% s Announcement One million Ford cars will be manufactured by the Ford Motor Co. in the next twelve months. No one would have believed, ten years ago, that such a tremendous production of motor cars could be handled by a single con cern. But the great Ford organization, which has already demonstrated its phenomenal efficiency, has reached \ the point in men, machinery and equipment where it can handle a million cars in one year with even less difficulty than was encountered in producing the first hundred thousand. We, as the local sales representatives of the Ford Motor Co., wii: receive our prorata share of the 1,000,000 cars. The Ford business demands all of our time, and it is going to have all of our time. For this reason we have found it necessary to discontinue our activity in, and withdraw our capital from all other lines. We are concen trating on Ford Sedans, Ford Coupelets, Ford Touring Cars, Ford Runabouts and Ford Trucks, exclusively. Our shop, its machinery and equipment, are especially designed for ford service only. Our stock of repair parts con sists of GENUINE FORD PARTS only, carrying the same high quality of metallurgical work as do the parts in the original chassis. In other words, our who e establishment is operated for the service and convenience of Ford users, some of whom are running cars 5, 8, 10 and even 15 years old. We want ali Ford users who live in this section, as well as those who make this city their headquarters, to know that in the future everything in the way of personal energy and capital which we have will be available for such service and attention as they require. ✓ FOREST CITY NORTH CAROLINA THE COURIER, FOREST CITY. N C