FOREST CITY COURIER rOREST CITY, N. C. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY jRRICE $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE •ntered Aug. 22. 1918. at the Postofflce at F«r«sl City. N. C, as second ciass matter xn>*«J *ct of Congress of March 3. 1879 Random Observations Is Forest City to have an overall club? 3f the men of the country take to wearing overalls, will the women wear " anderalls," or union smits? We are sorry for Mary Pickford. The courts gave her what she wanted and now they are trying to take it away from her. Speaking of the overall clubs, it strikes us that a "patched trouser club" would be better from an economy standpoint. We look for gasoline to go up. A movement is on foot to enforce the state uniform law in regard to prices and this commodity is to be "investiga ted."' .Another scandal in army circles. "Now claimed that "favorites" of war department officials have made from 100 to 500 per cent profit on resale of sur 7>JUE army supplies. The strike situation is improving, so the despatches say, many of the strikers returning to work. Put these malcon tents on the farms and let'em "strike" mother earth for a living for awhile. Atlanta people may spend summer in Xents with a view to alleviating crowd ed housing conditions and to combat profiteering in rents. Will the situation be relieved any when cold weather sets J. A. Reed, dairyman living four miles from Asheville, is said to have a fine Holstein cow which has dropped a calf, which has a head exactly like a dog. Reed has had photographs made which he has been showing in Asheville. 'Dog-on" a cow that would do such a ihmg. Reports from Chimney Rock to the effect that the "woods" is full of sum- mer visitors already, and the "open season" not yet on. The Esmeralda Jnn had 65 guests for dinner Sunday. What will they do with the folks after the season opens? Sylva, N. C., is spending $90,000 for a water and sewerage system for that town. The county commissioners of •Jackson county (of which Sylva is the county seat) last week sold SIOO,OOO worth of road bonds, and an additional issue of $150,000 has been authorized fry them. Will Rutherford county ptease do likewise. Puncture-Proof with^E^^^^-^cdUy r [" EE Cord Puncture-Proofs are the only ture-Proofs were subjected to the severest J.I J cord tires that can win an argument tests before being offered to the public. > T ith steel. They were everything that a cord tire t. ,1 .1 • . . i . i . .] should be —not a single cord quality had .Let the thinnest, toughest, sharpest nail , . P , i i . . -i ' + - • i been sacrificed to make them puncture or stoutest spike try to pierce the triple - r thickness of steel discs. They cannot pass. p~ooi. tYour tube is safe. The cord construction Let us show you the quality and construc is uninjured. Not a cord cut or weak- t i on G f this remarkable tire, i ened, for the &teel discs are placed be • tween the cords and the tread. / //7 7%2 c&€. 7Z& Jror eighteen months Lee C.ora rune- ~~ DEALER'S IMPRINT * rw* ymm ' Cord or Fabric L a .1, 82 E Puncture Proof agyP.'Llee Tires _ «■*. V 1 5 "Smile at Miles" They Bought here— "There's a Reason." The people come here from all over this caunty to trade. Tbey know we have the goods —have got what we advertise. They know the goods are right and that the prices are bound to be right. They know the treatment accorded our patrons is courteous, fair, and square. CUT GLASS We have a new shipment of Cut Glass in Bowls, Nappies, Vases, Water Pitchers, Celery Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Cream Pitchers and Spoon Holders. STATIONERY Fine line of box and tablet writ ing paper and envelopes to match. Whiting's Line of Fine Corres pondence paper. School Supplies, Tablets, Pencils, Inks, Crayons, Erasers, etc. PERfUIWERY and Toilet Goods All the Finest Extracts made by noted manufacturers of America and Europe. Face Creams, Lotions, Powders, Rouge, Satchet Powders, Hand Lotions, Talcum Powders, Liquid Shampoo, Eye-brow Pencils, Lip Sticks, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Paste Norris' fine Candy by express. LONG'S—The "Up-to-now" Drug Store The Nyal Quality Store. - Forest City, N. C. Make The Home Comfortable by addiug to it some of tbe Odd Pieces of Furniture which we are selling at such moderate prices. It would pay you to visit our store and examine the large, varied, and well selected stock of Furniture and House Furnishings that we carry, aud compare the prices with those asked at other stores. If you visit us once, you will become a regular customer. Give baby a sun bath. There is nothing to compare with sun and light and good fresh air to bring the roses to the little cheeks of your toddling sons and daughters. Convert your piazza into a Sun Parlor with our Porch Shades and Old Hickory Porch Furniture. Come in and see how these shades work. It's so easy to furnish a home comfortal ly that it is un necessary for any family to be without one. Ready money cuts no figure in the deal. Our easy payment plan offers the most convenient terms for any amount of goods. You can buy here what you want —Suits, Odd Pieces, Di vans, Sofas, Bed Lounges, Chairs, Bedsteads, Washstands, Chiffoniers, Bureaus, Tables, Rugs, and the like. Come in and let your wants be known. No matter the ar ticle in the Furniture or Furnishings line you may want, you'll find we've got it. PADGETT KINO THE COURIER, FOREST CITY, N. C. KODAKS Films and Supplies Kodaks, all sizes, the best made. Films to fit all Kodaks. Films developed. Quick service. Good work. P. S. — Another shipment of good Fountain Pens—the Edison. SUNDRIES Bonnie B Veil. Bonnie B Hair Net. Complete line of Drug Sundries, sick room supplies and Rubber Goods. DRUGS AND.PATENTS A complete line of Drugs. Good line of the well-known pat ent medicines, such as Pepsinol, Tanlac, Wine of Cardui, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Wampole's Cod Liver Oil, Eagle Brand Condensed Milk, Horlick's Malted Milk, Mellon's Baby Food. Ice Cream at our Fountain. Sneoiai Notices Huy your shingles from Hollifield- Champioo & Co Forest City, N. C Their price is lower. 