Page Six SPINDALE NEWS NOTES The High School Literary So ciety met as usual Friday after noon and re-elected officers. Miss Irene Fox was elected president; Miss Ora CrensJiaw, vice-president; M. D. Haney, secretary; Carl Cowßn, chaplain; Clarence Griffin, censor. After the election came an interesting - program. The de bate was one of the most inter esting that has been held since the s,ociety was organized. The query for debate was: "Resolved: That the physical changes in the boundaries of the nations of the world is a benefit to civilization." The speaking and rebuttals took the better part of an hour and a half. The affirmative was upheld ky Ocie Nanney, Irene Fox, and M. D. Haney. Thoaye on the nega tive side were Carl Cowfen, Clar ence Griffin, Herbert Crenshaw. . DnDnnnnannnnnnnnDnnnociooDDa 0 • □ □ I=l □ We Have All □ r WHITE COOKS and WAITERS § □—— □ d Everything here is clean and sanitary. j=j Q All eats absolutely fresh. □ No eats warmed over; all fresh cooked. □ i— We invite the eating public to come to P j=j us for a square deal. j—j "THE SENSIBLE PLACE TO EAT" j=J □ Q rv*. wu«r ———mammmmmr4W> a itESE's Cafe □ n Main Street Forest City, N. C. □ H □ □ 1 I I The Best Subscription Offer Ever Made | | in Rutherford County % I T" E FOREST CITY COURIER f | AND THE I l N. Y.Thrice-a-Week World I ♦> v I BOTH ONE YEAR I FOR THE EXTREME LOW PRICE OF § I jS2.QO | ¥ The Forest City Courier, weekly, and three issues of the 1 % World, making four papers a week. S I THE FOREST CITY COURIER | An eight page weekly, giving all the news of Rutherford i County; Farm News, News Letters from Different Sections J> •f the County by a Brilliant Corps of Correspondents, a % Serial Story for the Ladies and All The News to Interest J Every Member of the Family. | | You can not afford to do without ! I YOUR COUNTY PAPER % By taking advantage of this unprecedented offer, you get the New Work World, thrice-a-week, and the Forest City (Courier at the same price many county papers are charging for their papers alone. This big offer is made to further introduce the Forest City Courier, and is good for new and renewal subscriptions. You £ had better act quick, for the New York World may with draw their wonderful offer before you get your order in. | j: Send All Orders Direct to The Forest City | Courier, Forest City, N. C. $ THE THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION OF THE f NEW YORK WORLD j 0 IN 1922 and 1923 I | Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. N« other News- J paper in the world fives so much at so low a price. I f The whole world is being made over and the United States I Z is taking the lead in the work. This year, particularly, his- I | tory will be made, and every American citizen wiU be deeply | interested. No other newspaper is better equipped to give | [ the news of the world at the time it is news than The New I | York World. | The Thrice-a-Week edition of The World is the greatest | X example of comprehensive journalism in America. It will | X keep yon as thoroughly informed as a daily, which would I j> cost five or six times as much. It is a unique newspaper, ? % published three times a week, for $1 a year. This is the $ % regular subscription price and it pays for 156 newspapers. % 1 We offer this unequalled newspaper and the Forest City | | Courier together for one year for $2.00. ? t The subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. I t I Order Now/! § The judges' decision was given in favor of the negative. * * * Rev. M. W. Heckard is very ill at this writing. He has the ton sil itis, and was unable to fill his regular appointment here last night. * # » Spindale played three games in the basket-ball league series last week, with results, as follows: Monday, S. H. H. vs* Mt. Vernon, game in favor of S. H. S. by a score of 38-14; Wednesday after noon, S. H. S. vs. Henrietta, on Henrietta court. Lost to Henri