. • ~. _ ' - i " 0 K lrL/-\ F PF?aa o\ /A f ■g;zi f c iww I || ~* ' * "—•* ""' 1 a -^! r $20,000 Stock to Be Sold to the Pubiic at » ic. :• - 1 •* i FRIDAY, JUNE2S Attention! Prices Go Tumbling Down We must clean our shelves, regardless of high cost of merchandise, in this removal sale. No other sales held in Forest City compare with this sale in sending high prices lower than ever before, owing to the fact that we will move into Mr. Moore's building, now occupied by the Farmers' Hardware Co As soon as they vacate, we will be ready to move into larger quarters. We are placing our entire stock on sale to clean our shelves of dependable merchandise instead of movmg our stock. We are placing $20,000 wcrth of clean, new goods before the public at a sacrifice, sending prices down from 25 to 50 per cent of their selling price. ' —— ... . ... . __ We hiive Never Failed the Public in Making Good ALL We Advertise. This Sa e Excels All Others T '*4.00 reeuh° now *1 98 sell at* *** Men ' S Bare,oot Sandal8 ' wl " „ qs f BO values in Cotton Waists Pink Silk Crepo for blouse or dress, yd. *1.19 , r . Io no Tft P ~. $3 98 Jap Silks, cut in this Clean Sweep $1,98 Fast color Ginghams, yd, 19c Gi*3y Kid Pumps, in high heels 12 98 Infants Pumps, white, at 89c R , , ~, ... .. 4 . ... .f . ' , ~ , . Tnf!ln , i c„„^ Q i o Q el on Kacks full with skirts, in silks, serges hvery suit in men s all wool suits sac- Patent Leather Pumps, priced $6.00 now in ant, ®xo» an( j p op ii ns . Big reductions on all rificed at prices below cost cut to $3 49 -Men's Oxfords, all leather $4.98 silk and woolen skirts. Beautiful line Slate gray, all wool $lB 99 Ladies Dull Kid Pumps, in high and low Every Dress in Silk,Satins,Silk Sport Dresses, white embroidery and plain garber- Blue, all wool Serge *'> l heels, worth double the price, sacrificed $4.49 Voiles and Linens at sacrificing Prices ne was " skirks Young Men's Suits s'>'>so Every high priced slipper or pump in Voiles at $4 87, $8 95, $10.95 I bl ? irt | s Men's Pants, sizes 30 to 48 *aist meas -1 stock, black or brown Oxfords, will be Silks at $12.49, $14.98 _ ~ * vß9 ure. Complete lot, values up to SB.OO. cleaned out at $4.75 r • „ . . * 7 Q o Large stock of best grade of Garberdine Will sell at 41 iq 1 * kirts it cut nrice •* 1 fiso regular price, now $1.89 Big stock Ladies House Dresses at 52.98 ~ t de Silk Pr „r i,'... ' • . . Men s light srev all-wool su-jiirer pants *4.98 Toadies and Misses' White Shoes going at Children's White Dresses., sizes 2;o 8. taupe, Copenhagen cut pride, on y #l9B P-ices cut to 98c SB,OO values goFng at ' ' $4 89 Men's Tins, Collars and Shirts at cot prices Men's and Ladies Tennis Pumps, first White Voile and Organdie Dresses #1.98 Woo: Skirts, valued at $7 93, selling at #4 49 Men s Hose, two pair for • 35c quality, to go at, the pair, only 69c Gingham Dresses 98c y ardß of pretty voiles in dark and"light ' T JS! Mn.. Ja" U S Rubber Co. Real Kids for men and \\ hite Organdy Waists . 49c light colors,. patterns 40 inches wide, Mlip- if( . ladies, regular price $1 98. now $1.23 White Voile Waist, only # • 98c wov-en voiles, in this sale at 69c T.adics Silk Hose' blnck 98c Tremendous Reductions on All items not Mentioned in This Paper. Remember our Stock must be Sold at Sacrificing Prices. Sale Continues for 30 Days. Goods Cannot be Bought Elsewhere o.t These T^i'iees FRIDAY, JUNE 25th,— IM DR. McfrRAYER'S OLD BUILDING Suffers Stroke of Paralysis. j. M. Philbeck, of Bostic, R. 1, suffered a stroke of paralysis on the eveninp of the 17th inst. He had worked hard that day, cutting wheat, and when he went to the house that night he drank copiously of cold water and sat down on the piazza. Shortly afterwpxd, he was stricken, and has, ever since that time, been in an uncon scious state. All that medical skill