FOREST CITY COURIER a ...No. 28 folume ft BODY V AND SODL? fii ,k But Still Not j5- Think You'll L Better Tomorrow )n|v You're Not u Taking Pepto-Mangan fen 't Sleep You Need, |„t a Good Tonic—More hi Bloo d . cne gets run down occasionally. "2 es its weeks before you get 'energy- enthusiasm nnd happiness v doctor will tell you to be careful 'me like this, Your body has little gof resistance, and the danger of • some serious disease is great. your blood has too few hting" corpuscles. ■ the work of these same red cor jes to keep you free from fatigue. • constantly tired out-depressed Land mind—is almost a sure sign w ur blood needs help for a time, je's pepto-Mangan is a standard jjyin cases of anemia (or bloodless" i It supplies the iron and other -ties your blood needs to catch nth its task of keeping you fresh alert in every fibre. jpto-Mangan has the hearty en tment of physicians, is an agreeable to take, and may be had at any store ineither liquid or tablet form, have same medicinal value, sure to ask for Gude's. There is one genuine Pepto-Mangan, and name "Gude's'' should be on the ige.-Advertise.ment. , inferior Goods Knocked Out J In the long run. good goods win every time. It has been our j-{ principle ever since we started in business to handle only the p very best grades we could get. We have been particularly j|j careful about our canned goods. Every brand that we sell can |j be depended upon. We know che eannars —know tbem to be fjjj reliable—else we do not buy from them. jl We carry a complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and | | your child can shop here as well, quickly, and pleasantly as yo n m We appreciate the patronage that has been given us and pay h particular attention to phone orders. Kectcr & Watkins Flack SL HairiU's Old Stand FOREST CITY H One of Spring's Leading Styles One Eyelet Ties Patent and Kid Leather X. in Louis Covered heels x. at Popular Prices " Mfor Catalogue Illustrating all the New Creations for Spring and Summer 1920 Get acquainted with our Low Prices. Mall Orders Pilled same fl4 i received. THE SHOE STORE' URIGHTSGRUGGS SHOE, GO. Square Spartanburg, S. G When Your Auto Painting 'twill look like a new one if it is painted by M. WHITE i FOREST CITY, N. C. Phone 2 ring's on 3> I am now ready in my new shop near Doggett's Blacksmith Shop FOR THE SIGN Forest City Route 2. The farmers are taking advantage of the nice weather at present, and are preparing to plant their crops. Mr. Julius McDonald and family visit ed his parents Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. McDonald. Mrs. J. J. Hardin has been sick, but is improving. Mr. Matt McDade and family visited at the home of Mr. W. E. Lewis Sun day. Sorrv to note that Mrs. Robert Cala han dosen't improve very fast. T. A. Bostic wife and children visited Mr. William McDonald Sunday. Mr. —Vandyke has purchased a ford touring car. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Green, Misses Iree and Danie Green and Misses Effie and Dessie Carroll visited at the home of W. E. Lewis Sunday. Miss Georgia Bell Wells of Forest City, visited Misses Stella and Reba Blanton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Carroll and Mr. Howard Carroll visited Mrs.J— Cole at Holly Springs Sunday. o Forest City Already Has Summer Visitors Well, guess who's come. They have arrived and will spend the summer with us. The whole darned family of mos quito? have invaded Forest City and begun to visit our citizens. Their stay among us will be a pleasant one for there are plenty of nice breeding places all around town where they will be un molested. Old pails, tin cans, pools of stagnant water and dump heaps behind stores and about many of the private residences give them plenty of habita tion. Why not have a clean up week and get rid of the flies and mosquitos be fore they get rid of us? o Big Musical Concert at Forest City Saturday 24th 3 p. m. and at Alexander Mill at 4 p. m. by the Florence Mill Band. X-The band will appear in their new uniforms, and will play some of the latest and popular waltzs, two steps raga and overtures. J. K. Deane, manager. FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1920 Newsy Notes From Thriving Cliffside Cliffside, April 19. —Messrs. Marion and Dewey Blanton returned last Thurs day from Arden, N. C., where they went to attend the funeral of an Aunt. Mr. J. Floyd Duncan of Marion has accepted a position with the Cliffside Railroad Company. The ball team of Boiling Springs played the local team here last Thurs day. The local team easily won the game by a score of eleven to four. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Freeman, accom panied by Mr. Erastas Freeman visited Mrs. Freeman's parents Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wilson in Gastonia, Sunday. Mrs. Freeman will spend this week there. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilson of Latti more accompanied by Misses Bess Free man, 'Verdie Champion and Margaret Wilson visited in Cliffside Sunday after noon. The Band gave a concert in the park Sunday afternoon from two-thirty to three-thirty. A large and appreciative audience was out to hear the music. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Carpenter and children Alice and Charles spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Z. 0. Jenkins at East Avondale. Misses Una Edwards and Fay Best spent the week-end at Rutherfordton. A number of our people have been at tending the revival now in progress at the Baptist church at Caroleen. Mr. W. S. Moore and family of Hen rietta visited Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hicks Sunday. Overalls have been very much in vogue here for the last week. It re mains to be seen whether it is a passing tad or not, anyway here's hoping it may deal Mr. H. C. L. a telling blow. We believe that the trouble today is not so much the "High cost of living" as "The cost of high living." Some attended church Sunday in overalls and they looked allright too. Mr. Chas. H. Haynes returned Sun day afternoon from Kingsport and other points in Tenn., where he spent a few days last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cooper and little daughter, Ruth, accompanied by Miss es Eva Long and Stella McConnell visit ed in Shelby Sunday. Mr. W. L. Callahan and family spent Sunday in Henrietta. Miss Eula McCraw and Pratt Davis of near Chesnee were shopping here last Saturday. The Cliffside Graded School will close this week. The exereises will be held in the Auditorium Thursday and Friday nights. Great Revival at Caroleen A series of meetings was begun at Caroleen on Sunday the 11th, by Rev. N. R. Stone, of Mississippi, and much interest has been manifested from the first sermon. On last Sunday night Bro. Stone had two churches packed. In one ser vices were held for men and the other was occupied by the ladies. They have erected a large tent near the Baptist church in which to hold ser vices, and at their 8 o'clock, A. M. Bi ble study have between 300 and 400 people. The singing by Mrs. Stone is one o* the features of the meeting. Great interest is being manifested at this meeting ane no doubt great and lasting good will be accomplished. The services will last for several days yet. Maurice Schwartzman, of the Forest City Bargain Store, has leased the C. C. Moore building, and will occupy same as soon as Mr. Weathers vacates and will place a new stock of ladies and mens rea2y to wear, shoes and dry goods in this store room. Are You a Good Guesser? The element of chance appeals to all of us. get something for nothing. The Long Drug Co offers to the young lady readers of this paper an opportunity to win a nice SIO.OO Mary Gar den Toilet Set. All they have to do, is to say what they believe the population of Forest (Jitv is. The young lady who guesses nearest to the census report will be awarded this prize. * Suitable prizes will be given to the second and third nearest guessers. All that is necessary in order to try for this nice prize is to fill out the coupon below and bring or mail it to the Long Drug Co, Forest City, N. C., on or by Saturday, May Lst, 1920, at 9 p. m. COUPON Date 1920 LONG DRUG CO,, Forest City, N. C. M V guess as to the population of Forest City. as will be showu by the 1920 census, is % Name Date \ddress ■ Not to be outdone in generosity by the Long Drug Co., ! and that the male specie may not feel slighted, The Forest City Courier will give a box of Nurica cigars to the man guessing nearest to the correct figures. Make your guess on coupon above and deposit with Long Drug Co. We're On The Map Forest City is on the map, all right, all right. They "head in" here from all directions and with all kinds of stunts, and they never "back out." That is to say, every one coming to this town finds a welcome—whether it be the driver of a bread wagon, a medicine vendor or a tent show. Forest City had in her midst last week Bill and Eva McClintock, two old timers, who for years have played the biggest circuits, and all the larger cities. It goes without saying, that wherever vaudeville was played Bill and Eva always made a hit with the audience. But that is all changad now. Bill is in the legitimate and playing for himself. Their