Advertisements inserted for 2c per word each insertion. Cash in advance. WANTED Experienced canvas ser for food and toilet articles in Rutherford county. A. -J. Hamrick, 3pindale. N. C. 47-tf ' 4 ATTENTION BUILDERS —We have a full line of Lime and Cement and are ready to fill your orders for that Fall building program you have mapped out. Don't build until you have consulted us about your Lime and Cement. Flack Hardware Co., Forest City. 4?-4t We are in position to make long time loans on improved farm lands 6 per cent. Edwards & Edwards, Rutherford ton, N. C. 20-tt VULCANIZING —We are equipped t) do vulcanizing on short notice and at reasonable price. Morgan Tire and Battery Shop. Xing St. Phone 10? 48-tf. * * LAND FOR SALE—Ir you want some good land that will make bale of cotton to the acre, in Newberry County. S. C., at from twelve to twenty dollars per acre, see J. M. Calton, or write S. W. Brown, New berry, S. C., R-2. We have tenets from one hundred! to eight hundred acres. J. M. Calton. Bostic, N. C. 49-2t PLUMBING—See Flack & Holmes for all kinds of plumbing and heat- work. Experts in our line. Prompt and reasonable in charges. 47-4t WE BUY OR SELL—AII kinds of real estate. We can get what you want or sell what you need at the right price. Sales conduct ed.* A general real estate busi ness. See us before you buy or eell. CYCLONE AUCTION CO. Forest City. 52-tf ATTENTION BUILDERS—Come to us for Lehigh Cement, Blue Ridge Lime, White Rock Plaster and Build ing Material of all kinds. Flack Hardware Co., Forest City. 47-4t NOTICE—You can get good serv ice at East Main Street Filling Sta tion. Try us. Free air- 45-4t Sojpie great pictures are coming to the Movie. Read the program in to day's paper. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD?— See Flack Hardware Co., Forest City, for your Lime and Cement. We can save you money on your order. Full line and best in quality. 47-4t BUY CONCORD YARNS—Direct from manufacturer at a big saving. Spun from long combed wool. Write for free samples of many beautiful shades and heather mixtures. 50c per doz. skein. $2.00 per lb. Postage paid on all orders. Also pure wool blankets. Concord Worsted Mills, Concord, N. H. 48-4t BATTERY SERVICE— Eight hour battery service. We have a rental battery for your car. Phone us and we will call for your battery. Mor gan Tire and Battery Shop. King St. CLEVELAND AND RUTHERFORD COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE We have farms running from 3 1-2 to 200 acres in the best sections of the two counties. The prices are right and we can ar range the terms to suit most any buyer. For in formation write or call, BLANTON & GREENE Garage Bldg. Mooresboro, N. C. 36-tf j Piaster, Lime and Cement. Get 'the best at Flack Hardware Co., For est City. 47-4t j READ CAREFULLY | Why a man quit using a Ford— j He died. 3. B. Doggect Dr. RALPH R. HOWES Dentist New Poole I Telephone 156 FOREST CITY, N. C. ! _ | It pays to buy the best. Get your I lime and cement ac Flack Hardware ■ Co., Forest City. 47-4- i DR. C. 5. McCALL Dentist I New X-Jtay LaAssistant Office Over Farmers Bank J READ CAREFULLY Why a man quit using a F >rd—- I He died. B. 3. Doggect DR. FRANK R. WILKIN'S ! Dentist Next to P. 0.. Forest City, N. C. Over Daiton Bro3 Store | | Get your lime, cement, plaster from Flack Hardware Co., Forest City, j 47-4t i Younj People'j Barker Slkop For Ladies and Gents Best Equipped Shop In Town PALACE BARBER SHOP A SENSIBLE PLACE TO GO F. R. Beam, Proprietor. EVERYTHING STERILIZED New Dofjett Build i? West Main Street FOREST CITY, N. C. KZEMAPF Money back without question J\~~ if HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES fLis\ (Hunt's Salve and Soap),fail in f Jyf j? the treatment of Itch, Eczema, 4lyJ j J Rineworm,Tetterorotheritch- fit J / 1 injf akin diseases. Try thio 4 * ' treatment at our rials. REINHARDT DRUG CO. I For All 2 3 The Family S f"We use Black-Draught ia « our family of six children and ™ -A find it a good liver and bowel regulator," says Mrs. C. E. W Nutt, of Mineral Springs, J £| Ark. "I have taken it my- mm self in the last two or three years for indigestion. I ■ | A would feel dizzy, have gaa Jjr ' m and sour stomach, also feel a Hl ' 2 tightness in my chest. I'd ■ | IB take a good doee of W j BLACK-DRAUGHT !3 Liver Medicine g I Mi when I felt that way, and it A [ would relieve me, and I would J I *9 feel better for days. V i "My husband takes it for Hi | biliousness. He says he has J 's! never found its equal. When V m he has the tired, heavy feel- & ing, he takes Black-Draught J night and morning for a few mP jsS days and he doesn't complain ]2 any more. W "I sure do recommend Thed- Br m ford's Black-Draught." m Your liver is the largest g organ in your body. When W 'M out of order, it causes many « complaints. Put your l?v9r » m in shape by taking Black- W Draught. Purely vegetable. 1 So" E«nrwhere J| 111911911111^ THE FOREST CITY COURIER NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL Pursuant to Section 9 to Chapter 56 of the Public Laws of 1915, no tice is hereby given that the assess ment roils ior the local improvements described below have been completed and are now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Forest City, N. C., and will, be open for in spection by interested parties for ten (10) days after the publication of this notice. Character of improvements: Street and Sidewalks—West Main street irom the public square to Harrill Bros. Store. Street only—Harrill street from West Main street to Mrs. C. W. Har rill's west property line. Friday, September 25th, 1925, at 4 o'clock p. m., at the Mayor's of fice has been set by the Board of Commissioners of said town as the time and place for the hearing of al legations and objections to said as sessments. Done by order of the Board of Commissioners of the town of Foresi. City, and ordered published Sept. 10th, 1925 in the Forest City Courier. This Bth day of Sept., 1925. 48-lt J. E. CALDWELL, Clerk Town of Forest City. NOTICE—PAVING ASSESSMENT Notice is hereby given that the nrst payment on paving assessments for the streets named below will be due October Ist., 1925. Payments may be made to the Clerk of the town of Forest City on or before the 30tr d?y of September. 1925 without interest being charged. Ail unpaid amounts on October 1. 1925. will draw in terest at the rate of six per cent per annum from August sth. 1925. that being the date on which the assess ment rolls were confirmed. Below is a list of the streets on which the above notice applies: Ar lington street, Alexander Avenue, Beaver Avenue. Carolina Avenue. Cherry Mountain street. College street, Grace street. Martin Alley, Powell street. This 9th day of September. 1925. J. E. CALDWELL. Clerk, 43-3t Town of Forest City. TRUSTEES SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust made and executed by Lan drum Hall and wife, Ella Hall, which deed of trust is dated the 11th day of October, 1923 and recorded in Book U-5 of deeds page 285 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rutherford County. N. C. Default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness thereby secured and demand having been made by the undersigned trustee upon the owner of said indebtedness, the undersigned trustee will on Wednesday the 7th Day of Oct., 1925 within the legal hours of sale, in front of the Forest City Building and Loan Association's office, on the Public Square in Forest City. N. C.. expose to public sale to the last and highest bidder for cash the following described lot of land lying and being in the town of Forest City. N. C.. and on Forest street and described as fol lows : Beginning on a stake in the edge of Forest street thence North 63, West with the middle of lot No. 77, 200 feet to a stake; thence South 22, West 46 feet to the corner of lot No. 78; thence with the line of lot No. 78 200 feet to a stake in the edge of Forest street; thence with Forest street North 22, East 46 feet to the beginning. Being the south ern half of lot No. 77 and shown on the map of the R. M. Harrill and Mrs. C. M. Harrill (dec'd) property made by J. A. Wilkie. surveyor and on record in the office the register of deeds for Rutherford County, N. C., in Book 11 and at page 590 refer ence to which is made for a more complete description of said lot. This 2nd day of September. 1925. W. L. BROWN. Trustee. 47-4t READ CAREFULLY Why a man quit using a Ford— He died. B. B, Doggett Renew Your Health by Purification Any physician will tell you that " Perfect Purification of the Sys tem is Nature's foundation of Perfect Health." Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are undermining your vitality? Purify your entire system by tak ing a thorough, course of Calotabs, —once or twice a week for several weeks —and see how Nature re wards you with health. Calotabs are the greatest of all system purifiers. Get a family package, containing full direc N tions, price 35 cts.; trial package, 10 cts. At any drug store. (Adv.), "THEN AND NOW" (Continued From Page Six) at Squire Flaxen's was all a ruse gotten up by the Squire, William Buster, Annie and Mattie to try to attract the attention of such as Polly and her friends, Sid, Ganes and oth ers, so that William and his guards could get a chance to catch them napping and arrest the whole gang. Every one had been bound to secrecy but some how the deserters, Sid. old Tobe and Ganes had found it out. Now, as you will remember, Pope Ganes was a spy and knew a great deal, but for a long time had not been seen by any one except old Charles one night at the cave. But everybody seemed to just know that he was about and in hiding with Sid and Tobe. How on earth did he and they find out that on a Tuesday night that there was to be a general raid by the William Buster forces. This was a surprise to Squire Flaxen and in his Irish way said some one had slipped a cog. Thez - e was an achin' in the camp somewhere, he said, or a negro in the wood pile. But to play out their hand the party at Squire's must be pulled otf on time and it was. You never saw so many folk as crowded in and around the Squire's old home. Torch lights and candles were seen every where. Horses and mules were hitched to every post and many to trees. The music had begun in the great room. Violin, Banjo, trom bones and such a racket as only a crowd of youngsters can make in war times, could be heard all over the place, when down near the spring a gun fired. (To Be Continued) N OTIC EOF SAL E By virtue of the authority con tained in a certain dead of trust exe cuted on the Ist day of December, 1922 by C. B, Hicks to Southern Trust Company. Trustee, and record ed in Book 4. page 9. in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rutherford county. N. C., default having oeen made in the conditions of said deed of trust, the said Southern Trust Company, Trustee, will on the Twenty-Eighth Day Of Sept., 1925 at twelve o'clock, noon, at the court house door of Rutherford County, N. C., sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, that certain piece or parcel of land situated in Logans Store Township, Rutherford County, N. C., adjoining the lands of Colman Bridges, Mrs. E. Allen, W. W. Goode, Baxter Champion and others, and de scribed as follows: Beginning on a P. O. stump on the West side of the public road, Owen's corner and runs thence with his iine North 29 1-2 East 54 1-2 poles to a stone by a pine; thence South 19 1-2 East 98 poles to a stone by two dog woods; thence South 73 1-2 West (v-2) 27 poles to a stone, Allen's cor ner; thence with his line South 21 East (v-1-2) 71 poles to a stone near the head of a branch; thence south 12 1-2 East (v-1-2) 58 poles to a stake on the creek bank just below the mouth of a small branch; thence up the creek as it meandei's North 46 West 51 poles to a stake; thence West 24 poles to a birch, Crott's cor ner; thence with his line North 8 West (v-3 1-2) 136 poles to a P. O. stump on the West bank of the road; thence South 60 West (v-1) 12 poles to a P. O.; thence North 44 East 11 1-2 poles to the beginning, contain ing 48 acres, more or less. This notice dated and posted this 28th day of August, 1925. SOUTHERN TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. By W. A. Worth. Attorney. 47-4t. TAX NOTICE W. E. Moore has been appointed Deputy Town Tax Collector to col lect the unpaid 1924 town taxes. All who are in arrears on said taxes are urged £o see Mr. Moore and make im mediate settlement. By order of the Board of Commis sioners, Town of Forest City. 48-4t. FOR OVER ZOO YEARS Haarlem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. G*S*»U correct internal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three sizes. All druggists- Insist ON FHW original genuine GOLD MEDAV [RESULTS SHOW VALUE OF BEAN BEETLE WORK Raleigh, Sept. 14.—Observations made this summer by J. C. Crawford, field entomologist for the North Car olina Experiment Station show that farmers who followed recommenda tions in the control of the Mexican Bean Bettie in western North Caro lina secured good results, states Prof, j Franklin Sherman of the Division of j Entomology. Mr. Crawford is stationed at the 1 Mountain Branch Station near Swan ' nanoa and during the past month has had the opportunity of studying the bean bettie situation in several moun tain counties. He reports that the beetles appeared in young beans about May. 20 this year which was earlier than in 1924. The bettles were more abundant this year than last but those plantings which were poisoned according to recommenda tions made by the Division of ento mology often outlived and outgrew the early injury by beetles. The dry weather aided in this somewhat as it allowed the poison to remain on the beans for a longer period of time. Some localities at higher altitudes had less damage than in 1924 even though no poisoning was done. The poisons recommended by Mr. Crawford were retested this year with success and many additionai preparations were tried out in an ex perimental way. The Mexican Bean Beetle has been in North Carolina otiiy a few years, having spread northward from Ala bama and invading Cherokee Coun ty in 1921. Since that time it has spread throughout the mountains and moved eastward to a line through Charlotte. Statesvi'.le and Mount Airy. The ?>&>; seems to prefer the higher and cooler elevations it is not known now whether it will invade great soybean sections >f eastern Car olina. Mr. Craw:or i also studied a num ber of other insect pests in the mountain territory this summer and found that most of them could be controlled with the usual poisons rec ommended, DEMONSTRATION FOR CLUB MEMBERS Rutherfordton, Sept. 15.—0n Mon day and Tuesday, September 21st and 22nd at 10 o'clock Miss Martha Whitfield of the Southern Cotton Oil Co.. will give a demonstration to the club ladies in "Preparation of Foods" especially the use of vegetables and fruits in saiads. On Friday of the same week, Sep tember 2-sth at 10 o'clock, Miss Helen Estabrook, State Clothing specialist, will give a demonstration in "Fit ting the Foundation Pattern." Both ladies will give their demon strations in the assembly room of the City Hall, at Rutherfordton. All la dies in the county are invited to at tend. Plow under all cotton stalks after the last picking and do this before frost if possible, advise extension workers at State College. This will greatly aid in boll weevil control next year. Forest City-Marion-Spartanburg Bus Line SOUTH BOUND Leave. Marion 1:15 Rutherfordton 8:00 2:25 Spindale 8:10 2:30 Forest City 7:00 8:20 2:40 Caroleen. 7:15 8:35 2:5P Henrietta 7:25 8:45 3:05 Cliffside 7:35 8:55 3:15 Chesnee 8:00 9:20 3:40 Siayo . 8:10 9:30 3:50 Cherokee Springs _ 8:20 '.':4o 4:00 Spartanburg B*4o 10:00 4:20 Lay in Your Winter Supply of Coal Now! It will be to your best interests to buy your win ter's supply of Coal now, before there is any ad vance in price. I HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF CLINCHFIELD COAL FOR ALL PURPOSES And deliver anywhere. A phone call is all that is necessary. You know the quality of Clinch field Coal. It is the best for the money- and now is the time to buy. W. J. FREEMAN Phone 1514 Bostic, N. C. The Round Hillian Published by Senior Class i i Round Hill Academy. i ! Subscription 25c School Year. Mail orders tor subscription, or advertising to J. M. SMART, Union Mills, N. C. *» »»******«« * * * COURTNEY & HIGHTOWER • Funeral Director* and Em- * balmen. * East Avonda.e, N. C- * * Lacated in Wells Broi. Stare. * All Calls Responded to * Promptly—Day or Nijist. * Hearse Service Rendered * Promptly. * ********** ** *l l l ] * *■ ' fffißpfVi (& 1 I*r.BHBPKB , ',W&fjp r AMERICAN SPPMI SERVICE 3T^TiQ»H *•■£*. \K «*w»T . ;i mm\Ht jfttui' «••!>* ♦ GANDY KITCHEN i ► ► > ► CALIFORNIA FRUIT. PEARS, \\ ► PLUMS. GRAPES. HONEY " i ► DEW MELONS. TOMATOES, o 4 ► BEANS, LETTUCE. CANDIES, o 0 ETC. > 1 * > > THE CANDY KITCHEN :i 4 » JOHN THOMAS, Prop. * O Next Door to Pa stoffica > > » FOREST CITY, N. 0. j: Leave. A.M. AM. P.M Spartanburg Cherokee Springs. Mayo Chesnee Cliffside Henrietta Car&leen 10:1k 3:36 6: Forest City 10:30 c :50 6:i Spindale Rutherfordton 10:50 4:10 6:50 Marion 12:00 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 1925 NORTH BOUND A.M. P.M. P.M 9:00 2:00 5:00 9:15 2:20 S:IF 9:25 2:25 5:25 10:40 4:00 6: