THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1925 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Advertisements inserted for lc per word each insertion. Gash in advance. Men, women sell guaranteed silk hosiery direct to wearer; beautiful j 1 goods, fashioned and full fashioned, wonderful colors. Prices lower than stores. Sell only. We pay every day. International Silk Hosiery Co., Norristown, Pa. 32-10t SWEET POTATO PLANTS —Mil- lions now ready for shipment—Nancy Hall and Porto Rico Potato Plants at $2.50 per thousand, 10,000 or more at $2.00 per thousand. Plants grown from record yielding potatoes and or ders filled day received. Deen's Plant 4 Farm, Box B, Alma, Georgia. 31-7t FOR SALE —Good fresh cow. Apply to G. S. Sherrill, Route 2, For est City. 32-2t FOR SALE —Good five room se, near mills, Miss Sudie Mor " /an, Spindalej, N. C. 32-2t FOR SALE —Splendid building lot on Arlington street. Apply to H. R. Camnitz. Forest City Motor Co. 23-tf Farms, Homes and Business propositions of all kinds for sale in the best sections of Cleve land and Rutherford counties, where the farmers have electric lights, good roads and fine schools. # Inquiries given immediate atten tion. Blanton & Greene Mooresboro, N. C. Ga rage Bldg. 26-tf Lime and cement. Get the best at Flack Hardware Co., Forest City. 30-4t SPRINGTIME IS HERE—The time to build is at hand. When you decide to build anything, see the Flack Hardware Co., Forest City, for your lime and cement. We have full lines and of the very best quality. 30-4t It pays to buy the best. Get your lime and cement at Flack Hardware Co., Forest City. 30-4t ' Some great pictures are coming to the Movie. Read the program in to day's paper. Going to build? Get your lime and cement from Flack Hardware Co., Forest City. 30-4t We are in position to make long time loans on improved farm lands at 6 per cent. Edwards & Edwards, Rucherfordton, N. C. 20-tf Get your lime and cement from Flack Hardware Co., Forest City. 30-4t "FOR SALE—White Leghorn eggs for setting from Ferris best egg-lay ing strain, $1.50 for 15. Erwin's Poultry Farm, Box 270, Forest City N. C. 19-tf ATTENTION, BUILDERS We have a full line of Lime and Cement, and are ready to fill your orders for that Spring building program you have mapped out. Don't build until you have consulted us about your \ Vme and Cement. Flack Hardware 00., Forest City. 30-4t t That wonderful book, "Tragedy of Sand Cave"—a complete pictorial history of Floyd Collins, Kentucky's cave hero—will be given to every one paying one year's subscription to The Courier. Call or marl us check today. 27-tf "Prepare Ye" See Blanton & Green for Hail Insurance. Garage Bid., Mooresboro, N. C. 30-4t OLD COLONY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Chicago, Illinois, of fers agents a wider field and in creased opportunity by writing man, woman and child from date of birth to age 60 on the annual, semi-annual or quarterly premium plan, for amounts goin§ up to $5,000 as re gards children, while for adults the limit is $30,000. As the Company writes also sub-standard risks oui agents have very few rejections. The Company will give a very liberal com mission contract (direct with Home Office) to a good personal producer. 33-2t ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? — See Flack Hardware Co., Forest City, for your lime and cement. We can save you money on your order. Full line and best in quality. 30-4t WE BUY OR SELL—AII kinds of real estate. We can get what you want or sell what you need at the right p*ice. Sales conduct ed. A general real estate busi ness. See us before you buy or sell. CYCLONE AUCTION CO., Forest City. 52-tf BUY A FORD AND SPEND THE DIFFERENCE. B. B. DOGGETT. LOST —White and lemon spotted female fox hound, has collar witi name "C. W. Moore," on it. If found please notify C. W. Moore. Reward. 