FOKES I CITY COURIER ime II - "• i 6 PBCif- m- L Wakefield, D. of Charlotte L in Reinhard's Drug store on L, January 31st. The doct. r [his practice to the treatment of L n ose and throat diseases and [glasses. Ask your family physi- Lut cousulting Dr. Wakefield. kpEAS WANTED-Best cash ( paid for all varieties. See or me what you have before selling. I Gay. Forest City, N. C. Led-About two weeks ago, a I pointer pup about one year old, , rP to name of Lillie. If found j notify Clarence Butler, Forest phone 48. bpFOR SALE—I92O model with L. never been run. Better see lick. W. V. Smith, Caroleen. InTED- Four or 5 white tenants L t year. Farms well located. i louses to live in and the very best 1. Also wanted parties to log liH For further information ad [H. W. Trout, Saluda, S. C. INTED-Seven girls to top or |to top in knitting mill at Forest I Will pay $1.25 per day while |llg. Parsley & Tanner, Inc. 51 tf STED Ladies for cen office work, Forest City; rs preferred. Apply to V. Eskridge, Manager phone Co. —■— :tificate of Dissolution of Nor' • ■ ;• / Ijartinent • ) Ito Whi.ti. P•-• •i- vi ; , ome- e i „ : ereas, 11 ;» MI » iti Q, hy d. N-i HI • the prore 'I i ■ - !«»• ' *i» - v dissolmi 1 i f>Hi«•' i • « moils con•»••!» i is. deposit ii i in\ rh 1 L. Kanip-moan . a »o - ■on Of till*' • IK. |»r111- ■ office is siiu.iifr' in the mwn ■rest c'iiy y viitiier fctate of Nor h • arolina (H. L |• being the ■rge thereof, upon whom pro lay be served), has complied ■the requirements of Chapter Bevisal of 19''5 emit led " o - Bons," prelimii ar\ to the UHII ■ this Certiticaie of I >issol «i- »n: 1. rhereforn. I, J. BRYAN lES, Secretary of State of the ■of North arolina. do hereby ■' that the said oorporution did, B 3th day of January, 1920. file ■ office a dulv executed and a»- I consent in writing to the dis lon of said corporation, exe-! ■ by all the stockholders there- Bich said consent and the rec ■ the proceedings aforesaid are In file in my said office as pro ■ by law. ■Testimony Whereof, I have ■ set my hand and affixed my ■ seal at Raleigh, this Bth day ■uary, A. D. 1920. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. ■tificate of Dissolution North i arolina, ( ■artment of State S ■ to Whom these Presents May ■)tne—Greeting: ■sreas, It appears to my satis- B by duly authentic; ted rec ■ trie proceedings for the vol ■ dissolution thereof by the ■nous consent of all the stock- ■ s » deposited in my office, that ■e&rietta Garage Company, a ■ aiU)n °f this State, whose K a .'. office is situated in the m Henrietta, County of Ruth s' State of North Carolina H* doggett being the agent Wand in charge thereof, upon ■ Process may be served), has ■ e 0 W «he requirements of ■ r 2l, Revisal of 1905, entitled ■Rations,' preliminary to the Vof this Certificate of Disso »Jherefore, I, J. BRYAN secretary of State of the Carolina, do hereby ■ t iut the said corporation K 1 dav of January, 1920, ■ > office a duly executed and ■ consent in writing to the ■ r!' n t?' cor Poration, ex ■ | the stockholders there ■,'L 1 consent and the rec ■ * proceedings aforesaid are ■L j® ln m Y said office as pro l^ s s \v hereof, I have bere ■ 'Jhand and affixed my official ■ this Bth day of Jan ■&-1). 1920. HRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. Miss Alma King has accepted a place as teacher at Caroleen. Colonel J. C. Scruggs has been con ; ned to his bed the past week with grip. William Butler left last week for Spartanburg to enter a business college. Mrs. Pracilla Padgett has returned from a visit to her son William in Char lotte. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Black, Friday, January 23, a fine girl, Jennie Sue. B. R. Hamrick of Bostic spent the week-end here visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. J. L. Butler and sons, Beason and Roy, spent last week-end at Boiling Springs. J. R. McDaniel, prominent citizen of Sandy Mush, was here on business Wednesday. The road between Forest City and Rutherfordton is reported in almost im passable condition. The first f eal snow of this season fell here Suuday night, covering the ground to a depth of about three inches. Mrs. W r . J. Davis, who has been on the sick list for a few days, is improv i ig, we are glad to say. ■■ t Mrs. C. M. Croweli spent the past week in Asheville visiting a former school mate, Mrs. Hampton. Mrs. A. W. Lynch