ir-w — JT Why flot Comfort? You don't want to swelter on the hot sul try days of summer, if you can avoid it, do you? • $o one does, because it is cheaper to keep cool and well these days. A WestiDghouse ELECTRIC FAN will give you just the right breeze you need to keep from tiring out so easily. Stop in today and let show you just the type of fan that is suited to your particular needs. Better do it now. in store, restaurant, theatre-wherever profits depend on public favor, fans are an important factor in increasing patronage. Town of Forest City MAYORS OFFICE and flilyjb Can'ts WIL. Can you can? Surely! Will you can? You will when you find out how easily you can can. Where can you learn to can ? Why, in TSe COUNTRY GENTLEMAN There are no can'ts in cold-pack canning—the new easy way of pre-. serving fruits and vegetables for winter use. And there are no ex cuses for the housewife who doesn't begin canning with the first fruits of the season. THE COUNTRY GEN- Canning" is one reason TLEMAN is starting its for subscribing now for great series of how-to- the Great National can articles in next Farm weekly. There week's issue early are dozens of other enough so that cans and reasons why you need canners will be ready itshelpful, friendlyfarm for the early straw- suggestions for both berries, and so that farmer and farm wife, directions will be in It costs only SI.OO for a every woman's hands whole year —yet it may before its too late . . . save you SIOO. Let me "Cans and Can'ts for send your order today! 52 Big Weekly Issues for Only SI.OO D. k. McBRAYER p hone N0.6230 P O Box 68 SHELBY MOORESBORO - An authorized subscription representative of Gsatlnua Tke Ladies' Heme Jaaraal Tke Saturday Evwiaf P«t i 52 wim— .sl.oo 12 mm*-$1.75 52 mm—s2.o* INSURANCE life and T 3rß n ° better policies than those issued by The Southern j| y ' irust Co., and it will pay you to see us before buying. let U \ re *? surance you want to know you are insured — lore tk. U ' S w !'^ e it in r.oeof our strong Companies. We represent tha U ° of the best> D you or y° ur business in the past and will try to give better service in the future. City Loan and Insurance Company Offices over Farmer's Bank and Trout Co. . J. A. WILKIE, Manager. THE COURIER, FOREST CJTY, N. C. MOVIE PROGRAM Thursday, April 22nd Taste of Life. A Complete show. Friday, April 23rd Ruth Roland in Adventures of Ruth. A Pollard Comedy, and Pathe News. Saturday, April 24th 23* Hours Leave. One of Art crafts joy provokers. full of fun from start to finish. Some of our patrons have been enquiring for this picture ever since it was an nounced for this place, and those who have been lucky enough to see it want to view it again. NEW CO-STARS SCORE BIG SUCCESS In "Twenty-Three And A Half Hours' Leave" Two new co-stars hold the screen at the Horn Theatre for the current bill in a Thomas H. Ince production entitled '"Twenty-three and a Half Hours' Leave," which is released as one of the Paramount-Artcraft pictures. Douglas MscLean and Doris May are their names and while many photoplay-goers of this city may remember them from previous subjects in which they have appear ed, this is the first time that they have blossomed forth as stars. Mr. Mac Lean has appeared opposite such popular screen personalities as Mary Pickford and Dorothy Dal ton, while Miss May, under the name of Doris Lee, appeared with Kay in a number of that popular actor's notabie pictures. It is a happy co-starring team which these two players provide. They have youth, good looks and plenty of persona ity and it is prac tically a foregone conclusion that future pictures of theirs will be eagerly sought aftsr when the merits of "Twenty-three and a Half Hours' Leave'' are considered. The present picture is splendid light comedy, with a strong roman tic interest, and centers around a training camp in which men were prepared for the recent war. "Twenty-three and a Half Hours' Leave" does not, however, have any war atmosphere. It is pure fun and romance from first to last and is re motely removed from anything in the least gruesome or foreboding. It is an adaptation from a story by Mary Roberts Reinhardt, recently published in one of the popular national magazines. Mrs. Reinhardt is an author who is constantly in touch with the wants of the public and her "Twenty-three and a Half Hours' Leave" is proof conclusive of this statement. The stars appear as Williaa Gray, a sergeant of the training camp, and Peggy Dodge, the daughter of the general in command. Their first meeting comes just after Gray has been severely reprimanded by Gen eral Dodge because the young man s pet dog had flown at the officer and taken a small piece out of his leg. But such a little thing dosen't pre vent Bill and Peggy from falling deeply in iove. Bow the romance progresses to the tune of any num ber of complications that would arise in an army training camp, complica tions that any returned soldier may vouch for as humorous when applied to a romance, it is not for us to re late