PULL FOR FOREST CITY Volume IY—No. 12 THE COURIER CHANGES HANDS C. E. and J. C. Alcock, ot Ken tucky, Purchase The Fore-it City Courier and Come Here to Re side. (A deal was closed *vit Mr. Howard C. Hull on Dec. 29 , here by the Forest City ouri» be came the property of Mes.-:iv. C. E. andj J. C. Alcock, Ker uckv, | who are now in active *ha gc of k the paper, having taken pos -ion ■on Monday, Jan. lsl T Mr. C. E. Alcock wi be cr \of the paper and Wv. T ( il- Vock manager. The editor is Outlined the policies of the r ier in ;m editorial, and s article we will deal fin / with the organization h \>i. and the plans of the n men w n« have come here to build a home f in beautiful Forest Ci * We are charmed and irj grate- Vful indeed for the wan ; reception iwe have received ant for the \vords of encourage men, extern led *o us. We can reladily see that Forest City is worthy of a good newspaper to help carry for a i . the \ eJopment of the city aid and from the v issue e shall strive to give our (best . -ort to the service that is neeaod. The business men are pr ogressive and know the v;-fu» f x newspaper to the upbuilding f the town and county, and with rteir help we propose to give Kor- City a newspaper that uill Arove cf a real benefit and help. * , >v\ we will give a bi -■!' siAtoci. oi the Courier force, t >n wreom we rely to carry c t plans of making the Courier • of the best county papers if sfatt\ The Editor The following- clipping* J LouisviJn (Ky) Times concise amount of the edii~i .. ..* tivities in n newspaper tkjh and we appenu asM introductory written !>y 01R hands than our own: tf rS | "Mr. Harem- E. Alcock cOl JE& pone, ille for The iJfH ville Times, i'he Courier-Jour n; and several papers in .other cities has g >nc co Forest Cky, K. C., t purchase the Forest Caty Courier a weekly newspaper oftthat t itv For the last three year!? -Mr. Ai cock has been advertising mai ager of the Daily Messenger Danville. Mr. Alcock was born Glasgow, Ky., and attended i Glasgow graded schools, grad '.a 1 ing from the old Glasgow Norm under Prof. R. M. Ship]). Hh first newspaper experience wa o the Glasgow papers. Later he \ - foreman of the Spencer ( n; ier at Taylorsville, and later news editor and manager of the Cour ier, also The Courier-Journal correspondent at Taylorsville. H had an interest in the Bardstown Standard following* the work nr Taylorsville. He was for a num ber of years with the Courio Journal Job Printing Company >ouisville, and was ' foreman the Masonic Home Journal tbi years, and also was foreman the job printing department The Independent at St. Pet burg, Fla." The Manager Mr. J. C. Aleock, of Louis- Ky„ oldest son of the cdiD an 'expert printer and linot\/p erator. He has had a vaiie i>erience and will prove of value in the upbuilding of tl "ourier. He is married and .oming to build a home in ()l charming little city. He is ( Dected to arrive here just as son as he can close his affairs ; Louisville. s'f # & The Society Editor The most gratifying thiiijr j,, -onnection with our assuming management of the Courier, v/hen Mrs. S. N. Watson, wife of ihe bcnoved pastor of the Forest 'ity Baptist Church, consented continue her duties, as Society- Editor of the paper. No worj s from a new comer need be sai,] in her praise. The good of Forest City are well awiafe 0 f the many charming attribute. r ,f F( (REST CITY COURIER ILLY SUNDAY IN SPARTANBURG Th- Noted Evangelist Coming to Our Neighboring C J ty Jan. 7th Reduced Rates. Si rtanburg, S. C., Jan. 4. Tht Carolina, CI inch field and Ohio R a i ay has promised a rate of one and one-half fare for the round trip to parties of 125 on account of the Billy Sunday meet ings to" be held in Spartanburg from January 7th to February 15th, inclusive. E. B. Walker sec retary of the Chamber of Com merce. who is chairman of the Billy Sunday transportation com mits as received official notice from ht C., & O. that the rate dJa half fare will be grant ed o 1 in case parties number 125, . ■ the -ail road officials must have >tice in advance of the move t of s ch parties in order that ; al tariff may be pre pare' i jv: filed with the Inter state .merce Commission. T1 Billy Sunday taberancle as *n completed and turned ver He building committee. -e iapp, Mr. Sunday's man ,tii.er. here organizing and re hears the big choir which is m sin during the meetings. Bl VS I NIC i REST IN CAFE VI r. K. R Magnets recently pur ased :ui interest in the Caro : ('af' from Mr. (I. W.Edwards, u t l, -■ two clever gentlemen nue to run the business the >."