin? that Mr, Toms Will be successful in the oe- does not affect the' present Osceola Inn, it is understood so the purchase price of the property represents land, and when the necessary work is done, the dam built roads put in rder, flights and sewer run out, boat-house built and such other work which Mr. Toms' contemplates the investment will be a laree one and -Mr. Toms jdugment is evidently backed by soWH id fatk n the future of this section. The deal for the. oroperty was worked up and concluded by the real estate firm? of Smith-Jackson-Morns Company and the Staton Real Estate Company;'.-. ctat in, the 1916 flood and the. pr f of materials, the war and ral conditions fo m is 1NO Completion GIVES BOOKS TO SCHOOL , - , ! Mrs. D. H. Lee has very kindly !and thoilghtfully turned' over to the , Graded a. number of reading ii. hat her own eluldren.have en- joyed and now wish to share. These are greatly appreciated by the school where there are always many oppor tunities to use a great deal more reading' matter than is available. . ( : . MEETING OF TEACHERS The teachers of the city schools held their Tegular- joint meeting, Monday afternoon at the Fourth Avenue school building from 3:30 to 530. Twenty-'ininutes' of the time was given to Tom Sheyhill who was in thai city on this day. The regain ing time wasVievoted to the regular Reading Circle Work, conducted by the Supt. , The discussions were entered en thusiastically, into by the entire body of teachers. 1 - v ' ' WILL RETURN TO THI COUNTRY Mrs. N. P. Perry.or many years a resident on (fie Kanuga' Road near the city, expects to return from the revolution' in Romie sfte. was it tha city and had many experiences as one can well judge she would have during those trooblesome times; '; .She expects td arrive in Greenville, S. C, early in December. ; t ;s . Mils. BROWN ENTERTAINS vM&teSm&'M -NSCMOOLi CLASS ' ; 'Mrs. M, A, Brown's Sunday School Class of Girls enjoyed a most delight fuVsocial occasion 'with Mrs.1' Brown lat.-h'er ihome on' Fourth avenue, Sat- urday evening. aneginamviieu a number of boy. friends.-' .Gyrn' tittt-. ic' dnd other sources of whojesome merriment were entered into with the usual aest of ; the ueen age.. The charmmg hostess served , , refreh ments' consisting ;f . a salad 'course, sandwiches, ' toco and -I tchdy to twenty-five gues"ts..'.j:v' () B lze TO , RE-ORGANIZE AUXILIARY: One Friday , nigh't a number i of yofv.s people of the Presbyterian church net with Mrs. J. W. Williams at JKiUamey foe the purpose of re organizing circle No.J5 of the Wo man's Auxiliary of theVPresbyterian Church."1 ' rFollowinn were the chosen officers. President,: Miss Lucille Morris;' Sec retary, Miss Mary SmytAt Treas urer, Miss Nell Carson. - Mrs. Williams served hot chocolate and cake. A most pleasing conclu sion to a 'pleasant programme.' v. The circle will meet-with the President m ' rlEIGH.-'No 19.-i-"Irirespectfully ask that the peQple of North Carolina at their Thanksgiving ser vices, Invokedivine guidance) fyx all in civil authority, that they may have a deep ifcense of their obligation to God as ,wejl as to the people hey serve," said Governor Cameron Morrison, in his anjroal Thanksgiving Pro clamation, made public todiy. The Proclaniatioriaf ollowsi- In keeping with that beautiful and time-honored custom which has found a permanent place among the traditions of out national life, and has been handed down-from one generation toyanother by the Presidents of the Republic and the Governors of the several states, I, Camerojti Morrison, Governor of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim And setfapart Thursday, November 30, 1922, as a day of Thanksgiving, and call' upon the people to observe it reverently by suspending all busi ness, except that incident W the actual needs of hu manity, and assembling a.heir respective places of worship, in" order that we ify publicly return thanks td Almighty God for the' blessings He has bestowed t urion ua during the year hovsdrawink to a close. renew , ' btff allegiance to Hini and we nave passea tnrougn arises,; Dut witnout Diuer ness or bloodshea, because we are a united people, and the spirit of brotherly love has prevailed. No great calamity has befallen us. Law and order have been respected. We .have held, fast to the faith ,of our fa thers and, consequently, we havse enjoyed that real, abiding prosperity which comes only to a God-fearing people. Our accomplishments have been many and the future holds great possibilities or advancement along all lines. - Let us render thanks for these and for all other blessings, and let us publicly acknowledge our depen dence upon God for all things worthwhile. . 