FOREST CITY COURIER Volume il No. 36 Broadway News Svd Cooper, Mrs. C. C. Lowrance - Fuller Proctor -went on an afternoon and had supper ■ bie spring on the creek in honor £( jcor Craver of Lexington. Y Hamrick has been very a few days. Emma Goforth is visiting J. G. Son Broadway. ' Bridges is in the Rutherfordton JJ a l for treatment. t s C. Cooper Flagman on the ( & 0. Railway spent the week end Cleveland Six j SPECIFICATIONS x • g MOTOR: Six Cylinder, valve-in-head type, bore 3 inch, j| stroke, inch. If CARBURETER: Strom berg. IGNITION: Bosch magneto. STARTING AND LIGHTING: Grav & Davis. M CLUTCH: Borg and Beck, Disc Type. REAR AXLE: Floating'type. Pressed stwel housing, Tim- J ken bearings throughout. FRONT AXLE; Drop forged I-beam. Timken bearings. STEERING GEAR: Worm and sector type, 18-inch Walnut g wheel. | TIRES: 34x4 non-skid on rear wheels. WHEEL BASE: 112 Inches. ( FINISH: Cleveland blue upholstered in hand-buffed, bright B finished grain leather. One-man top. B Also Chandler, Chalmers aud Oidsmobile Automobiles g and International and Oldsmobile Trucks. , ■ Rutherford and Polk Gounties | Temporary Service Station and Headquarters at The Thermal p Belt Garage 0 LESLIE L. TAYLOR, Onager. j RUTHERFORDTON, U. C. I ■Hil. iiiillliHiiiilllliElillilllllllM l'& M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS I MAKES BEST PAINT—WEARS LONGEST fat to you $3.66 a Gallon when made ready to use* I lite a gallon out of any you bay, and if not the best paint made, return the balance and get aQ your money back• Inferior GrfOds Knocked Out J In the iopy run. good goods win every time. It has been our H Pni.eiple ever since we started in business to handle only the p r «ry best grades we could get. We have been particularly f;;| Refill about our canned gonds. Every brand that we sell can {ill depended upon. We know the cannars —know them to be frj liable—else we do not buy from them. , lit carry a complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries and j;l your child can shop here as well, quickly, and pleasantly as yo n {:;{ appreciate the patronage that has been given us and pay j j Particular attention to phone orders. Keeter & Watkins 1 fl «k 8, Harrill s Old Stand fOREST CITY § "ORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND ENGINEERING WEST RALEIGH *ln«f- raen of character \iv.\ fore- finu that technicr.l education enables them to suc t"r c h°sen vocations. State College graduates are prepared w.t illy for personal B ' ' or leadersuip in industrial progress. The college i tiers thorough practical, K t FOUR YEAR TECHNICAL COURSES l : l: r '. comprising elective courses in General Agriculture, Farm Crops, Horticulture, g ,an ' irv a,; J Dairying, Veterinary Silence, Fouitrj s ieuce, Biology and Vo- g ' «Wcatioa. g t»i| C r' lra ' ChfiT.istry Textile Electricc' Enalneering ktchanir 3l i ne ? rin 9 Chemical Engineering Textile Manufacturing | tal Engineering Highway Engineering Textiie Chemistry TWO YEAR C'JL';*C-3 IN: Agriculture Mechanic Arts Textile Industry One Tear Course in Auto Mechanics K k , Winter Course in Agriculture for Farmers. fe . IU ■ e 9 Ul Pment in all departments. l t , ,e K'ns September 7. Accommodations limited to 1.000. oung men who ex- p. Si 'uld rpply early, as room for only about 400 new students will bo * K I'rements for four year Freshman Class. 14 units, distributed as fol- t' 2; Mathematics, (including Algebra through Processions and t: ;; Science, 1; Elect ? ve. fc l '.ated circular, and entrance blanks, write E. B. OWEN, Registrar, t at home. Misses Bertha Hambrick and Belle Lowrance were in Spartanburg last week. Mrs. E. L. Burton went to Spartan burg Monday. Miss Ruth McCurry has returned to Broadway after spending a week at home. J. G. Morris is having his house painted which will add to the looks very much. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lowrance of Hen dersonville spent a few days with his brother L. C. Lowrance. GREATER FOREST CITY'S OWN HOME NEWSPAPER FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1920 Mrs. Mary Nell Philips of Johnson City Tennessee is spending a month with her aunt Mrs. John Hambrick on Broadway. * Mrs. Q. J. Kendrick of Monroe arrived today to spend a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Lowrance. I LONG DRUG GO'S! ► FOUNTAIN MENU * i f' * 2 i i , i l 4 ! 3 I Ice Creams Parfaits I I j Fancy Sundaes and Dainties t I j Frappe Egg Drinks I i j ; Fancy Mixed Beverages , t Lemonade i I j ; Plain Drinks Fancy Drinks j : : Medical Drinks « ALL KINDS OF DRINKS : ) 4 k r __ I ; i I Specials Foß Saturday j t t i WATERMELON ala ATLANTA i I CANTALOUPE ala CLEVELAND ! I i ; BAHAMA BANANA i t « ORANGE ICE I I GREEN RIVER ] I OK! PROMISE ME I | We serve at our Fountain Marsh- « i | mallow and Whipped Cream &£ All Automobiles stopping in front ; j| of our store will be promptly serv r ed at the car if the horn toots. ' Si ' I - j E We carry a complete line of Cut i. p Glass, Stationery, Toilet Goods, jjj Accessories, Magazines, Fountain ? Pens, Smokers' Goods, Perfum j ery, Toilet Waters, Face Lotions, \ Drugs, Sundries, Patents—in fact l anything and everything handled - | in a first-class drug store is car- ® ried in stock by us. H I hi 4 9 . ■ I I (WPX THE UP-TO-DATE I LUIVj 0 DRUG STORE ] The Nya! Quality Store j Forest City, N. C. * If You Were In My Place What Would You Do —As A Tire Dealer? — Would you sell shoddy tires on which you made a large profit with each sale? Would you sell tires with a guarantee covering only a limited number of miles? Would you ''fall" for some smooth sales talk offering you an "exclusive proposition" on some tire * whose worth was not established? NO, YOU WOULDN'T — You wouldn't risk losing your patron, a ge by indulgence in these practices. You would sell such well known stand ard quality articles as GOODYEAR Tires. BV\ GOODYEAR customers * come back again. They're Let us showjyou our com plete line of GOODYEAR Clincher Tires for Ford — Chevrolet—Maxwell —Dort and other smaller cars. B. B. DOGGETT FOREST CITY, H. C. HENRIETTA, N. C. Celebration July 3rd The Rutherford Sun is authority for the statment that this county will have I the biggest celebration on July 3rd, at Rutherfordton, in the history of the ; county, and that preparations are now going forward to that end. An invitation is extended to the entire county to attend and to cooperate. The aim of the celebration is to do honor to all who have had a part in defending our country in time of a crisis. Soldiers of all wars, sailors, marines, nurses, etc. are urged to attend in uniform and take part in the parade. Every home in the county is asked to contribute towards a free dinner for the soldiers. Nobody but persons who have served their nation in service will be allowed to partake of the big free feed. The four bands of the county will be asked to furnish the music, and the mills will be asked to let them off for the day. The committee is working on a suit able program for the occasion, and it will be announced later. Arrangements are being made for an airplane to be on hand to do stunts and take passengers on a trip to the skies. The day will be full of enjoyment. The committee on the parade consists of Capt. Ben L. Smith, of Forest City chairman, and Major Henry Norris and B. P. Caldwell, of Cliffside. All people who were born in Ruther ford county, but who now live outside the county, are urged to "Come Back Home" that day. The people who are behind the movement assures it being a success. Lets go! Everybody lend a hand. f o Mrs. Josh McMurry Dead The many friends and relatives of Mrs, J. E. McMurry will learn with sorrow of her sudden death, which occured at the home of her husband in Forest City on the morn ing of June 10th. She had been sick less than twelve hours and physicians are in doubt whether meningetis or leakage of the heart was theimmediatecause of her death. Before marriage she was Miss Carrie McGinnis, daughter of Jim McGinnis, of the Bever Dam section of Cleveland county. She was a loving mother, a kind and affectionate wife, a .rue friend andanoble Christuin woman, greatly