returned home Monday from Marshall, where she had been on an extended visit to her parents. David Philbeck, a prominent farmer of the Bostic rural section, was a busi ness visitor in Forest City one day last week. Messrs. J H. Thomas and B. B. Doggett spent the past week in South Georgia looking after their lumber in terests. Misses Nell Padgett and Jennie Mae Harrill are with home people for a few days. Their college. Limestone, is having much flu. ' Max Blanton, who has been a printer on the Southern Textile Bulletin in Charlotte for several months, is back with The Courier. Bill Arp Lowrance, an old Forest City boy who is now associate editor of the Southern Textile Bulletin, Charlotte, spent Monday with his mother here. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Hamrick, who moved to Lexington from this place a few months ago, have returned and will probably make Forest City their home. Paul Doggett is home this week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. B. B. Doggett, who have just moved from Caroleen to Forest City. Paul is in Wofford college. V. L. Hughey, of West End, has ac cepted a position as bookkeeper for a large Richmond, Va., concern and will leave this week to take up his new duties. Mr. Hughey has been agent at the Seaboard depot here since the resig nation of Mr. J. P. Williamson and has been a good one. Rutherford county now has a real first class photograph studio, Messrs. Gilbert & Hames having just opened such a place at Cliffside. These gentle men are experienced in their line and will no doubt do a big business from the beginning. See their opening announce ment in this paper. The sympathy of the oommunity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. F. S. (Major) Gamble in the loss of their 3-year-oid daughter, Eleanor. Little Eleanor died Friday night of pneumonia, and the body was laid to rest in Cool Springs cemetery Sunday afternoon, after fun eral services conducted at the home by Rev. S. N. Watson. Padgett & King, local furniture dealers and undertakers, received this week the new Michigan Six motor hearse which they recently purchased. It is two-tone grey in color and quite the finest and handsomest in this sec tion of the state. This firm will short ly move their undertaking parlor' into the room over Moore's wholesale store which is now being remodeled. This will give them more space and enable them to give better service than ever. FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1920 AT FOREST CITY, CAROLEEN AND LATTIMORE In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, Dec. 31, 1919. RESOURCES DOLLARS Loans and Discounts ... $918,140.91 Demand Loans 80,092,00 Overdrafts, 9,576.46 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds 147,550.00 Banking Houses, $15,362.40; Furniture and Fixtures, $7,124.32 22,486.72 Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers & Trust Co's. 174,143.61 Liquidating Acct. First State Bank, Bostic, N. C 5,791.21 Rutherford County Bonds 9,200.00 Total $1,366,980.91 LIABILITIES DOLLARS Capital Stock paid in $ 75,000.00 Surplus Fund 35,000.00 Undivided Profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 19,968.09 Deposits subject to check $755,183.10 Time Certificates of Deposit 329,567.87 Savings Deposits 11,994.08 Cashier's Checks outstanding 15,841.41 Due to State Banks, Bankers and Trust Companies 42,139.55 ' 1,154,726.01 United States Bond Acct 75,000.00 Liquidating Acct. First State Bank, Bostic, N. C 7,286.81 Total $1,366,980.91 State of North Carolina, County of Rutherford. Dec. 31, 1919. I, J. H. Thomas, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. H. Thomas, Cashier. Subscribed £nd sworn to before me, this 31st day of Dec., 1919. Gudger W. Edwards, Notary Public. My commission expires Janary 29, 1920. Correct—Attest: B. B. Doggett, G. P. Reid, T. R. Padgett, Directors. [ SHOE POLISHES ] I BEST FOR HOME SHINES—SAVE THE LEATHER I THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES PASTES AND LIQUIDS *nd white shoe. THE p. p. DALLEY CORPORATIONS LTD.. BUFFALO. N. Y. M RAILROAD SCHEDULE The arrival and departure of passenger trains at Forest City, N. C. The following schedule figures are published as information and are not guaranteed. Southern Railway Arrives from Departs for 7:11 a. m. Marion, N. C. Rock Hill, S. C. 7:11 a. m. 11:01 a. m. Rock Hill, S. C. Marion, N. C. 11:01 a. m. 6:12 p. m, Marion— Rock Hill 6:12 p. m. 8:26 p. m'. Rock Hill—Marion 8:26 p. m. C. C. & O. Railway 11:58 a. m. Spartanburg-Dante 11:58 a. m. 5:04 p. m. Dante-Spartanburg 5:04 p. m. UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADINISTRATION Depot Ticket Office REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMERS BANK & TRUST COMPANY 838 Shares Have been sold in the twenty-eigth series of this Association, and they are still selling. That means a weekly income of $202.25 from the last series alone, which will enable us ot make two $500.