Volume II No. 1 News Items In and Around Forest City * Cotton was selling on the local mar ket Wednesday, at 32c. Rev. H. C. Sisk will begin a tent meeting in Spartanburg Saturday. Miss Mae King has accepted a posi tion in the Cliffside graded school. Mrs. W. W. Hicks, of Georgetown, £ Ga., is visiting relatives in this county. Efird's is offering some extra good values this week. Read their big ad . in this paper. L. B. Reid, who is now with the Hamrick Mills at Gaffney, spent the week-end in Forest City. I*4 Bronson Proctor, who has been in * Summerville, S. C., for the past sever al weeks, is at home again. The Forest City Building and Loan Association has an advertisement in this issue which is worth reading. Mr. Calvin Padgett, former Forest City citizen now conducting a hotel at was a visitor here Monday. Miss Nell Padgett, student at Limes tone College, Gaffney, ;pent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Padgett. The Betterment League will meet in the Red Cross hall next Friday even ing at 7:30, and a full attendance is requested. £ The Fordson demonstration held near Ellenboro on September 30, was inter esting and successful. Between 300 and 400 people were present. W. O. Huntley, who came here as I vmanager of the Efird store several J. weeks ago, opened a new store for tnat company in Spartanburg Saturday. The annual fall opening sale of the Forest City Bargain Store began this morning. Read advertisement on last " * ige of this paper and see list of un f usual bargains. » Rev. H. A. Henderson and his bride of two weeks have moved in the Frank *"\S ttlemyre residence on Broadway and /frill make this their home. We wish for them many years of happiness. J. Fell Babington, editor of the Shel by News, spent a day in Forest City week. He was impressed with the growth of our town and also tells us that Shelby is growing fast. Rev. H. C. Sick and H. A. Hender son returned Sunday night from Ches ter, S. C., where they have been hold ing a tent meeting. They report a good meeting and many souls turned to Christ. Pastor K. L. Whittington will preach at the Forest City Presbyterian church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock from text, "For Me to Live is Christ." 8 p. m. the text will be "And to Die is Gain." There will be a meeting of the county chapter of the Red Cross Saturday, October 11, at 3 p. m., at Rutherford ton in the court house. Every branch in the county is urged to be represent ed at this 'meeting. new switchboard has just been in stalled in the local telephone central office and will help subscribers to get better service. The telephone company 'has had many unpleasant things to con-" Aend with lately, but is doing its best "to give good service. C. E. Mason, of Philadelphia, who will be one of the largest stockholders in Forest City's new yarn mill, spent a ! night last week with Mr. J. F. Alex , ander here. Plans for the new mill are Siing along smoothly. They will manu eture the finest yarns. — h Rev. and Mrs. S. N. Watson have been made very happy this week to have with them their three sons. Charles Watson, who has been with the American Army in France for the past two years, has been discharged from the.service and is now at home, fte was a member of the First Division and received a citation for bravery- T. S. Watson is here from Elloree, S. C., and Max, the "ladiesman" of the family, who is engaged in civilian capa city for Uncle Sam at Camp Jackson, S. C., is also here. W. Daniel has an ad in this paper which will interest , those who want to make their dollars do full duty. CT FOREST CITY COURIER Y Fair Price Committee Recommends Prices The fair price committee of Ruther ford county met last week and recom mended the following as fair prices for the county: Flour, $6 to $6.75 per 100 lbs.; lard, 30c per pound; salt meats, 30-32"cents; coffee, standard loose, 35c, best grade, 50c; Irish potatoes, 60c per peck; sweet potatoes, 35-40 c per peck; eggs, 40-45 c; butter, 40c; full cream cheese, 45c; steaks, 25-30 c; roast beef, 20-25 c; stew beef, 18-20 c, and pork, 30-35 c. It was decided to urge people to shop about when they go to buy, if they think that they are being charged ex cessive prices for commodities. o. Forest City Local Items 9 Speak a good word for your home paper when you can. B. F. Hicks is attending the reunion of Confederate soldiers in Atlanta this week. If it's nice stationery you want the Reinhardt Drug Co. can please you. Big line of various styles. The Sandy Run Association is in ses sion at Shiloh church. Many Forest City people are in attendance. Real estate in Forest City is chang ing hands so