Volume fl No. 2 NEWS ITEMS IN AND AROUND FOREST CITY House Burned—Bad Negro | 4 Caught Here—Saturday Was Busy Day. U A dwelling 1 house situated near the Southern railway, between the South ern and Seaboard depots, was de ll Mtroyed by fire last Wednesday night, I ftong with household goods of J. B. 1 Lawson and family, who occupied the 1 house. Horn Brothers owned the H house and carried $250 insurance on A nice sum of money and some household furniture has been con tributed by citizens to Mr. Lawson to help cover his loss. Will Knox, a negro charged with killing two other negroes at Bridge water last March, was arrested in Forest City Saturday morning by Chief Kendrick. The sheriff of Mc- Dowell county came down Saturday afternoon and carried the prisoner to Marion to await trial. Knox has been living under an assumed name «,in West Virginia since the killing. He £s a son-in-law of Laws Luckadoo of Forest City. One of the largest crowds that has been in -Forest City for some time was here Saturday, and the Forest City Bargain Store and Efird's De partment Store and John W. Daniel I especially report a splendid business. I Some people wanted to know what the i extra added attraction was that I all these people to town. There was no extra attraction outside of the bargains that could be found at these enterprising stores and the crowd was only n. indication of what advertising will do to stimulate trade. B#YOU will find that you can save many dollars by reading the advertise ments in the Courier. The revival meeting which was to have begun at the Ellenboro Presby- church tonight (Thursday) will iJKkt begin until Sunday morning. Rev. MWJr. Brown, the evangelist, will be I present Sunday morning and the I meeting will continue for a week or ten days. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! We wish to announce that we have opened up a new Furniture Store in Forest City and are now located over Efird's Department Store. On November Ist, we will move to the building now occupied by the Movie Theater. Our line ol Furnituie and Ftousehold Furnishings is complete and we can save you money ll you will come and give us a chance. Our motto is to try the impossible—"Please Everybody'—especially in quality and ser vice, prices and terms. We cordially invite you to come in and lopk our line over. We will always do our best to please you. MOSS - REINHARDT FOREST CITY, N. C. FOREST CITY COURIER Forest City Local Items Chas. Flack and sister, Mrs. Earle j Fortune, have returned from a visit to I their brother Mays, who is sick in Mount McGregor, N. Y. They bronght back i the good news that Mays is improving, j J. P. Williamson has resigned as Seaboard Railway agent at this place . and is succeeded in this position by V. ' L. Hughey. Mr. Williamson has ac cepted the position as manager of the | new station of the National Oil Co. at this place. Send The Courier to your child who is ! away at school. It will cost less than a dollar to send it the entire term, and the regular weekly visits of the home paper i will bring much more than a dollar's worth of pleasure to the absent child. "It's like a letter from home." Joshua McMurray and Samuel Bailey have gone to Charlotte to buy new i barber chairs and other furnishings for | McMurray's tonsorial parlor. Josh says he is also going to put a punching bag ; in the shop for the free use of custom ers who are pugilistically inclined. ! Col. Posey Flack got the end of the middle finger of his right hand ground off in a sausage mill while making sausage at Flack and Har rill's market Saturday. While the injury is very painful it hasn't cloud ed the sunny disposition of the ir resistible Posey and you can still hear him singing all over town. Forest City Masons and Eastern Stars gave a banquet in the Red Cross hall i Monday night. Several visitors were present from Rutherfordton, Caroleen and Bostic. Rev. Mr. Wood, former pastor of the Forest City Presbyterian j church and a 32nd degree Mason, was : also a welcomt guest Rev. W. L. Dawson will leave next I Monday for Greensboro to attend the I annual Western North Carolina confer ence of the Methodist church. Mr. C. C. Moore will also attend as a dele gate. The good people at large will be glad to know that Pastor Dawson will carry with him the best financial report ever made to the conference by the i Forest City charge. FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1919 BIG BRICK PLANT BEGINS OPERATION AT BOSTIC Will Mean Much to Forest City, As Large Part of Output Will Be Used Here The transmission line which will carry electricity from Forest City to the brick-making plant of the Bostic Brick Co. was completed Monday. The "juice" has been turned on and the plant is now in operation. The Bostic Brick Co. has one of the fin est plants of its kind in the country and it represents an investment of some $30,000. When in full operation its daily capacity will be 60,000 brick a day. Dr. L. V. Lee is president of the company, J. B. Lattimore is secretary and treasurer, and M. B. Kendrick is manager of the plant. Several Forest City men are interested in this com pany. The plant is located near the C. C. & O. Railway yards at Bostic. The location of this brick yard so near Forest City will be a great help to this town and will expedite the huge building program which will be carried out here during the next year. There will be no holdup of work on account of railroads being unable to haul brick, as they may be trucked from Bostic to Forest City at minimum cost, and we understand that Forest City will get preference of the brick manufactured at the new plant. o Kiser-Blanton A marriage which was quite a sur prise to even their closest friends was that of Mr. Jonas R. Kiser and Miss Ethel Blanton, the happy event taking place last Saturday at Concord