!])(' excellent manner in v ! id) t Had heretofore been con ;ted vf?. Magr.ess was former con l with the City Meat sket S v »ral changes have been d he City Meat Market, ntl ■ i which has been made airier heretofore. Mr. - oar i. Ie new member of the i|tL-i i ii-.n. sav* is *vV«*rrtied I V\ 1 C'i«*^4 4S,v v.i,y, J this m«s.; excellent lady and know f'!l well of the splendid! i 1 service 'he has rendered to the j | j ; >er ; u der the ef fk:ient. manage-1 ent o Ediior Hull. We are! I quite sue that evtiry reader of; tie papi will re.ioidr- with us over i.' r eieciion to continue her most' uiefitwork. w - '•* & r jjL^J^^SUl^^son 1 n with much pleasure a that Mr. J. L. former editor of the > ( • ' r * e r-8~l who remained with Vir. Hf!r|Huring his term as edi tor of tfe paper, is to continue J with us. #Mr. Thompson is an experienct| newspaper man fctnd a printer ot 'pronounced ability. He knows all he "ins and outs of the busine.L ar >d will prove of inestimably* value to us in our effort to Jrjve to Forest City a j pai>er t'nat vill prove a credit to |( «'Uy and county. sfe » * Vlr. Earl Carswell ir. Carswell, well-known and !')ular young- High School stu ■m\ is akso connected with the urier force. He is a young mat great promise 'and will also crow of immense value to ti nagent. J e is an expert lin*«- ypkt and « o :s yoeman service f x 1 s ; fter s 00l hours. U :Js >lr Joel M. Bird v l»i r ' is an accomplished F»ri» • ?.r anc- operator,'who cam«- 3 here recent > from Charlotte. He has kindly • >nsented to sfaywith the managt ment, at least during the format! r period of the organ ization of uworking force. He uKay be at iherty shortly to ac cept anothei position and we nose heartily recrmwiend him to th 1 fraternity. * * It is with this splendid organ ization thai we jcgin our eiarnest effort- :o to you a good county ijr. And we will ever be read, to no expense in adding •t i personnel and tc lb ? equipment of the plant to further our plai s fur i continued growth in the 'isefulue-.- of your county paper. PUBLISHED IN THE BUSIEST, BEST, P T GGEST AND FASTEST GROWING CITY IN RUTHERFORD COUNTY FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY JANUARY 5, 1922 j; Cleaning Off the Slate ji WiSW.V.V.'.V.V.V.V.WAV^^^W.'AV^VWWWWW WHAT TO DO WITH THE SCHOOL Is Question to lie Settled at Spe cial Session of Green River As sociation. The Rev. A. P. Sorrels, of Gil key, Clerk of the Green River Associatior, has sent out the fol lowing- notice for a special ses sion t. bft held at Round Hill chvich or Jan. 20th to take ac tion m re ; ?a to the school and it is said th-. *e is a debt of sev eral thousand dollars. He says: "There is a debt of several thou j-i«* id doi;ar> on the school that is }?"•■ This .neetiny: is important. | l*ei every :uurch elect delegates to it. ! "The /Moderator and * Clerk of the Ore Jan River Association have called cm si ecial session of the Green r Association to con vene with the Round Hill church ■i> I'n.Ao i vfills " v i Friday, Jan jmre* rep send the usual j numbejr i' delv gates to this meet j ing. jAll pastM ■- and ordained i ministers are delegates and are re ! questefd to come to this meeting, liet's -have a .ue number of churches represented. "What Shall We T X> With the Round Hill Scho is the ques tion to be passell up. n. "The State will buj if we de sire to sell. The trustees are plan ning to sell. The property belongs to the Association. The Associa tion elects a board of trustees and authorizes them to run a school in Christ's name and for the ad vancement and upbuilding of his kingdom. The Association has never authorized Ihe trustee.