COMING! 3r. Alfred W. Dula Ep Specialist. Glasses Fitted Exclusively I MMM THOUSANDS PATIENTS HEADACHES TO SEE BETTER, SEE DULA. Have your eyes tested and glasses fitted by the only Eve Specialist practicing in your section that was I censed under the original Optometry law who has taken the full Examination requirements. Licens ei by examination in North Carolina, South Caro lina and Tennessee. COMING: ! Rutherfordton, N. C., Monday and Tuesday, March 15th and 16th. Iso Thermal hotel. Caroleen, N. C., Wednesday, March 17th. Forest City, N. C., Thursday and Friday, March 18th and 19th. Reinhardt's Drug Store. GLASSES FITTED EXCLUSIVELY Dr. Alfred W. Dula j Glasses Fitted Exclusively Home Office: Lenoir, N. C. [ > Mr Kred .Street and fftmilV. and j NOTICE. Mrs -virah Street* spent ihe week- J £very pcrson j s hereby notified not to tn! with his sister* M»">. "• J>| harbor or employ my wife Maggie M. Haid n at GafTney S 1.. Arrowood who left me without caus* on or about the Bth of March 1920. Every person so harboring or employ- M r , G W Hardin and little ing my said wife will be dealt with in dan e Myrtle and Gertrude, ! accordance with the law. fibre "vi i ing her paints. Mr. and i This the 9th day of March, 1920. Mr !>e Mintzat Hlaeksburg. S. I G. M. ARROWOOD. Friday Night March 12th, 7 to 10:30 O'clock % AGAIN WE ARE THE FIRST TO SHOW I ADIFQ' RCAHY TH-Wf AD THE NEW IN THIS SECTION LAUItO IftAU I I U IftflK „, .... .. , .. . . . ~ n| .. ,This department is our great hobby. We are proud indeed of I We will have on display the most exclusive line of Ladies _ & 7 and Misses' Hats ever shown in this section. our Ladies Ready-to-wear. We could not be satisfied with an Miss Bessie Howard, our head trimmer, needs no recommend- oP en ' n £ without a special display of Ladies and Misses Dresses a^ion—-her artistic work speaks for itself. Miss Howard was ' n taffetas, crepe-de-chine, silk foulards and colored voiles; silk formerly employed by a large wholesale millinery house in Ba ■ petticoats in all shades, sport coats, new spring coat suits, timore to supervise the making of their pattern hats. „ . .. j v cfepe-de-chine and georgette waists. Ladies should visit our quality hat shop whether they are ready to buy or not, and see our exclusive models, then you °^ er or inspection the best selected line of Ladies' know the styles and what you want when you get ready to buy. Garments in Rutherford County. EVERV ONE CORDIALLY INVITED Mr. John Keck died February 27 of AAA influenza-pneumonia at his home in iwVl(ui(u\ Union, S. C. Three years ago Mr. ' 118 Keck married Miss Mayme Barnette, Drug StOI*6S oCU It* daughter of E. J. Barnette, at one time «.• million neoole^^ superintendent of the Florence Mill at xttt t rr>T Forest City. His wife and baby boy use it to KILL COLDS survive. They are now making their *llLL*^ home with her parents in Greenville, . S. C. Mr. Keck held a responsible position in the office of the Excelsior f M ill IN INF Knitttng Mills at Union. He was 32 •»»- years old and a native of Nebraska. For CROUP. COLDS, Standard cold remedy for 20 years IM??? r rrsr?vT7a &■ PNEUMONIA —in tablet form —safe, sure, no opiates—breaks up a oold in 24 Wether should kf?P '■ *f*-f o. Prninc s- a£ omenta l. . reliever criD in 3 davs Salve toaveaiciit- Wneu Croup. or Pneu- Money back if it fails. The | mor atlircatcna Bairc rubbed weil lato bo _ u.. _ p.j g the throat. cue* aid ander tbc arms, will relieve the wit h Mr Hill'a |", break coacestion and promote restful dleep. BwJ| n iRa pj^ture ilAtti _ vn SALVE 'W We are glad to learn that Mr. W. WILL NOI SIAIIX mi aomES T . , , . . 30c, 60c, and $1.20 «1 all linig stores or sent prepaM by L Jones has I'e til men from the hos- BrameDrucCo. N. Wilkesboro,N.C.l p . fa| af)d js improvin{? nice ly. Our Easter Styles Are In a Class By Themselves You Will Be In a Class By Yourself If Your Clothes Are By : : EDWARD ED. 8c CO., The Big Merchant- Tailors, Chicago, tCall Today And Inspect Our Complete Line of 500 Guaranteed Fabrics and 150 Authentic Fashions Complete Satisfaction Will Be Yours If We Take Your Measure Cool, Comfortable Suits for the Warm Weather Deliveiy for Easier Guaran isr— ]i >l»u place, your order 4 a* this svt*ek WONDERFUL VALUES $30.00, $32.50, $35.00, $40.00 and up. W J DAVIS, At Mayor's Office, : ; : Forest City, N. C. Why Hot Comfort? You don't want to swelter on the hot sul try days of summer, if you can avoid it. do you? I No one (Joes, because it is cheaper to keep cool and well these days. A Westinghouse ELECTRIC FAN will give you just the right breeze you need to keep from tiring out so easily. Stop in today and let show you just the type of fan that is suited to your particular needs. Better do it now. In stoic, restaurant, theatre- wherever profits depend on public favor, fans are an important factor in increasing patronage. Town of Forest City MAYOR'S OFFICE