1 respectfully ask that the people of North Carolina, at their Thanksgiving services, invoke divine guidance for all in civile authority, that they may have a deep sense of their obligations to God as well as to the peo ple they serve. x Done1 in our City of Raleigh, on this, the eighteenth day o fNoVemberV in the yearof our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two, and in the one hundred and forty-seventh year of our American Independence. - CAMERON MORRISON, Governor. By the Governor: WM. H. RICHARDSON, Private Secretary. WHAT A HOWL YOU USED you ujbrs AsKeo TP cpRsy me horse anw JIMIHV CRICKETS! W mkh-alvvov have to po f lei i mm '.r1 V.-' i' " 1 i'V" - ,:g;:V-' A -t n i w t -IS. MORROW LEAVES FOR GA. Mrs. B. F. Morrow has closed Oak Cetreat on 6th Ave., West and will leave Wednesday for LaGrange, Ga., tOi? spend the : winter v with ' .her daughter, Mrsv Morgan, mrs.- Mor- Tow has enjoyed a good season with her boarding house and will return to.thia city next 'spring and occupy Oak" Retreat, for the season, where she will undoubtedly experience ano ther successful season. " With the second week of Superior cirt for civil cases 'underway the calendar has been, pretty well cleaned ujpof important cases, v Miss Lucille Morris next Tuesday, at which time Mrs. Elizabeth Turner will .have charge of the programme, V v rnutLHi se feuidanceToirthe future.Ti R'tnember TO MAKE WHEN AKt tuv tCK cuniNo ' IN' TO PINNER? j Senator Newbefry Sends Resignation Michigan Senator : Faelt - .That Hie ' . Effort Would Be Futile. Senator Newberry (republicans whose seat in ' the Senate - hasNjeen challenged -and about which long and hitter controversy has been raging ever since his defeat of Henry Ford, (democrat) the big auto king, has re signed his seat in the Senate, giving as his reason the defeat of his col league Senator Townsend. Mr. New berry states that it would -We futile for hinvto attempt to continue his public service since he would be con inually hampered by partisan perse cution. - The Senator was convicted in Michigan for conspiracy to ' violate the election Laws during his race "for the Senate against' Henry Ford. He appealed the case to the Supreme Court which declared the statute un der which he was convicted Uncon stitutional, and the Senate- after "a long and bitter fight finally confirmed his title by a -margin of only five votes.- The case was brought for ward in many states during the re cent election. The Senator's resigna tion was sent to Governor Groesbeck and requested that his resignation take effect immediately. The Gover nor has not yet made any comment on the resignation except that he had no one in mind to take Newberry's place. This action on the part of Ms. Newberry will end one of the longest and most bitter 'political fights ever staged over the question of a Sena torial seat, challenged upon the ground of fraud under the election laws of the states. BIRTHDAY PARTY. On Saturday afternoon at four o'clock Miss Mary Ewbank entertain ed a number- of her friends on the occasion of her tenth birthday. Miss Virginia Ewbank. assisted in receiv ing the guest A number of games FStf-Slfe? P?Pul!F being - ine runner mi ine ueu ana "Looby Loo." Miss Mary Valentine was most successful in pinning the tail on the cat, receiving a box of Toyland sta tionery. Mis3 Harnett Hobbs won the prize in a guessing contest. The guests were then invited into the dining room, where a color scheme of pink and white was carried out. Pink streamers extended to the four corners of the table and pink baskets containing pink and white mints were at each place. The birth day cake with ten pink candles held th place of honor. Delicious ice1 cream and cake were served. Those present were Misses Mary Valitine, Harriet and Dorothy Hobbs, Elizabeth