rORIA | I Infants and Children. gf Mothers Know That *" Wsm Genuine Castoria iSIS i AYe>''eteW c I' rc P arati S^ i AiWOiVS M , |p Bears the Jju* pfaS§§ Si^atureAJJ' §f?| JKI^OS»' A^AJBCM ; KAJJ MM \ 'IF ! *J$ , ilj /bc/xM&tt* S I). li't ill Ma, Sfy |n %S;M I ll til* 1 " • * i I %JF St - li t jf $ c „ i UssassM FT O> Use fe ; and'Urishnessaad ; j IJT |i \Jf for Over sis? $ | S i J=S§J Thirty Years |j| ' Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. Sometimes the man who looks before A woman derives more satisfaction he' leaps gives the other fellow a ; from the things she suspects than from :hance to beat him to it. I what she is sure of. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas Wp WT| p 1 XZT J. Cheney makes oath that he is A Mmm* W. *■■ .enior partner of the firm of!P. J.Cheney Now Time to Get of fc Co., doing business in the City of To- THESE Uolv SDOIS Mo. County and State aforesaid, and that . , r , hese u »\ y * p „ * ,„ . . said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUN- There's no longer the slightest need o norn nni T VRS for anv case of Catarrh I feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othlne S D RA D N NOT L HE S U¥E OF ■«'«"»"» "■»««« BALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE ">IZX SFT 5? OUNCE OF 0.H.0E-DOUBL, r xvA.rMi\- j. i. strength—from your druggist, and apply a Sworn to before me and subscribed m Httle of it night and morning and you nv presence, this 6th day of December, should soon see that even the worst freckles A. D. ISS6. I have begun to disappear, while the lightei (Seal) A. W. Gleason. Notary Public. j ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is tak- ! that more than one ounce is needed to com en internally and acts through the Blood I pletely clear the skin and gain a beautiful on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. clear complexion. F J Chenev & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. | Be sure to ask for the double strength F.'j. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Othine. as this is sold under guarantee ol * ! ! money back If It fails to remove freckles. Gcod for Business. Fitting Punishment. "Why is your landlady so smiling?" "They are railroading this man to "She heard the boarders were going prison." "That is all right; he is a on a hunger strike." i train robber." flfi thbt your liver's out of order and your blood's ||j|||] weak and watery, "when you wake up ( with 4 an |jfxflj H awful taste in your mouth" and about as liwfl as you went to bed." Better get mi busy with Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood B J®| I|l Syrup. It'll put your liver and bowels in 1 Bfl Blßiafl good shape and brace you up all over. Finest ||||| kind of a FAMILY TONIC—in use for G8 ®pS years. On sale at your drug store ||H ■ Mr. and Mr«. J.H.Nelson, Carthage, Tex.: "We have 11 H used Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup for many years. It has been our only doctor when £ick and in ntjjsj| a run-down condition." j4jjj||f||3 f 3mm. THACHER MEDICINE CO. . MSmljif. Chattanooga, Tesn., U. S. A. ■* \ A ¥_T[ERE is an offer backed by one of your personal friends J* « B —a man whom you have known for a long time, and •\\ \ \ in whose honesty you have implicit confidence. This man If >" our ' oca * druggist. He wili tell you that he has been flv II selling Hunt's Salve, formerly called Hunt's Cure ever fi M » F*// since he has been in business, under the strict guarantee f V A i to promptly refund the purchase price to any dissatisfies ' £ £ f user. V J* He will psv to you "Take home a box of Hunt's Salve \ &f ji and if it is not sixcctssful in the treatment of itching skin \ diseases, I will promptly refund to you your 75 cents." • Hunt's Sslve is especially compounded for the treatment of ltch » Eczema, Ringworm, letter, and other itching •U V pIR skin diseases. rjiJhin The General Manager of the Lida Valley Railway Co., M Goldrield, Nevada, A. D. Goodenough, writes: "At one \t! 2 time I had a very bad case of Eczema, which troubled me for seven or eight years, and although I tried all kinds or kpQt 2»ii y frtjQai medicine and several doctors, I got no relief until I used Hunt's Calve. It finally cured me. Thousands of such letters have been received, testifying as to the curative merits of this wonderful remedy. Show " ' fa ,'- +v ° your druggist about Hunt's Salve, formerly called Hunt's Cure. Lam this ad, and ask him if the statements herein made are not correct, ta. •'"*'' by all reputable druggists everywhere at 75 cents per box, or sent direct on »pt ot stamps or money order. A - B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO.. Sherman. Texas Ar? ill -Ml —Hi nn ft SOLD FOR 80 YEARS 1 ? I j■ "'"v FEVER 11»I ( f nJITTTT TT I Aluo a Fine GenereS iJ. IJ. V-// j)\i {J Vm Strengthening Tonic. _ UL> IT ALL PKDG STO*» THE COURTER. FOREST CITY. N. C IMPROVED US!F?RM INTER!?ATIO?iAI LESSON (By REV. P. B. FITZWaTER. U. L>.. Teacher of English Bible in the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright. 