, Aside Y«U* Hammer. Boya Hon,. Bl.wte.lt Make a Noise For This Town. V,„ Will Be Heard. Which Is Worth More, a Li„ Tree „r a Dead Tree' FOREST CITY COURIER Volume II No. 45 232 Acres \ )r. T. C. Mcßrayer Farm i famous Frog Level Section, Rutherford County, lying on both des of graded road leading trom Forest City to brick store at rog Level, sub-divided in small farms and will be sold ?t At Auction 1 or 10 per cent, cash, balance |, 2,3,4, 5, 6,7, 8 and 9years Saturday August 21st 2:30 P. M. This land is known as the farm of Dr. T. C. Mcßrayer, and is tuated on both sides of the graded road leading from Forest City the Brick Store at Frog Level. It -lies within two miles of orest City, two and one-halt miles ot Spindale, three and one ilf miles ol Rutherfordton, and within one-halt mile of church, lire, school, and cotton gin. There are three houses and necessary irm buildings. This beautiful farm has been sub-divided into tracts mging in size from fifteen to thirty-five acres. This is an excellent grade of soil and practically every acre of it can be easily cultivated lib a tractor. It is situated in the most prosperous section of the County, within easy aeh of the finest markets and one of the most important highways. The remarkably easy terms of payment (only ten per cent. cash, remainder in nine nal yearly payments —if you desire that long to pay for it) which makes it possible for iy deserving, ambitious young man to buy a farm and become independent. Ih it good business judgement to pay one-fourth of what you make as rent to a land i when you could pav for your own land with the rent and have money over and to ire' Come to this sale and get out of the tenant class. Because of the location of this land it is bound to increase in value very rapidly. terms: 10 Z Cash SS£ 1Z |rass BandCasli Prizes t, INTERSTATE PHI A.NBLRG, S. C. 129 1-2 W. Main Street. SELLING AGENTS GREATER FOREST CITY'S OWN HOME NEWSPAPER FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1920 Mov ieProgra'm Thursday, August J 9th ''Alias Jimmy Valentine" Something About 4 4 Alias Jimmy Yalentine" Thousands upon thousands of persons have thrilled to the gripping story of Jimmy Valentine, gentle man and master-cracksman. This celebrated stage drama by Paul Arm strong has swept to triumph in every theatre in the world and now in its screen version causes to live again as fascinating a hero as any author ever conceived. Handsome and reckless Jimmy—tender with women and altogether splendid save for his penchant for safe-breaking. With nerves of chilled steel, his finger-tips sandpapered until the raw, bleeding nerves fairly throb with the silent fall of tumblers in vault doors, he opens safes without tools or dynamite. Freed from Sing Sing and in love with a wonderful girl, he "goes straight." But ever in his wake stalks Doyle, the detective, who has sirern to '"get" him and put him back behind prison bars. Comes the moment when Jimmy has to zzake his great decision: shall he force open a bank safe and betray himself, or shall he leave his sweetheart's little sister, who has locked herself behind the ponderous door, to perish? flow he meets this crisis, and what comes of it are developed in ' A.ias Jimmy Valentine" with suspense that is electric and a climax that leaves the beholderof thU superb drama breathless. The provides Bert Lytell with a that calls for his greatest-jfowers of characterization. Friday, August 20th "Trailed by Three." Pathe Serial. With this comes A Snub Pollard comedy and a Pathe News. Saturday, August 21st Tom Mix in "Cyclone." With this comes a Harold Lloyd two reel comedy. This alone is worth the price of any show fare. Monday, August 23rd The New Serial, "Hidden Dangers" starring Joe Ryan and Jean Paige. With this serial comes a Big V Comedy, and a Sunshine or Hand Man Comedy. Tuesday, August 24th Gladvs 13 rock well in "White Lies" Story of "White Lies" Josephine (GLADYS BROCK WELL) and Rose, daughters of the Baroness De Beaurepaire, find they nave been reduced to poverty. Their home is to be sold, but they keep the fact from their aged mother. Camille Du Jordin loves Josephine, but is regarded with disfavor by the Baroness because he is not of noble birth. Before leaving for the front to fight in the world war, Camille leaves the