datings are unlimited and they go where they want to and stay as long as they please. They are introducing a patent medicine and spent the past week in the city, giving daily demonstrations on the square. Their skits were fine and made a great hit. This week we have with us the Demorest Stock Co., playing in reper toire, under their own tent. They will be here all the week. Most favorable press comments follow them from where they have already been showing. This is a clean, moral show, so far as we have been able to discover, and is playing to good audiences. On Friday night they render "Bringing up Father" Next week a good carnival is to be here, we understand. One of the old fashioned kind, where you see "every thing" and then some. One where the barker barks, the speiler speils, and you part with your coin, and look around to see who is watching you. Oh, it's a g-l-o-r-i-o-u-s feelin'. Let's go! Rutherfordton High School Notes The Rutherfordton High School Boys have organized a baseball team. The First team consists of Ralph Dalton, Gilford Lynch, Bryan Lynch, Max Justice, (JlarenceGriffin, RobertMcDaniel, William McDaniel, Charles Justice. Haywood Dobbins. We are practicing on afternoons and Saturdays. They need a good catcher's outfit and a better ground to play on. They have an invitatiou to join the Rutherford county league which will be composed of the following teams, if organized suc cessfully, Union Mills, Westminis ter. Rutherfordton. iipindale, Forest City. Caroleen, Clifl'slde, Henrietta Miss Mayme Stacy, high school teacher, lias b«en absent two weeks on account of the "flu" Miss Morris is teaching in her place. The Boy Scouts are having their regular weekly meetings in 'he graded school building. The Forest City Bargain Store gave the ladies of Forest City a treat in showing a snappy and beautiful line of dresses Saturday and the ladies quickly responded in placing their orders, as they know a good thing when they see it. Orders were taken of every sample displayed. No two dresses alike was sold after one order had been placed on a dress. The management of Forest City Bargain Store appreciate the pat ronage of the good people of this vicin ity and reciprocate by giving the best of goods at the lowest prices. Mrs. E. K. Dickinson of New Provi dence, New Jersey is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Deane of this town. Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Moore of Cliffside visited Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Deane Sun day. They rnade the trip in their new Chandler Racer. Presbytery at Rutherfordton Rutherfordcon, April 19.—The Pres bytery oi Kings Mountain met in its tnirty-sixth semi-annual session with tne Kutherfordton Presbyterian church 'luesday April 13th at 8 p. m. The opening sermon was preached by Rev. Vv. 6. Wilson, D. D., of Lineolnton, tne retiring moderator, from Z Samuel 14.14. Alter the sermon presbytery was called to order and constituted with prayer, the roll was called and the ministers and representatives present were enrolled. Rev. F. C. Rankin, of Mount Holly, was elected moderator and Kev. K. J. Roach, of Gastonia, was elected temporary clerk. Fresbytery met according to adjourn ment Wednesday morning at nineo'clock and the opening devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. J. J. Harrili. Rev. J. L. Beattie who has been stated supply for the Brittain group of churches for several years, was dismiss ed to Abbington Presbytery, having ac cepted work in Virginia. ihe committee on Sunday school ex tension recommended that the session of each church send a delegate between the ages of 15 and 25 to .North Carolina Synod s Conference for Young People, to be held at Flora McDonald College, Red Springs, June 1-8, the rate lor board for the conference period being ten dollars. Rev. K. L. Whittington supply of the Forest City group of churches and member of Mecklenburg Presbytery, was introduced to tne Presbytery and invited to sit as a corresponding mem ber. Commissioners to the General Assem bly which meets in Charlotte May 20, were elected as follows: Principals, Rev. F. B. Rankin, and Rev. t, A. Drennan, of Mount Holly. Alternates, Elders R. P. Roberts, oi Shiloh church and J. B. Johnston, of Lineolnton. Rev. F. A. Drennan was reelected stated clerk and treasurer of the Pres bytery for a period of three years and his salary increased to $l5O per year. An invitation was extended to the Presbytery from Westminister Presby terian school to visit the school and take supper Wednesday afternoon and themvitation was unanimously accepted. The Rutherfordton