here. Suffice it that a good many humor ous high-lights have been brought out on the screen. It is only ne cessary to the manner in which Bill meets Peggy clad in an ulster and B. V. D.'s, owing to the fact that he has been deprived of his uniform because he was wearing a tailor-made article and to refer in general to the many humorous scenes which arise when Bill simply can't hold to the rules and regula tions of the man's army of which he is a part. The new stars have made their screen bow together under the per sonal supervision of Thomas H. Ince. Mr. Ince might well be termed a maker of stars, inasmuch as he has brought to the screen such great players as William S. Hart, Charles Ray, Dorothy Dalton, Enid Bennett, Sesseu Hayakawa, the Japanese ac tor, and others too numerous to mention here, Mr Ince in his position back of the moti :in picture camera is the im portant fa \n rk'H production of I ucc-Paf amount, pictures, aad uuti.-ri his guiding care the future of Mr. Mac Lean and Miss May appears un usually rosy. Monday, April 26th Last Episode of Invisible Hand, and a Capital Comedy. Tuesday, April 27th A Complete Show. Wednesday, April 28th Midnight Man. Comedv African L OJS and American Beauties, and an International News. Thursday, April 29th Bessie Barriscale in Tangled Threads. JOY RIDE CLIMAX TO SCREEN DRAMA Conscientious Lover and His Friend's Gay Wife Figure In Exciting Episode in 4 'Tangled Threads," Bar riscale Picture. The scene is a road-house. The hour —when the night-owls screech their loudest in a juzz-und-cocktail rythm. At a table alone sit a soph iscated bacnelor and another man's wife drinking wine. The lady is gay and laughes with a cackle. The man is grave, except his eyes which have an ominous gleam in them. The laugnter of the guests becomes raucous, as gaiety merges into an org\\ but the man still remains glum. "Cheer up —you look like you're attending your own funeral," the woman says impatiently. "Perhaps ] am —who knows?" — the man replies with a sardonic smile. A few moments later they leave, step into a roadster and whirl away into the night. In the cold-grey light of the dawn a wrecked car is found at the foot of an embankment, and underneath the body of the moody bachelor and the other man's wife —both dead. On PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY lib Preference for Buich Valve-in'Head motor cars becomes mere pronounced each season and this favoritism shown by the motor car purchaser of today has taxed the Buich factory's production to the limit. " PRICES Model K-44 - Thousands are contented to await I their turn in Buich deliveries—for i Modal Iv—49 - w Buick performance, quality , service - r . . * i F. O. B. Flimt. Mick. and economy i±as von Price* Revised • • /•• i April 1, 1920 their confidence. > ■ The five hundred thousand Buick cars now in daily operation are mak ing Buick history. Their efficiency, faithfulness and value have estab lished ihis fact in the minds of the world— "there is no substitute " for Buick Vclve-in-Head quality and service. | When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them | Forest Cit^Motor 00. the fare of the dead man there is ft half- -uiile, as if he were p.t-ased ai the atonement he had made lor a wrong done, while on the woman's face is an expression of borrow that death could not erase. What wrong had the man done that could be atoned for by the sell destruction of himself and another man's wife? The mystery is solved in " Tangled Threads," Bessie Barriscale's pic ture, made by B, B Features, Inc., for Robertson-Cole and released r»y Exhibitors Mutual, adomestic drama o f thrills and emotion. Can You Win Back Your Husband's Love By Making Him Jealous? The Drama of a Wife Who Would Not Be Cast Aside. How Mother-Love Reunited a Husband and Wife. The "Friend of the Family" Who Was a Snake in the Grass. He Killed the Vamp to Give Back to the Woman He Loved Her Husband. Beautiful Bessie Barriscale in a Domestic Drama of Thrills and Heart-Throbs When Your Bachelor Friend Loves Your Wife—Stick Around. COMING D. W. Griffith's Scarlet Days. Every woman, On With The D^nce. ;WHITE SHOE DRESSING: ; KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT ~ J THE BIG VALUE 'PACKAGES 5 LIQUID AND CAKE Also Pastes and Liquids—for Black, Tan, Ox-Blood and Dark' ✓ Brown Shoes X. THE F. F. DALLEY CORPORATIONS LTD.. BUFFALO. N. Y. v />✓////#////11 mwi 11111 m t\w\\v\\\vvv\ The Rieht To Happiness. Hand Husbands. Paid lo Advanne. Jack in Dare Devil Jack, i great serial to follow Invisible Hand All taxes not paid by the Ist of May, 1920 will have costs added. J. W. Beason. COME to tis for a bottle of Colorite and use it on last year's straw hat. flakes it look just like new or will color it most any shade lon want, to match a new dress, a sixteen colors: JET BLACK CERISE DULL BLACK BURNT 3TIAW CARDINAL RED BROWN YELLOW VIOLET NAVY BLUE LAVENDER CADET BLUE OLD ROSE VICTORY BLUE CRAY SACE GREEN NATURAL Chooae your /awrato eotm from mm color card. Long Drug Company