silken cord for his sword with Josephine, promising to "live and return worthy of Beaurepaire. : Surgeon Edouard Riviere, of the base hospital near the Baurepaire chateau, is in love with Rose. He has offered to assist the family, but Rose's pride would not permit her to accept aid. Grieved because she has waited weeks in vain for some word from Camille, Josephine confides to her sister doubts of her lover's loyalty. Tke family solicitor, who has ar ranged to sell the chateau, brings a prospective purchaser in Col. Raynal. While viewing the chateau Raynal hears Josephine praying that the place may be spared to the mother. Deeply moved, he tells Josephine that a soldier of France never could trample on a woman. Rose's pride again interferes with' an offe»' by Col. Raynal of the freedom of the chateau. After conferring with Riviere, Coi- Eiaynal oft'ars himself in matriage to Josephine, thus mak ing it possible for her to keep too chateau; at the same time telling her he will leave for the Dardenelles campaign immediate!}' After reading in the paper that Camille has been branded as a deserter and traitor, Josephine, horrified, tears up his photograph and casts kside the silkan cord fhe marriage takes place just as Camille arrives at Baurepaire, having been vindicated, reinstated, promoted, given the criox de guerre and granted leave, for bravery while doing perilous secret work behind the enemy's lines. When Camille meets Rose in the chateau garden she scorns him as a traitor. He shows her the croix guerre, then falls in a faint from weakness. Word is brought that the ship carrying Col, Haynal to the Dar danelles has been torpedoed and the Colonel lost. Meanwhile Camille has been slowly recovering the chateau, and Josephine has learned the truth. Before Camille again leaves for the front he and Josephine are secretly married—oniy Rose and Jacintha, the serving maid, sharing the secret. A year passes and Col. Ravnai, not dead as reported, returns. In a cottage village Josephine secretly nurses her infant son—the child of Camil-le. One night Jacintha carries the baby to his mother, who with Rose is hidden in the tapestry riom of the chateau. rciviere returns from the front that night, ami Raynal goes to the the tapestry roofcKjfiey see Josephine aud Rose the baby. Raynal demands to KnoV whose child it is. Rose to save\her sister, declares it is hers The Statement overwhelms Riviere. Raynal eventually learns the truth from (Tamiile. Realizing the impos-. sibilitjy of holding Josephine to her marriage vows, Raynal arranges a separation. Camille is commissioned to fire a mine—a commission which means sure death. Raynal, as superior officer, orders Camille home to Josephine, announcing that he himself will fire the mine. Riviere makes his peace with Rose, while the clsoe of hostilities finds Josephine, Camille and their little boy reunited and happy. A Bit OVerse What matter the wav it's told 'o you, If a He be white or r.lack? It may bringsorrow and anguish, too, Or put a soul on the rack. A lie ifsaiie —no matter how ''white' Camouflaged truth dosn't pay. Be honest, be strong in the will -to do right: To happiness this is the way. Wednesday, August 25th Bound and Gagged. A Pathe serial. With this comes a Century comedy and an International News. COMING: Several Nazimova's productions Why Change Your Wife Toll Gate Sea Wolf Treasure Island The Cost Some Good Show. The poet has aptly said that in the spring-time youth's fancy turns lightly to love—and scratching eheegurs. And the coon song says: li A red headed woman can make a fool out of me. ' The past week a good tent show bas been in Forest City. Our devil has been attending pretty regularly, and as he is iust at that impression able age when everything is rosy and beautiful, and feeling that' he was an inspired writer he.has taken this sl.ow for a text, and contributed the following to our columns: '"Dear Editor: "The Best Show Ever in Forest City —Lehr & Williams Stock Co , has been acting here the past week. On account of rain and bad weather they decided to spend another week here as they have been having some large crowds'at each performance. They have with them "Little Florence'' who is the sweetest girl we ever laid our eyes on, and the best dancer with any show, making no exception. This