THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1925 i THE EASIEST GUESS OF ALL With resources in excess of two million dollars, showing an unparalleled growth in the history of "Western North Carolina banking circles, Forest City's oldest and strongest financial institution would be pleased to render you unexcelled banking 4k service. This strong institution carries a surplus fund of over $100,000.00 accumulated from earn ings and does a general banking business. The officers and directors are among the leading busi ness men of this section of the state and their names are an absolute guarantee of security and safety. This bank welcomes small accounts as well as the larger ones for they are teaching thrift and independence to wage earners of this city. Name this strong financial institution, give the amount of capital stock and name the officers. 2 VALVE-IN-HEAD MOTOR CAR Made in 23 different models, a car for every purpose, being the first classy automobile to reach a million sales, representing the season's finest and moj|t complete line of motor cars and character ized by its famous valve-in-head motor, it has justly been chosen as "The Standard of Comparison." Some of these cars have been in use 15 years and * more and are still going. Ask any owner of a yalve-in-head car before you buy any other make. Vhen go to the Forest City dealer and have him give you a demonstration and prove supremacy to your entire satisfaction. It was the second make of all cars and the first real automobile to pass tbe million mark. Name this famous line of automobiles, give the manufacturers' slogan under which it is universally advertised, name the local dealers and give man ager's name. 3 GOOD PHOTOGRAPHY IS REAL ART Photography in the past two decades has ad vanced more than any other art that could be men tioned. The artist has to keep abreast of the times in his profession and if he happens to be a laggard he is relegated to a back seat. Forest City has a leading artist who has kept pace with the rapid advancement made in the profession and when photographs are finished at this studio they are real works of art. This studio is equipped with all the latest appliances known to the profession and quality work and reasonable prices go hand in hand and in consequence this artist is in command of a steadily increasing patronage in this commu nity. Photographs make the best gifts. Name and locate this studio and name the ar tist. 4 TWO OF THE MOST POPULAR CARS A firm in Forest City has the agency for two of the most popular cars on the market. The better car of the two has the same type of sleeve-valve engine used in the most expensive cars of Euro pean make. It runs as smooth as silk, actually im proves with use and gives better service after 15,- 000 miles than when new. Owners report 50,000 miles without an adjustment. The lower priced car is made in all the popular models, one of which is now taking the country by storm. This car will make 26 miles to the gallon of gasoline and is in the SSOO class and up. The makers of this car puts out the world's lowest priced sedan and the local agency will be pleased to demonstrate one for you at any time. Name these two cars, give price of four cylinder sedan f. o. b. factory, name the local firm distribut ing them and name the manager. 5 MORE THAN DOUBLES ALL OTHER MAKES Nearly eleven million motor cars of one make been sold—enough to give half the population of the United States a joy ride at one time. Of ficial registration of July 1, 1924, they more than doubled all other makes combined in North Caro lina. Of these there were 153,637 and only 72,- 746 of all others. They are sold now in every civil ized country on the globe. Thousands are in use in Forest City and Rutherford county. The manu facturers also make a very high priced car and the best tractor in the world. Name the two cars and the tractor, name the firm here selling them and give the price of the touring model f. o. b. factory. RELIABLE GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET * There is an old reliable meat market and grocery store here in Forest City, one that is very much in popular favor at the present time. Here you are always assured of being able to get a nice juicy steak or a tender roast. You will find the necessary refrigerators for caring for meats at all seasons of the year. This firm carries a complete line of fresh staple and fancy groceries, fruits and vegetables, flour and feeds, thus assuring their patrons of the very best the market affords. A trial order will convince you. Quality is paramount at this store % and this coupled with reasonable prices has earned for the firm a constantly growing trade in the com munity. Name this firm and give the name of the fine flour sold as leader and give the phone number. "MAKERS OF HAPPY HOMES" The "Makers of happy homes" in Forest City, have for many years brought joy and gladness to the newly weds, contentment to the settled family and comfort and happiness to the aged and infirm by making living conditions tolerable in the home. You have already guessed that this refers to For est City's leading furniture house. This firm car ries immense lines of high and medium grade fur niture, rugs, carpets and other floor coverings, stoves and ranges. This firm will furnish the home complete or a piece of handsome furniture for the cozy corner. Quality and reasonable prices go hand in hand at this store. This firm sells the cele brated New Perfection Stoves and Ranges. Name this furniture house, name the kitchen Cabinet sold as a leader and name the proprietor. 8 THE BEST BATTERY IN THE WORLD The best battery in the world is sold here in For est City. In recent years more of these batteries have been used in the leading motor cars than any other make. The firm in Forest City selling these batteries also do all kinds of battery repair work, recharging, etc. This firm is prepared to repair and recharge any make of battery and their work is giving universal satisfaction to the people of this city and community. The new C. R. R. battery with threaded rubber insulation and all rubber case makes it the most desirable and most economical of all batteries. This battery gives universal satisfaction and those who have used them will have no other. Name this battery, name the local agency selling them and name the manager. Who's Who in Forest City? $20.00 IN GOLD FOR THE BEST SET OF ANSWERS WILL BE GIVEN AWAY BY THE FOREST CITY COURIER The Rules tell you how to win. (Any person not identified with The Forest City Courier is eligible to contest). (Read each notice carefully and note every question asked or implied. Then begin with "No. 1" and answer every question you can. Use plain paper, on one side only. Num ber your answers consecutively, and put your name on the top of the first sneet). (Get firm names and names of persons CORRECT. This is IMPORTANT, answers any way you can. If in doubt, ask the advertisers). (It is not necessary to have all the answers correct to win. The best set of answers will take down the gold. When you have finished send your answers to The Courier, ad dressed: "Contest Editor." Answers must be filed by noon, Tuesday, July 7. The answers will be printed and the prize winner announced as soon thereafter as possible.) 9 OUTFITTERS FOR MEN AND WOMEN Merchandising in Forest City has become reason ably easy because one of the leading firms here car ries everything for both men and women to wear. This is the store of quality without extravagance and in consequence the firm is in command of a steadily increasing trade in this city and commu nity. This firm carries everything in ladies' dresses, men's clothing and millinery in all the latest styles. You are cordially invited to inspect the seasonable lines now being ofFered and to compare prices. This store sells the celebrated Solomon line of dresses for ladies and your patronage is appreciated here. Name this firm, name the line of clothes for men and the exclusive line of hosiery for men and women sold as leaders; name the men's shirts and name the manager. 10 THE POPULAR VARIETY STORE When a community attains to Forest City's com mercial importance all sorts of mercantile estab lishments are needed. No one realized this better than the proprietor of the city's most up-to-date 5, 10, 25, 50 and SI.OO variety store. You might look all over town for a needed article and not be able to find it, so why not save time and trouble and a deal of worry by calling at this store in the beginning, for you are almost sure to find what you want here. This store carries wonderful lines of variety goods and no article sells for more than SI.OO. Here the housekeeper will find a thousand and one useful articles for the home and a visit to this store will always convince you that they carry everything that you need. This store car ries a line of goods particularly pleasing to the little folks and is the mecca for the juvenile shop per. Name and locate this popular store and name the proprietor. 11 THE STORE OF DEPENDABLE GOODS There is an old reliable department store in Forest where quality and reasonable prices go hand in hand and in consequence this firm is in command of a steadily increasing trade. This store carries everything in dry goods and notions, ladies' ready-to-wear, men's and boy's clothing and shoes for the entire family. This firm sells the cele brated Simon Levin & Son Clothes for men and these represent quality throughout. This firm also carries nationally advertised lines of furnishings fcr men -and the millinery department is complete. This store has rendered a splendid service to the people of this city and county who want quality goods at reasonable prices. Name this firm, name the guaranteed all-leather shoes for men, women and children sold as leaders, name the leading line of hosiery featured and give phone number and name of the manager. 12 EXCLUSIVE STORE FOR MEN AND BOYS There is an exclusive store here in Forest City for men and boys where they may obtain all that is best in wearing apparel and furnishings of every description. This firm carries a line of clothing for men which for style, quality and durability cannot be surpassed. The clothes sold by this store represents quality throughout and you are in vited to inspect the seasonable goods now on dis play. Here you will find comprehensive lines of hats, caps, shirts, neckwear, underwear and shoes. Quality and reasonable prices go hand in hand at this store and in consequence the firm is in com mand of a steadily increasing trade in the com munity. This firm will take your measure and make you a suit of clothes and make them to fit. They also do cleaning and pressing in the most approved manner. Name this old reliable firm, name the shoe sold for men as a leader, name the proprietors and give phone number. * 13 MODERNIZE THE HOME Man is essentially a selfish animal. He supplies his office, store or shop with every known modern labor and time saving device and looks upon them virtually as life savers, without once being reminded of the fact that he ought to be a wife saver. The power behind the modern housekeeper is the elec tric "juice." Unapplied that power is useless. 'With the proper appliances she does the washing, ironing and turns the sewing machine, heats and cools the house, cooks the meals and sweeps the floor. She even curls her hair with it. Mr. Man, be a wife saver by lightening the housekeeper's burdens. There is a leading electrical firm here in Forest City that can supply you with everything electrical. Have them wire your house and then install the appliances. This firm is now in their new home, better prepared than ever to care for their increas ed business. Name and locate this firm, give the phone num ber and name the proprietors. 14 A FINE SOFT DRINK There is a splendid soft drink bottled here in Forest City, one that is particularly pleasing to the taste, because of its fine fruit flavor. A bottle on a hot day like these we are having hits the right spot. This drink is sold by all soft drink dealers in this city and section. The plant where this drink is bottled is thoroughly sanitary. The bottles are scoured, sterilized and rinsed before being filled. This popular drink is delivered fresh every day by motor truck to all soft drink dealers and many of the grocery stores and you should order a crate for your home. It will come cheaper that way. This drink is growing in popularity every day and is used largely at picnics and social gath erings. Name this popular drink, give the name of the firm bottling it, name the proprietor. THE FOREST CITY COURIER 15 THE POOR MAN'S BANK There is a new bank here in Forest City that may be rightly termed the poor man's bank for it is here that the man in very moderate circumstances may obtain a loan on satisfactory and easy terms. The savings feature is the most important at this new bank for they are paying a most liberal rate of interest on time deposits and savings, in fact this institution is teaching thrift and independence to the wage earners of this community. This bank has succeeded beyond the fondest expectations of those who were instrumental in its organization and it offers a wide range of service to its patrons. This bank will fill a long felt need in Rutherford County and its officers and directors are men of the highest integrity. Name the new bank and name its officers and directors. 16 GROCERY STORE AND MEAT MARKET The home of quality groceries and fine meats in Forest City may be found by the busy housewife at the same store. Here you will also find a line of fruits and vegetables and everything for the table may be obtained from the same firm. This firm carries a splendid line of staple and fancy groceries fresh and cured meats of all kinds. This firm has the necessary refrigerators for caring for meats at all seasons of the year. This store is eas ily reached and the telephone is always at your service. Quality goods and reasonable prices both prevail at this store and in consequence this firm is in command of a steadily increasing patronage from the people of Forest City and vicinity. The service is prompt and your patronage is appreciat ed hero. This fi?m iwas organized about one year ago. Name the proprietor and give the phone num ber. 17 SUPERIOR LAUNDRY WORK A laundry is recognized by its work and the promptness with which it is delivered!. Equipment is an important factor. Whenever you find a laundry keeping abreast of the times and install ing the latest machinery you will find a progressive concern that is deserving of public patronage. That Forest City has such a laundry is conceded by every one who keeps posted., The most modern equipment obtainable is operated for the benefit of the general public. This laundry maintains a one-day service when necessary. The telephone and delivery wag ons virtually place this enterprise next door to you for they are always ready to respond to a call and send out for your laundry. This laundry should be patronized by every loyal, patriotic citizen of Rutherford county. Name and locate this laundry, name the manager and give the phone number. 18 POPULAR STORE WITH THE MASSES There is a department store here in Forest City that is extremely popular with the people of Ruth erford county. There is a reason for this. Here you will find everything in dry goods and notions, men's and boys' clothing and shoes for the entire family. Quality has ever been the watchword with this firm and this coupled with reasonable prices has earned for the firm a growing trade in this city and community. This firm sells the famous Curlee Clothes for men and these represent quality throughout. This old reliable firm can supply the entire family with everything in wearing apparel and this may be termed the Forest City store of style without extravagance. Name this firm, name the leading shoes for both men and women sold as leaders, name the proprie tors and name the most popular line of hosiery sold here and name one of the three slogans used by the firm. 19 THE LEADING GROCERY STORE The home of quality groceries in Forest City is headquarters for the finest lines of fresh staple and fancy groceries, fruits and vegetables and this store enjoys a distinctively select patronage, numbering among its patrons, hundreds of the most careful and painstaking housekeepers in this city. Quality has always been the paramount issue with this firm and this coupled with reasonable prices has earned for them a constantly growing trade in this com munity. This firm was established two years ago and the business was foundfed on the principle of giving their patrons and customers value received for every dollar expended. This store is always kept in a cleanly sanitary condition, the service is thoroughly efficient and a trial order here will con vince you. Name this store, name the coffee "Good to the Last Drop" sold as a leader and give the phone number. 20 GOOD BREAD IS THE STAFF OF LIFE Good bread is the staff of life and the trouble with the American people is that they do not eat enough of it. Bread made at a modern bakery and under sanitary conditions is the most wholesome and nutritious of all our foods. There is a leading bakery here in Forest City whose product is as pure as it is humanly possible to make it and the bread is a household word in this city and section. This bakery will supply all your needs in fresh pies, cakes and pastries of all kinds and these may be obtained at the bakery or in the grocery stores. This is a home enterprise and backed! by home cap ital and is worthy of the support of every loyal citizen of this city and county. Name and locate this bakery, name the favorite bread made and name the manager and give the phone number. Get your 21 THE FAST GROWING BANK If at first you don't succeed, don't give up in despair and disgust and become a plodder. Let saving accompany your second attempt and then there will be no failure, no discouragement, no necessity for further trial. Consider this sugges tion from the viewpoint of all human experience. Accept its wisdom and truth, and then do not hesitate to open an account with the fast growing bank of Forest City. This sound banking institu tion numbers among its officers some of the leading men of the community and their names are a guarantee of safety and success. This bank spe cializes in commercial and savings accounts and pays a splendid rate of interest on savings. This young bank is teaching thrift to the wage earner. Start an account here today. Name this bank, give the amount of capital stock and surplus combined and name the officers. 22 HOME OF QUALITY FURNITURE Forest City has a reliable firm of furniture deal ers and this establishment has rendered valuable service to the people of this city and county. This firm carries medium and high grade furniture, rugs, carpets and other floor coverings, stoves and ranges. This firm handles the product of the most reliable factories and there is nothing in the house furnishing line that cannot be readily supplied and on the very best terms. Whether you are furnish ing a house complete or seeking for a single article, you should not overlook the offerings of this firm. This firm sells the best phonographs in the world. Name this firm, name the phonograph sold and name the most widely advertised and best known Kitchen Cabinet sold as a leader, and name the manager. 23 A LEADING FURNITURE STORE In Forest City will be found a modern house furnishing establishment where quality has ever been the watchword, and a square dfeal is accord ed every customer. The fine display of furni ture offered by this progressive concern immedi ately appeals to shopper looking for dependable merchandise. This firm can readily supply any thing in the house furnishing line and on the very best terms. Furniture buyers whether seeking a single article or the furnishings for a home com plete, should not overlook the offerings of this firm. This firm carries splendid lines of medium and high grade furniture, rugs, carpets and other floor coverings stoves and ranges. Name this firm and give the name of the range sold as a leader and the name of the manager and name the kitchen cabinet sold here. 24 LEADING CONFECTIONERY STORE In every city the size of Forest City there is always a leading confectionery store and this city is no exception to the general rule. Forest City has a confectionery store where you may obtain everything in high grade candies of all kinds and there is a modern soda fountain where all that is latest and best in soft drinks may be obtained. This store manufactures most of the candy offered for sale and it is absolutely pure and is very much in popular favor at the present time. It is made from the purest ingredients the market affords and a trial box will convince you. This store is very popular with the young folks of this city and your patronage is appreciated here. Name this store, name the candy sold as a lead er and name the proprietor. 25 LEADING GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE There is a large general merchandise store in Forest City that sells for cash and therefore sells for less. Quality has always been paramount with this firm and this coupled with reasonable prices has won for them an increasing trade in this city and county. This store carries splendid lines of dry goods and notions, clothing for men and shoes for every member of the family. You can also get your fine staple and fancy groceries at this store, as well as fruits and vegetables and fresh meats. This store is the shopping center for many of Ruth erford County's leading families and they are made to feel at home here. Name this store and give the name of the fine shoes for ladies sold as a leader, give the phone number and name the members of the firm. 26 THE LEADING INSURANCE AGENCY If it were not for the protection afforded by in surance, the business man could not afford to risk the capital necessary to conduct his business. The home owner would have no funds to rebuild his dwelling and to furnish it unless he were amply protected by insurance. Who could afford to op erate an automobile and take the ever present chance of injuring someone and thereby becoming liable for unlimited damages? There is insurance protection for every human need and* it is import ant to you to have it placed with an agency which can handle it intelligently and whose record in the payment of claims is perfect. There is a leading insurance firm here in Forest City that can fur nish you with any kind of insurance. Name this firm, give location of office and give the telephone number. 27 FOREST CITY'S LEADING RESTAURANT There is a leading restaurant here in Forest City, one that is very much in popular favor at the pres ent time. There is a reason for its popularity. It is due to the quality of the food served and the reasonable prices charged. This is the largest and best eating place in the city, the service is all that could be desired and in consequence this restaurant is in command of a steadily increasing patronage. It has ever been the aim of the management to give the public the very best service possible and if you will try a meal here you will be convinced. This restaurant is for both ladies and gentlemen and serves regular meals as well as short orders. This restaurant features Sunday dinners at 75 cents. Name this popular eating place, give the phone number and name of the proprietor. 28 EVERYTHING TO BUILD YOUR HOME We furnish everything to build your home, and with it a service that will please—a service that counts for something—including expert advice when desired which often results in considerable saving to our customers. We handle all kinds of rough and dressed lumber, high grade mill work, doors, windows and laths, Kingsport common and face brick, lime cement and plaster, builders' hard ware of all kinds. We gin and buy cotton, handle meal and hulls. This is a pioneer lumber firm of Forest City and it is noted for the high quality of material carried and reasonable prices charged. If you contemplate building a new home this firm will be pleased to submit estimates, etc. Name and locate this firm, name the proprietors and give the phone number.

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