1920 Western Newspaper t*nton> LESSON FOR APRIL 25 RUTH'S WISE CHOICE. LESSON TEXT-Ruth 1. GOLDEN TEXT—Thy people shall be my people and thy God my God.—Ruth 1:16. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL—Ruth 2:1-4, 22. PRIMARY TOPIC—The Story of Ruth. JUNIOR TOPIC—Ruth and Naomi. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC —Life's Decisions. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC —The Power of Personal Influence. I. The Occasion of Ruth's Choice. (1:1-15). On account of the famine in Beth lehem-Judea. Naomi with her husband and two sons sojourned in the land of Moab. After the death of her hus band, her two sons married Moabitish women. After a time her sons died also. Upon the death of her sons she resolved to return to her homeland, having heard that the Lord had visit ed his people in giving them bread. Her family \fent to Moab to escape trouble, but they only got into more trouble. It was not till Naomi was thus chastised that she resolved to re turn. She had the good sense to recognize that the hand of the Lord was upon her for good. Ruth and Or pali accompanied her. This she per mitted, but determined to place before them frankly the difficulties which would necessarily confront them. It was this frank presentation of the difliculties and her repeated urging them to go back that furnished the occasion for Ruth's wise choice. 11. The Trials of Ruth's Choice (vv. IG-18). Much as Naomi loved her daughters in-law, she would not have them go Into this matter blindly. She wished them to know the cost of their under taking. She told them the worst that could come upon them, then if hard ships came they could only blame themselves. Note the difficulties which confront ed Ruth: 1. No chance to get married again. Naomi told her that she had no more sons for which she could wait. In that day to be unmarried was the greatest disgrace. Furthermore, it was against God's law for the Jews to marry out side of their own people. 2. She must renounce her gods. Her idolatrous worship could not be carried on in the land where God's people dwelt. This was delicately touched upon when Orpah went back (v. 15). Orpah went back when it was plain that there was ho chance to get a hus band. Now Naomi puts an additional test upon Ruth, that of giving up her religion. Naomi's very frankness in dealing with her caused Ruth to be more and more determined to cast her lot with her. No doubt she learned to love the true God through the life of this true woman. She was deter mined to share Naomi's journey, her home, her lodging, her lot in life and her grave In death, whatever that would be. To crown it all she would renounce her heathen gods and em brace Jehovah. When Naomi saw that Ruth's mind was fully made up she quit urging her. 111. The Glorious Issue of Ruth's Choice. Ruth was never sorry for her choioe, for: 1. She found the true God (v. 1G). 2. She found human friends (eh. 2). As she went to glean in the fields she was led to the field of Boaz —a man of wealth and grace. The servants of Boaz treated her with consideration; even Boaz gave instruction for special consideration to he given her. 3. A good husband rind a happy home (chaps. 3 and 4). She not only se cured a husband, but a man of God, who had abundance of this world's goods. 4. An honored place in the Israel- Itish nation (4:13-17). Though she had to forsake her own people, she became one of a nobler people. 5. She became a link in the chain of Christ's ancestry (4:18-22; cf. Matt. 1:5). The one who fully decides for Christ and gives up all for him shall get a hundredfold in this life and in the world to come, eternal life. This story is a fine exhibition of dis pensational truth: (1) The famine in the land indicates the testing of the Jews; (2) the going into Moah, the sojourn of the Israel ites among the nations; (3) sickness and death in Moah, the chastisement of the Jews in this present age; (4) the return to the land, the gathering of Israel to their own land; (5) Ruth lol lowing, the gathering of the Gentiles through the influence of the Jews; (6) the marriage between Boaz and Ruth, the union of the church with Christ. Faith in God. If your faith in God is stronger for every humble task in which you need end get his aid, then that humble task is necessary to the fullness of your faith in God. It will make the music of your life more firm and solid. — Phillips Brooks. Loom of Life NlP.'er Stops. We sleep, but the loom of life neves stops, and the pattern which \\*a.* weaving when the sun went down v weaving when it comes up tomorrow —lieecher. Another Royal Suggestion DOUGHNUTS and CRULLERS From the NEW ROYAL COOK BOOK DOUGHNUTS MADE the doughboy happy 2 cups flour during the war and no won- 8 te powder Royal Bakln * der. There is nothing more Beat eggs until very light: add wholesome and delightful f }t » ™ tme f * nd ™ !ted ° shortening; add milk, and flour than doughnuts or crullers and baking powder which have rightly made. Their rich, l een s * fted . to s ether : mlx t 1 1 , .. . Drop by teaspoons Into deep golden color and appetizing hot fat and fry until brown. aroma will create an appe- Dr f in J®* 1 , °" ""« laz « d paper . . . , Fi and sprinkle lightly with pow tite quicker than anything derCd SUgar ' Here are the famous dough- jPak 4 tablespoons shortening from the New Royal Cook ® 3 cups flour •01 1 teaspoon cinnamon .DOOK. teaspoon salt Doughnuts f> A IS'Sr™ 8 fjAl t« I * cup milk 1 ogg AJZ. JL&X Cream shortening: add sugar % cup milk gradually and beaton eggs; sift 1 teaspoon nutmeg together flour, cinnamon, salt 1 teaspoon salt R m "W "W£ 7T\ «a i and baking powder; udd one -3 cups flour if-*' 9 Jg 1/1/ i M H-l half and mix well; add milk and 4 teaspoons Royal Baking J[ MJF JLj remainder of dry ingredients to rowaer make soft dough. Roll out on Cream shortening; add sugar floured board to about % Inch aTl .n w ?"~ be f ten eg £'- stir J&il9ZnlKafeaß\f Pimm*** thick and cut into strips about milk; add nutmeg, salt, flour and K~Ui*& 4 inches long and % inch wide; baking powder which have been ro H in hands and twist each sifted together and enough ad- strip and bring ends together, ditional flour to make dough stiff Fry in deep hot fat. Drain and enough to roll. Roll out on roll in powdered sugar. floured board to about % inch thick; cut out. Fry In deep fat ~ hot enough to brown a piece of FREE bread in 60 seconds. Drain on unglazed pa?>er and sprinkle Cook Book con with powdered suKar. XV" 8 ShK? "recl^' Afternoon Tea Doughnuts lO"AK^™O. Ctfuilonnnns I 115 Fult 015 Str6ot 6 tablespoons sugar I v _ v . - „ % teaspoon salt I New * ork °* ty teaspoon grated nutmeg 1 1 "Bake with Royal The Result. "Some of the brethren. I am sorry to say, are falling by the wayside." "Then aren't they hitting the trail?" "CARRY ON"! If Constipated, Bilious or Headachy, take "Cascarets" Feel grand! Be efficient! Don't stay sick, bilious, headachy, constipated. Re move the liver and bowel poison which is keeping your head dizzy, your tongue coated! your breath bad and your stom ach sour. Why not set a small box of Cascarets and enjoy the nicest, gentlest laxative-cathartic you ever experi enced? Cascarets never gripe, sicken or inconvenience one like Salts, Oil, Calomel or harsh pills. Cascarets bring sunshine to cloudy minds and half-sick bodies. They work while you sleep. Adv. "SLANG" ROOT OF LANGUAGE Idiom of Today in Correct Usage To morrow, Declares University Pro fessor of English. That the slung and idioms of today will be correct English tomorrow is the opinion of Prof. H. Glicksman of the English department, University of Wisconsin. "Our language is made up of what was once slang, idiom, colloquialism, and jargon," he said lately, and warned that the most deplorable fea ture about slang was its tendency to produce mental slovenliness. Professor Glicksman then referred to the word "mob" as slang of 200 years ago and as such denounced in the Spectator by Addison. "It is an abbreviation of the word 'mobile.' Even so the word 'pep' is vital and virile and will survive with the word 'snappy.' But to gain recog nition slang must be free from vul garity and cheapness," said Professor Glicksman. "The term 'How do you get that way?' is condemned because it is meaningless, but the term 'lie has a pull' is approved as it is the opposite of 'push,' a word that has forged ahead through its own strength."— Outlook. In South America boys and girls never play together. No regret is vain that inspires us to Bo better, One Trial of Grape' Nuts will do more than many words to convince you of the goodness of this wheat and barley food. But it's worth saying that Grape- Nuts contains all the nutriment of the grains, is ready to eat, requires no sugar and there's no waste* Grape-Nuts is a Builder Easy. "I wish I knew how to make a bar rel of money?" sighed the little man. "That's easy," replied the big man. "Spend a half barrel of money in ad vertising and you'll soon have a barrel of money."