33-lt LIME AND CEMENT —We have the best in lime and cement. See us if you are contemplating building. Best in quality, best in price and best in service. Flack Hardware Co., Forest City. 30-4t CARS FOR HIRE BUICKS AND FORDS YOU DRIVE 'EM, OR WE FURNISH CAREFUL DRIVERS DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE REASONABLE RATES Beam & McMurry Phone Peoples Drug Store I "COLD IN THE HEAD" is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Those subject to frequent "colds" ere generally in a "run down" condition. HAUL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is a Treatment consisting of an Ointment, to be used locally, and a Tonic, which acts Quickly through the Blood on the Mu cous Surfaces, building yp the System, and making you less liable to "colds." Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. The Courier, your county Pa per, per r A year *P Jl -O" CCZENAP Money back without question A if HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt's Salve and Soap),fail in f Wf, r*,f the treatment of Itch, Eczema, 7WTTJ Jl Rineworm.Tetterorotheritch- f ltt / I ing skin diseases. Try this c * * treatment at our risk. REINHARDT DRUG CO. BUY A FORD AND SPEND THE DIFFERENCE. Dr. RALPH R. HOWES Dentist New Poole Building Telephone 156 FOREST CITY, N. C. DR. C. S. McCALL Dentist New X-rtay Lady Assistant Office Over Farmers Bank FOREST CITY, N. C. . UY A FORD AND SPEND THE DIFFERENCE. B. B. DOGGETT. \\ Remember the Dead Buy Your Monument From ► J. R. Green & Son ► Ellenboro, N. C. ► We have the finest dis o play of monuments in the county. ► We handle the Regal o.Blue, the best of Granite \\ and Marble. Now on dis ► play at our yard. 0 We can supply your wants. ► We have no high priced ► Agents Come, Phone or Write Us Today Be- * Jt fore You Buy I 1 32-4t J RUTHERFORD HAS FINEST COTTON County Leads Entire State In Growing Fields—Develop ment Of Better Farming. Rutherford county cotton growers have a better "stand" and the finest growing cotton in the state, accord ing to the editor of The Charlotte Observer, who wrote as follows, fol lowing a visit to the county recently: In the early days of the cotton crop one is accustomed' to look for the best "stands" to the region around Maxton and Lumberton, in the "overlap" of the Marlboro soil, for cotton is usually knee high in the fields there before it is well above ground in this part of the belt. But times have changed on the farms. The women's clubs and the boys' clubs and the farm demonstration agenFs have been doing a work that is reversing the oldtime run of things, for, if one wants to see cotton well-advanced and almost ready for the thinning-out process, he must come up into the piedmont region, even into the coun ties in which it was not so long ago believed to be impossible to grow cot ton. The finest growing fields of cot ton in the State today are to be seen along the Wilmington-Charlotte-Ash eville Highway, in far up Rutherford County, under the very shadow of the mountains. There are fine fields in Cleveland, soon to be the banner cot ton-producing county in the State, but the Rutherford County growers are a little ahead. "This excellent result in cotton growing in the region of the moun tain dews, is a development of better farming. The farmers there are graduates in what is called intensive farming, a fact plainly manifest in the fine condition of the soil, which is as soft and as free from lumps as a garden spot. The soil, itself, is naturally rich, requiring but little fertilizer, if any at all, and proves particularly adapted to cotton. "Another large crop in this expand ed area of the cotton belt is the white potato, and large fields are now seen where in times past it was the pota to "patch." The further one gets into the mountains, the finer the potato crop. No section of the state has made such marked advance in agriculture as the mountain region and it may come to pass that neigh borhood pilgrimages, so long headed from the mountains and piedmont farms to the sandhills, will have a re verse movement and we will see sand hills farmers going up into the moun tains to get pointers on potato, cot ton and wheat growing. "The Observer believes that the counties of Cleveland, Gaston, Ruth erford, Catawba, Caldwell, Wilkes, Watauga and Avery are materially ahead of all counties in the State in soil working and farm production." MEETING OF CHARLOTTE DI VISION W. M. U. The Charlotte Division of Woman's Missionary Union of the Southern Baptist Convention will hold its an nual meeting in Newton, on June 11th and 12th, opening at 9:30 a. in. A most inspiring program has been planned. All societies are requested to ap point their delegates at once and send names to Mrs. T. C. Singleton, Newton, N. C., entertainment will be free. All leaders of new societies, leaders of Junior Societies and of all W. M. S.'s are especially urged to attended the meeting. BERTHA B. MOORE, Supt. Sandy Run Association. "MY GOITRE IS GONE" Gained 35 Pounds. Relieved of Chok ing, Smothering and Nervous ness. An Operation Prevented. Mrs. Bettie Tracy, Peterscreek, Ky., says she will tell personally or by letter of her relief by Sorbol- Quadruple, a colorless liniment. She had to sit up in bed and pant to get her breath. She had goitre nine years. Manufactured by Sorbol Company, Mechanicsburg, O. Sold by all drug stores. Locally at Reinhardt Drug Co. * DR. O. L. HOLLAR 4 Rectal Specialist and 2 Genito-Urinary Diseases T Piles treated and cured with ♦ out pain, knife, chloroform, or 5 loss of time. I Treated With Electric 0 Needle. a Hickory every Wednesday, X Thursday, Friday, Satur ♦ day and Sunday. * HICKORY, N. C. IS 19-tf t THE FOREST CITY COURIER 1 OAK GROVE NEWS j Ellenboro, R-2, May 25.—Rev. E. A. Blanton filled the pulpit at Oak Grove Sunday morning and preached a fine sermon. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Webb and fam ily spent Saturday night with Mrs. J. M. K. Randall. Mr. and Mrs. Bates Dobbins and family were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Odell Harrill Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Smart and lit tle son, Glenn, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. J. M. K. Randall. Mr. and Mrs. Renn Randall visited j at the home of Mrs. J. M. K. Ran- j dall for a short while Saturday night. ' i The fast Oak Grove baseball team went over to Mt. Pleasant Saturday afternoon and played a fast and in teresting game of ball. Oak Grove being the winner by a score of 17 to 14, the features of the game was the home run off Randall and the field ing of Lowery. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Webb and Mrs. D. K. Randall visited Mr. and Mrs. Forest Vassey Saturday night. Mr. James Webb is spending this week with his grandmother, Mrs. J. M. K. Randall. ; Mrs. D. M. Dobbins and children attended the commencement exercises at Caroleen Friday night. Miss Pearle Randall spent Sunday with Misses Lillie and Attie Bailey. B. Y. P. U. MEETING i • The following is the program of the j fifth Sunday meeting, Baptist Young I Peoples Union to he held at Round Hill Baptist church, Union Mills, May 30-31 st: Saturday Morning, May 30th 10-10:15 —Devotional, Rev. A. A. Walker. 10:15-10:30 —Objectives and Or ganization, Dr. M. A. Adams. 10:30-11—Group Conferences: 1. Preachers, Rev. D. J. Hunt, chairman; 2, Deacons, Mr. W. G. Scoggins, chairman; 3, Teachers, Mrs. A. V. Washburn, chairman. 11-12—General conference, Rev. A. P. Sorrels, chairman. ! 12-1:30 —Noon recess, dinner on the grounds. 1:30-1:45 P. M.—Devotional C. C. Sorrels. 1:45-2:30 Group conferences, same as morning program. 2:30-3:30 —General conference, Rev. D. J. Hunt, chairman. Saturday Evening, May 30th 7:30-7:45 —Devotional, Rev. A. A. Walker. 7:45-9—Sermon, "Christ the Lead er," Rev. D. J. Hunt. Sunday Morning, May 31st 10-11—Sunday school. Visitors especially invited to take part. 11-12—Sermon, "The Ministry of the Church," Rev. J. M. Brown. | 12-I:3o—Dinner on the grounds. I 1:30 P. M.—B. Y. P. U. Program, Mr. R. C. Flack, leader. 1. Organization and Purpose, Leon Kendrick. 2. Place of B. Y. P. U. in church —Fritz Hemphill. 3. Why there should be a B. Y. P. U. in a church, Miller Freeman. 4. Attitude of Church to B. Y. P. U., W. G. Freeman. i 7 I The program for Saturday is espe i cially for the preachers, deacons and j teachers of the churches. The public |is cordially invited to hear the ser mon Saturday night. Dinner will be served on the grounds both days. Round Hill ! church will entertain those wishing j to spend the night. Special music for Saturday and j Sunday wil be arranged for. GET AT THE CAUSE! I _________ Many Forest City Folks Are Showing i How to Avoid Needless Suffering. ! i There's nothing more annoying than kidney weakness or inability to ! properly control the kidney secre j tions. Night and day alike, the suf j ferer is tormented and what with the burning and scalding, the attendant backache, headache and dizziness, I life is indeed a burden. Doan's Pills !— a stimulant diuretic to the kid neys—have brought peace and com fort to many Forest City people. Profit by this Forest City resident's | experience: i Mrs. V. G. Lynch, Church St., says: "My little boy, Willie, was troubled with his kidneys. His kid neys acted far too often and the se cretions were scanty. He seemed to have no control over the passage of the secretions. I had used Doan's Pills myself with good results and gave them to him. Doan's relieved him." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Pills—the same that Mrs. Lynch had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. ;" lglglHßg|g,gJgJZJgJgJZJgrajHfgJgJgJg rara^ | NORTH CAROLINA POPULAR | : | EXCURSION |' I WASHINGTON, D. C. | S May 29th—June Ist, 1925 3 £ VIA 3 I SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM 1 § Three whole days and two nights in Washington. 3, Ej Round trip fare from Forest City, N. C-, $12.00 |jj Special train leaves Charlotte 8:30 P. M., May 29, 192S {S! Ej Arrives Washington 8:15 A. M., May 30th qT jO Tickets on sale May 29th, good to return on all regular m G{ trains (except No. 37) up to and including train 39 leaving St ju Washington 10:50 P. M., June Ist, 1925. S BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL GAMES |t S Boston Red Sox vs. Washington Senators, May 30th. fi" P Two games, morning and afternoon. §> g Athletics vs. Senators, May 31st. £ Ej This is a wonderful opportunity to see two major league teams IP 5 in action against the Washington World Champions. g g A fine opportunity to visit the public buildings and many S g other points of interest, including Arlington National Cemetery 9 Ej May 30th celebration. jp 5 Tickets good in Pullman sleeping cars and day coaches. § 3 No stop-overs—No baggage checked. Jn jjj Make your sleeping car reservations early. 5 For further information call on any Southern Railway Agent * > g or address— g J. C. Wylie, R. h. Graham, D. P. A. ' fc| g Ticket Agent Charlotte, N. C. ft? |p Forest City, N. C. j» I - j[ | INSURANCE I I —' I I BROWN INSURANCE AGENCY % W. L. BROWN Bank Building B. H. LONG & X BUILDING J. LOAN OFFIOR J | 5 | Where is the Power? |- S After all, POWER is the thing every driver of § 5 motor cars like to feel—and the pedal foot soon be- 3 S comes very sensitive as to what is there. S E The moment you "feel" a loss of power in your au- S S tomobile engine—that is the time to bring it to us. We Ej jjj can soon locate the trouble and have you spinning g along at the merry old clip. g jj{ In the majority of cases such overhauling, repairing e r S or adjusting does not involve any great expense. It 3 g may be carbon, loose rings or pistons—or in the ig- [J g nition and tuning. Q S § 5 G S Drive by one day this week. Let us E 5 G H "listen in" for a moment. We are ex- E [§ C g perts on motor work. E I A. &W. MOTOR CO. jj | FOREST CITY, N. C. | i MONEY To" LOAN ♦ On improved real estate in amounts from $1,200 up, 50 per cent ► % of appraised value loaned on ten years' time, payable in monthly o £ installments. x ♦ No life insurance required. Loans secured in from two to four ♦ | weeks' time. ♦ | J. A. WILKIE | % Office With Industrial Bank ♦ % FOREST CITY, N. C. ♦ PAGE SEVEN