beloved by her friends and neigh bors. Besides her husband and two small chi dren, she leaves many friends and relatives to mourn her death. The funeral was neld Fridav and interment took place at, the Forest City cemetery, a lavge concourse, many from Shelby and Cleveland County, attending the obsequies. the sincere sympathy of our people is extended the stricken husband and motherless children in this their hour of sorrow. Miss Alma Cha-jipion is visiting relatives in Shelhy. Born to Mr and Mrs.Pl. Benuett, on June 9th, a tine boy. Little Alma Phiibeck got her lingers badly cnt recently with a lawn mower. Messrs John Hill and J. O. Griswold. of Rutherfordton, were business visitors to Forest City, this week. Jud HarrilJ, Hugh Blanton. Boyce Wiikie and Ernest Koberson attend ed the bull game at Spartanburg Tuesdry. C, P. Peeler, of Shelby, of Shelby was a business visitor to Forest City todav. He has the ageney for the Hudson and Fssx cars in Cleve land and Rutherford County See his ad in this pßper. CLOTHING We Will Pay Your Bus Fare to Spartanburg and Return i if you buy as much as $25.00 worth of goods from us 9 1181. Main Street Spartanburg, S. C. Happenings of a Local and Personal Nature M . r - _E. Price of Rutherfordton was a visitor in our town Monday. j Miss Glenn Hambrick spent the week-end with home-folks at Henrietta, i Mrs. S. N. Watson attended the Baptist convention at Monroe the past , week. Lewis ana Jay Reid of Rutherfordton spent Sunday here the guest of their j cousin John Reid. Miss Olema Flack left Monday morn ing for Asheville w r here she will attend several weeks summer school. . Mrs. C. D. Early left Tuesday morn ing to spend several days visiting re latives and friends at Gilkey. . Little Dorthy Green, of Lattimore, is spending sometime with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jones. Mrs. Joe Burkholder and son Joseph Jr are the guests of Mrs. Burkholder's ; parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Long. I Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Covington, and attractive little son, Boyce, Jr. visited . relatives in Hendersonville Sunday. Mrs. Annie Randell, of Asheville, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. W. Long, of Cherry Mountain St. j Miss Myrle McDaniel, one of the I faithful salesladies of Efird's dept. store, is taking her summer vacation. If you want ice-cream these hot times j remember the Betterment Club has it ' for sale on Saturday afternoons on the square Miss Claire. Reid has returned to her home here after spending several days visiting relatives and friends at Ruth erfordton. Miss Kitty Gail Thomas, who has been spending some time in Forest City, left Sunday for her home in Fallis, Ky. Mr. Oscar Huntley arrived in the city Monday with his bride from Ten nessee and are visiting relatives and friends here. The Sunday Schools of the Forest City Churches are regulary and well attended and much interest ismanifested ! by the schools. ! Messrs E. O. Thomas, P. D. Harrill Spurgeon Moss and E. G. Abernathy spent Sunday in Asheville, guests of Grove Park Inn. Master Bomar A. Lowrance, of Charlotte, is spending a few weeks at the home of his grandmother Mrs. Katie Lowrance. Misses Hattie and Beuna Jones and little Dorothy Green spent Saturday night at the home of Misses Jones' brother at Bostic. Mr. Jesse Melton and son Roy, of the Golden Valiev section, spent Mon day in Forest City, with his brother Mr. Cal Melton. Mr. Joe Edwards and wife who moved here recently from Marion, are now occupying the B. C. Horn bungalow on west main street. Mrs. W. L. Horn and children are spending sometime with Mrs. Horn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wiikie, of Wallaceville, S. C. Mr. A. W. Bennett, of Rocky Mount Va. spent several days here iast week looking after his interest here in connection with the sewers. Miss Izora Nickloson, of Charlotte, has ac cepted a position as stenographer with the Florence Mills, She is making her home at Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fortune. Mrs. Freeman