The Courier Only $1.50 Per Year > VOL. VIII—No.^/^ MORGAN-ST ARNES WEDDING MONDAY AFTERNOON Beautiful and Impressive Cere mony, Uniting Prominent Couples; Performed By Rev. Alvin A. Walker Characterized by impressive beau ty and the dignity of a home solem nization was the marriage xMonday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock of Miss Lillie Mae Morgan, of Union Mills, and Mr. Charley Staines, of West Asheville. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride's brother, Mr J. Worth Morgan, in this city. Rev. Alvin A. Walker, of Round Hill Baptist church, pastor of the bride, was the efficient The spacious living and rooms of the Morgan thrown together for tSie event, and were artistically decorated with pot ted plants, graceful sprays of ivy and large yellow and white chrysan themums.' 'The rooms were lighted with tall yellow candies, which added much to the beautj and mellowness of the scene. One end of the living room was banked wich graceful ferns, trailing ivy and interspersed with yellow lighted tapers, forming the alter, before which the -marriage vows were spoken. Miss Rose Logan, of Union Mills, presided at the piano. Rev. Alvin A. Walker prior to the ceremony sang, "I Love You Truly." The bridal chorus from Lohengrin heralded the approach of the wedding party. Mc- Dowell's ""To a Wild Rose" was softly played firing the ceremony by Miss Logan. The impressive ring cere mony was used. The bride entered upon the arm of her brother, Mr. 'J. Worth Morgan, by whom she was given in marriage. She was lovely in a girlish gown of cuckoo brown crepe back satin, trimmed in fur, with hat and accessories to match. Her bouguet was a corsage of brides roses and maiden hair ferns. Mr. George Starns, brother of the groom, acted as feest-man. Following the ceremony a delicious salad course was .served buffet style by Mrs. J. Wortih Morgan, assisted by Miss Mary Sue Morgan and Mes dames A H. Morgan, S. V. Hooker and A. B. Dillmgfcaaaa. About twenty-five guests were pre sent for the ceremony. 'Greeting these as they arrived for the wedding were Mr. and Mis. J. Woith Morgan, the latter gowned in black satin trimmed in jet, and Miss Jfcary Sue Morgan, gowned in navy blue >back satin trim med in fur. Mrs. Starnes, who is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Vi. Mor gan, of Union Mills, is a graduate of Round Hill Academy. She is an un usually popular girl attaining such esteem by a winsome personality- Mr. Starnes is a soa oif Mrs. Eliza beth Starnes, of 851 Haywood Road, West Asheville, and the late George H. Starnes. He was educated at Round Hill Academy, and holds an important position with Southeaster® Express Company at Asheville. The happy couple left for a week's honeymoon with the destination not disclosed. Upon their return* Mr. and Mrs. Starnes will reside in their new home on Haywood Road, West Ashe ville. Out of town guests present at the -wedding were: Mrs. Elizabeth Starnes, Miss Amy Hackeny, George, Bert and Glenn Starnes, of Asbeville; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Morgan, Miss Mary Sue Morgan, Miss Rose Miss Nan Dobbins, and Rev. Alvi* A. Walker, of Union Mills; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Morgan.and children and Mr. Oscar L. Morgan, of Shelby; Mr. G. W. Morgan, of Cliff side; and Mr. Frank Doggett, of Rutherfordton. LITERARY SOCIETY MEETS The Literary Society, division No. 2, of the Woman's Club, met on Oct. 13th with Miss Mary Moore in her beautiful new home at Alexan der. A very interesting program by members was enjoyed, after which the hostesg served a delicious salad course. The next meeting wil be on Thursday, Nov. sth at the home of Mrs. W. C. Bostic. Mesdames Bov tic and T. R. Padgett being joint tesstta at this tim*. FOREST CITY COURIER HI-Y CLUB ORGANIZED IN LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL On last Thursday, Grady H. Leo nard, Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., in the Western District, met with a group of the leading "boys in the Forest City High School and after a period of discussion, organized a Hi-Y Club. The following boys sign ed the membership cards: Boyce Blair, William Biggerstaff, Charles Dalton, Bush Doggett, J. L. Duncan, Charles Crowell, Cortez Hamrick, Hugh, Hardin, Lolan Kanipe, Thomas Griffin, C. L. Moore, and Louis Sunimey. C. L. Moore was elected President; Louis Summey, Vice- President; Charles Crowell, Secre tary; Lolan Kanipe, Treasurer; and Charles Dalton, Reporter. Mr. Sut ton of the High School faculty was unanimously elected as adult leader. The Hi-Y Club is a national organ ization and has -grown very rapidly in the last few years. There were 75 clubs in the state last year. The State Y. M. C. A. is organizing North Carolina into districts and placing secretaries in a location so that he may reach out in the high school in his section and supervise this work. The purpose of the club