The Cliffside News The Cliffside News is published f h week in connection with The I '-est City Courier. I E. ROACH Editor CLYDE A. ERWIN MISS UNA EDWARDS Associate Editors THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1925 DR. STEVENS IMPROVING We are glad to note that Dr. Chas. I Stevens is getting on fine after i •, operation on Monday of last week ft r appendicitis at the Charlotte san atorium. Dr. M. A. Adams, pastor of the Rutherfordton Baptist church, preached here Sunday morning and WATCH THIS SPACE For Announcement of New Spring Coats, Dresses and Hats % 1 Cliffside Mills Store CLIFFSIDE, N.C. F TLJ F? NIT TLJ R E AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS Don't buy until you see our goods. We can save you money. .1 *.ii u. ;. -'.v.. -_•... ?~• . Buy Carefully, But Buy What You Need. Do Not Practice False Economy. Do not put off buying things you need—if you need Fur niture buy it- If you buy It from us you will save money. We carry a full and complete line of Furniture and House Furnishings and can supply your wants in this line as cheaply as you can purchase anywhere, and our stock is as large, varied and complete as you will find in any Furniture House. Yours for a prosperous year, CLIFFSIDE MILLS FURNITURE STORE CLIFFSIDE. N. C. "HOUSE FURNISHERS" The Cliff si^. Newb Rev. W. B. Jenkins, pastor at Avon dale, preached Sunday evening. Both brought splendid messages. Dr. Cranberry of Limestone College, Gaffney, S. C., will preach here for Dr. Stevens next Sunday, both morn ing and evening. Announcements will be made next Sunday for the Sunday following. LYCEUM PLAY TO BE PRESENTED On next Thursday night at the hall one of the best plays ever given here will be presented under the auspices of the Redpath Lyceum Bureau. It is the "Gorilla," mystery drama pre sented by real artists. A treat is in store for all who go. BUY A FORD AND SPEND THE DIFFERENCE. Published in Connection w ii h I'lu- i »-i CLIFFSIDE'S HOME PAGE UNDER DIRECTION • • I LOCAL I MAJPPEMNGS Prof. F. S. Hall, of Avondale, will conduct the prayer meeting at the local Baptist church on Wednesday night of this week. Mrs. Lorena Edwards and daugh ter Miss Naomi, of Rutherfordton, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Edwards from Friday until Sunday last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Martin, of Cowpens, S. C., spent Sunday here and attended service at the Methodist church. Mr. N. E. Garvin left last Saturday for the northern markets to buy the spring goods for the Cliffside Mills stores. Mr. Martin Mauney spent the week-end at his home in Forest City. Miss Jettie Collins, of Chesnee and Melrose Hawkins, of Cliffside, who are students at Limestone College, spent the week-end with Miss Lila Freeman at her home in Shelby. Miss Ruth Davis spent the week end at her home in Lincolnton. Two of the children of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hines are ill, but are not thought to be serious. The family of Mr. W. R. Morrow have recovered from a seige of la grippe. Miss Margaret Edwards, state sup ervisor of home economics education was here Monday in the interest of home economics in Ciiffside. Mr. J. F. Atkinson left last Satur day for points in Virginia where he is buying a lot of shoats and hogs for sale. He expects them to arrive in Ciiffside the last of this week. Messrs. J. C. Carpenter and R. B. Watkins have returned from a visit to St. Petersburg and other points in Florida. Last Thursday night the Chesnee High School girls came over and played the quintet of the M. E. Jr. The locals won, the score 50 to 9. Following this game the Caroleen team of young men played the local high school boys, losing to the lo cals. The local High School boys were defeated at Forest Ctiy by the Forest City high school boys last Saturday night. Mr. J. C. Roach, of near Harris, is spending a few days with his son. Mr. B. E. Roach. A number of the folks here have visited Dr. Stevens at the Chai'lotte Sanatorium. The superintendent and a number of the teachers of the in termediate department left Monday just afternoon and visited him, they reported him resting well. Little Edna Mae Scruggs who has been ill for more than two months is able to sit up some. We trust she will yet recover. Mr. "Gus" Street, of near Union Mills, was a pleasant visitor here Monday and Tuesday. Rev. Elsom, of Rutherfordton ac companied Dr. M. A. Adams and at tended church here last Sunday at the Baptist church. Rev. Roy Waters, Sunday school and B. Y. P. U. worker for the Sandy Run association was a visitor here Sunday and attended service at Bap tist church. Miss Annie Hall and her home economic class entertained at the Memorial building /last Thursday night at a Valentine party. A num ber of games and contests were en joyed after which cake and ice cream were served. Miss Grace Bland entertained her "B" Junior B. Y. P. U. at the Me morial building Saturday night. On next Thursday night the teach ers and prospective teachers of the Baptist Sunday school will begin the study of "The Seven Laws of Teach ing." All teachers and officers are requested to attend these meetings. LETTER SHOWER FOR DR. STEVENS The Cliffside Baptist church and Sunday school gave Dr. Chas. H. Stevens, who is in the Sanatorium at Charlotte, a post card and letter shower Monday. Miss Pruett said Monday afternoon she thought there must have been at le JS; ne hundred and .fifty cards and e mailed up to that time. The Courier, y »>;;nty Pa per, per CA jear AVONDALE NEWS Avondale, Feb. 17. —Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Haynes, Mr. J. B. Watkins and son Billy, spent Sunday after noon with Mrs. J. B. Watkins at the General hospital, Spartanburg, S. C. Miss Lola West spent the week end at home in White Stone, S. C. Miss Lila Freeman spent the week end at home and had as her guests Misses Melrose Hawkins and Jettie Collins, of Limestone College and Mr. Jay Hicks, of Charlotte University. Mr. C. H. Wilson, of Haynes Store No. 1, is in New York this week purchasing Spring goods. Mr. Henry Jenkins, who is a stu dent at the University of North Car olina, spent the week-end with his parents. Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Jenkins, Beatrice Hawkins, Ruby Smith and the men's chorus of the Baptist church attended church at Sharon Sunday afternoon. Sharon school was presented with a flag and Bible by the Jr. O. U. A. M. Miss Edith Jenkins is teaching for Miss Lowrance, a member of the Cliffside faculty, who is sick. Miss Gladys Waldrop teacher of the fifth and sixth grades entertain ed her pupils with a Valentine party at the Haynes house Saturday after noon. Games and contests were en tered with enthusiasm. After which refreshments were served. Mr. Palmer Debrute entertained a number of his friends Saturday eve ning. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist church met with Mrs. Hollis Owens Feb. 10th, with Mrs. J. G. Roach in charge. The program was as follows: Duet: "O Master Let Me Walk With Thee."—Mary Sue Edwards, Lucile Frye. Talk—"The Missionary Wheel"— Mrs. Owens. Scripture reading—Mrs. Thomas. Prayer—Mrs. Roach. Dialogue—Visit to Missionary Headquarters by Messrs Christy, Taylor, Frye and Biggerstaff. Special Prayer—Mrs. Owens. After the program refreshments were served. Fifteen members en joyed Mrs. Owens' hospitality. Prof. Walker: By the way, I saw the House of Seven Gables up at the Cove the other day. Kirby: You did! Where? At the movies? J,1,1 The owner cf a Ford is never in doubt y^Oflti it c/// CC/ 1/1 as to what he can expect in service. He knows what his car will do and how. , wjormance sturdily * wm do *. When bad weather zssA reads put ether cars out of The Coupe ccmir-iosion, the Ford car will stay on the job. It k §> will c rry through sluch and snow, over frozen ruts, A newly constructed roac!a —anywhere. ~-\io Yet Ford benefits can be yours for the lowest prices Fordor Sedan - 660 ever oSered. This is made possible by the efficiency able rim* and starter are of Ford manufacture, t_:e volume of output and dii prices DetT** practically limitless resources. Detroit B. B. DOGGETT VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT ALL FORD PLANTS , - v \ ourier « AL LDlTOb^ Dr. Twitty, county health officer, was here last Friday making arrange ments to give the Schick test to the pupils of the Cliffside schools. The test will be given this week and all pupils found not immune will be vac cinated for diphtheria. Cliffside is always active in health work. A Tuberculosis Clinic will be held in town this week. A first aid kit has been bought for the school and is a valuable aid to the teachers in rendering First Aid to the children. The Valentine program given at the chapel program by the second and third grades last Thursday morning was exceptionally good. Our chapel programs are always good and we have visitors almost every morning. We are always glad to welcome all visitors. The Senior class gave a unique program Tuesday when they showed how the old time debating society gives programs. Much wit and originality characterized the whole program. Ciiffside High school went down in defeat before the Forest City team in the State High School Basketball championship contest Saturday night. While the Ciiffside team was handicapped by playing on Forest City's home court they played a good game and the 12 point victory was hard earned. Tryon High school (Gaston coun ty) defeated Rutherfordton High school on the local court Friday night in one of the prettiest games ever seen on the local court. Whoever defeats the Tryon quint will surely have a good team. j Prof. Charles C. Erwin, member of the committee to arrange a county basketball contest, will go to Forest City this afternoon to make out the county schedule. The Courier, your county Pa per, per - £ \ year . .... . «yJL-DU i ~ ' % COURTNEY & HIGHTOWER ♦ 0 Funeral Directors and Em- balmers. O East Avondaie, N. C. ♦ Located in Wells Bros. Store. % All Calls Responded to £ Promptly—Day or Night. ♦ ♦ % Q Hearse Service Rendered £ Promptly. % A . E # ' : CLIFFSIDE SCHOOL LIFE Prof. P.: What would you do if the Dormitory should catch fire? Ponder: I'd run in the opposite direction from my water bucket I DUY A FORD AND SPEND THE DIFFERENCE. B. B. DOGGETT Cliffside People Had Better Mind or we are going to sell some very valuable prop erty located in Fairview to some strangers. Better investigate and see what we have over there for sale. Blanton & Green MOORESBORO, N- C. 19-2t CANP V KITCHEN John Thomas, fropr. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINEST HOME-MADE CANDIES In Bulk and Boxes. Fine Assortment of the Purest and Best Made. Fruits of all kinds, Nuts, Grapes, Etc. WE DELIGHT TO PLEASE YOU. The Candy Kitchen )OHN THOMAS, Prop. Next Door to Postoffice FOKir r CITY, N. 0.