- to sell the property. "Should the dot wag the tail or should the ta: wag the dog?' "Are the churches the servants of the board of trustees or is the ho; rd of trustees the servant of th churches? Something- some \Vl ere is radically wrong. Let us come together in this meeting with open minds and prayerful loving hearts, find and i >1 low the Holy Spirit." MISS BLAKEY WILL NOT RETURN HERE On account of sickness Miss Letitia Bl*akey, one of the high school teachers, will foe unable to return this spring*. Miss L>lakey hp.- proved herself a very capable teacher and has become popular with the student body and faculty. Her place will be hard to fill. Capt. Smith and the School Board an 1 working" every effort to secure a good teacher to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation oi Miss IJiakey. Miss Zola Parler, music teacher, will not be back till Monday. Her work will begin at that time. Boost Your Home Town SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE COMIKG FAST Many New Names Added to Our List in Past Three Days. That the good people are going to stand by the new management in our effort to make a good home l>aper, is well attested by the manner in which subscriptions have been coming in during the three days we have been in charge. Since Monday the following new names have been added to our list: J. W. Smith, T. M. Harrill, R. L. White. Carolina Cafe, Josh McMurry, B. L. Mcßrayer, Dan S. Hardin. Dr. Chas. D. McCall, For est City; C. M. Young, Union Springs, Ala., J. W. Silvers, Hick ory Grove. S. C., Mrs. J. B. Smart, Raleigh; Mrs. W. H. Mills, Alex andria, Va., J. T. Currie, Hickory; Paul Barrick, Glasgow Junction, Ky.: J. V. Harlan, Louisville. Ky.; Harry Camnitz, Bishopville, S. C., H. R. Camnitz, Louisville, Ky.; Mrs. J. R. White, Slick Rock, Ky.; Mrs. F. A. Sandgren. Louisville, Ky.: J. R. McDaniel, route 2, For est City. We are grateful to these good folk for their subscriptions, and hope to have an even better "honor roll'' next week. We want 2,000 subscriptions to the Courier, and if the citizens of Forest City and Rutherford county will respond as they should, we shall soon reach our goal. NEW BUILDINGS From what we can learn, build ing operations were brisk in For est City in 1921 and bid to be even better in the coming year. Several handsome new residences have just recently been completed and two handsome bungalows are now under construction on Broad way by Messrs. W. E. Lynch and John Smith. Work on the two story brick veneer building of Mr. Joe R f lardt on East Main street is progressing rapidly, and when com !eted will be one of the handsomest homes in that vicinity. The Peoples Electric Co. has re cently secured the contract to do the electrical work on the Horn residence on West Main street, and report that this is, one of the handsomest additions to our grow ing little city that has gone up for some time. The Forest City Building &. Loan Association is moving into the new office building just completed on Depot street by the Farmers Bank & Trust Co., where they will have elegant and most com modious quarters and be the bet ter equipped to t.ike care of their fast growing business. Every new building is an asset to the community an«\ rverj out i should get mo ement j to promote the City, the best littlj fyivn »»> state. X FORMER EDITOR GOES TO FLORIDA Mr, H. C. Hull Will Seek Salt Air Climate For Benefit of Health. Mr. Howard C. Hull, former edi tor of the Courier, is closing up his business here preparatory to removing to his home in Florida. He has a nice home there and expects to raise chickens and fruit. Mr, Hull is an expert in both lines and we feel that his success is assured. He came to Forest City in July of last year from near St. Augustine. It was at the solicitation of friends that he was induced to take over the Courier, and that he has made wonderful improvement on the paper and made quite a succes of the venture is well known. Mr. Hull had had considerable exper ience in the printing industry but had not previously edited a. news paper, and his success here well attests his ability. We have heard nothing but praise of Mr. Hull and his excel lent wife and it is with regret that their friends learn of their intention of leaving Forest City. We have found Mr. Hull to be a straight forward, courteous gen tleman in our dealings with him, anel can most highly recommend him. Mrs. Hull's health is