iOitibdi till IWiJlUlift. FOREST CITY, C... - PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY PRICE $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE J. L. O. THOMSON, ED 11 OK Entered Auij. 22. idis. at the Postoftice at Forest City. N. C , as second ciass matter under act of Congress of March 3. 1879 Setting Ourselt Right We are not much to whine, complain or make excuses, and we do not liKe to be censured without ail the lacts being known. . Recently some complaint has been made about the paper not having any news in it and carrying so much adver tising. One of the complainants was not a subscriber to the paper and we do npt know tiiat said person was ever any help to the paper, by turning in an item of news, even. the situation is this—a newspap er has only one commodity to seii wnue s oace—and only two classes of buyers subscribers and advertisers, ine ad vertiser buys space to reach the reader with his wares. We owe as much to the subscriber as we do to the adver tiser, under ordinary circumstances. But in this * instance we have to take care of the adver tiser, for he is our "bread and meat" —he pays the bills and keeps the paper going. There is practically no subscription money coming in. It all went to the former management, and we have to fill out these contracts for subscriptions. It now costs us $ 1.34 per year to deliver this paper to each of our subscribers for one year, and that only takes care of the cost of our "patent innards", freight and postage ?nd mailing, and does not cover the added cost of the type setting and printing on that part we handle in The Courier office. So you see our list of 2,200 subscribers is a liability and not an asset, and the deficit must be taken care of solely with advertising and this source of revenue is liable to be cut off at any minute. The dull season is liable to hit us at any time. Our policy is to make hay while the sun shines. It takes money out of our pocket to set news, but we put money in our pocket when we set adver tisements. Under these conditions what would you do, gentle reader? Now be fair in your answer. News will keep while advertising won't. The advertiser is having his day now, but the subscriber will get his inning all right. Print Paper Troubles Come to the Star Office The Cleveland Star of Shelby is in trouble. The paper barons have us all in their grasp. There has been much wastage of paper in the past few years and the government has been most extravagant in this particular. We get oodles of stutf from various depart ments that does not interest us or our readers, and sometimes 3or 4 multi graphed letters on the same subject Our newspaper associations have called attention repeatedly to these wastes, and they have appeared before congress by delegation and asked for relief, ottering feasible plans for same but Congress has not granted our plea. We sympathize with the Star and hope it will not have to miss an issue. Below we quote the plaint of the Star: "The Cleveland Star is now having its print paper troubles. It has been running on a supply bought last Fall, but the supply will be exhausted in two weeks and none is in sight. Paper which cost us 6 cents last Fall is quoted today at 18 cents and shipments are slow. It would cost us $54 an issue for white paper alone at this price, or practically 2c for each copy sent out, yet we receive l'rom each subscriber a fraction less than two cents per copy at the present ra te of $2 per year. We hope to buy or borrow enough paper not to miss an issue but the situation looks bad and little relief is in sight." Ex-Service Men Fellow soldiers, your opportunity to renew your government insurance will pass forever and a day July 1. If you mean to renew it, you will have to act at once. All you have to do is to pay for two months—the one in which you let it drop and the present one. You know how much you were paying and where you sent it. If you have for gotten, ask at office or see me. I shall be glad to help any of you free of charge. • If you ever mean to carry insurance you can't afford to let this chance pass. I have talked with a number of in surance agents and they all say "no better and the cheapest on the market." The recommendation that I have for it is the fact that I am keeping up the largest amount I could get, SIO,OOO. Gov. Bickett says, "the ghost of lost opportunity will haunt you all your life if you miss your chance." What ever you do act at once! B. L. Smith, Ex Capt. Inf. U. S. A. Several articles have been received at this office lately, with no name at tached to the communication. We positively will not publish anything without we know the author. If you are ashamed tj sign your name—don't write. We will not divulge your name unless you wish us to. An'article in verse, praising the Paige car has been received with no name. It extols the virtues of the car, and for that reason is purely advertising. If the author will let us know their name and send return postage, we will return it to them. The Paige people might be able to use it, and even pay for it —we can not do either. Will all of our corres pondents please sign their articles. We must know who the authors of any communications are, if we publish them. f |Mrs. T. J. York of Ruthe "fordton is spending same time with Mrs. R. W Carswell of this city. For Sale At Once ■The J. B. Thorne farm of 126 acres, 50 to 60 in cultivation, 6 room dwelling, 4 room tenant house, large barn and other buildings, school joins farm, 2 public roads, large store building, telephone, daily