loir 1 No. 41 '-hod: t Church Dedicated Sunday at ion exercises at the irch last Sunday were | etnn and impressive. ! V; - program and order ■ ad been arranged as occasion. The sermon Bishop U. V. W. Dar was a masterpiece of logic Cit inspiring and soul-stirring ie was not a dry eye in the .LiK'iice that listened spell to his masterly discourse. : . eXI was taken from first Deut ' j y . 6th and a part of 7th verse, Lsermon was on the expository The similes and illustrations [by Bishop Darlington, to bring iith full force his points were ir and fine. We are sorry lack nace prevents our giving an 'Le of the discourse. ■je church was full to overflow ing y being unable to obtain 1- so had to content themselves glistening from the outside. ;tea large number from various gofthe county were present. ? r the sermon the trustees, lards and building committee, . c. C. Moore, as chairman, inted the edifice, ifter prayer by the Bishop, the jediction was pronounced on jed knees by Rev. Jordon of ijerfordton, jany expressions of praise has !3 heard on all sides as to Bishop ■lingfeon's sermon, it being uni sally conceded that fit was one ne best and most inspiring ser-.« isever delivered in Forest City, wish of our people is (the Bishop can be gotten to t eand preach here again. [OO much cannot be said of the son. or the far-reaching influence good, and better and more Chris •iiving on those who heard it, the influence on our community, little leaven leaven th the die. Irs. L. A. Moore, Misses Bess Bill, Esther Watkins, Laud Moore, 3eTate, Jennie Mae and Louise rfl were Spartanburg shoppers one [last week. [te Mission Study Class of the ctist Church met with Mrs. Flay Bihers Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. f book studied by the Class is fcister of Mercy" Irs. B. L. Burge and daughter, BS Duke, and grand-daughter, rl, from Amarilla, Texas, are here ivisit to Mrs. Burge's brother J. L. ebell, and other relatives in the Eiy. This is her first visit back to told home in -37 years, and every is wonderfully changed. There S'bea family re-union and picnic at fold home in Golden Valley, on Sat bv, July 24, at which all the kindred re been invited to come and meet pmost excellent lady and long a Kent of the Lone Star State. She (runt of the Mayor s office, or i?H;u . is receivinga new coat of list, wi ich is in keeping with the egress of the town. The electrical storm which passed ►rtOA'n Monday afternoon did con ed imagetc the local lighting transformers were ifmt'r" xnmission and a high vol jelead was burned out at the *er station. A «maU fire, which la few minutes looked like it was tLK to oe a large oue broke out at Florence Mill as h, result of light. i?st''iking a waste pipe on top of toil I. Bv quick and v el! organized irs the flames were extinguished Sao damage was done, L. Dawson, Jr., and Clarence Her. two of our popular young i.motored to Henrietta recently • iittle business trip. It is said tthfc team ran away while they f trying to catch a rabbit by the ikide, but neither one was hurt it'oer was the mules hurt or ! buggy damaged. * S. Croker, manager of the Lumber Co., of Omaha, '•an erstwhile citizen of Forest f at one time editor of the paper ft. and a mighty pleasant and *>ie gentlemen, was shaking Ms with old acquaintances and Ns here the first of the week ; *ere all delighted* to .see him tinote that time is dealing kindly gently with him. "doerford County will put on 111 week a thorough campaign typhoid fever, the expense *bich will be borne equally by M'ate and county, and the phy nave agreed to do the work toicahy for nothing. It does !; ost the patient anything except to meet the doctor and get and no citizen should Pto taking the treatment. i be about, 30 places in the ;*H' where the treatment will be H notice of which will be pub- N late . and the people will be "fid to r»e on hand promptly at the The State Hoard of ll ' a mail out a lot of literature to this typhoid serum and letting it will be asked to read 1 y and explain to their '•>ors A representative from rd of Health will meet >nniy Medical Society i nty on Friday the campaign will be Happenings of a Local and Personal Nature Otto Long spent Sunday in Charlotte. Hoyle Elliott spent Sunday in Char lotte. Fred Webb motored to Boiling Springs Sunday. Mrs. Hague Kiser is spending a week in Spartanburg.- G. K. Moore and family, of Cliff side spent Sunday in Forest City. Mrs. E. L. Burton leaves this week to visit relatives in Johnson City Tenn. Fred Hill, from Apalachia, Va., spent a few days in Forest City this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Tate and daughter of Belmont were guests of J. M. Tate last week.' Miss Laura May Watson is spending a time with friends in Charlotte and Matthews. ft Mrs. N. H. Welch and Miss Justice spent Saturday afternoon visiting down on Broadway. J. P. McNeil, of Charleston, W. Va., is on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Z. C. Bridges in Forest City. Mrs. E. O. Thomas and children leave this week to spend a month with her parents in Kentucky. P. S. Watson and Theron Moore have entered the Columbia Hospital to take a two years training course. Miss Bonnie Jeanne, Ruby andLettie Lou Calton are guests at the home of J. M. Tate for a few weeks. Rev. K. L. Wbittington and Misses Claire Reid and Graham McCall spent the week-end at Chimney Rock. Vernon Bradley, Robert Towery, and Mack Tollerson went to Charlotte last week. They report a good time. C. C. Proffitt and County Demon strator Thrash are in Hickory buying pure-bred cattle for some of our farmers. Miss Nicholson and Mr. Lynch, of Charlotte, were guests Snnday of Miss Zara Nicholson, in Forest City. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Pruitt, of Shelby, spent Tuesday in Forest City with the latter's sister. Mrs. J. H. Crawford. Miss Bennie McCall, after spending two weeks at Chimney Rock, is the guest of Miss Ciaire Reid, in Forest City. Rev. A. P. Jones and wife, of Inman, S. C. are spending this week with the latter's parents, Rev. and Mrs. John P. Norville. Capt. and Mrs. B. L. Smith had as their guest Monday Miss Ruth Gunter who is teaching in the summer school at Union Mills. C. C. Proffitt, manager of the farm department of the Farmers Bank and Trust Co., of Forest City, was a week end guest at Chimney Rock. Misses Clara Harrill, Mary and Kate Long leave this week to visit Mrs. J. M. Burkehoider at Pensecola, N. C. They anticipate a most enjoyable visit. Mrs. L. L. Clontz, a most charming : matron of Charlotte, is spending a time with her mother, Mrs. Z. C. Bridges in Forest City, to the delight of her many friends here. Mr. Evan Roberts, Mrs. E. J. Gibson and son, Teddy of Asheville who have been visiting Mrs. Gibson's daughter Mrs. Alvin Gay, on West Main St., have returned to their home. Misses Mary Moore, Nell and Margaret Young and their guest, Mary Smith, ! and Spurgeon Moss, Arch Hardin and I Charlie Watson attended a party given by Mrs. Jack Palmer in Shelby, Thurs day night. Miss Marv Smith, who has been i yisiting in Forest City, returned Wed nesday to hev home in Innian, S. C. ' she was accompanied back by Miss Margaret Young, who will spend a few days there. Misses Nell Padgett, Margaret Ware, Howard Doggett and Mr. Craig Smith of Richmond, Va., will join a party of young people of Rutherfordton to spend the week-end in Chimney Rock. At the dedicatory Sunday morning service of M. E. Church Miss Nell Padgett sang in her usual sweet way "The Old, Old Story" just before the very impressive sermon by Bishop Darlington. Misses Kate and Fannie Belle Trout, and Ethel Robinson returned home from a weeks stay in Saluda, S, C., Monday evening. When questioned they all give the same response, ''had the best time I ever had in my life. Saluda (?) must be an attractive town. Attractive heart shaped invitations to a leap year party to be given by the Misses Jessie, Edith and Haynes Jenkins of Henrietta are out for Fri day nignt. Those bidden are Misses Jeanne and Tom Moss, Buna Jones, Howard and Paul Doggett and Nell Padgett. Miss Nell Padgett at her beautiful home on East Main Street gave a six o'clock dinner Saturday after which they enjoyed seeing the "Eyes of the World" at Horn's Theatre. Those present were : Dr. Lovelace Perry Wiseman, Miss Ellowese Rawlins, of Henrietta, Miss Viola Cline, of Gilkey, Miss Etna Geer and Arthur Harrill and P. G. Dobbins, of Rutherfordton, MISS Margaret Ware and Tom Moss. Some time ago J. F. Alexander, who is a very observant person, while in Washington, remembered that towns in Georgia which he visited, and which were smaller than Forest City, had free delivery, so he asked Representive Weaver what course to pursue to procure the same benefits for forest City. Getting the necessary information he proceeded to get busy and Postmaster Blanton recently received blanks ana necessary information as to the course to be pursued to give Forest City two free deliveries of mail a day. Hurrah for Jake. He is always on the look out for sffimething to help Forest L/i.y. GREATER FOREST CITY'S OWN HOME NEWSPAPER FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JULY 22. 