—Cincinnati Enquirer. WOMEN NEED SWAMP-BOOT Thousands' of women have kidney and bladder trouble and never suspect it. Womens' complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other or gans to become diseased. Pain in the back, headache, loss of am bition, nervousness, are often times symp toms of kidney trouble. Don't delay starting treatment. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a physician's pre scription. obtained at any drug htorp. may be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Get a medium or large size bottle im mediately from any drug store. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper.—Adv. fAARTHA JANE A DIPLOMAT Even Stern Mamma Couldn't Deny She Had Obeyed the Strict Letter of the Law. Martha Jane's sweet tooth ftad been indulged so much that her mother had issued the decree, "No more candy," and the reminder of the box had been relegated to the top shelf. A /ew days ago it was brought down and judiciously apportioned to Martha Jane, for whom a taste spelled more, and even a second taste did not sat isfy. When her mother saw her about to take a third helping she remarked, emphatically: "Now, don't let me see you take an other piece." Presently Mrs. S was called from the room, and when she returned she found her four-year-old daughter in the farthest corner of the couch, hastily making way with a nice, plump chocolate cream. "Martha Jane," said her mother, in her sternest tones, "didn't I tell you not to let me see you take another piece of candy?" "I know you did, mother," said the little diplomat, "but I took this one while you were gone." The harvest acreage of j919 in the United States was 2,054,311 acres greater than in 1918. Marriage is a gamble when there is i money back of it. Willing Auditors. "Very few people would rather lis ten than talk." "Yes," replied ilie telephone oper ator; "the only folks I know who are that way are on party wires." Indigestion produces disagreeable sometimes alarming symptoms. Wright'# Indian Vegetable Pills stimulate the diges tive processes to function naturally.—Adv. Every woman Kets a lot jf satisfac tion out of her belief that other wom en envy her. IP) HOUSE f® 1 OWNERS Kee P a bottle of Yager's Liniment in your stable for spavin, curb, splint or any enlargement, VJT shoulder Iffi. —■. 4 slip or sweeny, wounds, scratches, collar or shoe boils, sprains and any lameness. It absorbs swell ings and enlargements, and dispels pain and stiffness quickly. YAGER'S LINIMENT At all dealers. Price 35 cents. The large 35 cent bottle of Yager's Lini ment contains twice as much as the U9ual 50 cent bottle of liniment. GILBERT BROS. & CO., Baltimore, Md. Acid Stomach Makes the Body Sour Nine Out of Ten People Suffer From It It sends its harmful acids and gaee3 RTI over the body, instead of health andi strength. Day and night this ceaseless dam age goes on. No matter how strong, it» victim cannot long withstand the health destroying effects of an acid Btomach. • Good news for millions of sufferer#. Chemists have found a 6ure remedy—one that takes the acid up and carries it out of the body; of course, when the cause »» removed, the sufferer gets well. Bloating, indigestion, sour, acid, ganay stomach miseries all removed. This ;a proven by over half a million ailing folk# who have taken EATOXIC with wonder ful benefits. It can be obtained from any druggist, who will cheerfully refund Ka trifling cost if not entirely satisfactory. Everyone should enjoy its benefits. Fre quently the first tablet gives relief. EGGS—POULTRY j "We are the iarg-est handlers of Eggs and Poultry in the South. f> WHAT HAVE YOU TO SHIP? j I Thr highest market price guaranteed | with quick returns. Give us a trial. R Ref. First Xatl. Bank, Richmond, Va- J WOODSON CRAIG CO. , I Commission Merchants Richmond, T«. jj g - r -—III il ■ 111 IBIW ■l I " ' I KODAKS & SUPPLIES We also do biebest class of finishing, i Prices and Catalogue upon request. S. Galeski Optical €•., Richmccd, Va. EVERYTHING FOR THE POULTRYMAN Write for Caiaiog. Poultry Producer*' Supply Co.. Raleigh, N. O. HOW TO wm poster.rci to ABNKH DAVIS, Fort Worth, Texa* Wanted—Students; Bookkeeping. Shorinar.O. Positions waiting. Train quickiy. , Gr "" s a b .®*? | Commere'l Sch . Oreensboro.N.C., for*, f- (-> s- r. I / I rRT POSITIVELY BEMCVEO b? VR i SlLwivLLu C 0. ,2 J .*3 IJt-ctif'.an *«nu«. Cisit-Nr® W u. u. CHARLOTTE. NO. 17-1920. »

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