and Mary Mauney, Maud Staton, Helen and Dorothy Grimes, Hazel Ewbank, Nancy Rose McManaway, Winona Ewbank, Zaida Rose Tebeau, Mary Lee, Ellen Far num, May Goodrich, Rosemary Ag new, Septima Twyford and Sarah Erckmann. id I CIIACDm OF. vr. : COZME HELD GOOD f.iEETL'G Mr. Wetmur Gets Enthneiaetio Support. At a meeting of the officers and directors of the. Chamber of Com merce, F. S. Wetmur, the new presi dent, explained to to those present his desire Jp see this county take its righful place as one of the best apple producing sections of the county; andf while he realized that not a great deal had -been done in the past along this line he believed it was on account of a lack of modern methods and a lack of production in the varieties , in demand. He believes there is a great future for the right kind of ap ples in this section and is most anx ious to getUhe people of the county to push the apple industry along mo dern lines. He told the members present that he woufd like to see some scheme worked out that everybody could back and push whereby a greater acreage to fine apples can be secured, and was sure that by proper , methods of going about it the farmers could be induced to plant a thousand acres of apples during the year 1923. Upon the conclusion of his remarks Mr. Bland and Mr. Bell, both for mer Presidents of- the Board of Trade, made telling talks along the same line pledging their support to the general propostion and assuring- the President that they were of the same opinion. After the matter waa thoroughly discussed it was agreed that another meeting shall take place next Friday night and in the mean time each member is to try to famil iarize himself wih the subject and be prepared to offer good suggestions in order that some plan of action may be mapped out. The importance of producing high grade apples if we areto stay in the market and the certainty that they can be produced in his section with a far, better , flavor .apd color than,, in. many other "thriving apple sections convinces Mr. Wetmur that he is on the right track and he is determined to push the matter and get tne pro gramme started. Some ideas were expressed that through the farmers federations and organizations and the new farm demonstrator, to gether with a speech making tour by experienced orchardists and'experts, would bte a fine way of getting the merits of the proposition before the people. The meeting was held in the Hodgewell Hotel. MR. AND MRS. J. A. WOODWARD WILL REMAIN IN CITY J. A. Wvoodward aanounced to a representative of The Times that he and Mrs. Woodward would probably remain in the city for some weeks yet. mey were reported to hav returned to Florida with Mr. and Mrs. F. Hart, who recentlv wT,f to their winter home in New Smyr na. Mr. and Mrs. Woodward are oc cupying their new house on Smith Main Street. JUNIOR CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR SOCIETY MET LAST FRIDAY The Junior Christian EnHol- Society held a business and social meeting at Tod's Tea Tower on Fri day afternoon. SimDle refit ment sand games were induing in after the business was attended to the new officers elected for the com ing term were Pres. Mary Neal Ta tum; Vice-President Georire Sandi. fer; Secretary Cecile Richards and Treasurer, Charles Parsons. MRS. SHIPP RETURNV ' Mrs. Bartlett Shipp, Societv Edi tor of The Times, who has been visit-. ing ner son, Cameron, m Chapel Hill. . : and l also friends in Greensboro, has' '.'" a,w tu vino i:iLV. imnnir . absence of Mrs. Shinn Mia T?oa vs . rHi.iirnun m rnin . r - - - . m i - rr JVl-. ,1 ""iv"j " uwa conaucung tne so- V V ;si.y oaire oi ine Times. Sha urill k : : -- " aiuvu xu uuscon- . ' v: nection 1 for some timo f f ;; If riL.- t . .. .- V o"jp oeing sugntly under the- . WPntliA,. Inn,. M...I. . ' . : J ' -n.'i.,'. 1 i" fit. I imae i in wnn:uA. m ,r njunication ;from K. . R. s.t ;p,:;s I Fletcher, calling attention; to thfe vv ; - wmner oi prizes lofc' Silver IaWei'MW:' wyandottes in the recent Poultry Jv I and Annie Shww.1? Tka T!m. i5 -'h the naine as landed W by theSecre tary of the Better PnnlfvW i..L - V :-x tion and presumes an esrbr wag 'jn'adiv lb listinar the noultrv: y i'b :- v.

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