1920 Local and Personal Items ! Miss Belle Proctor spent last i week in Asheville with _ relatives, j Scott's Fruit Preserving Powders. Long Drug Co. | Mrs. J. F. Alexander carried her Sunday School Class on an outing and picnic Friday afternoon. They went to Anderson's Mill where a most enjoyable time was being had until rain interfered with the plans of the young people. J.M.Tate is now running the City Cafe, having boughtthe whole thing lock, stock and barrel —last week. He has Manzy Neal assisting him while Mrs. Waters presides over the culinary department. "Dad" says she is "chief cook and bottle wash er," and we believe he is right for we notice when she speaks in "a loud tone of voice" things do move kinder sudden like around that joint, and for some time afterward "Dad" and all the help can be found in the upper end of town. That is right, Mrs. Walters, keep 'em scared and on the jump and you can then run the cafe without much bother, trouble or interference. O O o o > w' o o O O > ' m ' ■ ■'■ywwgjijw I C v»~V- C O s. 'CI v. O x v O -» S. O o -. O -—e c c ' o o - —■/ o o o Let Us Show You Why Physicians Approve Sellers In perfecting the Sellers Kitchen Cabinet, health has had its share of con sic .-ation. Therefore, the development of such a vital improvement as the Au comatic Lowering Flour Bin. This is the feature physicians recognize as a boon to women and heartily endorse it as a health protective measure.. This device is found only in ST7T ¥ T?D C KITCHEN llJLLllrvO CABINETS jk "The 'Best Servant in Your House" We will gladly demonstrate this feature, as well Sellers to you is no greater than any good cabinet. as the fourteen additional long-wanted conveniences , , , , ... . . which thousands of housewives are enthused over. There is no need or you o .. For example, the Automatic Base Shelf Extender struggle w.th a make-sh.ft-for aSe lers .s easUy which back-breakine bendine the sani- procured. First, let us demonstrate the wonderful S TaWe Hand-Rubbed Oil Finish and Dust-Proof Base Top! wUI ex P lam our suit your income. Come in tomorrow. Don t miss These are all major improvements which cost a day of the benefit a Sellers brings! Here is your SIOO,OOO extra annually to supply, yet the cost of a opportunity! Decide now! % Call and let us explain abont our Club Plan which starts Saturday, July 31. Moss-Reinhardt Co. Happenings of a Local and Personal Nature Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Flagle, of F>rwin, Tenn., are the guests of Mrs. Syd Cooper, on Broadway. Mrs. D. H. Johnson, has arrived from Greensboro, to spend a time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Lowrance on Broadway. Manager Edwards of the Caro lina Cafe. has added extra helpsoas togive his patrons better service at this popular dining place. He also intends using a printed menu or bill of fare and keeping a supply of the edibles and delicacies of the and serving the patrons the best the market affords, well pre pared and in fine style. He will keep open from 6 a. m. to 11 p. m. Miss Selma Butler is spending some-time in Charlotte, the guest of Mrs C. H. Canada. Misses Jennie Carpenter and Sarah Cowan two charming young ladies from Rutherfordton spent the week end in Forest City, tneguest of Mrs. A. H. McDaniel. Long Drug Co. sells Bonnie B. Hair Nets Veils. Local and Personal Items Post Master W. C. Blanton was indisposed Wednesday, and Miss Linda had quite a time tending to the post office by herself. Long Drug Co. sells Scott's Fruit Preserving -Powders. Mr. and Mrs. Bynun Higgins of Rutherfordton, are here on an ex tended visit at the home of Dr. and Mrs. G. P. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. C, M. Young and Misses Gladys Taylor, and Annie Sue McAlister, from Ft. Gaines, Ga.. are the sruests of Miss Sudie Young. Maltogen, a great tonic and general system builder. Long Drug Co. Miss Lorena Hill the very efficient operator at the local telephone office has resigned her position, effective August Ist on account of inadequate pay. We regret very jjiuch to see her leave so suddenly as we feel that it will be very hard to find someone to fill her place. Ask Long Drug Co. %hat Malto gen has done for run-down, debili tated folks. You'll be surprised at results. §1.50 a Year, in Advance Happenings of a Local and Personal Nature Misses Rush Holland and Lois Neighbors from Charlotte and Miss Lauretta May of Wilmington, are visiting Mrs. Gaither Trout of We>t End. We have received several com munications recently of "Items From Rock Corner" that we canuot pub lish. for the sin.pie reason that there was no name signed to it. If the parry who wrote the article, or articles heretofore sent in. will kindly sign their articles in the future, we will take pleasue in prin ting them. This is one requisite that must be strictly adhered to. We will not under any circumstance publish an article, without the name of the author being signed to it. Nor will we publish the narne of the author unless they request it. For Sale: Nice 4-room house on lot 100x300 ft. good barn, smoke house and other out buildings. Located on Cherry Mountain Street. Will sell reasonable and on good terms. See or call E. C. Weir, for further information.