FOREST CITY COURIER Volume H No * 30 pale Children Hide over to your likki 0 , £ rosy cheeks, hearty ap |f jclicious digestant with meals. Shi v hi* Ale ■C niG«T'Vr AROMATICS WITH JIWR «'N^ L V:AT£R AND GiNGER like it lor building rich • J ";i r p ,| sud flesh. At all gro iw) —satisfaction or SSnej-'l' A on first dozen. T Ale retails at 15c per bot orsl.7s per dozen, if your tea greater cannot supply you, teie- Tcone Coca Cola Settling Co. Distributors for Forest City ALL your favorite centers —each in a substantial chocolate overcoat. You'll have to eat one to learn how i 80 ey are —cat many to learn that I they are all equally ' good. Come in as you go by today, and get some. Packed ia a handsome box that fi A please anybody. JChocolates "with theyifanderful «= =-r fEIIMHARDT S DRUG STORE The *R&xaJUL Store tv WaaHMUK * No. 1. Forest City, N. C Send no Money in Advance This beautiful Black Kid Ifc Leather Oxford, made over B\. IBL with Cuban heels and welt sewed nole,B, very flexible Sent to You Parcels Post Prepaid arrival you pay Post Master only 68 00 Special 1 a " price, and if after examination you don't think • th« best value to be found, you can return them vs e will promptly refund your money.- SEND FOR CATALOGUE the shoe store* •WGHT-SGRUGGS SHOE GO. Square Spartanburg. S. G N M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS I ■* MAKES BEST PAINT-—WEARS LONGEST I to you $3.66 a Gallon when made ready to use. I ,e ° gallon out of any yoa bay, and if not the best paint made $ ■Ly r *tirm the balance and set all your money back. ■W* 11 — ii LONGMAN * MARTINEZ,, Makers, N. Y. I Golden Industrial Institute Commencement Program The golden Industrial Institute, after a very successful term, closed last Friday. The commencement exercises are being observed this week. Dr. A. E. Brown, of the Baptist Home Mission Board, is expected to make an address on Friday. The following is the programme being rendered this week: May I—Annual1 —Annual May Day Picnic. 4th —Annual Senior Party, sth—Baccalaureate Sermon. 6th —Eeception for Graduating Class. 7th—Commencement Exercises, 10: to 11:30. Community Dinner. Address—Dr. A. E. Brown, 12:30 to 2:00. Presentation of Diplomas and Prizes. The following are the graduates from the seventh grade: Myrtle Allred, Shelby; Clara Smaw ley, Golden; Emma Grayson, Golden; Marjorie Norment, Gastonia; Wery Carson, Union Mills; Ethel McKaig, Spartanburg, S. C.; Manilla Hunt, Sunshine; Master Hill Scoggins, Henri etta. FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1920 Happenings of a Local and Personal Nature The closing exercises of the Caroleen school will be held at the hall on the evenings of May 5, 6 and 7. Miss Leah Hill, one of Forest City's charming young ladies, spent a time recently with relatives at Caroleen. Miss Clara Harrill, one of Forest City's most delightful young ladies, was a recent visitor to friends at Caroleen. Mrs. M. A. Pruit, a most charming matron of Shelby, spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. J. H. Crawford in Forest City. Claude Jones and Miss Laura Nanney of the Union Mills section, were mar ried recently. The ceremony was per formed by Squire C. J. Flack at the home of J. I. Nanney. On Saturday April 24th an examina tion for rural mail carrier was held at Union Mills. H. A. Barnes and Abner Koon, of Union Mills and A. J. Gray, of Forest City, stood the examination. C. R. Marks and wife of Forest City, had as their guests recently Henry Setzer and wife, Mrs. J. P. Bean and little son, Kenneth, Mr. —Paul, and Miss Georgia Ponder, all from the Ruth neighborhood. Miss Maude Ledbetter, the attractive daughter of W. P. Ledbetter, of the Union Mills section, was married on April 22nd to J. J. Carswell, the cere mony taking place in Marion. The happy couple will make their home at Old Fort. Little Eula Reid Smart celebrated fourth birthday Friday of last week. Giving her little friends a birthday par ty. After amusing games for a few ice cream and other refreshments were served. Leora Hill was in charge. About 17 were present. The annual convention of the Baraca and Philathea Association is to be held this year on May 27th 30th inclusive, at Wilson. On account of this, the Southeastern Passenger Association has just announced a rate of one and one third fare for the round trip, from any point in North Carolina. On April 24th Creel Fortune and Miss Maude Freeman, both of the Golden Valley section were happily married. The groom is a son of D. C. Fortune and the charming bride is the accomplished and beautiful daughter of W. N. Freeman. The many friends of this happy young couple wish for them much joy. Confederate Veterans day will be ob served at Rutherfordton on Saturday, May Bth, the U. D, C. thinking it bet ter to have it this date than oh Monday, the 10th. A bountiful dinner will be the veterans and the exercises will be held on court square. Everybody is in vited to attend and help give the old soldiers a good time* The Musical Recital of the Forest city graded school will be given on Friday night the 7th, in the Methodist church, beginning at 8 o'clock. On Saturday night Mr. T. N. chambliss of Shelby will deliver an address at the Baptist church at 8:15. Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, Rev. S. N. Watson will preach the commencement sermon at the Bap tist church. The public cordially invited to attend all these exercises. Mrs. Kate Goforth Jones, wife of Osborne T. Jones, died at the home of her paredts, Postmaster and Mrs. C.C. Goforth, of Union Mills, on April 14th, after an illness of several months, in the 23rd year of her age. Besides her husband and two small children, she leaves mother, father, four sisters, two brothers and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her death. She was a member of the Cliffside Baptist Church. ! The Stonecutter Mills, a million and a ; quarter concern, has been organized, I and the following officers have been 'elected: S. B. Tanner, president; T. ;B. Lovelace, vice president; K. S. Tanner, secretary-treasurer. Directors: M. O. Dickerson, Sr., B. B. Doggett, , W. S. Forbes, C. W. Tillett,, Sr., S. B. and K. S. Tanner. The mill will be located at Spindale, and will be one of the most modern mills in the South It will be in operation this fall. The splendid program rendered by the Y. W. A. :n ihe Baptist church Sunday evening was thoroiy enjoyed by .1 large congregation, j The offering amounted to $36.'J7. Batch of Newsy Notes From Thriving Cliffside Cliff side, May 3.—The opening game of the Rutherford County Base-ball League was played at Henrietta Satur day afternoon between Cliffside and Henrietta, Cliffside winning the game by a score of Severn to one. Simmons did some sensational pitching for Cliff side and the work of J. Jones behind the bat deserves special mention. The fielding of Forest Jones was an out standing feature of the game. A large and enthusiastic crowd was present to witness the game. The batteries were; Cliffside. Simmons and Jones. Henri etta. Keeter, McMahan and Owens. The following are the members of the Cliffside team; V. B. Splawn, G. A. Matheny, Scott Goode, J. J. Jones, G. L. Champion, Forest Jones, L. Free man, Burl Lancaster, R. R. James, B. E. Simmons, D. C. George Simmons, B. B. Goode, Dan Hawkins, Harry Blackwell. And R. V. Bland Manager. Messrs. Deck Wilson and Hoyt Dixon attended Commencement exercises at Piedmont High School last week. Misses Emma Sue and Annie Wilson and Virginia Edwards have returned from Mars Hill College. Miss Alice Edwards will remain for the Summer School. Misses Minnie Carpenter and Pamelia Pruett accompanied by Messrs. T. L. Wilson and Arthur Carpenter visited in Bessimer City Sunday. Miss Blanch Burrus is teaching a subscription school beginning today, (Monday.) Mr. W. B. Wilson and family visited Mr. Wilson's brother W. L. Wilson, near Rutherfordton Sunday. Mrs. Dora Cumnock and Miss Belle Allen accompanied by Messrs. Deck and Mai Wilson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Fortune near Bostic. Mr. W. R. Morrow and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Morrow's father Mr. - Robinson, near Forest City. Mr. Morrow making his first trip in his new Lort car. Mr. B. P. Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Z. O. Jenkins spent Sunday in Gastonia. Dr. and Mrs. J. R. H«ll and Mrs. B. P. Caldwell visited in Gaffney Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F: Alexander of Forest City were in town Monday. Mr. A. T. Humphries visited home folks at Gaffney Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. C. H. Wilson and family attend ed Memorial services at Cherokee church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee High tower visited in Forest City Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Harrill visited in Forest City Sunday and attended Memorial services at Pleasant Grove. Mrs. Luther Campbell, Misses Lou and Nora Campbell and Mr. William Campbell visited in High Shoals, N. C. Sunday. Miss Delia Carden spent the week end with her sister, Miss Hattie Carden at Bessemer City, and attended the Music Recital Saturday night given by the pupils of Miss Mattie Carden's music class. This is the second week of the revival meeting which is being conducted by Rev. W. L. Dawson of Forest City, in the Methodist church. Mr. Dawson preached to a packed house Sunday night and the interest seems to be in creasing with each service. The Florence Mill Band, all decked and bespangled in their new uniforms, makes a handsome appearance on the square as they assemble Saturday afternoons to give one of their inim itable concerts, playing some of the latest and popular waltzs, two steps and overtures. Large and appreciative audiences enjoy these concerts, and the only fault they find, is that they are too short. How long will it be before the band will render Sunday afternoon concerts on the plaza? P. S. Watson spent Sunday in Rock Hill, S. C. Miss Pearl Dawson will leave Tuesday for Greensboro where she has accepted a position. The many friends of Rev. H. D Harrill will regret to iearrf that he is sick. We wl>h for hi.n a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Alexander Mrs. A. H. McDaniel, .Misses Linda Biant ;n, Margaret Young, Rev. and Mrs S. N. Watson wiil leave for Washington D. C., Tuesday morn ing to attend the meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention. Criminal Court Court convened Monday morning April 26, Judge B. F. Long of States ville presiding and J. E. Shipman, Solicitor prosecuting in behalf of the state. D. A. Lollar was foreman of the grand Jury. The following cases were disposed of; State vs A. *C. Hook, nol pros. State vs Charlie Whiteside and Birdie Roberts, F. & A. Not guilty. State vs Robert Baxter and Ada Bryant, F. & A., not guilty. State vs Will Ingle, Larceny and house breaking—2 years on the roads. State vs Ernest Head, 6 months in jail to be hired to T. B. Stephenson. G. P. Collins plead guilty fined $125.00 and cost. Harrison Crawford and Will Heard plead guilty for manufacturing liquor and paid fine of $50.00 each. J. W. Keenan and Jim Parris who were charged with having in "their possession more ardent spirits than the law allows plead not guilty and entered upon trial but after thinking the matter over during the night failed to appear the next morning and departed for parts unknown, to-wit South Carolina and forfaited SBOO.OO bond. J. R. Proctor, Dorah Proctor and Golden Proctor after attending the Court one day were conspicious for their absence when called to answer the charge of the state for having too much booze. Calvin Smith, who also had more spirits than the state thought he needed for personal use failed to face his' ac cusers in open court, before a jury of his fellow citizens. Thus ended the criminal docket and civil docket was taken up on Wednes day morning as follows. Mary Holland vs Frank Holland, Divorce granted. Hattie Smith vs Frank Smith, Divorce granted. Mary Ellis vs Hoyle Ellis, Plaintiff takes non-suit. Minnie Hamrick vs C. P. Hamrick, Divorce granted. Farmers Bank & Trust Co. vs J. L. Robbins et al consent judgment for Plff. Bessie Pruett vs Douglas Pruett, Divorce grunted. J. D. Ledbetter vs J. L. Robbins, Judgment for Plaintiff. Doris Magness vs Ernest Magness, Divorce granted. A. A. Flynn vs Lizzie Flynn, Divorce granted. J. L. Atkins vs May Atkins and May Atkins vs' J. L. Atkins being counter suits for divorce were consolidated and resulted m victory for the wife. In the case of J. G. Reid vs c. c. & o. Ry company resulted in a verdict for the plaintiff for $3500.00. Court adjourned Saturday afternoon. Misses Zola Parler and Jeanne Moss attended the Musical Festival in Spartanburg, Tuesday evening. Dr J, Q. Adams, a former, well- Ibved pastor is spending a week with his many friends in Forest Gitv. Mrs. W. L. Dawson left Tuesday to attend t.he Methodist Woman's Missionary convention which meets at Morgan ton. Mr. and Mrs. lialph Randall, of Asheville spent Saturday and Sun day with Mrs. Randall's rnoiher, Mrs. William Long Mr. Geo. H. Harrill, of Rock Hill, S. C., spent Saturday night and Sunday at the home of his sister Mrs. Katie TXJW ranee. When cotton was six and eight cents a pound we wanted all Chinamen to lengthen their shirt tails an inch. Old Brother Chink is most likely now figur- ' ing on how many inches he can cut off ! of his shirt tail. Cottage prayer-meetings are being held every Tuesday and Thursday j evenings in the different sections of town, preparatory to the revival j services which trill be held in the Baptist church beginning June 2nd. The pastor will be assisted by Rev. J. D. Harte of Oxford Articles for publication in The Courier should reach the office Monday. If it is impossible to get*fhem to us by Mon day get them in by Tuesday acyway. Only news items of most importance can be used Wednesday. For sale: Pure—bred barred Ply mouth Rock eggs, $1.50 per setting. Flora Matheny, Forest City N. C. R. 2. $1.50 a Year, in Advance WHAT IS THE HATTER WITH THAT CHILD? When children grow pale and listless their blood may be weak PEPTO-MANGAN MAKES RED BLOOD Sold by druggists in liquid and tablet form —both the same in medicinal quality When your child loses color, acts and talks without spirit, and does not play like other children, act quickly. If the condition is not a deep-seated ( disease but merely due to poor blood, give Pepto-Mangan. Gude's Pepto- Mangan is just the tonic for pale, thin , children whose blood needs rebuilding. It is a pleasant-tasting, simple combina | tion of exactly the ingredients that in , crease and enrich the blood. j Beneficial results show almost at once in brighter eyes, blooming cheeks, a sprightly step, and the whole system ! made more vigorous. Pepto-Mangan is obtainable in liquid or tablet form, whichever proves most, convenient. Both forms possess iden tical medicinal qualities. There is but one genuine Pepto-Man gan and that is "Gude's." Ask your druggist for "Gude's" and look for the name "Gude's" on the package. If it is not there, it is not Pepto-Mangan. Advertisement. Forest City Graded School Closes Successful Term On May 7th the Forest City Graded school will close, after a most success- ful session On Saturday night, May Bth, Rev. Chambliss, of Shelby will deliver an address in the Baptist church at 8:15 o'clock. This school has made not only an enviable, but an unusual record this year. In spite of the epidemic of In - fluenza, scarlet fever, small pox, etc., the average attendance has equalled previous enrollments. Six hundred and forty pupils have been enrolled while there were only 631 on the census. A record breaker for the school and for Forest City is graduating class, which will have twenty in it. Next year the school will offer an excellent course in Agriculture. Thia i course is throngh the courtesy of the ; Farmers Bank & Trust Co., of our j city, and will be in charge of Ex-County Demonstrator, C. C. Proffitt. Another good feature which is now being worked out, is plans to accommo date in this school, those who reside in | adjoining districts, and, where the 1 number of pupils justify, to transport them to and from school. A memorial medal will be established in this school by Mr. and Mrs. R. E, Btggerstaff, in honor of their admirable son, John Newton, whose tragic deaths last year, by coming in contact with a i live wire, was such a shock to our people. He was a student in the Forest City Graded school at the time of his ■ death. Won't They Pay Us a Visit? The Hicks Orchestra, of Chesnee,. i S. c. gave an entertainment in the hall l at Henrietta Saturday night, which was greatly enjoyed by tse large crowd ' present. It was a splendid program, i consisting of banjo solos, guitar solos* | readings, songs and music by the Orch estra. Dixie Hill's March, Out on Ocean Wave, were some of the numbers, while Turkey in the Straw and Leather : Breeches reminded one of "Ye Olden ; Times." Hiwaiian music played on the ' guitar by Dr. W. R. Hicks was encored | a,ain and again. Several numbers were played by special request. A humorous reading by Mrs. W. R. Hicks and banjo solos of darkey songs by Mr. Z. Hicks brought down the house. It is safe to « say that no profeasional entertainers have ever givan the people of Henrietta more genuine pleasure than the Hicks Orchestra did Saturday night. Our people would be glad for these high-class entertainers to pay Forest City a visit. We all like these kind of entertainments. A crowded house is assured them. Mr. and Mrs. W. L Urown re turned to their hone at Hot Springs Monday; were accompanied by Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. A. L. Mamiey who will spend several weeks with them.

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