FOREST CITY COURIER FOREST CITY, N. C. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY RRICE $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE ■Qtered Aug. 82. 1918. at the Postofflce at Forest City. N. C , as second class matter under act of Congress of March 3. 1879 —, i GARY HIOTT, Editor L D. W. HIOTT, JR.* Manager Telephone No. 58 DECEMBER, 11 1919. J. V. Bright of Bostic route 2, re cently killed a hog that weighed 524 pounds net, from which he received 45 pounds of lard. Some hog and some lard. Special Notices I will pay a suitable reward for the return of a shout which escaped while unloading recently at the C. C. & O station. J L Butler, For est Citv. WANTED—To rent a house, or rooms for light housekeeping, in Forest City. Apply at The Courier Office. FORDS FOR SALE—One 1917 model, one 1918; both in good condi tion. M V Smith, Carolnen. N C WANTED—Young lady or ladies for central office work in Forest City. Good living conditions, water, heat and light furnished. Apply to P. W. Eskridge, Manager WANTED—To rent, or buy on terms, medium or small dwelling. Give description, location, size lot, and rent, or price and terms. Ad dress, Box 43, Forest City. $25 Weekly —Men. Wom«a, Ad vertise. Start Candy factory at home, small room, anywhere. We tell how and furnish everything. Specialty Candvmaking House, 5 South 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa, 13 WANTED —Four or 5 white tenants for next year. Farms well located. Good houses to live in and the very best of soil. Also wanted parties to log saw mill. For further information ad dress H. W. Trout, Saluda, S. C. FOR SALE—Two grain drills H. L. Kanipe Co., Forest City. WANTED—Seven girls to top or learn to top in knitting mill at Forest City. Will pay $1.25 per day while learning. Parsley & Tanner, Inc. 51tf A. female servant, sweeping out a bachelor's room, found a four penny piece on the carpet, which she car ried to the owner. "You may keep it for your hon esty," said he. A short time after ward he missed his gold pencil-case, and inquired of the girl if she had seen it. "Yes cii.*," was the reply. "And what did you do with it?" "Kept it for my honesty."—Paris Figaro. Croup Threatens | Quic.'c «elief of baby's croup often » 3 forestalls a serious situation when this jg S drsaded disease comes in the late ffj ■ hours of night. I §V»© I WILL nor s.vuU mi cu>niEa B Mothers steld !;ccp - jar of Srarre'r Va» or - iij jo thr Sa'.re conccnicnt. Wfce'-. C«> jp threatens r i:ij ■ delightful si!' - rubbed wit into baby'.-, t: * ■ 9 chctt and un;*-r t!.?arnts, w'l? relieve tlx" ?.* break conjcsi .on, a«.d promote restfei sleep. T.'.kef croup,' coles', pnou- Jffir I naonia, etc in cbilirsa M Wj v, Ma: well S3 jrowr.-ur« J FacvftT3oc 60c and ßl.2oit j drtTf stores or sent J wlii &2&X prepaid by gpf Branae Drag Company l|gMlUinft^ore,H.C. The subscription price of The Courier is $1.50 a year, SI.OO for eight months, 75c for six months, for four months', 5c a single copy Christmas Presents Jewelry has always been the leading article forgifts. We have the most up-to-date line ever shown in forest City* Watch Bracelets from $5.00 to $30.00. Men's Watches from $2.50 to $65.00. # Men's Watch Chains guaranteed to give entire satis faction or a new one in exchange. . , We have a beautiful line of solid gold rings in the latest designs. Birth stoue rings for every month in the year in the high tiffany setting, and other set rings in all designs. Signet and plain band rings, and also the new Tiffany wedding A swell line of gents set rings. Our line of Sapphire rings are the best money can buy. We have them in blue, white, pink and golden. All our rings are solid gold. Prices reasonable. Just arrived the latest New York styles and designs m La Vallieres all solid gold. Prices from $3.75 to $25.uU. Some cheap LaValliers gold filled at SI.OO. Factory's latest designs in solid gold and gold front in cameo brooches, from $1.25 to $25.00. Also cameo La Vallieres to match. Cuff buttons and tie pin sets in solid gold. Tie pins and tie clips of all kinds m solid gold. Men's knife and chain sets. Vanity or card cases in the latest designs, $5.00 to $20.00. Silver match boxes and cigarette cases. Ivory and ebony militaiy sets in leather cases and handsome boxes. Ivory mani cure sets in silk lined leather cases. Real nice ivory and silver inlaid ivory toilet sets, comb, brush and mirror. We have on sale the famous La Tusca pearl neck laces, SIO.OO, $12.00, and $15.00, white and flesh colors. Silverware that wears, consisting of knives, forks, spoons, sugar shells, butter knives, butter