Fresh Oysters! We are glad to announce that we have made arrangements to handle Fresh Oysters every day. If you will let your wants be known we will always try to fill your order. We are prepared to serve them any style in our restau rant every day. i Groceries 5} We also have a nice line of groceries, candy, cakes, pies, etc. We are adding to our stock of groceries and solicit a share of jour patronage. We appreciate your business. ■==* ■ I ELITE CREAM PARLOR jf j Mrs. T. R. Blanton, Mgr. FOREST CITY ■■■■■■■■■ll ■■■■■■■■■ * tl THE ! Sanitary Barber Shop \\ J. H. CRAWFORD, Proprietor || Main Street Forest City n ■ii Largest and Most Complete Tonsorial Parlor | In Rutherford County * ' i $ II Six Comfortable Chairs | Six Good Barbers ][ Everything Sanitary ][ Courteous Treatment II The best of work at moderate prices II Your patronage solicited dill :JJIMiUiIIUIC^iIiI»BnHWIIIMHHnaRignMIIIIIUI}IMjIiUtIItU^^ i For Christmas 1 There is Nothing More Appropriate Than a Nice Piece of Furniture a 3 2 Come in and let us show you our Parlor and I Library Suites, Buffets Library Tables, Rockers, | Hugs, Grafanolas, and many other things at our I store that make handsome Christmas gifts. Lib j rary tables from $4.75 to $28.00. We have doll carriages and miniature furniture that will make the children happy at Christmas time. Make our store your headquarters. Play our Grafanolas and make yourself at home. PADGETT & KING The Old Reliable Furniture Dealers Forest City RAILROAD SCHEDULE The arrival and departure of passenger trains at Forest City, N. C. The following schedule figures are published as information and are not guaranteed. Southern Railway Arrives from Departs for 7:11 a. m. Marion, N. C.—RockHill, S. C. 7:11 a. m. 11:01 a. m. Rock Hill, S. C. Marion, N. C. 11:01 a. m. 6:12 p. ra, Marion—Rock Hill 6:12 p. m. 8:26 p. m. Rock Hill—Marion 8:26 p. m. C. C. & 0. Railway 11:58 a.m. Spartanburg-Dante 11:58 a.m. 5:04 p. m. Dante-Spartanburg 5:04 p. m. UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADINISTRATION Depot Ticket Office the ooosxi*, c#k o. Stat* of Ohio, City of Toledo, Luc&a County, as. Frank J. Cheney rnakea oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney ft Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In this «th day of December, A D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON. ?•*!) _ Notary Public. . Hall g Catarrh Medicine Is taken in ternally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists. 15c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Local News Items Have you joined the Hoard of Trade? Spurgeon Moss spent 'I uesdut in Marion, visiting the fiirnitu e fac tories there. .Miss Fearl Dawson spent, last week-end with Misses A ma King and Mae bridges at f'lifiMrte. Postmaster VV C Bl nto» has heen quite sick for the past f«w da\« ?nd is still confined to his room. Mr. and Mr* Kanipe. Mrs Roy Wanton and Mrs Hague Kiser shopped in Spartanburg on*' day last wet*k. W C Jones, pastor of the Forest Citv circuit, is in aChaHotte **anitoriutii recovering from a re cent operation Rov. the e'even vear old son of Mr and Mrs J L. Butler, has been very sick recentl\, hut we are glad t» sav that hf is improving. MissOienn Hamrick.of Henrietta, has a eept.ed a position with the H;t' i»tf-rs '?ank & T> ust Co at. For- H I ' I I C A. rtlanton, of Sumter, S. C , was called here recently on account of the serious illness of his mother. A e are glad, however, to that Mrs. Blanton is improving. J. A vViikie has resigned as a rural mail carrier out of Forest City and will devote all of his time to the insurance business and surveying. Mr. Wilkie's son Uoyce has succeed ed him as carrier on route H Miss Neil Padgett, a student at Limestone college, spent Sundav with her parents in Forest City. She was accompanied bv Mr, Claud b lack, of Gaffnev, and Miss Miller, a member of the Limestone faculty. Jonas Johnson has sold his res taurant in the Young building to J. M. Tate, who will continue to conduct it at the same stand. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have opened a new restau-ant in the Mcßrayer building next door to the Forest City Bargain store. Moss-Lieinhardt are now occupy ing their new store room in the old Movie theatre stand. They tell us that their half-page ad in the last issue of The Courier brought splen did results and their business start ed ofl with a rush. Read their new ad in this issue. S. H. Harris, a prominent under taker and business man of Union, S C., spent the week end in Forest City on business. He was a guest at the home of R. L. Reinhardt. Mr. Harris was very much impressed with Forest Cily's prospects as a coming city and trade ceuter. The many friends of Mr. I, B. Covington will regret to learn that he is seriously ill at the Rutherford hospital, where he was recently operated on for appendicitis. The latest reports from his bedside are encouraging and we hope that he will soon be back with us and in his usual good health. Misses Nell and Margaret Young delightfully entertained a numberof friends last Friday evening at a ''rook party" complimentary to Miss Lucy Patterson, one our popular high school teachers, and Miss Gladys Taylor, of Worcester, Mass., who is the guest of Mrs. James Young. Rook was played until a late hour after which a delicious salad course was set ved. Word has been received here that Rastus Houser, a Rutherford county boy, was burned to death last Mon day in Kansas City, Mo. We are unable to learn the particulars of his death He served in the 30th Division overseas and has many comrades in this county who will be grieved to hear of his tragic death. His remains will be brought fo this county for burial. The local Red Cross have been ask ed to aid in the search for Chester A. Heal, a discharged soldier, who es caped from a hospital in Cape May, N. J., recently, and is supposed to be somewhere in the South. No des cription is given of the soldier except that he is suffering from mental trou ble and is in a serious condition. Any information concerning this unfortu nate man should b* reported immedi ately to the Red Cross. Furniture! Furniture! Next to sei vice, what do you like mor than pretty furniture? There is a nev si ore in Forest City where you can get botl service and pretty furniture. You can buy here on the easy paymen: plan and never have to come in to make your weekly payments. We will have a man call at your home to collect as your pavments may be arranged. The goods we have to offer you are strictly high class and the price is right. So don't fail to drop in and start an account with us. You will always get a square "deal when you trade with MOSS-REINHARDT Old Movie Stand Forest City from your fertilizer if you use ROY STER'S trade mark REGISTERED The Fertilizer That Made t Fish Scrap Famous F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Washington, N.C. Columbia, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, McL Toledo, Ohio