is "to create, maintain and extend thruout the school and community, high standards of Christian Charac ter." The slogan is "Clean Speech, Clean Scholarship, Clean Athletics, and Clean Living." The ideals of the club are so high that it commands the respect of every red-blooded boy. Secretary Leonard is very much pleased with, the prospects in Forest City. The boys entered into the work very enthusiastically. The next meeting will be held Tuesday night, at which time the induction cere mony will "be performed. ■* * » The Hi-Y" Club which was orgae iaed in the Consolidated High Schcs.l of Rutherfi'rdton - Ruth - Spin dale a few weeks ago met last Wednesday night. Grady H. Leonard, Secretary of the Western District Y. M. C. A. met with the Club and the program was a discussion meeting as to how best (to promote the work of the club. The members entered into the dis cussion heartily and several things were worked out. It was decided to hold an induction ceremony at the next regular meeting. Seawral ;new members desire to join so they are urged to »he -present at the next meet ing BO that. &fcey may be duly -initiat ed inta the 'Organization. Mr. J. C. Cowan, Jr., is adult lead er. He was enable to attend the Inst meeting but will be present At prac tically all the meetings to lead the discussions and help in tj»e g»laniuig of the programs. WOMAN'S [LEAGUE MEETS The iw&eting of the fLutfcerfoid County League of women voters was held on Monday, Oct. 19th, At ithe Iso-Therm&l Hotel ,at Rutherfandton., A splendid program was had and the addresses were fine. The five points brought befoite the league were: The Australian ballot. New registration laws. Foreign colony of .women offend- Two week's notice feefore securing marriage license- Eight hour day law for children under 14 years. Home for delinquent colored girls under 16 years of age- Those attending from Forest City were: Mesdames. J. H. Thomas, J. M. Edwards, R. R. Howes and F. I. PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FOREST CITY AND RUTHERFORD COUNTY FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, OCT. 29, 192S COUNTY WIDE TEACHERS MEETING SATURDAY,OCT. 31 To Be Held At New Ruther fordton - Spindale School Building The Pro gram. Superintendent Clyde A. Erwin announces that there will be a Coun ty Wide Teachers Meeting on Satur day, October 31st, for the 275 teach ers of Rutherford county at which time all of the teachers of the coun ty are expected to be present. The meeting will be held in the new Rutherfordton-Spindale school build ! ing and instead of the usual two days | meeting, Mr. Erwin stated that he I prefers having one day now and hav |ing other meetings along during the year. One of the strong features ef this meeting is the fact that it is the be ginning of a concerted effort on the part of the school teachers of the county to standardize and increase the effleciency of all the :f»chools of tHne county. The complete program is as fol lows: 9:30- 9:4s—Devotional Exercises. 9:45-10:00 —A definite program for the first day. Clyd* Sorrells. 10:00-10:15 —Devices -nnd Aids for Grade Teachers. Miss Clara Tay lor. 10:15-10:3©—Value nf System in a school. Ghas. C. Erwin. 10:30:1045 —How wa secured the first Standard Elementary School for the county. X B. Jones. 10:45-11:00 —Program of Standard ization for Rutherfordton-Spin dale District. B. L. Smith. 11:00-11:15 —What'the Coo! Springs Consolidation 2ias made possible in the way of Standardization. J. W. Eake. 11:15-11:45 —Progaam of Standard ization for jlincoln County. L. Berge Beam. •11:45-12:15 — A Program for Greater * School Efficiency in Rutherford County- Clyde A. Erwin. 12:15-12,3$—The enforcement of the Compulsory 3*aw. R. E. Price. 12:30- 1-iOfi discussion .of matters of interest. "TWO FELLOWS AND A GIRL" The delightful comedy, "Two Fel lows and a •Girl," .a feature dramatic offering of the Jiedpath Lyceum course this «eaaon, vwill be given at the Spindale - Rniherfordton new high school aaditoriam, Friday even ing, Nov- 6th, 8 .p. an. Doors open at 7:30 p. m. This popular JBreadway success was first produced at the Vanderbilt Theatre in New Yoiik City by George M. Cohan, America's ibest-loved play wright. "Two Fellows and a Girl" is one of the wittiest, prettiest comedies Gohan has ever given to the public. WJth a wave of hie -deerby and a tap of his cane, he has conjured up a de lectable, clean, joyous comedy full of youth and the joy of Jiving. Tfrp company which will present "Two Fellows and a Girl" here was organized and coached especially for the Bed path Bureau. Eaeh member of the cast is an experienced New York s&ctor. Many from Forest City and sur rounding section will attend tfchis big attraction. It is one of the best ly ceum attractions that has ever been given in £Sae county. Our people are fond of grod clean comedy, such as this is. Admission, .all students 50 cents; dults sl. Come early and get a •ood seat. The Community Club of Harris will give a Hallowe'en party at the Harris school building on Saturday night, Oct. 31. The party is for the benefit of the school library and there will be an admission fee of 25c or a suitable book for the library. Refreshments will be served during the evening and there will be sever al amusing attractions including a "Cake Walk'*. Everyone is most cordially invited. HALLOWE'EN PARTY CHESNEE AGAIN DEFEATED BY FOREST CITY Could Not Withstand On slaught Of Old Gold And Black—Final Score 14-0 Forest City defeated the Chesnee High School here last Friday in the return game of the series 10 to 0. The game was one of excitement from the beginning and those who failed to patrol the white line miss ed their chance of a lifetime to see the boys fight. Our boys won the toss and choice to receive at the south goal. They carried the ball down the field and after several exchanges of punts Ware carried the ball over. The sec ond touchdown came in the third quarter when the Chesnee quarter back tried to pass within his thirty yard line. The result was that Ware scooped the pigskin out of the air and romped across. Ware made | both tries for point good from place ment kick. Chesnee made a desperate effort in the last quarter to score but lost the ball on downs. Those playing best for Forest City were Watkins and McKeithan ends, Laugfcridge tackVr, Vogt, Meares and Ware back. Lineup: Forest City 'Chej»ee Watkins - Tuck L. E. Laisghridgsr F/nley L. T. Dmncan Rsmsey L. G. .Moore ... Ezell C. .Summey - - - - Foster R. G Crowell - - Paris R. T. McKei€iaan 1 Owens R. E. Ware Bonner q. m. "Vogt Lamb h .m. JViearep Cudd H. B. Gray&cn a_- R*y E. JB. fieoie: Forest City - 17-07-0: U-4 Chesnee O-0-0-0 O Referee: Moss. Urn pise: At well. Linesman: Duncan. S. S. CONVENTSDN On ;tahe first Sunday aitemoon an November at 2:3© o'clock a Town ship Sunday School Contention wiil ifce held at Cedar drove Methodist rf&urchln Sunshine. All ele Sundsy Schools in Logan's Sto*e Township .are urged to attend .and have a report ready of the attendance and work m the school. All sare invited to at tend. Several gooS speakers will 'he om the program- Superintendents are asked to ad vertise the eonventiuu- 3Pnll pro gram will appear in aext week's pa per. j FOUUItLY SHOW WO*. f9. I Hatchings from the eggs placed last spring by the National Bank of Forest City will be displayed here on Nov. 9. when a show will be held is the barn ops>esite Harrill & McDaniel. First and sec ond prizes will be awarded in the four breeds of -chickens. After ihe show an auction sale of pullets wall be held. The National Bank isto be com mended for its efforts to improve th poultry stock in the county. WILLIE MOSS STARS Willie Moss, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Moss, of Forest City, was the outstanding star of the football game at Wake Forest Saturday, when the Little Deacons tied Newport News Apprentice school, 12 to 12. Moss scored both of the Wake Forest touchdowns. The finest flour ever sold in For est City at J. W, Sanders. CONCERT AT CAROLEEN Caroleen, Oct. 26.—The Henrietta and Caroleen Parent-Teachers' As sociations present the McKinley- Root Concert Company at the Hen rieta-Caroleen High School Satur day, October 31, at 7:30 P. M. The company includes Miss Dorothy Mc- Kinley, dramatic soprano and pian ist. Miss McKinley has a beautiful soprano voice and features costum ed Indian songs. Miss Eugenia Root is a superb violinist who also play the banjo most acceptably. Miss Edna Bell is a regular comedi an and a most remarkable entertain er. She is also a captivating read er and it is said of her that she can make any audience laugh without effort. The Henrieta and Caroleen Par ent-Teacher's Associations consider themselves fortunate in securing this trio of splendid entertainers. Admission will be 25c and 35c. THE CLIFFSIDE SALE Reports coming out from Cliff side indicate that the sale there and at Avondale has surpassed all expecta tions, and is pronounced the biggest sale ever held in the county. The sale will close Saturday night. Believers in the merits of adver tising in The Courier, Cliffside Mills has a big four-page ad in this issue. Turn to it now and read of the won derful offerings. Remember, the sale closes Saturday. The sale is under the direct man agement of Mr. L. P. Coe, of the Kelly Sales System, of Minneapolis, Minn. He has made a great recoi'd in this sale, and thoroughly demon strated his ability and sound judg ment. HARRILL—JENKINS Mr. Andrew Harrill and Miss Sad ie Jenkins stole a march on their many friends Sunday night, Oct. 18, and were married at the home of Rev. R. H. Herring, of Sanford, N. €., by the latter. The wedding came ■as a surprise to their many friends and home folks. The bride is the charming and tal ented daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Z. 0. Jenkins, of Avondale. She was a student at