What this Drue Store Is to You j It Is Your Haven of Refuge— | When your appetite is poor. When your digestion is bad. When constipation annoys you. = When you have a cold. if When you have that tired feeling. y When your head aches. g When your tooth aches. When your gums are sore. §§ When your stomach aches. When you are doubled up with rheumatism. Quick When your back aches. jj Relief When you are troubled with dizziness. For When you have a cough. Any When your face or lips are chapped, of When you sprain an ankle. Them When you are out of sorts in any way, but not j serious enough for a doctor. LONG DRUG COMPANY The Nyal Quality Drug Store Norris Exquisite Candies Forest City j Did You Know That we have a full line of electrical fixtures at the Mayor's office? We Have and it is no longer necessary for people of Forest City to go out ot town to buy them. Come to see us when in need ot anything in the electrical line and it we haven't got it in the office or store room, we know where to get it. We SELL LAMPS cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere. Town of Forest City W. J. DAVIS, Clerk UNITED STATES RAILROAD Administration announces t WINTER EXCURSION FARES via SOTHERN RAILWAY LINES To Winter Resorts in North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Cuba, Bahamas. » Tickets on sale daily with Final Limit May 31 1920. f I Call an you nearest ticket agent for full infor mation. b Stop-over permitted at all points. ■ggIBWBW mi i. u. ODDEES NOW MAKING CONEY m SAVING n North Carolina School Socletlee port Great Activity.—Treasury Department of United States Raceivea Splendid Support Making money and saving it is bo coming no less popular among North Carolina school children than among grown-ups. More popular, perhaps, than the time honored study of read ing, writing and arithmetic ia the new study of thrift which is being incorp orated into the regular work of the ■chools. The subject is taught in con coction with tho "Text Books of Thrift" which are sent without charge to any teaehor desiring them by the War Loan Organisation of the Fifth Federal Reserve District. Judging by reports, the school •blldren of North Carolina are going the teaching of thrift one better. Al ready a great many savings societies have been organized in the schools of this state, and the pupils here and all over the district as well are buay devising ways of earning money In order that it may be wisely Invested in Thrift Stamps and War Savings Stamps. la Thrifty Youngster. In one of the schools in this dis trict there Is a youngster who has laid the foundation of a prosperous eareer by plowing and bj selling vegetables. When all the work was done the lad counted the money he had put in hank. He found that it amounted to just twenty-fire dollors. Many of the world's richest men be gan life with less than twenty-Are dollars. But they saved their money and invested it wisely, thus assuring success. In one of ths 3-A grades, so a teach er reports, one of the girls has earned no less than twenty dollars by help ing around the houss, while members o{ a savings society that flourishes In a 1-A grade have made about twenty-five dollars doing such odd Jobs as feeding the chickens, tying tobacco and chopping crass. Several boys who are members of savings societies which are particu larly active have bought clothes with money they earned in similar ways. One little fellow did so well helping his father that he was paid ten dol lars. As he received the money he bought Thrift Stamps, showing that he already knew how %e save and in vest what he made, Pepalar aaseag these small invest ors are the Penny and Nickel Sav ings Books issued te all school pupils desiring them. In the days when, to many tots, the price of even a Thrift Stamp, may he too huge to ee gotten together all at once, and when one Just must buy an occasional all-dav sucker of a eent-apiece bite of candy, lots of youngsters think It wise to save a penny er a nickle at a time. The ooln is deposited with the teach er for safe keeping, and she stamps the savings cards to show how much the child has put in his account. When the total Is large enough, it goes into the purchase of a whole Thrift Stamps, Piling up m«n«y of your own !• a great (ami, pl»y«d in this fashion, and a cams that Is daily growing in favor la North Carolina schools. PILE UP YOUR DOLLARS SO THAT NO ONE CAN KNOCK THEM DOWN. Many a tlrsd lad has slipped his joat cm when the whistle blew and •aid derisively: "Another day, anoth erdollar. A million days, a million* aire." He has said a mouthful in bit ter jeet and without knowing it. For t«r nest and without knowing *t. For the dollars de pile up If the st*ck Is not knocked over. Some financial sharpshooter to al ways gunning tor dollars. They can pick them off at a mile like Annie Oakley cracking elay pipes In a shoot ing gallery. But If you put some of your dollars under cover before any one can draw a bead on them, you leave a slim score for the profiteer and the grafter. The safest protection from those sharpshooters Is War Savings Stampe bought every pay-day. If you give them your whole bank roll to shoot at they will hit it for a perfect score. Make them waste a little ammunition. War Savings Stamps are absolute ly safe. They pay a high rate of in terest and yom can get your money In full when you need it. When they pile up, nobody can knock the stack ovar. PROVERBS. fleest thou a man dilligent in his justness, he shall not stand before kings, he shall not stand before mean men. Pro*. 22:29. It is the moral support of capital back of him that gives the diligent man dignity ,in the presenea of the king. Buy W. 8. 8. The sluggard will not plow by rea son of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest and have nothing. Prov. 20:4. The alive man plows un ?er hardship feasts in harvest and saves fcrplus, until he comes to a Jay when he may sleep late of a •nosy morning. Buy YT. S. S. S NewGroceryStore The undersigned having been ap- ||| 1 pointed and duly qualified as ad- jg have bought the grocery stock and meat mar ministrator of the estate of Mrs. C. |j CMonk Ar HarrilTs old Stand. We hive dig M. Harrill, deceased, late of Ruth- fff ket at tflaCK & iiarnu sum eta . erford county, hereby notifies all j| continued the meat market and WKI de e our en persons having claims against said p fjj-g time to supplying the grocery WH.DtS of people estate to exhibit same to the under- j | ffnrpst (; itv an d vicinitv. We are restocking th^ signed, administrator, at his resi-5 n 01 j ." -*« fk p ru»nnltf» tl. dence at Forest City, N. C. on or j;j ntore with new goods and will give the people tap before the 6th day of January 1921, pj offered by a strictly first clas* store, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ||| aoDreciate your business, and offer you honest goods at of their recovery. All persons in-j | hon^s ! e s and courteous treatment. Gall on us. debted to said estate will please |« ' OIM/J.l* come forward and make immediate y 1/ aa| £> f X 1/1/ A¥ K 111 payment. the 9th day of Janu- | |\"(s LCI d liaiHIHO ary, 1920. . Flack &. HarrilTs Old Stand FOREST CIT> J. T. FORTUNE, Administrator, y 1 of Mrs. C. M. Harrill. deceased. k ~— »• —~ —saS.. ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to announce the opening of our New and Modern Studio at Cliffside, N. C. In our opening announcement we wish to extend a cordial invitation to one and all to visit our New Studio. May we say just here that neither money or pains have been spared in making this one of the most beautiffil and up-to-date Studios in the South. After spending a number of years in the larger cities of the country, we decided to open an up-to-date Studio in this city for the convenience of the people of the city and vicinity, as we think they are fully entitled to, and will greatly appreciate an enterprise of this kind. Thanking you for your patronage, we are, Yours for better business, Gilbert &.Hames Mo CLIFFSIDE, N. C. Advertising In The Courier Pays And We Are Prepared to Prove It THE UNIVERSAL CAR % Full and Running Over Our stock room is full of Genuine Ford Parts. We have an assortment of parts that would enable us to build either a Ford passenger car or a Ford One Ton Truck from the ground up. Then too, those parts are Ford-made—each according to its use—so that they are exact duplicates of the original parts now in your car, and will give the same constant, hard wear. Our shop is equipped with up-to-the-minute tools and machinery, specially designed, so that we can properly and promptly take care of your repair work-from a minor adjustment to a complete overhaul. And the mechanics who will do the work for you are men who understand the Ford mechanism and who know the Ford way to do the work. We are Authorized Ford Dealers; we not only give Ford service but we sell Ford cars and Ford your "car TrUCkS aS WeU " S °' iS eaSy to undersfcand that w e have more than a passing interest in Drive to our garage for Ford Parts, Ford Service or Ford Cars-Come to authorized Ford headquarters and be on the safe side of dependable repairs. War Tax Freight Del. Forest City Chassis - - 475.00 19.59 38.36 532.95 Runabout 500.00 20.63 38.36 558 99 Touring Car without starter 525.00 21.66 38.36 585 02 Touring with starter. 600.00 24.75 38.36 663 11 Couplet with sfarter and dem. rims 750.00 - 30.94 38 36 819 30 Sedan with starter and dem. rims 875.00 36.09 38 36 949 45 One-Ton Truck Chassis—Solid Tires 550.00 13.61 38 36 601 97 One-Ton Truck Chassis—Pneumatic Tires 590.00 14.60 38 36 642 9% B. B. DOGGETT, Forest, Gitlj

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