- 00 loans per month if we only had the 28th., to back us up. But we have about 900 other shares, and we average making one $500.00 loan every week. We said when we came here that we would double the number of shares in force within a year, but we've done it in less than six months. That's going, sbme for Forest City. But listen friends, within a year we'll have one of the largest Building and Loan Associations in western North Carolina. / This is the place to~invest your spare change. Buy prepaid shares at $72.50 if you desire to invest it in lump sums. That pays you six per cent. You Can Buy Shares In the 28th Until February 8 Forest city B. & L. Association Forest City, N. G. Cliffside Local News — Death of Mr. Padgett. Cliffside, Jan. 26. —Miss Belle Allen and Mrs. Dora Cumnock of Spartanburg were pleasant visitors here last week. 9 J. R. Padgett, who was reported last week as being seriously ill, died at his home on North Main street last Wed nesday morning, and was interred in his lot in the Cliffside cemetery Thurs day afternoon. The funeral service was held in the Baptist church at one o'clock, conducted by Mr. Padgett's pastor, Rev. D. J. Hunt, assisted by Rev. J. A. Burrus, pastor of the Metho dist church. The Cliffside Renown Band, of which Mr. Padgett was a member, attended in a body and as the casket was being placed in the hearse the band played softly an arrangement of "Jesus Lover of My Soul." The band marched before the hearse to the church and played a funeral march, "The Last Call." Mr. Padgett was forty-five years old the day before he died. He leaves a wife and five chil dren and one brother to mourn their loss. Our town has lost one of its best citizens. Mr. Padgett was a man of quiet, unassuming mien, a christian gentleman in the true sense of the word. He seemed to realize that his days were few from the first of his illness and said he was ready and waiting to go. We deeply sympathize with the sorrow ing family and his host of friends. Master Summie Scruggs had the mis fortune to fall from a horse last Friday and sustained injuries that are painful but not necessarily serious. We hope he will soon be out again. Rev. D. J. Hunt attended the Mobile School at Greensboro last week, return ing Thursday for the funeral of J. R. Padgett. Mrs. D. J. Hunt and children are spending a few days with Mrs. Hunt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gardin near Marion. The heaith officers deemed it wise not to have Sunday school or church service of any kind last Sunday, as there are a few cases of flu and small pox reported in this vicinity, and you know "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Mr. Doggett Dropped Dead Mr. George Doggett, who lived about two miles from Forest City, dropped dead in his yard Monday while- shovel ing snow. Burial services were held at Tanner's Grove Tuesday. Oi Card of Thanks We wish to thank our good friends and neighbors who were so kind to us during the illness and death of our father, Mr. W. A. Blanton. Their thoughtfulness and kindness will never be forgotten and we pray God's richest blessings upon you all. THE CHILDREN. a Mt. Pleasant Mews Mrs. J. R. McDaniel and daughter, Flora, are visiting relatives in Cliffside. Mr. Crawford Lancaster, from Boil ing Springs, is at home on account of the school being stopped for small-pox. Miss Selma Price entertained a num ber of her friends at a pound supper, Saturday night, January 24, in honor of Misses Baber and Gwyn of Lawndale. It was quite a delightful occasion, music and games being enjoyed throughout the evening. Mr. J. S. Morgan has resigned his position as section foreman on the C. C. &O. Railway. Mr. T. M. Minish, of Pitts, N. C. is his successor. Mr. Morgan has purchased a Ford touring car. o A Road to Health and Happiness. If a person is weak, feels tired or run down, there is no reason for re maining in that condition if you want to be strong and healthy. Healthy people are the happy people. People who always feel tired cannot be happy and contented. If you have that tired, weak feeling, go to Long's Drug Store and get a bottle of Syrup of Hypophosphites. It is a reconstructive tonic in bronchitis, mal-nutrition, nervous exhaustion, emaciation and strumous skin affections. ' It aids nutrition of the structural parts of the body and is a reconstituent and tonic for convalescents from wasting and debilitating diseases. Get a bottle today and begin at once to build yourself up. For Sale by Long Drug Co. Forest City. Tanlac—a splendid tonic and system i purifier. Long Drug Co. $1.50 a Year, in Advance News Letter From the County Seat Rutherfordton, Jan. 26.—The annual report of the condition of the Citizens Building & Loan Association, of Ruth erfordton, which witl be issued at an early date, will show a most prosperous year's business closing December 31st. The number of shares subscribed during the year were 849, against 177 during 1918, the shares increasing from 814 to 1527 during 1919. Eighty-four shares of prepaid stock were also issued during the last three months business closing December 31st. The loans have increas edrfrom $36,117.10 to $52,442 84 and the total receipts have increased more than 50 per cent, growing from $21,452,80 to $46,301.68. The officers of this institu tion are: K. J. Carpenter, president; W. J. McDaniel, vice-president, and Miss Virginia Grayson, secretary and treasurer. Rev. T. L. Blalock, a returned mis sionary from China, who has spent about 25 years in China and who has been spending his furlough in the United States, preached at the Baptist church here yesterday morning and night, the sermon at night being on China and her condition. Rutherfordton is mantled in pure and white today, sleet and snow having fallen during last night and today, giving us the first snow-fall of the season. The February term of Rutherford superior court for the trial of civil cases, will convene at Rutherfordton on Monday, February 2nd, Judge Ben. F. Long, of Statesville, presiding. We learn that owing to existing con ditions and as a matter of precaution against the "flu," the graded school will be closed indefinitely, and Sunday school and church service may be dis continued for a period of time. Box Supper Come? Yes. Where? To Pleasant Grove school house. When? January 31st. Who? Everybody. Money? Yes. Time? 7:30. o HEALTHY, ROBUST PEOPLE POPULAR EVERYWHERE Good Health Creates an Attractive, Magnetic Personality and Wins Admiration Healthy People Are Happiest Pepto-Man&an Has Put Thousands Into the Healthy, Full-Blooded Class How the red-blooded, energetic, and attractive man or woman is envied by those who feel that it will always be their unfortunate lot to be thin, pale,, and weak-bodied! And yet why continue to envy men and women who possess a vigorous, healthy physical condition and an at tractive, magnetic personality': Poor •health and lack of vitality are often merely the result of impoverished blood. Gude's Pepto-Mangan is for people whose bodies suffer from lack of proper blood nourishment. Pepto-Mangan en riches the blood and increases the num ber of healthy red blood cells, which are so necessary to carry the proper nourishment, vigorousness, and strength to every part of the body. Physicians introduced Gude's Pepto- Mangan to the public because .they knew that it contained the very proper ties that are so sorely needed to build up thin, watery blood, For your con venience Pepto-Mangan is prepared in two forms, liquid and tablet. Both con tain exactly the same medicinal value. Insist on the genuine Pepto-Mangan. To be sure you are buying the genuine Pepto-Mangan, ask your druggist for "Gude's." And be sure the name "Gude's" is on the package. Among the recent visitors at the home of J. L. Butler were Misses Bettie and Evie Beason and Messrs. Tom Jolly and C. R. Beason, of Boiling Springs. Vick's Vaporub salve, Bromo Laxa tive Quinine, Wampole's Cod Liver Oil at Long Drug Co., Forest City. Effective Printing means good type, good presses, good workmen and good paper. We have the equipment and the workmen for you, and use Hammermill grades of bond, safety qwH cover papers. Let us show you.