fast you can't tell today who will own your property tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Turner, of Spar tanburg, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McDaniel. Don't forget the community fairs. Watkins, Thursday, October 9th; Union Mills, October 10th; Mt. Pleasant October 14th. After preaching service at the Bap tist church Sunday morning Pastor Watson baptized three new members into the cnurch. Forest City is undoubtedly on the biggest and most substantial boom in its history and the boom seems to gather momentum each day. This is the fastest growing town in Western North Carolina. Many friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Leister were delighted to see them in Forest City Sunday. They have been living at Greer, S. C.. since leaving Forest City, but the company Mr. Leister is with has transferred him to Seneca, ;S. C., giving him a nice pro motion. Foundation work has begun on the new wholesale store building of C. C. Moore next to the bank building and Mr. Moore expects to have it ready for occupancy about the first of the year. The building will be 80x80 feet, two stories, handsome and modern in every respect. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Baptist church will meet at the church at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon. Miss Cleo Young, a returned missionary from Africa, will make a talk, telling of the work in the foreign field. All of the ladies of the church are invited to be present. J. R. (Frank) Lewis, a Rutherford county boy who served with the Cana dian army in the recent world war, will give a talk in the Forest City school auditorium next Tuesday night at 8:30 o'clock. His subject will be "Observa tion, Competition and Education," and he will relate some of his experiences in the war. There will be no admission charge and everybody is invited. Gudger Edwards has leased the build ing now occupied by the Coca-Cola Bottling Works and expects to open up a first class restaurant as soon as the building is vacated, which will be about December Ist. He will have the inside of the building worked over, putting in up-to-date fixtures and making the place inviting to both ladies and gentle men. A competent restaurant man will be in charge. Ralph Bingham, the first number of the lyceum course at Rutherfordton, will appear at the school auditorium there on Thursday night, October 16, instead of the 13th, as was first an nounced. Ralph Bingham is a humorist of national reputation and will no doubt draw a full house. Rutherfordton has a splendid lyceum course for this season, which should attract a good number of Forest City people. Be sure to mention that you saw the advertisement in The Courier. It will pay you. FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1919 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMERS BANK & TRUST COMPANY AT FOREST CITY, CAROLEEN AND LATTIMORE In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, Sept. 12, 1919. RESOURCES DOLLARS Loans and Discounts _• $813,850.09 Demand Loans 67 238.90 Overdrafts, secured I_II.II 6,567.42 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds I 129'650!00 Banking Houses, Furniture and Fixtures, 22,86L72 Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers & Trust Co's. 53,051.18 Cash Items held over 24 hours 283.41 Checks for Clearing 475! 67 Liquidating Acct. First State Bank, Bostic, N. C. 5,791.21 Rutherford County Bonds 9,200.00 Total $1,108,969.60 LIABILITIES DOLLARS Capital Stock paid in $ 75,000.00 Surplus Fund 35,000.00 Undivided Profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 7,567.81 Notes and Bills Rediscounted 25,000.00 Bills Payable secured by Liberty Bonds 122,500.00 Bills Payable 125,000.00 Deposits subject to check $378,691.95 Time Certificates of Deposit 249,605.68 Savings Deposits 7,924.88 Cashier's Checks outstanding 3,912.37 Due to State Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies 41,480.10 681,614.98 United States Bond Acct 30,000.00 Liquidating Acct. First State Bank, Bostic, N. C 7,286.81 Total $1,108,969.60 State of North Carolina, County of Rutherford. Sept. 12, 1919. I, J. H. Thomas, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. H. Thomas, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 12th day of Sept., 1919. Gudger W. Edwards, Notary Public. My commission expires Janary 29, 1920. Correct—Attest: J. F. Alexander, G. P. Reid, T. R. Padgett, Directors. | HELLO, HAPPY-GO-LUCKY! Getting good wages aren't you? Yes, I know ycu are, and g your wages slip away from you and you get discouraged. Well, J you have lots of company, but many of them are letting me use m a big stick which teaches them how I roll small amounts up to jj large amounts. Take it from me, good wages won t last always. | There is going to be hard times ahead. Better get in with the jj new bunch on November 8, 1919, and be prepared for the rainy ■ day, which is surely coming. Remember the date — 1 NOVEMBER 8, 1919 m 9 =3 | which is the opening date of the new series, and any time you ssss m a want to quit, you can get your money back with a liberal share | § of the compound interest I will have rolled up for you. In anticipation of seeing you on November 8, I am, Your friend, „ j I Forest 6itu Builflino & Loan Association | I W.J Davis, Secretary and Treasurer | == ... liMliMllllllHllWMllHmllHriWHnlinHlHHMiiittiHfwniiMwmntfiiiiiwmMi**! [ Winter Is On The Way | ■ And With Its Coming You Will Need I Furniture We have everything in Home Furniture — Parlor Suites, Bed Room Suites, Dining Tables, Kitchen Cabinets, Oil Stoves, etc. | Don't wait till it's too late to buy your MATTRESSES for they are going to be higher after the present stock is gone. 8 1 j§ I We sell on easy terms. Come to see us and let us explain our easy payment plan. | p/VDCtn &. KING Forest City | f I L & M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS BEST THAT CAN BE MADE « jj Cost to you $3.25 a Gallon when made ready to use RECOMMENDED BY SATISFIED FOR OVER AO YEARS ! Obtain COLOR CARD from our Agents or j! LONGMAN A MARTINEZ Manufacturers New York I Gov. Bickett Tells Why He Pardoned Elbert Sisk A pardon was granted September 23 by Governor Bickett to Elbert Sisk, of Forest City, serving a ten-year sentence for murder in the second degree. He had served two years of the term and previous to the trial had spent six months in jail. Sisk killed James Green in Forest City. The following reasons were given by the governor for grant ing the pardon: ' 'Elbert Sisk was convicted of murder in the second degree at the October term, 1917, of the superior court of Rutherford county. He was in jail in Rutherford county from May until Oc tober preceding his trial. He has now been in the penitentiary about two years, making in all two and a half years' imprisonment. "It seems that the homicide was committed in the heat of blood without premeditation. The prisoner has a wife and four children, and this is the first time that he has ever been indicted. Up to the time of this unfortunate af fair he conducted himself as an honest, industrious, law-abiding citizen. Eleven of the jurors who convicted him peti tioned for his pardon, and the twelfth juror could not be seen as he is still in military service of the United States. The sheriff, register of deeds, the clerk of the superior court, the county treas urer, the county attorney, the recorder, and practically every county and town official, both of Rutherfordton and For est City, join in the petition. The pe tition is also"Signed by practically ev ery business man in Forest City where the crime was committed, and by a large number of representative farmers who live in that vieinity. All of these cetfify that in their opinion this young man has been sufficiently punished, and it would be better for him and for the community for him to be pardoned than to be kept longer in prison. Public sentiment seems to be universal, as the petition has been widely circulated and there is absolutely no protest of any kind. "For the above reasons a conditional pardon is granted." m I take this method of thanking the good citizens of Forest City and Rutherford county for their kind y interest shown in signing the peti tion for the release of the above mentioned young man His father, REV. H. C. SISK. I wish to-thank the good people of Forest City and Rutherford county for the as-istance and co-operation and for the respect shown m v father, Rev. H. C. Sisk, in my behalf, who succeeded in obtaining fir me' a pardon from our Honorable Governor. Futhermore, I wish to thank the gentlemen of the Southern Power Company and the state officials who greatly aided me in securing my. pardon. I am now engaged in the barber trade at Joshua McMurray's Shop and solicit your patronage ELBERT E. SISK. a Singing Convention Held Here Sunday The singing convention held here Sunday afternoon was enjoyed by a large crowd. Splendid music was rendered and the convention was re-organized . Prof. W. E. Owens, of Caroleen, was elected president and W. J. Davis, of Forest City, wus named secretary The Caroleen, High Shoals, Cliff side and Forest City choirs render ed some fine tnusic. Several solos, duetts and quartetts were rendered to the delight of the large audience. After the