church,. Rev. W. L. Dawson performed the ceremony in the presence of only the required number of witnesses. Mr. Kiser has long been a resident of Forest City and is assistant dyer at the Florence Mills. The bride is a daugh ter of Mrs. A. C. Higgins, of Bostic, and for some time has been living in Forest City, having employment here. The Courier joins with other friends in wishing for Mr. and Mrs. Kiser a happy and successful matrimonial jour ney. ' SANDY RUN ASSOCIA TION MET LAST WEEK Shiloh People Entertained the Association in Proper Way—Will Give $140,000. The Sandy Run Baptist Association met in its thirty-ninth annual session with Shiloh church, Rutherford county, October 8, 9, 10, 1919. The introductory sermon was preach ed by Rev. W. T. Tate. Text, John i 12:23. Delegates enrolled by card, number-! ing 145. Officers of the association: Rev. Z. D. Harrill, moderator; G. B. Pruette, clerk; A. I. Jolly, treasurer. The association is composed of forty five churches with a membership of 7,849; forty-five Sunday schools with an enrollment of nearly 6,000. The church es of the association contributed this year to different objects: State mis sions, $1392.66; home missions, $1225.44; foreign missions, $1349.39; orphanage, $1089.11; christian education, $10,534.93. There are twenty-three W. M. U's. with a steadily growing membership and a 100% increase over last year in gifts to all objects. Among the visiting brethren wel comed at the meeting were Rev. W. R. Beach, representing the Biblical Re corder; Rev. J. G. Graham, of the Charleston association; Rev. J. W. Crow, of Asheville, representing moun tain schools; Rev. A. P. Sorrells, Rev. J. W. Brown, Rev. J. A. McKaughan, Rev. G. G. O'Neal, of the Green River association; Rev. J. W. Whitner, of Morganton. The association also wel comed Sister Bostic, mother of three missionaries. J. H. Quinn made the annual report of the trustees of Boiling Springs High School. Pupils enrolled up to this time, 340. About half of the $40,000 for | a memorial building has been subscribed. J Thursday was given entirely to read ing of reports on the different objects of the convention and discussion in con nection with the seventy-five million dollar campaign. The associational di rector, Rev. W. T. Tate, was in charge. Rev. L. R. Pruette, pastor of Ninth Avenue church, Charlotte, was present Community Fair The community fair held at the Mt. , Pleasant school house last Tuesday was a great success and was well attended. All of the exhibits were fine. The peo ple of that community deserve great credit for the interest shown in this community fair and for the exhibits they displayed. Some of of these ex hibits would be winners at the state: fair at Raleigh. Next week we hope to publish a list of the prize winners. o, Murray-Bland Mrs. B. E. Bland announces the marriage of her daughter Hester Agnes to Mr. John B. Murray Sunday, October the twelfth nineteen hundred nineteen at high noon at Mayworth, N. C. At home After October the fifteenth 168 North Avenue Atlanta, Ga. The above announcement is of much interest in this county, where the bride is well known and popular. She was formerly milliner at Caroleen and later connected with the banks at Caroleen and Forest City as clerk. She left For est City last January to accept the cashiership of the Waco bank and held that position until she gave it up for marriage. in the interest of the campaign and made a thrilling address, as did Rev. D. J. Hunt and Rev. W. T. Tate. A large number of the brethren took part in the discussion. Mr. Tate read the association's apportionment, which is $140,000. He also read the amounts that had been apportioned to the differ ent churches, and by rising vote each church accepted its-apportionment. The association passed a resolution of thanks to the members of Shiloh church and community for the very generous way in which they entertained the body. The next meeting of the association will be held with the Mount Pleasant church, Rutherford county, beginning Wednesday before the second Sunday in October, 1920. 51.50 a Year, in Advance FOREST CITY TO HAVE A SEWERAGE SYSTEM City Council Adopts Reso lution Providing System and Calling for Estimates At a recent meeting of the city coun cil a resolution was adopted providing for a complete and up-to-date sewerage system to cover the town of Forest City, and calling for estimates on the work. A survey of the town has al ready been made. It is the intention of the city council to have this work completed at the earliest possible date in order that we may comply with the new state sanitary law. Work will commence as soon as material and labor can be secured. As soon as estimates are furnished : and futher plans materialize we will ; keep you posted on plans for making Forest City the most desirable place in | this section of country in which to live. Q, Along Forest City Route 2 I The farmers are very busy just now gathering corn and getting ready to sow wheat. ! Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Hardin and daugh ter visited at the home of P. H. Hardin Sunday. Mrs. Clarence Mayfield is very sick. We hope she will soon be well again. Mr. Grady Moore and family visited Mr. Edd Grose Sunday. Mr. Julius McDonald and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hardin. Mrs. Cora Green is very sick at this writing. We hope she will soon be well again. Mrs. Lettie Hamrick and children spent Sunday afternoon very pleasantly with Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Hardin. Mr. and Mrs. David McSwain and children visited Mrs. McSwain's mother Sunday. Q, Methodist Stewards Meeting The final meeting of the stewards of Forest City charge for this year will be held in the Forest City Methodist church next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock.