DANDRUFF WILL GET EVERY HAIR IN HEAD Let "Danderine" check nasty scurf and stop ha r falling To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, C«t a small bottle of "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your' hand and rub it into the scalp. After several ap jplications the hair usually stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff. Boon every hair on your scalp shows new life, vigor, brightness, thickness and more color.—Adv. No Loss. "What's the gloom about, Dauber?' "I was just worrying over losl arts." "Why worry? There's a lot of art around now that ought to be lost."— Kansas City Journal. [ MR. OR MRS. i DYSPEPTIC t ' Get rid of Indigestion and } Stomach Worries with j ;; "Pape's Diapepsin" i ' - I T I -4 "Really does" put weak, disordered stomachs in order—"really does" over come indigestion, dyspepsia, gas. heart burn and sourness due to acid fer mentation that just that Pape's Diapepsin the largest selling stomach antacid and regulator in the world. If what you eat ferments and turns sour, you belch gas and eructate undigested food or water; head is diz zy and aches; breath foul; tongue coated, remember the moment "Pape's Diapepsin" comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly astonishing—almost marvelous, and the joy is its harmlessness. A box of Pape's Diapepsin tablets costs so little at drug stores too. —Adv. Assured Knowledge. "How is it that woman knows so much about bringing up children?" "She never had any." WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND SWAMP-ROOT For many years druggists have watched with much interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medi cine. It is a physician's prescription. Swamp-Root is a strengthening medi cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and blad der do the work nature intended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the test of years. It is sold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. ?To other kidney medicine has so many friends. Be sure to get Swamp-Root and start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this .great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a ■ample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.—Adv. Sometimes marriage is a failure and sometimes it is only a run on the bank. BOSCHEE'S SYRUP. A cold is probably the most com mon of all disorders and when neglect ed is apt to be most dangerous. Sta tistics show that more than three times as many people died from in fluenza last year, as were killed in the greatest war the world has ever known. For the last fifty-three years Boschee's Syrup has been used for coughs, bronchitis, colds, throat ir ritation and especially lung troubles. It gives the patient a good night's rest, free from coughing, with easy expectoration in the morning. Made In America and used in the homes of thousands of families all over the civilized world. Sold everywhere.—Adv. Contentment is never begotten by regret. To Have a Clear Sweet Skin. Touch pimples, redness, roughness or itching, if any. with Cuticura Oint ment, then bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Rinse, dry gently and dust on a little Cuticura Talcum to leave a fascinating fragrance on skin. Everywhere 25c each. — Adv. The son-in-law is often the child of Borrow. -J£!2 l £? Btlon , P r ? duces dlsai?r®«able and sometimes alarming symptoms. Wri*ht'« Vegetable Pills stimulate the (ltse«- processes to function naturally. Adv. No laugh is discordant that follow:- *our Joke. ACT FOR MILITARY TRAINING PASSED BILL DIFFERS FROM THAT OF REORGANIZATION THAT WAS PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED. FOUR MONTHS OF TRAINING Provision is Made for Citizen Army Composed of 200,000 Enlisted Men, Officers and a National Guard. Washington.—By a vote of nine to five, the senate military committee ap proved provisions providing for com pulsory military training for boys be tween 18 and 21 years, and ordered favorable report upon the army reg istration bill. The compulsory military training provision, fixes the training period at tour months. As finally agreed upon, the bill is virtually the same as reported by the sub-committee but is radically diffei ent from the reorganization bjH sub mitted by the war department to Con gress. In addition to establishing compulsory military training, the bill provides for one army to be divided into a citizen army composed of 200,- 000 enlisted men and 18.000 officers, and a national guard. Specific provision is made in the bill that the citizen army cannot be called to colors except in the case of a declaration of war. To accommo date the reserve force built up under the system of military training, pro vision is made in the bill for an an nual reduction of five per cent in the enlisted strength of the regular army. HOOVER THINKS INDEPENDENT IS WANTED BY THE PEOPLE. Washington.—How does Herbert Hoover stand on the campaign being waged by his friends to make him a candidate for President? Does he wish to run —is he a can didate? If so, does he wish to run as a democrat, as a republican or as an independent? As a candidate, will Hoover sub scribe to and run on whatever plat form the organization leaders of the party nominating him bring out of convention? Hoover is not actively a candidate, but will stand for election on a pro gressive. human platform if such is brought forward by any party and Hoover's leadership demanded. AIRPLANE IS BEING BUILT TO CARRY 100 PASSENGERS New York—A giant Caproni plane Which is being constructed near Milan to carry 100 passengers described by Augustus A. Post before the state aviation commission in session here. Mr. Post recently returned from Eu rope where he was sent by the Aero Club of America to study the advance of aviation. AMERICAN RED CROSS WORKERS LEAVE SIBERIA Vladivostok. —All American women and many Red Cross workers are to be evacuated from Siberia on the first available transport, it is announced by Red Cross headquarters here. WILHEMSTRASSE IS BARRICADED, UNDER GUARD Berlin. —Wilhemstrass'ft tonight is , barricaded and under the guard of numerous troops. A patrol of 18 arm ed automobiles and half a dozen huge motor trucks, loaded with armed troops, arrived early iri the evening and immediately took up their posi- ; tions in wfront of the government building and shut off all traffic from the thoroughfares. The precautions taken by Minister of Defense Noske were stimulated by j rumors that the monarchists would at- j tempt an insurrection on the eve of 1 the former emperor's birthday . AMERICANIZATION BILL IS PASSED BY THE SENATE i Washington.—The senate by a vote ! of 36 to 14 passed the enyon Ameri canization bill, which would require all residents of the United States of 1 to 21 years of age, not mentally or physically disqualified, and all alien residents between the ages of 16 and 45 who cannot speak, read or write English, to attend school not ljess fhan 200 hours a year. The measure had been before the senate for about a week. UNION OF AUSTRIA AND GERMANY IS DEMANDED) Vienna, Sunday.—Under the ..rally ing call of "starvation or fusion,' a ■great mass-meeting in support of a union of Austria with Germany was held in the city hall with overflow meetings on the terraces. The meeting was under the aus pices of the Pan-American party and President Dinghofer, of the national assembly. The speeches were gener ally temperate in tone, sounding the sote of despair over Austria's future, THE COURIER, FOREST CITY, N. C. GET READY FOR "FIU" Keep Your Liver Active, Your System Purified and Free From Colds by Taking Calotabs, the Nausealess Calomel Tablets, that are De lightful, Safe and Sure. Phvsicians and Druggists are advis ing their friends to keep their systems purified and their organs in perfect working order as a protection against the return of influenza. They know that a clogged up system and a lazy liver favor colds, influenza and serious complications. To cut short a cold overnight and to prevent serious complications take one Calotab at bedtime with a swallow of water —that's all. No salts, no nausea, no griping, no sickening after effects. Next morning your cold has vanished, your liver is active, your system is puri fied and refreshed and you are feeling fine with a hearty appetite for break fast. Eat what you please —no danger. Calotabs are sold only in original sealed packages, price thirty-five cents. Every druggist is authorized to refund your money if you are not perfectly delighted with Calotabs. —(Adv.) There is always an ill feeling be tween the doctor and the patient. It's so much easier to gossip about people than it is to pray for them. MIDDLE AGE May Pass the Critical Period Safely and Comfortably by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Summit, N. J. —"I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound dur- IHllillHllllllllllillilllil Change of Life ] 1 and I think it is a good remedy in such a condition. I could B&f' ** ail not digest my food and had much pain ff-ggg* and burning in my stomach after ft---" w • meals. I could not pV'- sleep, had backache, and worst of all ' : were the hot flashes, v ?Wr-lei, 1 saw in the papers v W Mi about Vegetable Compound so I tried it. Now I reel all right and can work better. You have my permission to publish this letter." —VICTORIA KOPPL, 21 Oak Ridge Ave., Summit, N. J. If you have warning symptoms such as a sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backache, dread of im pending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregulari con stipation, variable appetite, weakness, inquietude, and dizziness, get a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and begin taking the medicine at once. We know it will help you as it did Mrs. Koppl. HEADACHE Often Caused by Acid-Stomach Yes, indeed, more often than you think. Because ACID-STOMACH, starting with in digestion, belching, food-repeat ing, bloat and gas, 7? not checked, will even tually affect every vital organ of the body. Severe, blinding, splitting headaches are, therefore, of frequent occurrence as a result of this upset condition. Take EATONIC. It quickly banishes acid stomach with its sour bloat, pain and gas. It aids digestion—helps the stomach get full strength from every mouthful of food you eat. Millions of people are miserable, weak, sick and ailing because of ACID STOMACH. Poisons, created by partly di gested food charged with acid, are absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the entire system. This of'en causes rheu matism, biliousness, cirrhosis of the liver, heart trouble, ulcers and even cancer of the stomach. It robs Its victims of their health, undermines the strength of the most vigorous. If you want to get back your physical and mental strength—be full of vim and vigor—enjoy life and be happy, you must get rid of your acid-stomach. In EATONIC you will find the very help you ne*ted and it's guaranteed. So get a big 50c box from your druggist today. If It fails to please you, return It and he will refund your money. EATONIC ( FOR YOOR ACID-STOMACBp flit HORSE fill OWNERS IHBSSSBS , Keep a bottle of Yager's Liniment in your stable for rSaBSH "Pavin, curb, splint or any enlargement, tor shoulder if slip or sweeny«#wounds, galls, scratches, collar or Bhoe boils, sprains and anv lameness. It absorbs swell . , .* n ß s , an d enlargements, and dispels pain and stiffness quickly. YAGER'S LINIMENT At all dealers. Price 35 cents. The large 35 cent bottle of Yager's Lini. ment contains twice as much as the usual 50 cent bottle of liniment. GILBERT BROS. & CO., Baltimore, Md. Skin Troubles Soothed With Cuticura Soap 25c, Ointneart 25 uui 50c, Talc tun 25c. CHILLS, GOLDS, FEVERISHNESS Black-Draught Is Used by Virginia Lady for Colds, Fever and Other Troubles With Fine Results. Kocky Mount, Va.—Miss Mae Chlt i»ood, of this place, recently stated: "I have used. Black-Draught for colds and stomach trouble and certainly have found it very satisfactory. When I would feel bad and fever : ish, as though I was taking a fresh cold, I would make a good cup of Black-Draught tea and it would soon set me all right. I can recommend it as a splendid laxative and gladly do so. You may publish my statement." When you feel chilly, tired, fever ish, headachy and fear that you are taking cold, take a good dose of the old, reliable, liver medicine you have heard so much about— Thedford's Black-Draught. It is made from purely vegetable ingredients, acts in a gentle, natural way, and by helping to drive out poisonous waste matter from your system, it will often, if taken in time, prevent a chill from de veloping into a cold. Thousands of people, during the past 70 years, have found Black-Draught of benefit in such cases. Try it, the next time you chill or sneeze. —Adv. Trying to Fool Philander. "Brother Philander," said I, to our head deacon last Monday, "I was de tained yesterday morning and could not get to services." "So I noticed." replied Philander. "I would have been absent, too, had 1 not washed my car Saturday afternoon." —Kansas City Star. "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" IS CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poisons from stomach, liver and bowels Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harm less laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bot tle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California." —Adv. Sure Hair Grower. The Bald One —"Have you anything that will prow hair?" The Barber —"I certainly have if he lives —ray baby." ? HEAD STUFFED FROM ? « CATARRH OR A COLD ? I ? *:* Says Cream Applied in Nostrils *t* v Opens Air Passages Right Up. •> Instant relief —no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffing, blowing, headache, dryness. No• struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It pen etrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swol len mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed up with a cold or nasty catarrh.