stow was here some three or four years ago and everybody $1.50 a Year, in Advance Happenings of a Local and Personal Nature The Sunbeams will give a Mis sionary entertainment in the Baptist Church Sunday August 22. Begin nig at 8:00 o'clock. The public is j cordially invited. Mesdames A. C. Jones, I. B. Covington and the Milliners at Caroleen and Lattimore, are spend ing this week in Baltimore. Hon. J. F. Alexander left Men day evening for a short visit to Columbus, Ga., looking after busi ness. Mr. Alexander says as soon as material and waees drop a little, he intends to do some developing around Forest City that will open the eyes of the people. Maxey's Free Show, a medical concern, spent last week in Forest City. They gave good clean per formances and sold quite a lot of their preparations. Dog Days—and the 40 days of rain—seem to be upon us. Some of the streams are risiDg and some of the roads are getting in bad fix. J. E. VYilliams, of Forest City, is happy this week. He has with him his brother, John M., who left Marion, where he was raised, H years ago. He is now a resident of Oakdale. California, where he is engaged in the automobilebusiness. Because of a confusion as to the strict letter of the law, regarding the operation of cafes in Forest City, the Board of Aldsrmen at their meeting Monday night passed an ordinance allowing them to remain open for business until 12 o'clock midnight, Sunday excepted. Any infraction of this ordinance is sub ject to afineof £IO.OO. The Singing Class of Oxford Or phanage will give a concert in the Forest City Baptist Church, on August 23d, at 8 o'clock, P. M. Everybody come out and enjoy the singing. P. D. Morrow has sold a half in terest in the New York Restaurant to Raleigh Harris, who will have active management. He has sold his his interest in the business near the Florence Mill to his partner. Otis Tate. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kuhges and children, from Concord, IN. C., are visiting at Mr. J. M. Tate's this week. Mrs. W. FJ. Cannaday from Fay etteville, N C., is visiting at Mr. J. M. Tate's this week. Miss Eunice Tate has returned from a week's visit at Lillesville, N. C. For Sale; —I have a line of second hand and rebuilt Ford casings and tubes to go at a bargain. See uae before you buy else where. A. M. Hughey. Mr. aud Mrs. John T. Pool and son, William, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Biilie Lehr, went to Mr. Tom Harris' Sunday to a watermel on feast. who was lucky enough to see it pronounced it the best show that ever put up a tent in Forest City. There are about fifteen actors — all good -and their black face comediens play some of the best productions written. Their reper toire embraces some of the best productions which they render entirely satisfactorily and there is not a dull moment during the entire performance The vaudeville between each act is of a very high class, and we must say is the best we have ever seen. The manager of this show is some good actor, playing blackface parts, also, to perfection, and I wish to say that I feel satisfied that all who have attended any of their performances, will be glad to have them back with us at any time it will be convenient. ' We wish to congratulate Mr Lehr on having a first class show, and such a nice bunch of actors. Now, dear editor, you haven't been attending, and while I have represented you and The Courier as best I could, I want to say, you have been missing lots of good wh»!esorne fun apd seeiDg V.oi. r "Salanic Majesty" enjoy himself. Nov, please publish this, and oblige, The Printer's Devil." o Newsy Letter From Messrs David Carpenter and Porter Lovelace Crotts visited Willie Goode one night last week J. S. Carpenter and fatnity were pleasant visitors at Ambrose(Jrott's Sunday night. Miss Alma Marsh of Henrietta is spending a few days with her parents this week Mr, C. G. Marsh and wtte. Mrs. Edgar Moore and her daugh ter, Roberta, visited J. S. penter. Mr. Carlo Marsh and wife, are spending a few weeks with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C G. Marsh. David Carpenter «pent Sunday night with Mr. J, J Roi'ins Messrs. Glenn By her and Bunyun Hard mi visited at P. D. Carpenters Sunday night. Rock Corner

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