29 Pay. your poll taxes by the first of May, otherwise you cannot vote in the next election. FOR SALE—Eleven acres, 7 acres cleared an£ timber enough on balance to build good house, lies well, and in sight of new cotton mill at Spindale. If you want a good little home in a good neighborhood, see me at once. Also desirable building lot in Spindale. This property can be bought for half what adjoining property is being sold at. Act quick. M. A. Carver, Spindale, N. C. 29 For sale: Pure —bred barred Ply mouth Rock eggs, $1.50 per setting. Flora Matheny, Forest City N. C. R. 2. Wanted Man—to work on poultry farm, Steady job year around. Write letter stating wages expected without board. Address Cherokee Farm, Shelby N. C. I will be in Forest City on each Sat urday until Ist of May for the purpose of collecting state and county taxes. J. W. Beason. Remember you cannot vote in the next election unless you pay your taxes by the Ist of May. To Succeed You Must Save Age creeps upon us like a snowstorm in the night. Before we know it we We the buoyancy of youth and our hair begins to turn gray. Our capacity to earn money is lessened. Without a home and a savings account, old age become cheerless and dark. Our wants have to be relieved by the hand of charity, if re lieved at all. It is too late then to mourn over our lost opportunities and the lack of thrift in our younger days. Instead of an old age of peace and comfort we have an old age of sorrow, discontent and worry. It is sad, sad, but must be endured by the shiftless individual until his life is snuffed >nt YOU CAN AVOID THIS CLASS OF OLD AGE If you will, b> taking some shares in the Twenty-ninth Series of shares in our Association, which will be open on May Bth 1920. SHALL WE SEE YOU THEM"? Forest Gity Building & Loan Association I. B. COVINGTON, President. W. J. DAVIS, Secretary and Treasurer W. S. Moss. J. B. Long, George D. Horn, John W. Daniel, J. B. Meares Directors. MOIMETY An Article of Merchandise Bankers every where are realizing the basic fact that money is a commodity the same as any other article of barter. They receive money on deposit and sell its temporary use for a fee. COMMERCIAL BANKING is preeminent!* MONEY-MERCHANDISING. The Farmers Bank and Trust Company realizes that its customers have the same buying and selling problems in money as in merchandise and it has an organization to meet satisfactorily the money requirements of its clients. This bank has met every requirement of its customers since its organization, and upon this record solicit new business. Farmers Bank and Trust Co., FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. GfIROEEEN BRUNCHES LfllTllHOSt "If You Have Money We Want It. If You Want Money We Have It" J. F. Alexander, Pres. J. H. Thomas, Cashier > B. B. Doggett, Vice Pres. R. E. Biggerstaff, Ass't Cashier K. S. Tanner, Vice Pres. R. L. Bernhardt, Ass't Cashier L. V. Lee, Vice Pres. W. V. Smith, Caroleen Branch G. P. Reid, Vice Pres. C. B. Wilson, Lattimcre Branch for Sale- Ford Cars - New and Rebuilt We also carry Ford roadster, tour ing and sport bodies in stock. We do high grade painting and top buildiog on all makes. PAYNE'S AUTO WORKS Charlotte s Reliable Car Market 26 E. 6th St., Charlotte, N. C. J. C. Cagle J. A. Willrie Cagle-Wilkie Plumbing Co. Plumbing, Heating, Tinning Sewer Construction A Specialty Show Room and Office Bank Building Forest City, N. C. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cored by local appUcations, as they cannot reach the diaeased portion ot the ear. There ia only one way to cure catarrhal deafnem, and that 1a by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube to inflamed you have a rumbling- sound or im perfect hearing, and when it is entirety closed. Deafness Is the result. Unless the inflammation can be reduced and thts tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Many cases of deafness are caused by catarrh, which to an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. Hail's Catarrh Medicine acts thro the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Cir culars free. All Druggists. 75c. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. Coming DR ALFRED W D| EYE Glasses Fitted Excl Usi? . Have your eyes tested and the only Eye Specialist practi 1 your section that was the original Optometry l aw taken the full Examination r • ments, He will be at BqJlf * Rutherfordton, N. c \i day, Tuesday and Wed J day, April 26th, 27th Z 28th. Iso Thermal Hot,[ Fores ;% Nc ' Th^ and Friday, April % and 30th. At Reinharri, Drug Store.