the Greensboro College for Women, Greensboro, at the time of her marriage. She has a large circle of friends and school mates who will be interested to learn of her marriage. Mr. Harrill is the seeend son of [Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Harrill of Rath erf ordton. He was educated at the Rutherford ton high school and East man Business College, Poughkeepeie, New York. DR. WARE TO PREACH SUNDAY Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Ware were ex pected to arrive home yesterday and Dr. Ware will preach at the Forest City M. E. church Sunday. Following the conference, Dr. and Mrs. Ware visited in Salisbury, Greensboro and Greenville. Forest City, irrespective of de nomination, is delighted that Dr. Ware has been returned to this charge for another year. DISTRICT MEETING The district meeting of the N. C. Federation of Women's Clubs will •be held at Denver, N. C., on Thurs day, Nov. 5. Mrs. E. L. McKee, State president, will be present. Those atending from Forest City will please notify Mrs. G. C. Mc- Daniel. ALL SISTERS QUARTETTE The House Sisters will be the next lyceura attraction, appearing at the graded school auditorium on the evening of Nov. 17. Watch for further announcements. The Young Matron's Circle, of the Woman's Missionary Society of the First Baptist church* will meet with Mrs. R. W. Minish on Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. All mem bers are urged to be present. Born to Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hames on Oct. 19th, a lovely little girl baby named Betty Lee. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, of Er win, Tenn., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Poole. 108 COLUMNS $1.50 Per Year In Advance KIWANIANS ENJOY HALLOWEEN PARTY MONDAY Program Put On By Mrs. R. R. Blanton and Miss Robbie Biggerstaff. "Dick Minish and His "South ern Peaches" Take The House By Storm. There have been many enjoyable entertainments given in Kiwanis Hall, but few, if any, have ever eclipsed the one provided by Mes dames R. R. Blanton and Miss Rob bie Biggerstaff, who had charge of the program for the Kiwanians Mon day evening at their regular weekly luncheon hour. These good ladies, who have made such warm friends by their efforts in preparing splen did luncheons for the Kiwanians, ex celled themselves Monday evening. The room was fittingly decorated and the halloween idea was carried out in every particular. The sup per was one of the best ever served. Now, in addition to the supper, the ladies made a hit when they selected "Dick" Minish and his quintet of "Southern Peaches" to fill in the program. They carried the house by storm and received encore after en core. The first number, a song entitled "Just a Little Drink," was a scream. While they were singing, the ladies served old fashioned pumpkin pie, ginger snaps and a bottle of ginger ale to each guest. A number of song hits were scored by the Minish Company dur ing the evening. Another hilarious feature was the apple bobbing contest, which was participated in by Messrs. A. C. Duncan, B. B. Doggett, W. L. Brown, J. W. Eaks and J. E. Weath ers. Eaks and Duncan tied, the prize being awarded to Dr. Duncan upon the toss of a coin. HOME COMING FOR FOREST CITY LODGE Responses to the cards sent out for the home coming of Forest City Lodge, No. 381, A. F. & A. M., Fri day evening, Nov. 6, are coming in rapidly and all indications point to a great crowd at the banquet on that night at Kiwanis Hall. If you have not as yet signed your card, do so at once, and be sure to attend. HIGH SCHOOL OPENING The formal opening of the Cool Springs High School has been post poned until some early date since the auditorium chairs will not be in stalled until the first week in Nov ember. This event is looked forward to by both parents and pupils. The new high school is a monument to Cool Springs Township and a re cord breaking attendance is expect ed at the formal opening. The ex act date will be announced in the next issue of The Courier. LINCOLNTON PLAYS Forest City high school students are looking forward to the most im portant game of the schedule this season when the crack* Lincolnton team comes here Friday. Last year the local boys lost to their rivals at Lincolnton but this year they are out for revenge. The boys are work ing hard for the game, perfecting new plays and tactics in general. The admission for this game will be as last year, children 25 cents and adults 50 cents. This is neces sary because it costs lots of money to bring a team so far and the only means of supporting high school athletics is by the contribution of those interested enough in the boys Ito watch them play. | The schedule for the remainder of [the season is as follows: Oct. 30 Lincolnton Here. Nov. 6 Boiling Springs Here. Nov. 14 Marion There. Nov. 26 Waynesville There. 18 PAGES HERE FRIDAY

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