better in the lower altitude and the Florida climate is better for Mr. Hull' • throat (trouble and nervous con dition and these leasons alone have influenced them in leaving our beautiful little Forest City. That success may attend them is the wish of all. BUYS JONES CAFE Mr. R. L. White, of Spartanburg, recently purchased the Robert L. Jones cafe' on Depot street, ant took possession on Dec. 20th. Mr. White moved his family here and Mrs. White will have active charge of the business. Mr. White is an expert bricklayer and comes to our little city with splendid re commendations from the: Fiske- Carter Construction Co., of Green ville. Mr. White says he will offer first-class service and make a specialty of short, orders, carry ing a full line of goods in his line. After he gets the business in good working order Mr. White says he will take up his trade as a bricklayer, at which he is an expert. He has an ad in this is sue of the Courier and has sub scribeel for his home paper. MR. THOMAS ILL Mr. E. O. Thomas, of the For est City Motor Co., who hns been suffering- for a time with an in flamed and swollen hand, is, now confined to his room with grippe. His many friends hope that he may have a rtepid recovery. THIS BOY SOLD •" FOR $75,000 «yfe y ; >:-!vX%*!;.v.Xv!v:*: jmk ss*l&£'.''' •!?;%•* 1 ... V '-'' £ . t v ' Oi has j u is do $1.50 per year, in Advance N. C. IS STATE OF GREAT THINGS North Carolina's Greatness Snould Appeal to Every Resident of State—Think Who You Are! We take North Carolina's great ness too much as a matter of course. When reports from Ral eigh a few days ago showed how • the state's illiteracy was going down in leaps and bounds, we heard no expressions of delighted surprise. It was what was to have been expected in North Car olina! Bigness is North Carolina's daily record. Every day she / her banners higher on The rush of progress pounds >W our ears, the panorama ol improv ement always before our eye:'. Western North Carolina hits the biggest paper pulp mill in the world. Western North Caroliia is the finest apple-growing region in America. The best and highest priced hardwoods of the United States, attain their maximum de velopment in our mountain oves. Our fields and forests, threaded with good roads and dotted with the hotels, are the country's love liest playground. In our mount ains are 184 native minerals and in our forests 118 species of tiees and 117 kinds of shrubs. One of North Carolina's cities manufactures, more tobacco thsan any other city in the world. One of her smaller towns contains >he I largest towel plant in the w xrld. Another has the largest hosiery industry in the world. Another *s the home of the biggest denim mill on the globe. Still another contains a factory that turns out more union suits than nny other I place in the uorht. liigh Point i produces more furniture Hum am other city in the world o.vept (irand Rapids. On ihe Yadkin river we have il ■ largest but one aluminum plant in all civilization. Last year v\e turned out manufac tured goods worth over a biliion , dollars. Keep these Tar Heel triu' iphs , in your mind! Think them over . Profit by the power of this sug . gestion. Cash in on th ir invpira . tion. You live in the most won derful state in the Union. '.Vitl , the realization that other stales .[hope to equal us strenghten yowi ; determination to outstrip their: still more. Live in terms of what , is to be. Whfit we have accomp . lished i-"nothing compared to 1 tio i possibilities wrappeu up in the riches of our soils, our mines our forests and our water power The bigness of today is but the pur ple shadow with whic 1 com ing greatness adorns todaj reflection of the brilL-mce o otii N bejewelled future. Get into the proces 101 i'J!O we had on deposit in ur banks $66,000,000; in 1920 had risen to $259,000,000 1 v-rt of growth means that is tu springboard to lif - '■ the golden heights of t » ' " Carolina is on hei take you with lirr - Citizen. PLEASANT GK CHKIb'J I A i m:am , I Sunday night, December ~0. iJf jm following Christmas program given at Pleasant Grove Clhu£li:^H Song the chilJtefc^H Recitation James Play: Tim's Christmas Hilda McDonald .... jrfm THE CITY WITH A FUTURE