church was grant ed permission to change the terms of the call for pastors salary, from SBOO to SI4OO per year, releasing the Home Missionary Committee and thereby be coming self-supporing. The thirty-seventh semi-annual ses sion of the Presbytery will be held with the Saluda Presbyterian church begin ning Tuesday September 14th at 8 p. m. Rev. A. W. Crawtord, of Greensboro, i superintendent of Synodical Home Mis-! sions presented an interesting report, j Thirty-one churches contributed to this i cause, thirteen churches contributing | the lull apportionment, and live ol them more tnan the apportionment. Rev. H. C. Whitener, missionary to Yamaguchi, Japan, for seven years, delivered a most interesting address to the Presbytery on Japan, Wednesday night. He spoke of the various idols of Japan, several of which were exhibi ted to the congregation. He emphasi zed the fact of the wonderful power of God in the conversion of souls, and in the triumphant death of some of the followers of Christ in Japan. Rev. W. J. Reach, of Gastonia, Presbyterial manager of the Presbyter ian progressive program, reported that $20,000 for benevolent causes had been pledged by eleven churches and that the apportionment of $34,000 for the Pres bytery composing forty churches would doubtless be secured by a safe margin. Rev. G. A. Gillespie conducted the opening devotional exercises Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. Rev. S. L. Cathey, of Loray, Concord Presbytery was introduced to the Pres bytery and invited to sit as a correspond ing member. Fifteen of the enroll ment of seventeen ministers of. the Presbytery were present, and twenty fij/e of the forty churches were repres ented by ruling elders. The neat sum of $92,000 was expend- I ed by the Presbytery for the church year ending Mardi 31, including pas- We like to CLOSING OUT SALE I offer for sale my fix tures, such as Counters, Floor Show Cases, large Refriger ator, Soda Fountain, with large back mir ror, priced to sell. Also my stock of Fancy Groceries, Can ned Goods, Cigars, Cigarets, Tobaccos. Mrs.T.R.Blanton $1.50 a Year, in Advance Forest City-Spartanburg Automobile Bus Line Southbound Northbound Down SCHEDULE Leave Arrive A. M. P. M. 7.30 Forest City 5.4 i 8 15 Caroleen 5.15- 8 30 Henrietta 5 8.50 Cliffside 4,&£ 9 50 Chesnee, S. C. 3. it 10 20 Mayo 3,2 C 10.35 Cherokee Springs 3.G& 11.00 Spartanburg 2.3 C A. M. (Morgan Square) P. M. Arrive Leave This schedule is not guaranteed, but is approvimately correct. This bus makes the round trip ev ery dav in the year, rain or shine. Parties above Forest City cue come down on the Soutsern or Sea board trains and make connection with the bus. Parties coming up on bus make a connection at Forest City with the- Southern train for Marion, and there make connection for all points east and west. Hamrick & Co. OPERATORS, Hits The Bull's Eye A Centre Shot. Governor Bickett, when approached abont becoming a member of an "over all club," most emphatically refused, saying: 'There is no good in it, and there is positive harm. It will run the price of overalls up to a figure that cannot be paid by those who of necessity must wear them." The governor continued: "I woull not agree to pay more than $5 for a hat. You can get a decent hat for that sum. I would agree not to pay more than $7.50 for a pair of shoes, nor more than $3 for a shirt, S4O for a suit of clothes, 50 cents for a pair of sox anrl 20 cents for a collar. I think that members of such a club ought to agree not to buy an automobile until prices have dropped 25 per cent. So long as people are willing to pay any price for things they want and are not willing tc practice self denial, all talk about cut ting down the high cost of living Is gabble." The governor is eminently right Look out for overalls to take a jump in i price. We believe the people should form "clubs" to lower prices, and the best way is a concerted price-agreement movement, such as agreeing to pay only so much for an article, such as the governor outlined in his remarks. This method would beat an overall club. Maurice Sehwartzman has purchased a new Chevorlet car from the F. C. Motor Co. He will leave next week foe Georgia and Florida on a business trip tors salaries, benevolent and miscellane ous causes, giving an average of $31.25 per capita for resident membership. The Presbytery of Kings Mountain adjourned Thursday to meet at New- Hope Presbyterian church, Tuesda/ May 25, at an adjourned meeting-, where two candidates will be license! to the Gospel ministry. Forest City, N. C.

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