was carried to the Rutherford Hospital last week and underwent an operation Saturday. Her many friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Miss Bernice Kanipe returned home Sunday from Caroleen where she spent the week very plesently at the home of her Uncle and Mr. and Mrs. Bate Jones. Mrs. A. W. Lynch has returned to her home here after spending several days at the Rutherford hospital. She and Mr. Lynch are all smiles over the arrival of a new girl! What's the use? We started to write up the ball game Saturday, but what's the use? It was a game of "ring-around-the-pasey" Forest City winning in a walk to the time of to The Forest City club are some ball players as the teams who go up against them soon find out. $1.50 a Year, in Advance Forest City Route 2. We are having meetings at the Piney Ridge school house every Saturday. Mr. Hill has made us several speeches upon the consolidation of our school. It is undecided yet whether it will carry or not. „P, e X- and Mrs - w - w - Womack of Mill Spring N. C. are visiting their two children of this place, this week. Mrs. J. R. Hardin and J. E. Womack. I. N. and Mrs. BiggerstafF of Forest City with Mrs. Ida Blanton and Mr. Cowan Blanton visited Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hardin Sunday. D. R. McSwain and family were plesant visitors in Mt. Plesant section? Sunday. Mr. Richard Carroll of Greenville S. C. has been spending a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Williarr Carroll. Miss Ollie Lee Head, who is making her home with her sister Mrs. Tantus McDonald spent the week end with home folks at Shelby. Misses Nannie Hardin, Louise Wo mack and Mr. James P. Hardin spent the week end at Sulphur Springs visit ing Mr. Pink Hardin. Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Bright visited Mrs. Bright's parents Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Burl Womack were plesant visitors in this section Sunday. _ The crops in this section are looking fine now in spite of being planted so late. Mrs. Robert Callahan is very ill but we hope for her a speedy recovery. W. M. McDonald has been on th» sick list, but we are glad to know he is improving. O. T. Huntley Married A very beautiful wedding took place at Banner Elk, N. C., at the home of Rev. Edgar Tufts Wed nesday June 9th 1920, the bride be ing Mrs. Sallie Banner Jones, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Banner, one of the oldest and most respected families of Banner Elk. The groom was Mr. Cscar T. Hunt ley, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Huntley, of Rutherford ton, N. C.» and a well known and respected business man of Rutherford County. The night before the wedding the friends of the bride aod groom came to the manse with automobiles full of flowers and beautifully decorated the room in which the wedding was to take plaie, so that the following morning everything was ready for the ceremoney at the early hour which it was to take place. Mrs, Tufts sweetly played the wedding march and Mr. Tufts, pastor of the bride, in his usual impressive man ner. united the happy hearts. Immediately after the ceremony Mr and Mrs. Hunthy left for John son Citv, Ashevilleand other points in this State, after which they will make their future home in Forest City N. 0. The many friends of the groom are congratulating him on his good fortune in winning such a charming and lovely bride a Services at tjiie Methodist Church Services were begun in the Forest City Methodist Church Sunday night and good congregat ions greet the pastor at each service. The Baptists are taking much in terest in this meeting. We are glad to see the unanimity of religeous spirit that prevails in. this town. Mr. A. A. Roth, engineer on the sewer work here, has just returned from a trip to New York, where he visited his mother and other relatives and friends for a week. Oscar Huntley and bride, who have been visiting Mrs. Champion in Forest City, left Wednesday for a visit to Newton.

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