Page Eight White-Parks-Belk Co. Three Big Dollar Days Friday, Saturday and Monday June 23d, 24th and 26th Your dollars go further on Dollar Days, at our store than any other time. Make your dollars do double duty Friday, Saturday and Monday. We will not try to mention but just a few of our Specials for these three! big Dollar Days but you will have to come and see for yourself. Come and spend the day you will enjoy it. Special for Friday only. 39-inch Good Heavy Sheeting, 20 yards for SI.OO. Specials for All Three Dollar Days, or As Long As the Goods Last, We Will Sell the Following Goods 28-inch Good Hea#: Sheeting, 20 yards for SI.OO 20 yards Bed Ticking for sl-00 11 yards of 36-inch Sheeting for SI.OO Green, Yellow and White Window Shades, 75c value, 2 for : S l - 00 11 yards of Percale for SI.OO 11 yards of Khaki Cloth for only SI.OO 64-inch Mercerized Table Damask, 75c quality, • '/ 2 yards for * SI.OO 5 yards White and Colored Oil Cloth, three days, for SI.OO 11 yards of High Grade Chambray, all colors, for SI.OO 3 yards of 81-inch Sheeting for SI.OO 6 yards of Ladlassie, fast colors, for SI.OO Friday, Saturday and Monday. 3 yards of Real fine 32-inch Ginghams for SI.OO 11 yards Curtain Goods for SI,OO 4 yards of Lace Curtain Goods, 29c value, for SI.OO Dollar Days. 2 yards of Imported Tissue Silk Stripe Ginghams for... SI.OO 3 yards of Fine Shirt Madras, Silk stripe, Two and one-half yards of Flaxon Voile for SI.OO 4 yards of real nice quality of Organdy, all colors, for.. sl.op Dollar Days. 3 yards of Suiting in all colors for SI.OO Navy, Brown and Black Taffeta SI.PO a yard, a real heavy $1.50, quality. LOOK! Any yard of Silk in this house SI.OO a yard for Friday, Saturady and Monday. For the first yard with a five yard dress pattern. This includes Beldings and Corticelli Guaranteed Silk in Taffeta, Crepe de Chine and Satins. We carry a full line of colors and have the most com plete range of Silks in Spartanburg and always se'l it for less. 14 balls of C. M. C,, Crochet Cotton for SI.OO Dollar Days. 24 Gem Hair Nets for SI.OO Dollar Days Lace, a yard 2Hc 22 rolls of Toilet Paper for SI.OO 3 pair of Fit-U Hose for SI.OO, Dollar Days 3 pair of Silk Hose for SI.OO 4 pair of Silk Hose, all colors SI.OO, Dollar Days Buster Brown Hose SI.OO, a pair for Dollar Days. Gordon $3.00 Hose, g, pair $1.98 $3.00 Glove Silk Hose and Hosetts, 2 pair for $3.00 for Dollar Days, Friday, Saturday and Monday, all colors. Children's Three Quarter Length Socks, all colors, a pair 25c Children's Socks 15c, a pair, Dollar Days. 13 cans of Colgate Talcum Powder for SI.OO One big table of Toilet Goods, worth up to 25c an articfe, pick out 13 and have it wrapped up for This is the place to buy your Toilet Goods. SECOND FLOOR Second Floor for Friday, Saturday and Monday. All Ladies' Dresses from $5.00 to $9.95, SI.OO of! for Dollar Days. Ladies' Dresses, SIO.OO to $14.95, $2.00 off for Dollar Days. Ladies' Dresses, $15.00 to $19.95, $3.00 off. All Ladies' Dresses, $20.00 to $24.95, $4.00 off. All Dresses, $25.00 to $29.95, $5.00 off for Dollar Days. Ladies' Dresses from $30.00 to $35.00, $6.00 off for Dollar Days. One big rack of Ladies' SIO.OO Dresses. Special, $4.98 for Dollar Days. ALL LADIES' COAT SUITS, 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT One big lot of Ladies' Hats, worth from $2.00 to $4,.00, alf going for 98c, Dollar Days. One big lot of Ladies' Hats, worth from $3.00 to $6.00, Dollar Day Price $1.98 One big lot of Ladies' $2.00 Shirt Waists SI.OO, Friday, Sat urday and Monday. All Ladies Shirt Waists, $4.00 up, SI.OO off for Dollar Days Shoes for the whole family for less Dollar Days, Friday, Saturday and Monday. All Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps, $4.00 to SIO.OO. SI.OO off for Dollar Days. Buy your Shoes one of these days and save that Dollar. On all Shoes below $4.00 we will give 10 per cent discount. Now is the time to buy yotir Shoes, not just a few pair reduced buj; every pair in this house we always sell for less and this is one time we are going to sell them less than our own price. All Men's and Boys' Suits for $5.00 to $9.95, SI.OO off, Dollar Days. • All : Men's and Boys' Suits for SIO.OO to $14.95, $2.00 off. Men's Suits for $15.00 to $19,95* $3.00 off. Men's Suits, $20.00 to $24.95, $4.00 off, Dollar Days. Men's Suits, $25.00 to $29.95, $5.00 off, Dollar Days! All Men's Suits from $30.00 to $40,00 going Dollar Days for $25.00. Now is the time to buy that suit less than manufac turer's cost. White-Parks-Belk Co. The Store that keeps Prices down in Spartanburg. One of Belk's 32 Stores, the largest Distributors of Reliable Merchandise in the Carolinas. WE SELL IT FOR LESS. Spartanburg, S. C. The City of Success^ CAROLEEN NEWS Miss Ruth Higgins and Miss Emily Hollifield left Monday to attend the summer school at Chapel' Hill*. ' Miss Annie Wilson and Mr. B. M. Melton attended the B. Y. P. U. convention at New Bern last week. They will make their re port Thursday night. Miss Minnie Harrill, Miss Aldn. Mae Sparks and Mrs. M. F. Ham rick attended the Baraca and Philathea convention at Hender sonville last week. Rev. W. L. Brown and family, of Boiling Springs, were visitors in town Sunday. Quite a number of the Caroleen people, went for the Baraca and Philathea parade Sunday. They report a good time. Rev. W. L. Tate and Mrs. L. B. Lynch, the Sunbeam leader, took the Sunbeams on a picnic Tues day. Last Saturday Miss Susie Hel ton and Mr. Joe Sorrels motored to South Carolina and were unit ed in matrimony. We wish fo* them a long and happy life to gether. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Logan, of Logan, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ferrell, of Sandy Mush, were vis itors in Caroleen Sunday. Mr. Hopson Stalnaker visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Stalnaker, last week. Mrs. J. M. Owens, of » Shiloh, visited her son, Mr. W. E. Owens, last week. Miss Jennie Pearl Beachboard is spending a few weeks at Corn arts visiting relatives. If you have a spring, why not have running water in you house by using a hydraulic ram? See us. Farmers Hardware Co., For est City. MT. PLEASANT NEWS V Forest City, R. 2., June 19. —The farmers of this section are very busy at the present time fighting Mr. Crab Grass. Mr. Ulysses Toms returned home from Berea last Friday, af ter being in school there; for nine months. We are glad ,to note that little Forest Lancaster is very much improved, after his several months of sickness. Miss Ossie Toms is very sick at the present with typhoid fever, we hopei for her a speedy recover. Mr. J. W. Matheny and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr J. T. Elmore's. Mr. Charlie Hamrick, of Provi dence section, made his usual trip to Mt. Pleasant section Sunday afternopn. Mr. Charlie Jones, )f ClifFside, made his trip also. Among the visitors at Mr. T. J. Toms' Sunday were Mr. G. A Davidson and family; Mr. W. L. Toms and family, Mr. P. G. Womick and wife and Mr. D. S. Hamrick and family. Mr. Glenn Toms and sister, Bessie , entertained quite a num ber of their friends Saturday night, which was very much en joyed by all. Mrs. Elphsus Randall returned to her home at King's Mountain yesterday, after spending a week visiting relatives and friends in this section. - Best wishes to the Courier. "Tanlac did what everything else failed to do." Thousands have said it. So will you. Reinhardt Drug Co. Little Mary Hobbs, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. F. Weathers, returned to her home at Kingsport, Tenn. Miss Marion Floyd, of Charles ton, S. C., is visiting Mrs. K. B. Pratt at Henrietta. Miss Floyd has just finished school at Battle Creek, Mich., and is on her way home. . Special Sale DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SLIPPERS. Sale Begins June 24 aud continues through July 1 On the 24th and Ist I will give a Dress Pattern to the lady whose name is drawn from a box and who is here I between 3 and 4 o'clock. A. V. HAMRICK Sandy Mush. Forest Git;, N. C., R. 1.1 THE FOREST CITY COURIER The Standard Cloak Company's Great Dissolution Sale Staits Friday, June 23 % i MESSRS. JOSEPH MILLER AND A. H. MORRIS ARE TO DISSOLVE PARTNERSHIP ON AUGUST IST AND THIS SALE IS NECESSARY TO REDUCE STOCKS AND R AISE MONEY • A Bona-Fide Store-Wide Event Affecting Every Item in the Store— A MONTH OF BARGAINS I HERE ARE THE WHYS AND WHEREFORES OF THIS SALE IN A NUTSHELL —Several years ago A. H. Morris bought from Joseph Mil ler half interest in the Standard with the privilege of buying the other half at this time. On August Ist their deal will be culminated and Mr. Morris, who has been actively in charge of the Standard for the past few years, will buy Mr. Miller's entire interests. As this deal is to be a cost transaction it is necessary to raise several thousand dollars and therefore this great DISSOLUTION SALE is being launch ed. Nothing can more fittingly impress upon the minds of the people this partnership dissolution than the values of this sale is to produce. Since the establishment of this store years ago truthful advertising and merchandising policies have been strictly adhered to and the same policies govern every word and act of this store now. There are no so-called "SNAPS" or "LEADERS" to draw crowds seeking some thing for nothing, but every article offered is a real bargain possess ing quality and merit at a very special price. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SILK DRESSES Divided Into 7 Bis Lots— All of our Silk Dresses have been grouped in seven different lots and prices at truly sen sational prices. Every Silk Dress is included regardless of cost and savings range to more than half the original price on most of them. Lot No. 4 $14.39; Lot No. 5 $16.39;. Lot No. 6 $18.49; Lot No. 7 $21.89 ALL WOOL DRESSES AT THREE LOW PRICES Navy Blue All Wool Serges, Poiret Twills and Sport Plaid effects—Every one bought this season $4.95, $6.89 and $9.89 SENSATIONAL REDUCTION. ON 1 COTTON DRESSES 50 Light and Dark FIGURED VOILE DRESSES, Your choice $1.19 50 Light and Dark FIGURED VOILE DRESSES, Your choice $4.39 One lot of 100 Dotted Swiss, Dotted Voile and Colored Organdy Dresses —Some self trimmed and some trimmed in White Organdy $4.39 One lot Gingham, Organdy and Voile Dresses, choice $1.19 The Clebrating Season Dresses of Ging ham, Your choice $3.95 This lot includes all colors in both plain and fancy styles. One lot of French Organdy Dresses, beau tifully trimmed with Frills and Laces, very High Grade Dresses at $9.95 BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL MILLINERY One table of Dark Hats, You choice 25c One table of Dark Hats, Your choice SI.OO One table of Small Leghorn Trimmed, j Your choice $1.95 ENTIRE STOCK OF LADIES' AND MISSES' SUITS On sale at great sacrifice. All regular size Suits of Serge, Tricotine and Poiret Twill di vided into four big lot* at very special prices— Every Suit in this lot can well be worn in the early fall. Lot Ho. 1 $14.39; Lot No. 2 $17.39; Lot No. 3 $22.49; Lot No. 4 $28.89 Standard Cloak Company 113 East Main Street Spartanburg, S. C. A. H. Morris, Manager MID-SUMMER HATS THAT AR RIVED LAST WEEK AT SALE PRICE The two following groups of hats were bought last week and are the very latest style creations and are values that you will have to see to appreciate. One lot of Hats consisting- of all New White Sport Baronet Satins in all shades, Black and White, Lace and Satin Combina tion Straw with Satin Crown and Flowers assorted Shades at -.....52.95 One lot of Hats of Large, Black Braid Hats, White Silk and Satin Sport Hats, combina tion of Straw, Satin and Flowers, very special at $3.95 ONE LOT OF SAILORS 89c ONE LOT OF SAILORS $1.95 ONE LOT OF SAILORS $2.95 WOOL SUITS IN STOUT SIZES AT THREE PRICES Lot No. 1 $21.69; Lot No* 2 $17.69; Lot No. 3 $25.79 These Suits are from our regylar Stock and consist of .Poiret Twill, Serge and Tri cotine, all in extra sizes. One lot of Tweed and Jersey Suits $5.95 3 only Shantung Suits.. $14.75 ALL SPRING COATS AND CAPES DIVIDED INTO 4 RIG LOTS AT 4 LITTLE PRICES Lot No. 1 $4.89; Lot No. 2 $7.45; Lot No. 3 $11.89; Lit No. 4 $13.89 These Coats and Capes will be just the thing for wear next fall and winter in addi tion to their usefulness during auto parties on summer Evenings. NEW SILK HOSIERY AT NEW PRICES Our Hosiery Department has grown by leaps and bounds during the past 6 months. We sell only best known standard makes of Hose in the most desirable styles. This sale brings some of the most startling values in years. One table of Silk Hose in plain and lace effect in all colors and sizes, all perfect, no seconds. Your choice 79c One lot of Buster Brown and Onyx, plain and Lace Hose. Your choice.. 97c One lot or Lace and Cloak Hose. Your choice $1.89 values $1.23 All Kayser and Van Raalte Glove Silk Hose $2.65 Plain, Lace Effects and Rolettes —regular price up to $3.95 THE Thursday, June 22, 192^

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