dishes, sugar bowls, cream pitchers, spoon holders and tea pots. A nice line of solid leather pocket books, 20c to $2. Silver mesh bags. We have mantel clocks and other clocks that will run. Don't fail to get a Big Ben, the world famous alarm clock. Our line of spectacles is very complete—we can fit you. No cheap trash We have many more useful things too numerous to mention. You can't go wrong to patronize the man who keeps up with the styles in his line. We know how to repair your watches and jewelry. Shop early and avoid the rush. GEO. F. BRADLEY The Jeweler Forest City Save Some of Your Earnings Most men and women —especially men, perhaps—are lured by other things than mere money. They imagine that they are captivated by the lure of coin, but, ah, no; other things obsess them Take the men who earn, say S4O a week; nine out of ten spend all they earn and are no better off on one Monday morn ing than on any preceding Monday, They imagine they want moDey, but in fact they want other things more than they want money; otherwise they would save the money. Sometimes lazi ness, sometimes sport, and sometimes luxuries command all cash obtainable. The inward desires of most people are strong er than their outward dasires and the dollars filter or fritter away. They lack A Balance Wheel such as a membership in a building and loan association will provide. Forest Gity B, & L. Association Forest Glty, N. G. * S\ The Good Old Kind that Polk Miller's 10c. * ***** ATAHIV** years Unequalled for Biliousness, y # Sick Headache, Constipation and IVFAM* lie 'Malaria. At all druggists. Manufac- L»IV Ca 1 alld tured by Polk Miller Drug Co., Inc., Richmond, Va. VOTING BALLOT Good for 150 Votes This ballot is good for 150 votes for the candidate whose name is written on it. Do not fold. Trim neatly. NAME ADDRESS Void After December 16 . Anyone can clip these ballots and vote for their frieads Tax OOPH»E,*OS«gT cmrN. 0. THE UNIVERSAL CAR WE K LINKS IN A Sißoi\G CHAIN That's just what imitation parts are when they become a part of your Ford car. They look strong enough, but the metal isn't there-the strong, durable Vanadium steel that goes into the Ford chassis akd every Ford part. Ford parts are specially cast and heat treated, each according to its use. Some require a hard, flint-like wearing surface, others need resiliency, and some need just "toughness." Ford metallurgists have been studying these problems for sixteen years and know just how each unit should be made to endure a maximum of wear and tear. They know that best results can be obtained only by the use of special formulas for different parts, and that honest Ford parts wear from thirty-five to one hundred per cent longer than counterfeits. We carry complete assortments of genuine Ford parts for both passenger cars and trucks. And our parage is equipped to give careful, prompt Ford service—from minor adjustments to complete overhauls. Drive in, it's better to be safe than sorry. Come to the Authorized Ford dealer for service Touring Car $525.00, F. O. B. Detroit; Government Tax, $21.66; Freight, $38.36. Runabout 500.00, 44 44 " " 20.63; " 38.36. Coupelet 650.00, 44 " " " 26.81; " 38.36. Sedan 775.00, '« " " " 31.97; " 38.36. Chassis 475.00, 44 44 44 44 19.19; 44 38.36. Truck 550.00, 44 44 44 44 13.61; 44 38.36. WITH STARTER Touring Car $600.00, F. O. B. Detroit; Government Tax, 24.75; Freight, 38.36. Runabout 575.00, 44 44 44 44 23.72; 44 38.36. Coupelet 725.00, 44 44 44 44 29.91; 44 38.36. Sedan 850.00, 44 44 44 44 35.06; 44 38.36. Chassis 550.00, 44 44 44 44 22.69; 44 38.36. Truck 625.00, 44 44 44 44 15.47; 44 38.36. Add for Demountable Rims and 30x3£ Tires, $25.00 and Govt. Tax, $1.03. Henrietta Garage, Henrietta, N. C., B. B. Doggett, Owner; Headquarters, Forest City, N. C. 112 Millie? used last 3 to KILL C 111 CASCARA! - Standard cold remedy tot 29 years WK*. —ia tablet form—safe, sure, no opiates—breaks up a cold in 24 hours—relieves grin in 3 days. Money back if it fails. The genuine box has a Red Mr ' Ac All Drag Stormm Our offer is to patrons and non-patrons of this bank, alike. If there is any particular in which we may be of service, our management will highly appreciate your call. Our service is justified only as it is helpful to you, to this community. We are your friends here. r jw a {^-wHEESM kn / ACCOUNTS - r " ';Z""'.g J. F. JUSTICE Surveying and Mapping Forest City, N. C. THE COURIER Wants To Do Your ♦ JOB PRINTING J. W. REID Sign Painting am Inside Finishing Picture Framing and Oil Paintings a Specialty J, W. RtID, Forest City, IV. C Office next door to Dr. Gettys' ofti ?