good singing by the choirs had been enjoyed for awhile, Prof. W. B. Blanton directed for a few minutes, some real congrega tional singing, which will be a feature with future conventions. The next meeting will be held with the High Shoals church on the first Sunday in December. The people of Forest City enjoyed having this convention meet with us and we hope to be entertained again soon with the splendid music of these visiting choirs, and to have these good people with us. o Where There's a Baby On Farm Keep Rat-Snap Rats are on most farms. Once they get inside the house—look out. Rats kill infants—bitin? them is not unusual. Nursing bottles attract rats. Break a cake of RAT-SNAP and throw it around. It will surely rid you of rats and mice. Three sizes, 25c 50c, SI.OO. Sold and guaranteed by Long Drug t 0., Rein hardt Drug Co., Moss Grocery Co. $1.50 a Year, iif Advance Betterment League Car nival Was Great Success The Betterment League carnival held last Saturday on the square in Forest City was a great success, financially and otherwise. Never have we seen a finer spirit of co-operation than was shown on this occasion by men, women and children, young and old. Every body was pulling for Forest City, and we were more firmly convinced than ever that this is one of the best towns there is. The school children put on a minstrel that netted s6l for the evening. They gave three performances, each one full of "pep," and they deserve a lot of credit for the success of the carnival. Miss Cleo Young's display of African curios was very interesting. Five booths were arranged at which were sold chicken, all kinds of salads, sandwiches, soda water, candy, ice cream, cake, etc. All of the eats were donated by the good people of Forest City and everybody who was called on responded with a fine spirit. The eats sold at these booths could not be dupli cated for the same price anywhere— and it was for a good cause, too. The carnival netted about SIBO. The Betterment League wishes to thank every one who donated to this occasion and those who worked so faith fully to make it a success. o. Owners of Horn's Store Buy Mcßrayer Building The owners of Horn's Cash Store have bought the three story build ing of Dr, T. C. Mcßrayer on the square, the deal being closed Sat urday. The building is now occu pied by the Forest City Bargain Store and the Jones Grocery Co. The new owners take charge of the building November 15th, and will remodel the building, throwing the first floor into i ne room and putting in new front. Thny will move their stocit of goods from the present location to the new store, and ex pect to occupy the building about January Ist Mr. Schwartzman, of the Forest City Bargain Store, will have some announcement within the next few weeks with regard to his new loca tion. o West End Locals Messrs. Beacher and Jones Smart, of Rutherfordton, spent Sunday here and at Poorest Citv. This community regrets to lose Mrs. T. L. Cole and family, who are soon to move to Cliffside. Mr, J. M. Tate, of Forest City, has purchased the house and lot belonging to Mr. W. L Monteith, and will move there soon Mr. Monteith has bought a home on Cherry Mountain street in Forest City. J. M. Hughey is at Cornelius, N. C., this week singing for a revival meeting. Rev. Mr. Bryant, of preached at Pleasant Grove church Sunday at 11 o'clock, filling the regular appointment of the pastor, in his absence. The National Cil Co's. station will soon be ready to serve the public. Mr. Claude Gross left October Ist to enter the State University. The Literary Society of Pleasant Grove school have ordered a state traveling library and are expecting to derive great good from its use in our community and school. Mrs John Grose, of Charlotte, is spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wil liamson. a Clean-Up Week This week—October 6 11—is set aside as state-wide clean-up week. It should be observed by every family in Forest City. The city council will send the garbage wagon around on Friday. Pile trash where the wagon can get to it and they will haul it off. Oi Along Forest City Route 2 Oct. 6. —It is very dry just now and a good rain will be appreciated. Messrs. Claude Miller and Oscar Price, of Spartanburg, attended the birthday dinner at Mr. D. T. Mc- Arthur's, Sunday. Mrs. Lane McDaniel and Misses Cleo and Sudie Yonng spent Thurs day eveniog with Mrs. J.J. Hardin, j . Misses Nan and Ada Hardin, OUie Mae Womack, and Mr. James Har din were at the birthday dinner at Mr. McArthur's Sunday. Mr. Loss Mooije visited Mr. P. H , Hardin Sunday afternoon Mrs. Ralph Green spent the past week with her father. Mrs. W. E. Lewis.