etta by a sm&ll score; Saturday afternoon S. H. S. va. R. H- S v on R. H. S. court. Score 20-21 in favor of R. H. S. * * » Messrs. Ralph and Barl Thomas, Craig Auton and Miss Lillie Au ton, of Tuckaseege, Mount Holly, N. C., spent Saturday, and Sunday visiting relatives and friends in Spindale. The Thomas boys form erly lived here and hKve not been back in three years. They were amazed at the growth of the town and the many improvements made since they left here. * * * Mr. Roy Setzer spent the week end visiting at his home in Hick ory, N. C. >* * * The Spindale Social Service Com mittee (Methodist) rendered an excellent musical program Sunday evening as follows: Prelude—Mendelssohn —Mrs* Big gerstaff. ■ How Firm a Foundation —Con- gregation. Prayer—Rev. D. J. Hunt. Scripture Lesson—Rev. M. W. Heckard. One Sweetly Solemn thought— Chorus, That Story will never Grow Old —Miss Harrelson, Messrs. Wells* Howard and Elmore. Organ Recital "Selected"—Miss Tato. God that Modest Heaven and Earth —Miss Harrelson. Anthem —The Earth is the Lord's —Chorus. Softly now the Light of Day— Messrs. Wells, Elmore, Howard, Cobb, Hovis, Setzer and Hendrix. Doxology—Congregation. Benediction —Pastor. sft s£ S& Misses Mary Willie and Mar garet Tate spent the week-end visiting home folks at Union Mills. Mr. Ocie Nanney entertained about a dozen of his friends at a social party at his home Satur day evening. A new Wesley Bible class, the "Leaders," has recently bem or ganized in the Methodist Sunday school. This class consists of twelve boys between th( 'ages of 14 and 18. Dr. Frank Hovis was selected as teacher and the fol lowing other officers elected: presi dent, Dazel Williams; secretary. Victor Grose. To date the other officers have not been chosen. POPULARITY OF BUICK ROADSTER So startling was the debut of the new special 6-54 roadster of the Buick line at the New York show that H. H. Bassett, general manager of the Buick Motor Co. will be forced to revamp the pro duction schedule on the model. In a telegram to C. B. Durham, as sistant general manager, Mr. Bas sett said that he believed the com pany, largely because of the road ster model, was about to enter on a period of immense increase in sales and that every effort would have to be exerted to keep pro duction up to the demand. Mr. Bassett's message follows: "New special 6-54 roadster re ceived with wonderful enthusiasm at the show. Our plans for pro duction of this model will un doubtedly have to be rearranged. "I am firmly of the opinion that we are about to enter on a period of immense increase in sales on all models and that we will be compelled to exert every effort to keep production up to the demand. There seems to be a very optimis tic feeling developing in the in dustry and the indications are that the dealers' demands will be constantly increasing from now on as they are leaving the show with an entirely different spirit than they had when they arrived. "We certainly have been think ing along the right lines when we were making our plans for the spring and summer months' pro duction but am inclined to be lieve we have not made plans quite extensive enough. The Chicago show will give us. a check on the situation and if there is anything like the same feeling that exists at New York, we will certainly have to keep on the jump to keep up. "Would suggest that you get details in shape for us to go over immediately on my return for everything looks extremely en couraging. We certainly have rung the bell with the new Spe cial 6-54 Roadster." (Signed) H. H. Bassett. "REBECCA'S TRIUMPH" The popular playlet, "Rebecca's Triumph," was given by the teach ers at Caroleen last Saturday even ing, and it proved a triumph in demonstrating their talert and ability. It was a complete suc cess and was enjoyed by a large crowd. THE FOREST CITY COURIER RUTHERFORDTON, ROUTE 1 We are having bad weather for farming, but the farmers are busy