RUTHERFORD COUNTY'S BIGGEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER VOL. VII No. 1 x1 n IF MERES IN HENRI mmm COMING Club Gives Enjoyable Supper Interesting P. T. A. Pro gram Surprise Wedding And Oilier News. noci House Wednesday, Oct. 23 WTj .v . Jt Wiiaer Auspices "'-ferment Club. sf i a y y res i na i 53-! til n HiJ- I MltW a ii A jy l m ii mmm,mmm 001EY OPERA NEW 3 -a 3 3 j HENRIETTA, Oct. 15. On las Vc-esday evening at 6:J0 th Fathers and Son's Cluo jn-ve : j r,.r in the basement of The 'igratuiPted upon the own and countv is to ox tin Methodist church, entertain -v.k their wives, sisters and friends The supper was prepared by th ladies and about seven o'clock a? gathered in to partake of the goo-i-iils, consisting of oyster stew, ho ..vffce, sandwiches and cakes. Ai '.or supper Rev. O. L. Simpson, o .Spindnle, made a splendid talk o the relationship that should exh between father and son. He gav many impressive illustrations, whic made his talk very forcible as we us interesting. Following Re Ufnv , a11 trai Simpson's talk the crowd assemble 1 T, . " !y made. " i. , 'I'll, wOmnativ ,:ti j i in the enure n auditorium, and - , , , j; V"1 ""t only sing the request of Rev. HornbuckL , " ' . CIassics of grand opera the fathers and sons sat togetht I "' a,S ?1Ve revivals of the comic for the rest of the services. Specho lt are dear to the hearts of -j-..i or music. All perform ances will be given in English and mi--)- tr,i. tne PierlmriTif T i wixicxi was secure nci.'he rtS f the BetTe" V Uaru- The first number, the ,,j!V Opera r. ' . I "-''".Felli V, WI N hp ;nt,d to a delighted audience Tt w: d:roocf2n2 b" the-night . i ' ZZ "eginning at J c tocic. The firsts number is a delightful n. 1C 18 With Pleasure that we , xxxS ui tne rooley Op "l ComPany. This is an all Amer " COmPany with a standard reper -xxfex1Sn, with all translation music was rendered by Mrs. Luther Camp and Mrs. Clyde Mahaffee. Everyone attending declared the evening- a most enjoyable as well as profitable one. Interesting Program For P.-T. A. The Parent- .teacher's Association will hold their regular meeting at the Henrietta school auditorium, Thursday, October 16, at 3:15 -o'clock. A very interesting and helpful program has been planned, the subject to be "Health' There are three different viewpoints to be discussed in regard to health: First, "The prevention of conta gious diseases, by Dr. T. r. Love lace, secon, "The mother's part in the care of children," by Mrs. C. B. Wiseman; third "Teaching Health," by Prof. Singletary. Tht -e speak ers ere well prepared to handle their subjects and give some valu-j able information regarding this im portanf subject. All are urged to attend this meeting. Surprise Weddmg. Mr. Rush Bridges and Miss L. D. Butler surprised their many friends by &-oing to Spartanburg, S. C. last Wednesday and getting- r larriH The bride is the attractive daur-htei 01 and Mrs. B. R. Butler. o 1;c'nr Kzrris. She attended t; Henrietta High School last year ar,d has many friends here who will be interested to learn of her marriage. The feom is the son of j, ;Jr?s'.G- W- Bridges, of th;, place, p-liU ls 11 young man :f 4-lnd;d character. The couple a jivine; at Zander, where Mr. Midges vorl-:;r:g. - hisses Rose GaffneyJ (:;. Har nnn 'if.-.,,,-. , c,jm-,. waiter Sn l'Jl"'i"t Ae-h motored to :-'-.arfpr, .' '" '' .' axi;ernoon win --j : ";s-o-u ! c- hiiv.. , :'h'- l;nd 3Irs- O. R. McDaniel end U a"d Virs- Geary Lassiter, of ;-;'i;.oit, spent the week end her- Jir. and Mrs. R. L. S blessed i.m ucixgnc tne rfiaripr r- , j, . al fe C0Pany is so well trained m uiccion and enunciation t.w ai. most every word will be understood, wim a remarkable clearness. TI, ; -uc impresario is Mr. "FT W n mi Aooiey, one of the younger of the icianc tenors of the day. Mr. iooiey nas not only been with a voice of unusual quality aiso a splendid nesonalitv qualify him to sing the roi x rr JJ as a foundation Mr. Tooley eu a splendid style and musical polish which enabh give a free and unhamperJ pretation of his art. Miss Keitha Ward is oi tne company. Mis a coloratura voice of range and warmth. performances are not th. mannerisms that nc eaoie on the 0 Her characterizationsi true to life with an lovimesj and grace plisce in ; he hearts oi her. e.-i fpr j th j t. : !ta (tie nd ! i 0:nei' relatives. :vir- Sdl-nd Dandridge spent ek end here visiting his sis ' -'-s. Clyde Mahaffpp. ariui is WOrlrJn nr ii-. 4-U nn . "L utherfordton. lifej Annie PJoU o Lnv, c and Flack attended the fun- ifJl'llf r TUT 'vco ii vi r T , - vjiauu uames, v'ere conducted at. his ii- J:' at Jonesville, S. C, Mondjay. Jlessi, Buren Phillin o.i t..-. 7ml Illh a Sallie Vfacas- id,;1 icKone, motored to - ane Gillesnie. stnf rs Hi!) n n ! ,fi .CoiIei?e, spent the week , 5re viting her narents nr. rs. J. H. Gillespie. i. Virgil n.nfoi, t . i i c av) -" "j. kittle . mother, Mrs. I. N. Millo. iiqi. c - aiiu rcev bimpson left Tuesday for ensooro, whPro fu .. r Terence. attend Alr1!?" T " Lovelace visit-Clr- Mrs- Monroe Lovelace oresboro Sunday. VGlaCe' have r' f h dauter, , wave returned homo Lr 'c. . ' niter a rdton. retives at Ruth- ' ha Mi Co mi sir j-'ne supporting co l-l U the audience ncn ( vii-illy tiaine! tie-ris off ,p--ra until a 1 perfect; one, 'lie: graco that ' n:p;my :;o sha n the meehanica auction the imp same high stand ! nse the director G. Sche1" make - o.t scenery used New York One ; u'ill be present . icular Luting -1- ;lhc costumert. ' "d'"no less a pe -'. W. Weber, of :r- Works to tak ; v,f the wardrob mi J 1 JVC la I po me the pleasure and ben oi course are almos and it should be so i by the people. Th (dub must have si : oement and this r; don2 by attending the ances if you have not si tickets, d so r.t once; if T Bignca, see tha, you g, tiv-Keis beiore the first number. - niseis, good cour es, will be sold as adnllv. S9no- ia -hool, ?51.00. : second number Rj, symphony, will be & i 've :,noes tor the wh0i '' Juced prices. ' W' opening high Tl LittI Thui W ily a Depiato em Store. r- and Mrs. Ed Cantrell, of Alexander, spent SiinHnw rt- i "ra x. ana Mrs. u p. Hamrick Mrs. Ella Rooper. who J moved to Gaffney, ,spent th end here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. T. LeRoy g Charlotte, spent the week f visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. c PART