could do was done for him, but he_is still in a precarious condition. His many friends hope for him a speedy and complete recovery. C. H Gattis, assistant general das senger agent of tlfe Seaboard Air Line and J. M. Brown, division passenger agent of Norfolk were at Rutherford ton recently stirring up interest in a big resort hotel. They spent the week end at Chimney Rock and were much pleased with the big mountain resort. The Seaboard will sell, at an early date, through tickets to Chimney Rock from points on the -road, connecting at Hutherfordton with a jitney line which w ill carry passengers direct to Chimney %ck. Through Pullman cars from Wilmington will be put on soon. A through train from Wilmington is being operated daily now. I. B. Covington, superintendent of The Florence Mills, informs us that the here will not be affected by any agreements to curtail or close down. This agreement is made by the y ar *f wills, who have an overproduction and are meeting with slow sales of their product. Mr. Covington informs us that The Florence Mills have more orders than they can possibly fill* an d would work a full night force if they could get the hands. o ■— Vr e would like to call your attention the ad. of the local building and loan association in this issue. It shows a plan whereby any one can own their pome. Read it, consider it, and then ouy some shares in the twenty-ninth CLOTHING 1 We Will Pay Your Bus Fare to Spartanburg and Return I it you buy as much as $25.00 worth of goods from us I - * • . 118 E. Main Street S. C. J series, which is now open. The secre tary says that he has sold 513 shares already and the time is barely half gone. Now is your time to get started to saving your money and buying a home. o— The fixtures for the People's Drug Store are here, the work on the interior of the building is being rushed, and being gotten *ready for occupancy. Manager Reinhardt informs us he hopes to get in and be ready for business inside of two weeks. atch for his opening announcement in The Courier. It will be an elegantly appointed place and should do a nice business. THE COURIER, FOREST CITY, N. C. Doubles Stock The Alexander Manufacturing Com pany increased its capital stock from $200,000 to $400,000 and will erect a 250x80 foot addition; 6,500 spindles will be added now and 65,000 later, making a total of 21,448 on 40s and 80s combed yarns. —Southern Textile Bulletin. . —o J. L. Butler has purchased a seven passenger Hudson. It was delivered to him by Clayton Peeler, of the Cleve land Motor Co., of Shelby. His son accompanied him on the trip up nere. This company has the agency tor the Hudson and Essex cars in Cleveland and Rutherford counties and are carry ing an ad in The Courier. For Sale-Ford Cars New and Rebuilt We also carry Ford roadster, tour ing and sport bodies in stock. We do high grade painting and top building on all makes. PAYNE'S AUTO WORKS Charlotte's Reliable Car Market 26 E. 6th St., Charlotte, N. C. S. M. MORRISON, Manacer. Z. V. GOSTNER, Asst. Manager Morrison Transfer and Jitney Service 111 Lafayette St. SHELBY, IM. C. ptione 406 hauling of all Kinds. Household Goods a Specialty Double Daily Bus Service Between Ruthertordton and Shelby, N. 6. A. M. P. M. SCHEDULE A. M, p. M. 8.00 4.15 Lv Shelby Ar. 11.00 4.10 8.05 4.20 S.Shelby 10.55 4.05 8 25 4.30 Sharon 10 35 345 8 45 4.50 Boiling Springs 10.20 3.30 9.20 5.20 Jolly Store 10 05 H. 15 9.30 530 Ramsey Store 9.55 2.50 9.35 5.35 Cliffside 9.45 2.40 10 00 5.55 H«nrietta 9 25 2.20 10.15 6.05 Avondale 9.20 2.15 10.20 6.10 Caroleen. 9.15 2.10 10.30 6.20 Beachboard Store 9.05 2.05 10 45 6.35 Hamrick Store 8 53 1.53 10 55 6.45 Alexander Mfg. Co 845 1.45 11.05 6.55 „ Forest City 8 30 1.30 11 25 7.15 Spindale 8.15 1.15 # 11.45 7.35 Ar. Rutherfordion Lv. 8.00 1.00 READ DOWN READ UP