FOREST CITY COURIER y o lum e II No^3l 0 ALL WELL? Your Friends Ask! That, Can You A,ways Say " Yes " ? BUILDS RED BLOOD |e Happy Famijy Is ""»* ()ne Where Everybody gas Bed-Blooded Health Aildren should not be pale and wan. «.k «.d Younff girls should not be sallow, *L a nd anemic. Men should not ami poorly, tor health and lack of vitality are jfteo merely the result of impoverished pepto-Mangan is for people iL bodies suffer from lack of proper L nourishment Pepto-Mangan en- Tg the blood and increases the num- Zoi healthy red blood cells, which are accessary to carry the proper nour sliinent, vigorousness, and strength to part of the body. It contains the very properties that are so sorely needed to build up thin, rt tery blood. Physicians call it the y Blood Builder. For your convenience Pepto-Mangan 4 prepared in two forms, liquid and yljjet. Both contain exactly the same eeiicinal value. Insist on the genuine Pepto-Mangan. ft be sure you are buying the genuine Pepto-Mangan, ask your druggist for And be sure the name "Code's" is on the package.—Advt IKIVIE PROGRAM Thursday, May 13th Hayakawa in The Man Beneath. Friday, May 14th Adventures of Ruth. Snub Poll ariinAPatrbe comedy, and Pathe News. Saturday, May 15th On With The Dance. Four Striking Punch Scenes From "On With Hie Dance" PRETTY, vivacious Sonia does a whirlwind dance in the steerage of ike steamer on which she is coating toAmerica. Her fellow-immigrants mi arcund her in amazement. It etjpical of the girl and celebrates tor first glimpse of the Statue of liberty. Sonia, in the sheerest of negligee, tooes suggestively in ber boudoir is the presence of her admirer, Jamie Sutherland. At the climax, fillhe danae, Sonia's husband unex~ PMtedly appears. A hot altercation a startling revelation follows. A BROADWAY cabaret at the wight of its midnight reveries. as "The Masked Dancer," is Wring a huge hit with the crowd °fpieasure-seekers. Her husband wild-eyed and half mad with J&lousy. Finding Jiinmie Suther he shoots him dead. lonia's husband is on trial for 'irder. Ererytbing points to his kfo by the electric chair. Sud °«>ly Sonia startles the court with ' B tory that strips her reputation but saves her husband's life. tremendous climax of the pic tore. Monday, May 17th T . . Dempsey in Dare Devil Jack. J pital Comedy. Tuesday, May 18th of Chance. A complete Wednesday, May 19th Man, a star serial. Rain -9 tonredy, and an International 'V COMING -Vi©° va j Q R eve ' ia jj ou# in Advauoe. fte to Happiness. Local Happening and Personal Mention Born Sunday a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Webb. Miss Mamie Rollins left Friday to visit relatives in Shelby. Miss Minnie Justus spent several days in Spartanburg this week. Miss Grace Lyda of Henderson ville spent the week-end with Miss Jennie Philbeck. Miss Georgia Watts and Mr. Manly Whitaker attended the Memorial at High Shoals Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Griffin and family and 9r. Gentry from Spartanburg visited Mrs. J. H. Crawford Sunday. Miss Jennie Philbeck who has been in sehool at the Golden Institute the past year has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones of Erwin Tenn. are the guests of Mrs. Jones parents, Mr, and Mrs. Burwell Moore. Mr. Joe Edwards who holds a position with the Florence Mills, spent Satur day and Sunday with homefolks at Marion. Mrs. McCraw and little grandson, James McCraw, of Glendale are visit ing Mrs. McCraw's daughter, Mrs. N. H. Welch. G. C. King, of the King Motor Co., of Charlotte, spent Sunday in Forest City, the guest of his brother-in law, T. R. Padgett. Cowan Blanton, who was a student at Trinity Park school, Durham, N. C., has returned to his home in Forest City, where he will spend the summer vacation. Mesdames. W. L. Dawson, C. B. Crowell and Miss Esther Watkins re tnrned Friday from Morganton where thay attended the Methodist Episcopal Missionary Convention- The Mountain View Community Club held a meeting on the 12th inst., at which Prof. W. R. Hill spoke on educa tion. C. C. Proffitt also made a splendid talk along the same lines. L. G. Langs ton, formerly with the Henrietta Mills but later overseer of carding at Watts Mill, Laurens, S. C., has been appointed superintendent of the Ozark Cotton Mill Co. at Ozark Ala. Mr. Edwards from Marion, and a mighty good citizen and mill man is a recent comer to our city. He is con nected with the Florence Mills. He will be a valuable acquisition to the industrial life of our town. Haig s Mighty Shows are to be in Forest City Monday, the 17th. We in vite everybody to knock off work and come to town that day. They will show m the afternoon and again at night. It is said to be a good clean show. R. V. King and family, of Lilesville, are spending a time with the family of his father-in-law, J. T. Fortune, in Forest City. Mr. King is well and favorably known to our people, having at one time been in the mercantile business here, and they are glad to see him and to know he is prospering. Henry Burgin and Hettie Freeman, and William Rumfeldt and Etta Queen, of Cleghorn Mill were recently united in marriage by Rev J. R. Jackson. These couples are well known and popular and have many friends who wish them much joy in their new venture. Mr. Solomon Gallert of Rutherfordton was in town last Saturday afternoon in the interest of his candidacy for the State Senate and incidentally to attend the trial of a suit which he had institu ted before J. B. Long, Esq, to recover a note executed over 25 years ago by Rev. H. C. Sisk for a legal fee. In the suit referred to the Rev. Sisk pleaded the statute of limitations and defeated Mr. Gallert's recovery on the note. Miss Lucy Patterson, a most charm ing young lady and an excellent teach er, who has been connected with the Forest City Public Schools for the past session, left Monday evening for her home at Renfroes, Ga. She will be greatly missed from the social life of Forest City, and at least one young swain is disconsolate over her departure. A motor party conveyed her to Spartan burg Monday, enabling her to take a fast train for her home. FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1920 Important Meeting At Florence Mill May 21, To Discuss Child Welfare. State Speaker To Be Here A meeting that promises to be of great importance and prove of much and lasting good, will be held in the Florence Mills Welfare House, on Fri day evening, May 21st, at 2:30 p. m. This interest in the welfare of the children of the mill towns of the county will be of incalculable benefit in the training and development of these chil dren into dependable men and women, thus stabilizing the character of our future citizenship. The main object of this meeting will be to discuss child welfare in general and how to employ, and keep busy, during the summer vacation, children j who are not old enough to work in the I mills. E. F. Carter, executive officer of the Child Welfare Division of the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare, Raleigh, will be present, address the meeting, and make suggestions. A round table discussion will be held and suggestions asked for from every wel fare worker and mill superintendent in the county. Each and every superintendent, wel fare worker, mill official, and any one who is at all interested in child welfare work, are urged to attend this meeting. This is a personal invitation to them and it is hoped that all interested will arrange to attend this meeting. Mr. Carter, while here, will inspect and investigate every mill, factory and shop in the county relative to child labor and welfare conditions, and will deliver addresses while in this county on child welfare. , COftINNK •IUPPJTH It was particularly appropriate thai Albert C. Smith, prestteat at Tlta* frapii, eaouid km selected Carinas Orlftth far the leading rale af Clyde Pitch's "The GHiabers," far aha hat heei steediljr ellnblaf aver aiaea aha left her home hi the sooth ta hi r— M a ite player. Now aha has reaped tha top ranf of Aim saecess. Ia aMt tiaa ta her impoaiaf persaaal appear anes aa4 histrionic talent, Miss Oriflth has tha happy faculty of weariav heaa tifsl and aaassal paw-as with (race aai has hat a splendid athletic trahv lap. Sesie af her most raeent faa tares have bees "A Girt at Bay," "Tlw "fewer af Jewels," "Hwmaa OoWatereJ* awl "DeedMae at Sievea." I® 11 ' I j^T-1 mm r h LAR.R.Y SEMON The Fourth Estate lost one of the cleverest cartoonists In the country when Larry Semon heard the call of the screen. What the newspaper read en lost the motion picture fans gained, fpr Larry is now the comedy king. He writes and directs all of his features and fser&r imitates another. In "Ths Grocery Clerk" he Introduces the shim- W&a* * t "ON WITH THE DANCE" Startling Photoplay at The Movie Theatre Saturday. The picture at the Movie Theatre Saturday feels the pulse of New York and finds it not alone the hive of temptation that it is cften called, but also the haven for vaulting am bition inthe arts and sciences. "On With the Dance" is the big city in all its seething phases. Against this background a dram atic love story has been worked out by the master baDd of Ouida Berg ere, certainly one of the foremost scenarists of the silver sheet. Mae Murray and David Powell are the feature players. Miss Murray shows that she has not lost one whit of her skill in the dance, which first brought her into prominence in the Follies. But she also exhibits very pleasing qualities as an emotional actress of surpassing ability. Mr. Powell is, as always, the suave gen tleman and accomplfshed actor The story concerns the adven tures of a little, pretty Russian girl suddenly left an orphan amid the luxury of New York's smart set. Her encounters with men, good and bad, her temporary yielding to the lure of a "soft life," and her final redemption in the big crisis provide an absorbing plot that holds the in terest of the audience every moment. The picture is the first of the George Fitzmaurice Productions re leased by Paramount Arte raft. Special demonstration of Mindler's toilet articles all next week at Long Drug Store, a free massage to all Ladies. —Mrs. Lutz. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Harrill of Ches ter, S. C., visited relatives here Sunday and Sunday night. They were enroute to Boiling Springs Commencement. They will be accompanied home Thurs day by their daughter, Bernice, who has been a student at Boiling Springs. Hon. Cameron Morrison, prominent in tne civic and political life of the state, and a candidate for the position of Governor of the state of North Carolina, will speak in Forest City on Friday afternoon, May 28th, at 2 p. m. He is a fluent and forceful speaker and the people should turn out to hear him. The Courier job printing office is equipped with new material and pre pared to turn out as good printing as anybody. We will appreciate your bus iness, give you good work and get it out on time. FITZMAURICE AVIATOR Novel Shot Was Secured for "On With the Dance." George Fitzmaurice, the motion picture director, who is now produ cing films under his own name, is an airplane enthusiast Every morning when the weather is favor able, Mr. Fitzmaurice leaves his lit tle borne in Mamaroneck, on Long Island Sound, for a spin in a sea plane belonging to a friend of his. So exhilirating has he found the sport that he recently ordered a plane himself. "On With the Dance" is an enter taining^,'picture of New York life. David Powell has the leading male role opposite Miss Murray. Ouida Bergere wrote the scenario. It is a Paramount Artcraft. "ON WITH THE DANCE" A Rhymed Review By Russell Holman Sonia, lovable butterfly-girl, Hot in her quest for pleasure, Catight in the big city's cabaret whirl, Drunk with the dance's gay measure. Mad with her beauty, jealous men fought; Pistol shots startled the Broadway throng; Out of the darkness the love that she sought Turned her heart back from the path way of wrong. "On With the Dance"—New York grave and gay Playing the game that singes young hearts; Mae Murray, the star in a great photo play, Fairest of players in strongest of parts. Batch of Newsy Notes From Thriving Cliffside Cliff side, May 10. —Miss Hattie Car den who has been teaching music at Bessimer City during the past eight months spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday here with her sister Miss Delia Carden. They both spent the week-end with Misses Clara and Leila Morris at Union Mills and Miss Hattie left Monday for her home in Anderson ville. Tenn. A sad tragedy occurred a few miles from here last Friday when Mr. Toliver Harris, a farmer living near Prospect Church committed suicide by shooting himself with a shot-gun. It is thought that Mr. Harris was not in a reasonable frame of mind, and has not been quite normal since a severe attack of influen za some time ago. He leaves an aged mother a wife and several children, also several brothers who mourn their loss. Miss Eva Long attended the Com mencement exercises at Hot Springs last week, and reports a good time. Miss Long's youngest brother, Dan Long was a member of the graduating class. Mr. Bunyan Rich who has been at tending school and graduated at Hot Springs was a visitor here Friday. He was accompanied by Mr. Addie Nunney of Spindale who also attended school at Hot Springs last year. The ball teams of Henrietta and Cliff side clashed again last Saturday after noon on the local ground. It was one of the most interesting games ever played here. Both teams were in splendid condition and the game was interesting throughout. Simmons did some fine pitching for the local team fanning five, walked one. Three runs were made, one each by John Jones, G. L. Champion and Forest Jones. Forest Jones knocked a three base hit. The playing of Livingston Freeman deserves special mention he did some fine work on short. Henrietta is play ing good ball, and Mr. McMahan's pitching was good. He kept Cliffside from scoring until the sixth inning. Frazier also played good ball for Hen rietta, making the only score for their team. A summery of the game is as follows: Cliffside. Scores 3; errors 4; 1 one base hit; 1 two base hit; 1 three base hit; fanned five; walked 1. Henrietta. Scores 1; errors 5; 3 one base hits; fanned two; walked five. A great many of our people attended memorial services at High Shoals, Mt. Vernon and other places Sunday. Rev.—Waycaster a Methodist Episco pal minister preached in the Hall Sun day afternoon at three-thirty and again at seven-thirty Sunday evening. Sunday was Mothers' Day and the white flowers were conspicious telling of the loss of the best friend one ever has on earth. We think it very fitting that one day in the year should be set apart to pay tribute to the mothers. Nor do we believe the fathers should be forgotten. Our people were grieved to hear last Saturday morning of the death of Dr. C. B. Wiseman which occurred at his home in North Henrietta Friday night. A large concourse of people attended the funeral Sunday afternoon at High Shoals. The Cliffside train made a trip to accommodate the people who could not get other means of conveyance and even the baggage coach was filled. Some estimated the number of people at the funeral at five to six thousand. We feel that the County has lost one of its most efficient and consecrated Physi cians in the death of Dr. Wiseman, and his friends all over the county and else where deeply sympathize with his be reft family. Messrs. E. W. and J. B. Wilson and Fred|Robinson of