anyway. It is hard for a real farmer to be idle. There is al* ways something that can be done on a farm unless it is storming, and then how busy the farmer is planning! It is well to have this time to plan, for "well begun is half done." ♦ * * There is still It good deal of sickness among us. Mr. George Henry, Mrs. B. M. Hamrick and Roy Mqßrayer are real sick now. Hope all will soon be better. Mr. William Wood, of the Shi loh section and Miss Lucy Scog gin, of Cliffside, were married re cently. We wish the young cou ple much success in their new venture. * * * Mrs. Stella Culbreth,, who is fill ing the position of matron in the girls school at Burnsville, N. C. r spent the week-end at home, re turning to Burnsville Tuesday. Messrs. Charles Abram, Yates Spurlin, Sewell Mcßrayer, and Misses Ollie Ruppe and Nelle Mc- Brayer, all of Round Hill School, were home for the week-end. Some day you will own a Chevrolet BIG SALE BEGINS TODAY Mr. A. V. Hamrick, of "Sandy Mush," announces a big stock re ducing sale to begin today, Feb. 9, and continue through to Feb. 18th. In some splendid bills, printed in the Courier's job de partment, Mr. Hamrick says: "We are going to give our friends and customers the benefit of some real price slashing, that should make them come miles to take advan tages of our offerings.' A friend, in speaking of Mr. Hamrick re cently, said: "When he puts on' a sale, he puts on one that makes them all sit up and take notice," and judging from the prices list ed on his sale bills, the friend was quite correct,, Some day you will own a Chevrolet | ' #,%%%%%%%% I PROFESSIONAL CARDS f it . l. »t, viz >l/ \l* U/ vl/ U/ \j* U/ xl* \i# \i/ \i/ lfc R. R. BLANTON Attorney Forest City, N. C. Office in Bank Building J. A. WILKIE Insurance of All Kinds Real Estate Bought and Sold Forest City, N. C. DR. FRANK R. WILKINS Dentist Over Moss-Reinhardt Furn. Store Next to P. 0., Forest City, N. C. SOLOMON GALLERT LAWYER RUTHERFORDTON. N. C. M. L. Edwards G. W. Edwards EDWARDS & EDWARDS Attorneys-at-Law RUTHERFORDTON, N. C. Office in Carpenter Building Op posite Court House. General prac tice of law in State and Federal Courts. Office Phone 179 Home Phone 21 DR. J. S. DORTON Veterinarian Shelby, North Carolina Dr. CHAS. S. McCALL Dentist Office over Farmers Bank. Forest City, N: C. Office Hours: 9 to 12; 1 to 5. J. F. JUSTICE SURVEYOR Phone 60 \ FOREST CITY, Nl C. —FOR— PUBLIC SERVICE CAR Call j Phone 45 GEO. WATERS-At the Old Stand Trips any Time or any Place I ■■■MBHDBHECB3SBKGEXX3U' .. •*»*- JWBBBMH Jmr ~ B 8888 ! | non' Skid tire* ail around. f I N^|| || For Busy People I FORD COUPE, NEW PRICE, SSBO. F. O. B. Detroit. I' ll I ;;| The Ford Coups has always been a pop ular car for the man cv woman keeping appointments, whether social, business or professional, because it is always ready for use and gets there on time with com fort and convenience to its occupants. It I; is even more popular now at the new price 11 | Order today for reasonably prompt de li , | livery. Terms if desired. B. B. DOGGETT Forest City and Henrietta, N. C. THERMAL BELT GARAGE CO. Rutherfordton, N. C. 1 Here Ire The Factsi=Think of Them!! ♦> ♦ |> battle and died of wounds. a. During the same t eriod 91,000 were killed in traffic accidents in this . J> country. Should you be next— | OUR HEALTH AND ACCIDENT POLICY WOULD PROVE ITS MERITS j | BROWN INSURANCE AGENCY I W. L. BROWN Bank Building B. H. LONG \ Building a Loan Offick « i Summer is Over and Every- | one is thinking of something \ hot to drink, but Coca-Cola % continues to be popular. * WHY? j Because it is Delicious and Re- J freshing: all the year around. | Every bottle that leaves our * plant is absolutely Sanitary. } Bottles are sterilized before J they are filled, and examined J by high power electric lights. i Drink Coca-Cola in Bottles and | Coca-Cola Bottling Co. \ Good Job Printing at the Courier Office. Thursday, Feb. 9, 1922