—Adv. If one is clean, courageous j»iid sen sible, he can get along very well without romance. SHE DYES HER OLO GARMENTS LIKE NEW "Diamond Dyes" Make Faded, Shabby Apparel So Fresh and Stylish. Don't worry about perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods,—dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers—everything. Direction Book with each package tells how to diamond dye over any color. To match any material, have dealer show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. —Adv. Father Time has to face smokeless powder In his battles with women. ROAD CONTRACTS IN UNION COUNTY FIRST ROAD IS TO BE BUILT FROM MONROE VIA WAXHAW TO JACKSON BIRTHPLACE. , TERMS OF CONTRACT UNUSUAL Road Law Adopted by the Last Legis lature is Said to Be Proving the Best the County Ever Saw. Monroe—The Union county road commission announces that it has let the contract for the construction or half a million dollars' worth of roads in Union county. The first road to be built will be the Jackson highway from Monroe through Waxhaw to the Andrew Jackson birthplace, where it connects with the Charlotte-Savannah highway. The terms of the contract are un usual, being the 'cost plus system with interpretations and reservations. The actual cost of the work Is figured out by the county road superintend ent and the contract let on this basis plus 10 per cent. If the actual cost proves higher than the estimate, the contractor and the county share the increase 50-50; if it proves less than the estimate, they divide the gain equally. The road law under which the county is working was adopted by the last legislature and is declared to be proving the most practicable of any law the county has had. Charlotte —Charlotte's splendid new high school building, said to be one of the finest in the state and a model well worthy of emulation by other cities, will in all probability be ready for classes by February 15, Superin tendent of Schools Harding stated. Marion. There are in McDowell county something like 1,300 dogs. The value on the tax books of these ca- nines is a neat sum. The paxes paid on them is about $1,500. The number ber of sheep in the county is less than 300 and the value is less than SI,OOO. The tax amounts to less than S2O. Warrenton —The public-spirited peo ple of the county are being mobilized into a law enforcement body by Prof. John Graham and his committee in an effort to locate and destroy the whis key outfits in Warren. Mt. Airy.—S. Glen Young created considerable excitement here when he appeared on the streets with two de serters and an alleged blockader, whom he had forced to carry his own copper still, cap, worm and other par aphernalia, and landed his trio of cap tives in jail here. Asheville. —Announcement is made by the 'Southern railway that the new •bridge, just completed over the Ten nessee liver, between Chattanooga and Harriman Junction, has been open ed and put in use. The bridge was condemned about six months ago by the government inspectors and order ed closed. Goldsboro. —Definite arrangements were made by the local chamber of commerce to have the annual conven tion of the Eastern North Carolina county farm agents and home demon strators meet in Goldsboro February 11 to 13. It is said that delegates from 32 counties will be present at this convention. Raleigh. United States Marshal George H. Bellamy will transfer his office from Raleigh to "Wilmington on March 1, and he must have almost a new force. Lincolnton. —Troop A. cavalry, First North Carolina national guard, is now assured. Major H. P. Perrine, of the 46th infantry, United States army, stationed at Camp Jackson, spent a day in the city inspecting the appli cants for the new troop and mustering into service the Lincolnton platoon. Gardner on Ignorance. Sanford. "The greatest menace North Carolina has today is ignor ance," declared Lieutenant Governor O. Max Gardner, to the Lee Post No. 18 of the American legion. North Carolina can not compete with her sister states so long as she is held hack by the handicap of ignor ance," the speaker cpntinued. "One seventh of North Carolina's popula tion sit in intellectual darkness to night. Fifty thousand white men of diaft age in this state can neither read nor write their names." Veteran Firemen Quit. Asheville. lmmediately following the discharge of Fireman Ernest Da vis by Commissioner Fitzpatrick and the subsequent resignation of Chief Wood, 25 volunteer firemen of the city fire department, called an indignation meeting, and proffered their resigna tions. All save two of tne volunteer men, who were not present, of the entire company followed the action oi the chief. Among those resigned are many veterans of big flres and participant* in state tournaments for 18-yeara. BAD BLOOD Tennessee Folks Testify Alton Park, Tenn.?-—"Dr. Pierce's Gold, an Medical Discovery has done me a world tof good. A few months I became all run-down in health, and suffered loss of appetite. J lost in weight, wa« weak, my blood was lmpovished and bad and my complexion was sallow. I aiso had catarrh very badly. All this made me a miserable wreck. I was advised to take the 'Golden Medical Discovery.' I have only taken two bottles but am now feeling like a new person. I have a good appetite and have gained in weight; my cheeks have a rosy look and my general health ia so much improved in every way that I cannot praise 'Golden Medical Discovery' enough for what it has done for me." —MRS. BERRY NICHOLS, 107 Rogers St. "•Dr. Pierce of, Buffalo, N. Y., stands behind this standard medicine. When you take Golden Medical Discovery, you are getting the benefit of the experience of a doctor whose reputation goes all arouud the earth. Tonic and Blood Purifier Memphis, Tenn.: —"Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a splendid blood purifier and tonio. I took it at one time when my blood was impoverished and I became dropsical, my feet and limbs became swollen to the knees. Six bottles of 'Golden Medical Discovery* cured me of all this and I have not been troubled with a dropsical condition since that time, which was fifteen years ago. "I have also found the 'Pleasant Pellets' excellent for sluggish liver and constipation. They are effective and do not gripe. I can recommend these two of Dr. Pierce's medi cines because they have certainly benefited me."—MRS. LIZZIE NEFF, 260 Market St. . Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are made of May-apple, leaves of aloe and jalap, put into ready-to-use form by Doctor Piera\ nearly-fifty years ago, and now sold for 25 cents by all druggists. Kills Germs—ls a Tonic consists of compounds of Iron, sulr hu and oxygen in solution. It is a com mercial disinfectant, antiseptic and tonic. Fer-Sul is non-poisonous and odor less, and being scientific works like magic. Fer-Sul, being non-poisonous, no fear need be felt from its use. Fer-Snl, being odorless, cannot in jure dairy products from its smell. Fer-Sul kills the eggs and larvae of flies, mosquitoes and other insects. There will be no Infantile Paralysis. Yellow Fever or Bubonic Plague it there is no carrying agent. Fer-Sul, being a liquid, is adapted for spraying in the dairy, on poultry farms In barns, stables, pigsties, coops, cess pools, privies, etc. When used as di rected no fear need be felt from its after effects. Fer-Sul holds the ammonia in the wastes, indicmad above, until it is re quired by plant life. Putrefaction is arrested and a nuisance becomes an asset. Fer-Sul cures and prevents many of the diseases of animals and poultry. It is unequaled for stopping the flow of blood from wounds. The Saving of the Creatures Born on the Farm Is True Conservation at It« Souree. Their Progeny Will Be Next Year's Food Supply. We want a dealer in each town. In sist that your dealer has FER-SUL for you when you want it. NOW SOLD BY People's Drug: Store, Salisbury, N. C. Darling & Bonnoitt, Darlington, S. C. Mitchell's Drug Store, Sumter, S. C. Murray Drug Store. Columbia. S. C. Jtirkland Distributing Co., Columbia. 8. C. The Geer Drug Co., Spartanburg and Charleston. S. C. Gordon Mdse. Co., Greenville, S. C. The Wohltmann Co., Charleston, S. C. Write for circulars and indorse ments. If your dealer does not have it now. ninety cents in stamps will bring you a 12 oz. bottle of FER-SUL by parcel post. Westmoreland Chemical & Color Co. Philadelphia GET SLOAN'S FOR YOUR PAIN RELIEF You don't have to rub it in to get quick, comfort ing relief Once you've tried it on that stiff joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain, rheu matic twinge, lame back, you'll find a warm, soothing relief you never thought a liniment could produce. \\ on't stain the skin, leaves no muss, wastes no time in applying, sure to give quick results. A large bottle means economy. Your own or any other druggist has it. Get it today. 35c, 70c, $1.40. Thousands of women always have a box of DHL TUTT'S LIVER PILLS In the house. At the first sign of i any irregularity a timely dose is § taken. Those who use them rec-1 ommend them. Hence, their sue- L cess for over half a century. FOR R CONSTIPATION THEY HAVE NO | For CROUP, COLDS, INFLUENZA & PNEUMONIA Mothers should keep a jar of Brame's Vapo mentha Salve convenient. When Croap, Influ enza or Pneumonia threatens this delightful salve rubbed well Into the throat, chest and under the arms, will relieve the choking, break congestion and promote restful sleep. ®v«§ WILL MOT SIAUI mt CLOTHES We, AOe tad |1.»0 at all drag atom or Mat prepaid by Bf "ne Drug Co N. Wilkeiboro, N. C.

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