mail, excellent pas ture, also orchard, 1 mile trom Clinch field siding, 2J miles from Westminister school and station, 4£ frorr Bostic, good land, plenty of wood and saw timber. Terms given. J. B. THORNE, JR. Lewiston, N. C. - Out of Fix? "Phone your grocer or druggist for a dozen bottles of this delicious digestant,—a glass vith meals gives delightful relief, or no charge for the first dozen used. Sliivar Ale TURE DIGESTIVE AROMA7IC3 WITH SHIYAR MINERAL WATER AND GINGER Nothing like it for renovating old lired stomachs, converting food i.nlo rich blood and sound flesh. © Shivar Ale retails at 15c per bot tle, or $1.75 per dozen. If your reg ular dealer cannot supply you, tele phone * Coca Cola Bottling Co. Distributors for Forest City Mew Blacksmith Shop I have opened up a first class Smithy and Repair shop near Ed Grose's Flour Mill, on Cherry Mountain street, where I am pre pared to do a general line of iron and wood work. Horse shoeing, tire shrinking by cold or hot process- wagon ironing, repair and make screen doors —in fact if it is made of iron or wood we can make it or mend it. Your patronage solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. H. L. KANIPL FOREST CITY, N. C. •' e "The Coolest Place In Town" I Is that said of your store, your restaurant, or your theatre? You know the difficulty in keeping trade in these days of hot sultry weather. Westinghouse ELECTRIC FANS m will solve your problem and will make your estab lishment the coolest spot in town We have a style of fan for eveiy purpose and th§ right kind of fans for your establishment. Stop and let us show you the type of Westinghouse fan that will make your store a pleasant place for your customers. Better do it NOW! TOWN OF FOREST CITY Mayor's Office THE COURIER, FOREST CITY, N. C. f orgs! "City-Spartatibiifi s Automobile Bus Line i Southbound . Northbound £ ead SCHEDULE R u* d Down Leave Arrive IA. M. P.M. I 7.30 Forest City 545 8 15 Carol een 5.15 8 30 Henrietta 5 00 8.50 Cliffside 4.50 9 50 Chesnee, S. C. 3 50 10.20 Mayo 3,20 50.35 Cherokee Springs 3.05 i 11.00 Spartanburg 2.30 A.M. (Morgan Square) P.. «M. Arrive Leave This schedule is not guaranteed, but is approximately correct. This bus makes the round trip ev ery dav in the year, rain or shine. Parties above Forest City can i come down on the Southern or Sea board trains and make connection with the bus. Parties coming up on bus make a connection at Forest City with the Southern train for Marion, and there make connection for all points east and west. Hamrick & Co. OPERATORS, Forest City, N. C , fisherman's Luck . - m. t : vij '• V J. C. Johnson, G. R. Waters, Roy Blanton and others, hied themselves away on a fishing trip Friday. They went up near Logans, where they cast their flys—and they say the fish bit good. They report a good time and an excellent catch. Among the lot of fish were 13 carp, which would average 5 pounds together with several suckers, cats and other kind. We did not see the fruits of the trip, and have only the word of one of the followers of Isaac Watson, and4f the proverbial fisherman's luck was their portion, none of them will admit it. WHAT IT COSTS TO OWN YOUR HOME The following illustrates the difference in cost of purchasing your own U horrtfe by the straight mortgage plan and through the Forest City Building & B Loan Association. If you purchase a home and need £2,000 and must create a jj mortgage to complete your purchase, this example shows the difference between H making a straight mortgage for a term of years or bringing your mortgage to §1 the Building and Loan association. The difference is your share of the profits. Head carefully and profit by jg the experience of others. . ■ Straight Mortgage Plan. B. L. PLAN U $2,000.00 at 8 per cent 20 shares— S2OOQ. at 6 per cent Interest $l6O per year Dues •'.;.. $5.00 per week pi Term years Interest 2.32 per week Interest ~slO4O in 62 years Payments ... U% .V.. 7.32 per week fH Principal $2,000. —still owing. Term (6£ years) 335 week > J fjj Dues and interest $2,452.20 Sj Principal, saved 2.000 00 H - Actual interest cost 452 20 HI Profits" in 335 weeks 587 80 U 1040.00 Does it not seem worth while? Do not the results show that it is worth a §| jjj little self-denial? v You had the recent experirnce of the Liberty Bonds; it looked hard when jj you were told that you MUST take some; but now the strain is over, you have jjj your bonds, they are paid for, and you feel none the worse off for it. It goes jj to prove that you CAN SAVE —that >ou are earning just a LITTLE MORE H than you need to live on, and we are offering you the very best way to put this §j little saving to account. | Forest City Building Loan Association gg I. B. Covington, President. W. J. Davis, Sec. and Tres. jj You may have implicit confidence in this Bank, trust it with your funds, accept any advice from its officers. It is an institution organized and run for the sat> y the convenience; the advantage of its friends and tomers. ♦ / ■ Your account is invited here on the basis of a he iv friendly, helpful service tnan is customary in our lines. j jc •'■-Cc OL'?4. V? * CT ?; w.O. , /. ~%2 Kodai-c F"iit.i Whig The Way it Should .Be Done BY EXPERT FIffIBHEKS Mail Orders Given Prompt and Careful Attention. All work finished and ready for delivery within 48 hours frot, j receipt of films at our studio For Photograph?j work of the Better Class come to GILBERT'S STUDIO » ocessor to Gilbert & Haines J. T. GILBERT, Alg : '. CLIFtSIDE. X. C. |

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