Gastonia were visitors in town Sunday afternoon. A great many former students and several others are attending the Com mencement exercises at Boiling Springs this week. One of our boys, Mr. Liv ingston Freeman graduates this year. Mr. Thurlow High tower returned Friday from Rutherford College where he attended school last year. Born Monday morning to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hightower, a girl. The Hunt Baraca Class of the Bap tist Sunday School is doing some good work this spring. They had a conver sion in the class Sunday morning. Miss Alma Freeman of near Mt. Vernon has returned to Cliffside and has taken a position with the Mills. Mr. Guy Fortune, formally of Phila delphia is visiting here for a few days the guest of his sister Mrs. G. C. Haynes. Mrs. J. R. Padgett and children are visiting in Erlanger. $1.50 a Year, in Advance Gardner Club Organized Enthusiasm Runs High Forest City Citizens Get To gether To Boost Their Favorite Candidate For Governor At a meeting of Forest City citizen held Monday night, in the interest of the candidacy of O. Max Gardner, for Governor, much enthusiasm was nvam» fested. About 250 of the free and untram melled yeomanry, who eschew "gag'" or "ring" method, went on record a* favoring Gardner and pledged their moral and financial support to his cause. One of the greatest and most cheerily speeches of the kind, was delivered by our townsman, I. B. Covington, who to an orator as well as good business ma*. And take it from us, he is SOME orator, The club elected the following officers; J. F. Alexander, president. I. B. Covington, vice-president. S. A. Summey, 2nd vice-president. T. R. Padgett, secretary. No treasurer was elected as thers was no fees to be paid in. The boys are all enthusiastic Gardiar boosters and intend to do all they cae to elect their favorite. Several members of the Forest City Gardner Club are actively engaged thl# week in canvassing the adjacest territory for members. One of the en thusiastic boosters s|>ent all day in a*, adjacent piece of woods looking for a man he had understood was in these., who had never heard of Gardner— any of the other candidates for governor Ask T. R. Padgett. Mr. D. D. Little, of Spartanburg. * now treasurer of the Florence MiU» and Hugh F. Little is assistant treasur er. These gentlemen are considered among the best mill men in the Soutfc. and the Florence Mill has gained a whole lot, and not only the mill, but the social, industrial and business ia terests of Forest City will be greatly benefitted by having these wide-awake, progressive and energetic business mee in our midst. Forest City welcome* them and truly glad to have them cast, their lot with us. It means much for the future development of our town. Candidates Announcement# To The Democratic Voters of Ruther ford County: The undersigned is constrained to take this mode of asking the support of democrats in the Primary on Saturday, June sth for the nomination to succeed himself as Judge of the Superior Court of the 18th Judicial District, having been appointed by Governor Bickett to fill the vacancy caused by the death »£ the lamented M. H. Justice. It is regretted that the writer cannot see you personally, as I am required bjr law to hold the Courts of the 11th Judi cial District until July Ist, and hare sessions of Courts every day until July Ist. The congested condition of the dockets of the above District being ®o great that I do not feel that 1 aia justified in submerging a public duty to the State for private political ends. The writer stands upon his record a lawyer gathered from application and a decade of experience, and of raji record as a Judge on the bench. Ask any lawyer of the 19th/20th or the lltfc Judicial District where I have presided their opinion of my ability as a Judge and I will abide the answer. Handicapped as I am, from bein£ compelled to hold the Courts, I trust the people of my District and of Ruth erford County will appreciate my posi tion and give me, this the first endorse ment I have ever asked of my people Respectfully, J. Bis RAY. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, of Rutherford County subject to the action of the Democratic Primary.. Jnue sth. I will appreciate your sup port. D- D. FORTUNE, Logan's Store Township, 1 hereby announce my self for the nomination for the office of Recorder for Rutherford County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary, June sth 1920. 0. C. ERWIN. I hereby announce my self for nomi nation for the office of County Treas urer, subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary, June sth 1920. J. F. FLACK. I am seeking the nomination as* Democratic candidate for the State Senate from the 32nd Senatorial Dis trict and will highly appreciate the support of Democratic electors in the primary to be held on June sth. SOLOMON GALLERT. Rev. D. J. Hunt left Monday morning for Washington, D. C., to attend the Southern Baptist Convention, and ex pects to go on to New York after the Convention is over, in company with Rev. W. T. Tate of Caroleen and per haps others from this section.

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