Advertisements inserted for lc per word each insertion. Cash in advance. WANTED —Experienced canvas ser for food and toilet articles in Rutherford county. A. J. Hamrick. Spindale. N. C. 47-tf ♦ ATTENTION BUILDERS —We have a full line of Lime and Cement and are ready to fill your orders for that Fail building program you have mapped out. Don't build until you have consulted us about your Lime and Cement. Flack Hardware Co., Forest City. 47-4t We are in position to make long time loans on improved farm lands at 6 per cent. Edwards & Edwards. Rucherfordton, N. C. 20-tf VULCANIZING —We are equipped to do vulcanizing on short notice and at reasonable price. Morgan Tire and Battery Shop. King St. Phone 163 48-tf. LAND FOR SALE—If you v&nz some good land that will make "bale of cotton to the acre, in Newberry County, S. C.. at froir. twelve to twenty dollars per acre, see J. M. Calton, or write S. W. Brown, New berry, S. C.. R-2. We have tracts from one hundred to eight hundred acres. J. M. Calton. Bostic, N. C. 49-21 Keep cool at The Movie. PLUMBING —See Flack & Holmes for all kinds of plumbing and heat ing work. Experts in our line. Prompt and reasonable in charges. 47-4t WE BUY OR SELL—AII kinds of real estate. We can get what you want or sell what you need tl the right price. Sales conduct ed. A general real estate busi ness. See us before you buy or sell. CYCLONE AUCTION CO., Forest City. 52-tf ATTENTION BUILDERS—Come to us for Lehigh Cement, Blue Ridge Lime, White Rock Plaster and Build ing Material of all kinds. Flack Hardware Co., Forest City. 47-4t NOTICE—You can get good' serv ice at East Main Street Filling Sta tion. Trv us. Free air. 45-4t -i Some great pictures are coming to the Movie. Read the program in to day's paper. BATTERY SERVICE—Eight hour battery service. We have a rental battery for your car. Phone us and we will call for your battery. Mor gan Tire and Battery Shop. King St. Phone 163. 48-tf NOTICE—Corn $1.45 per bushel, good burr ground corn meal $1.45 per bushel, f. o. b. Marion, N. C. Will ship any quantity over two bushels. Catawba Valley Mills, Ma- rion, N C. 49-2t LIME AND CEMENT—Ww have the best in Lime, Cement, Plaster. See us if you are contemplating build ing. Best in quality, best in price and best in service- Flack Hardware Co., Forest City. 47-4t CLEVELAND AND RUTHERFORD COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE We have farms running from 3 . 1-2 to 200 acres in the best sections of the two counties. The prices are right and we can ar range the terms to suit most any buyer. For in formation write or call, BLANTON & GREENE Garage Bldg. * Mooresboro, N. C. 36-tf Plaster, Lime and Cement, Get the best at Flack Hardware Co., For est City. 47-4t READ CAREFULLY Why a man quit using a Ford— He died. B. B. Doggett Get your lime, cement, plaster from Flack Hardware Co., Forest City. 47-4t READ CAREFULLY j Why a man quit using a Ford— j He died. B. B. Doggett t ____________ COWS—Three Jerseys, good milk ers; reasonably priced. See G- W. j Henry. Forest City 49-2t FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Jerssy calf. Apply to T. A. Bostic, R-l, i Forest Citv. * 49-2fc i Keep cool at The Movie. j _ _ NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF COT iON ASSOCIATION: Beginning with Thursday. September 17. I will receive cotton for shipment only on Tuesdays and Fridays. This plan will be beneficial to both of us, so please abide by it. There will not be any body at the station to receive cotton except on Tuesdays and Fridays. J. W. Matheny, Receiving Agent. I MAY be able to give some good advice to residents of Forest City or surrounding country who are interest ed in Florida. Address Lecil Parker, 353 S. W. 6th St.. Miami. Florida. 50-3t It pays to buy the best. Get your lime and cement at Flack Hardware Co.. Forest City. 47-4t BUY CONCORD YARNS Direct from manufacturer at a big saving. Spun from long combed wool in many beautiful shades and Heather mix tures for Hand Knitting; also ma chine knicting. 50c four oz, skein, $2.00 per lb. Write for free samples today. ALL WOOL blankets at wholesale prices. Concord Worsted Mills, W. Concord. N. K, 48-4t NOTICE —This is to notify the public at large that any one is for bidden to employ or keep my son, Polk Bailey, who is under age. If he applies for work or help, notify his father. G. R. Bailey, Forest City, N. r 50-lt Dr. RALPH R. HOWES Dentist New Poole Building Telephone 156 FOREST CITY, N. C. Young People s Barber Shop For Ladies and Gents Best Equipped Shop In Town PALACE BARBER SHOP A SENSIBLE PLACE TO GO F. R- Beam, Proprietor. EVERYTHING STERILIZED New Doggeit Building West Main Street FOREST CITY, N. C, DR. C. S. McCALL Dentist New X-tay Lady Assistant Office Over Farmers Bank DR. FRANK R. WILKINS Dentist Next to P. 0., Forest City, N. C. Over Dalton Bros Store ECZE Money back without qu if HUNT'S GUAR AN . . SKIN DISEASB REMEP (Hunt's Salve and Soap* ' the treatment ofltch, Bceero Rinarworm.Tetterorotheritch ins akin diseases. Try thib treatment at our risk. REINHARDT DRUG CO. nm fEED BDIES Jl erttch- #V j /1 ORDINANCE At a regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Commissioners of the Town of Forest City, North Carolina, held in the Mayor's office in said town on Friday night, September 4th, 1925, the following resolution was duly passed and adopted: It is here by ordained and published and re solved by the Mayor and Board of Commissioners: That for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and gen eral welfare of this community, the legislative body of the said Town does hereby appoint a Zoning Committee composed of the following named citi zens of the Town of Forest City: G. C. McDaniel, M. E. Dorsey, Hovle El liott, and G. C. McDanieL as chairman of said Commission, whose duties shall be to recommend the boundaries of the various original districts and appropriate regulations to be enforc ed therein concerning the health, con struction of buildings and the general welfare of said town. It is further ordained and publish ed by said Mayor and Board of Com missioners: That all building permits heretofore issued to any person or persons for the purpose of erecting any filling station or other building, within the area and boundaries of the various districts, which may be ecommended by said Zoning Commis sion, upon which buildings no actual work of construction has been done, be, and the same are hereby revoked from and after the passage and adop tion of this ordinance. This the 4th day of September, 1925. L. C. LOWP.ANCE. Mayor. N otic a We, the undersigned members of the Zoning Commission of the Town of Forest City do hereby serve notice of a meeting of said Commission to be held in the Mayor's office in the Town of Forest City on the 25th. day of September, 1925 at 4:00 o'clock p .m., at which time we shall hear all complaints and causes why the boundaries and districts recommend ed by this commission should not be adopted.. This the Bth day of September. 1925. HOYLE ELLIOTT M. E. DORSEY, G. C. McDANIEL, 48-3t Chairman NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the authority con tained in a certain deed of trust exe cuted on the Ist day of December, 1922 by C. B. Hicks to Southern Trust Company, Trustee, and record ad in Book 4, page 9, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Rutherford county, N. C., default having been made in the conditions of said deed of trust, the said Southern Trust Company, Trustee, will on the Twenty-Eighth Day Of Sept., J. 925 at twelve o'clock, noon, at the court house door of Rutherford County, N. C., sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, that certain piece or parcel of land situated in Logans Store Township, Rutherford County, N. C., adjoining the lands of Colman Bridges, Mrs. E. Allen, W. W. Goode, Baxter Champion and others, and de scribed as follows: Beginning on a P. O. stump on the West side of the public road. Owen's corner and runs thence with his line North 29 1-2 East 54 l-2jpoles to a stone by a pine; thence South 19 1-2 East 98 poles to a stone by two dog woods; thence South 73 1-2 West (v-2) 27 poles to a stone, Allen's cor ner; thence with his line South 21 East (v-1-2) 71 poles to a stone near the head of a branch; thence south 12 1-2 East (v-1-2) 58 poles to a stake on the creek bank just below the mouth of a small branch; thence up the creek as it meanders North 46 West 51 poles to a stake; thence West 24 poles to a birch, Crott's cor ner; thence with his line North 8 West (v-3 1-2) 136 poles to a P. O. stump on the West bank of the road; thence South 60 West (v-1) 12 poles to a P. O.; thence North 44 East 11 1-2 poles to the beginning, contain ing 48 acres, more or less. This notice dated and posted this 28th day of August, 1925. SOUTHERN TRUST COMPANY, Trustee. By W. A. Worth, Attorney. 47-4t. TAX NOTICE W. E. Moore has been appointed Deputy Town Tax Collector to col lect the unpaid 1924 town taxes. All who are in arrears on said taxes are urged to see Mr. Moore and make im mediate settlement. By order of the Board of Commis sioners, Town of Forest City. 48-4t. THE FOREST CITY COURIER WILLI AMS-McCALL WEDDING Spindale, Sept. 21.—0n Wednes day afternoon, Sept. 9. at 4:30 a beautfiul wedding was solemnized at the Ist Baptist church of Marion when Miss Mary Willie McCall be came the bride of Mr. Dazel Mc- Dowell Williams. The church was lovely in a setting of green and white with large whice tape**s and tall white baskets filled with asters. Prior to the ceremony Mrs. George McCall sweetly sang Garden" and Mr Young of Salisbury, sang. '•Because,'' accompanied at the piano by Miss Crawford, aunt of the bride. When the strains of Mendelssohn's ceased and the music changed to Lohengrin's bridai march, which was used as the processional.. The bridesmaids were charmingiy dressed in colored after noon frocks with picture hats to match, carrying arm bouquets of col ored asters. While the groomsmen wore blue conventional suits. They were: Miss Margaret Craig with Mr. Donald Watkins, of Rutherfordton: Miss Muice Cook of Salisbury, and Mr. Robert McDaniei, Miss Margaret league and Mr. Ralph Maultsby, of Rutherfordton; Miss Ree Williams, sister of the groom, of Spindale, with Mr. Glenn McCall, brother of the bride: Miss Mary Ellen Store of Asne ville and Mr. John Anderson, Jr.. of Rutherfordton: Miss Janette Gilkey v/ith Mr. Roy Corn. Then came the dame of honor. Mrs. Edward Pless, handsomely dressed in orchid with hat to match, carrying La France roses. Miss Evelyn McCall, maid of honor, was attractive in peach color ed georgette with ostrich trimming and hat to match, carrying sun-burst roses. Little Miss Laura Ellen Car son of Rutherfordton as flower girl was adorable in yellow, carrying a basket or asters. Master Le:cy Boni er »>f Raleigh, who was ring bearer was attractive in a black satin Oliver Twist suit with white crepe tie chine Mouse, carrying the ring in the heart of an Annunciation Lily. The bride came in on the arm oi her father and was never more beau tiful, wearing an afternoon gown of white beaded georgette, made over blouse fashion, being caught on the side with sequim eabashons with a hat to match, carrying a shower bou quet of bride roses and valley lilies, j and was met at the altar by the groom who was attended by his uncle, Mr. Earnest Rhyne of Charlotte. Dur ing the ceremony. '"The Answer was I played, the echo being used after the wedding. An elaborate reception was given at the Marion Lake club house, which had been made beauti ful for the occasion and where scores of friends called to offer congratula tions. Mrs, Williams is the talented daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mc- Call. She is accomplished in both piano and voice and has the distinc tion of being the author of a song. Mr. Williams is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Williams, of Spindale, and is a prosperous textile man and pos sesses a striking personality. The hanpy couple left immediately for the beach where they will spend some time. A number attended the wedding from Spindale. CLEVELAND COUNTY PLEASED WITH MR. ERWIN'S PROMOTION W. Ross Hill, superintendent of the Rutherford county schools has resign ed his position to take effect Oct. Ist and Prof. Clyde A. Erwin, superin tendent of the Cliffside schools has been elected to succeed him. This promotion for Mr. Erwin will be learned with pleasure to the many friends of Mr. Erwin in Cleveland county who is a native of Waco. Shelby Star. Sir Walter Raleigh's first colony landed on Roanoke Island July 26, 1585. No permanent settlement was effected until about 1663, NOTICE—PAVING ASSESSMENT Notice is hereby given that the first payment on paving assessments for the streets named below will be due October Ist, 1925. Payments may be made to the Clerk of the town of Forest City on or before the 30th day of September, 1925 without interest being charged. All unpaid amounts on October 1, 1925, will draw in terest at the rate of six per cent per annum from August sth, 1925, that being the date on which the assess ment rolls were confirmed. Below is a list of the streets on which the above notice applies: Ar lington street, Alexander Avenue, Beaver Avenue, Carolina Avenue, Cherry Mountain street, College street, Grace street, Martin Alley, Powell street. This 9th day of September, 1925. J. E. CALDWELL, Clerk, 48-3t Town of Forest City, READ CAREFULLY Why a man quit using a Ford— He died. B. B. Doggett UNIVERSITY EXTENSION CLASS FOR COUNTY Prof. B. A. Stevens, assistant pro fessor of Education at University of North Carolina was in the county recently arranging for an extension class to be given under the Extension Division of the University. . It will be for the benefit of teachers, preach ers or anyone interested. All are eligible to take it. The purpose is for college degree credit or for re newing or raising teachers' certifi cates. It will meet once a week for one hour and forty-five minutes. A | nominal fee will be charged to cover expenses. Prof. Stevens will give the course. He is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and Columbia University. All who are interested in the course are asked to meet at the Rutherford ton elementary school building, Sept. 30th at 3:30 p. m. There will be a similar meeting at Henrietta-Caro leen High school building, Sept. 30th at 7 p. m. The University is reaching more people through correspondence and extension than it is on the campus. In other words, the campus is state wide These extension classes offer a great opportunity to those who can not go to college, as well as to teach ers who wish to raise their certifi cates. Does Your Back Ache? Bad Backs Bring Sufferinj to Many Forest City Folks. Is that dull, constant backache making you old and miserable? Does your bactc throb and ache until it seems you just can't keep going? Do you suffer headaches, dizzy spells and urinary disorders; feel weak, tired and worn-out? Then look to your kidneys. Delay may mean seri ous kidney sickness! Use Duan's Piiis—a stimulant diuretic to the kid- ( neys. Doan's are recommended by I Forest City folks. Mrs. G. E. Wilson, Butler St., For-j est City, says: "My back was sore and stiff and I couldn't stoop on ac count of sharp, stabbing pains thru the small of it. I was always tired and sleepy and dizzy spells often came over me. My kidneys acted ir regularly, too. A friend recommend ed Doan's Pills ana two boxes, which I used, entirely cured me." Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Pills—the same that Mrs. Wil son had. Foster-Milbum Co., Mfrs., Butfaio. N. Y. Variety in the diet is essential to health and growth, so recent experi ments show. LET US iIELP YOU! We want to be your friends—so take a friend's advice: When you want the choicest of FRESH MEATS or the finest of Fancy Groceries or the best of Fresh Vege tables—think of HARRILL & GROSE We are just as near as your telephone. yVe Pride Ourselves On Our Service. Phone us your orders—they will receive the same care ful attention as if you were being served in person. HARRILL & GROSE Forest City, N. C. FRESH MEATS AND FANCY GROCERIES. P.. C. ALEXANDER B. H. CARSON STOP AT THE CITY SERVICE STATION —FOR— Texaco Gas and Motor Oils THE BEST FOR YOUR CAR Next to Doggett's Garage E. Main St FOREST CITY, N. C. } INSURANCE 5 BROWN INSURANCE AGENCY W. L. BROWN Bank Building THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 192S Forest City Lodge No. 381, A. F. & A. M. 1 Regular Meeting Dates: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Members and Visitors Urged ' to Attend. The Round Hillian Published by Senior Class Round Hil! Academy. Subscription 25c School Year. Mai! orders for subscription, or advertising to 5 . SPLENDID ! PROGRAMS ' f eludes some of the best pic -4 tures made. Always clean, en- X teTtainmg and instructive. See program on another page. Pictures shown in % Forest City will appear in Spin * dale on next following day. ♦ Renew Your Health by Purification Any physician will tell you that "Perfect Purification of the Sys tem is Nature's foundation of Perfect Health." Why not rid yourself of chronic ailments that are undermining your vitality? Purify your entire system by tak ing a thorough course of Calotabs, —once or twice a week for several weeks —and see how Nature re wards you with health. Calotabs are the greatest of all system purifiers, Get a family package, containing full diree, tions, price 35 cts.; trial package, 10 cts. At any drug store. (Adv.), Building & Loan Office J. M. SMART, Union Mills, N. C. EVERY WEEK DAY '«• NIGHT "''i at the LIBERTY THEATRE SPrNDALE. N. C. Our movie program in—

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