Only $1.50 Per Year VOL. VIII—No. 5 A PERMANENT CHARITY BODY IS FORMED HERE M The Family Welfare Associa tion" to Take Care of Needs Of the Worthy. Big Drive Planned For Mon day, Nov. 30, When Funds Must Be Raised. I At a meeting of the representatives 1 I of Forest City churches, lodges, fra ternal orders, civic club s and other 50cieties, held in Kiwanis Hall Mon day night, a permanent charity or ganization was affected with the adoption of the reports submitted by the committee on organization com posed of Mrs. A. W. Falvey, J. W. Webb and Rev. G. R. Gillespie, the nominating committee, with Mr. F. I. Barber, chairman, and the finance committee of Rev. W. R. Ware, chair man, B. B. Doggett, A. C. Duncan and Mrs. Genia Harrill. Plans for its future work consisted in the naming of the organization as "the family welfare association of Forest City, N. C. f " for the relieving of distress from poverty, ministering to the needs of the sick and disabled and the prevention of suffering from hunger and exposure to the rigors of winter. The city to be districted in to four zones, each zone with a chair man and committee, whose duties shall be the thorough canvassing of the city once each year for the funds necessary for the support and main tenance of the organization, estimat ed to be from three to four thousand dollars per year. That the date for the 1925 canvas be Monday, Nov. 30, * the first Monday after Thanksgiving day. The business of the association to * be administered by a president, vice president and secretary-treasurer with the zone chairmen as members of the executive committee and gov erning board. The secretary-treasur er to be in active charge as directing and distributing agent of the organ ization from a Central Bureau in connection with the city administra tion of the Town of Forest City. Acting upon the report of the nom inating committee the following per manent officers were unanimously elected: Rev. G. R. Gillespie, presi dent; Mrs. G. P. Reid, vice-president; City Manager J. W. Webb, secretary freasurer; Mrs. C. E. Alcock, chair man, N. W. Zone; Mrs. B. B. Doggett, chairman, S. W. Zone; Mrs. B. 11. Long, chairman, N. E. Zone; Mrs. J. H. Thomas, chairman, S. E. Zone. The zone chairmen will select repre sentatives of all the religious, fra ternal and social bodies of the city 4i,nd the size of the committees in the respective zones will be in ac cordance with the area of the zone. All churches, ministers, lodges, secret and fraternal societies, social and civic clubs, business firms and in dividuals are instructed to refer all applicants for charity to the Central Bureau of the Association, the one annual drive being the only occasion of their several contributions to any or all local charity. The Family Welfare Association is a timely move on the part of the charitably inclined citizens of Forest City and has been organized for the sole purpose of helping the needy and deserving and eliminating the para site, the hanger-on and the profes sional beggar. It has been organized in the highest and best interests of ail Forest City, avoiding the promot ing of personal or selfish interests or the thought of aggrandizement to any church, club, society or other organ ization, or the recognition of any in r dividual, sect, cult or class. With 0 hearts full of sympathy for the less fortunate and with purposes of aid and assistance where it is most need ed it will endeavor to live up to the standard and commendation of the Great Master of men when He said, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my breth ren, ye have done it unto Me." All citizens of Forest City should f at once make note of the first annual drive for funds, Monday, November 36, and be prepared to give liberally when the canvassers call, remember ing that they will be called upon but onee each year. Tbe executive committee, comdet* FOUR SISTERS ANNOUNCED | Unusual Program Of Music, Songs and Sketches by Four Real Sisters. A very clever organization, distinc tive Lyceum work by reason of the fact that all ox its members are sis ters, and all are talented in instru mental, vocal, and dramatic lines, will appear at the High School Audito rium Tuesday, Nov. 17, 8:00 p. m. This organization, the name of which is the "All Sisters" Quartet, is com posed of four sisters, the Misses Mil dred, Claire, Glyde and Marjorie Rouse. These young ladies reside at New Hampton, lowa, near the "Little Brown Church in the Vale," and it is interesting to note that this song has been used on their programs. Their vocal work consists of solos, duets, and quartets, both ballads and light er numbers, while the instrumental work featured by this company is the saxophone ensemble, some splendid effects being obtained. Standard se lections are used as well as popular numbers. For the past four years the "All Sisters" Quartet has travelled over the leading Chautauqua and Lyceum Circuits, this year being on a South ern Tour under the exclusive direc tion of The Piedmont Bureau of Asheville, North Carolina. A large crowd of people is expected to at tend the entertainment, which will no doubt be one of the most enjoyable of its kind that has been to Forest City for some time. MISS NELL PADGETT PLEASES LARGE AUDIENCES Laurel Park Estate has a new so loist. Announcement of the contract with Miss Nell Christine Padgett, of Forest City, vocal soloist, who will sing for that organization in concerts, having just been made. A student of Limestone College, afterwards of Richard T. Piercy, New York City, and a member of the Mo zart Choral Society of that city; later a student at the Boston Dramatic school and a soloist in the interim with White and Brown Chautauqua out of Boston, and the Autram Chau tauqua, out of Philadelphia. She has traveled thousands of miles, sing ing in all states in the TJnion but two and also in Canada. Miss Padgett sang with the Fulcher Laurel Park Orchestra on a program incident to Augusta and Henderson viile night, out of Atlanta, over sta tion WSB (Atlanta Journal) and last night in her concert at sales offices at Laurel Park Estates was so popu lar as to receive three encores. She has a rare big voice of wide range and is graciously received here and in Asheville. At Biltmore Hotel last Thursday in concert she charmed a select audience with her impressive songs and most pleasing personality. This week she will be heard in Lime stone College, Cleveland Hotel, Spar tanburg, Greenville and Laurins. FELIX HARVEY HEAD OF KIWANIS CLUBS Pinehurst, N. C., Nov. 6.—Felix Harvey, Jr., of Kingston, N. C., was elected district governor of the Caro linas district of the Kiwanis Interna tional here today and Charleston, S. C. was named as the next convention city. Lieutenant Governors elected were r J. B. Johnson, of Statesville, N. C., Robert W. Herring, of Fayetteville, N. C., C. R. Pugh, of Elizabeth City, N. C., James Lynch of Florence, S. C., and T. W. Crews, of Spartanburg, S. C. The time of the next meeting will be decided later. Greensboro won the attendance cup by a safe margin and Wilmington came second with Raleigh third. Election of officers officially clos ed the convention. Chas. Z. Flack and Dr. A. C. Dun can represented Forest City. ing of the president, vice-president, secretary-treasurer and four zone chairmen, will hold its first official meeting for the further perfection of policies, at the home of the president, on Carolina Avenue, Thursday after ttooo »t 4 o'clock* PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FOREST CITY AND RUTHERFOR D COUNTY (Hendersonville News) FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOV. 12, 1925 MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION I IS FORMED; *— Forest City Association Per-1 manently Organized With County Alliance to Follow. i At a meeting of the representative ministers of all denominations of Rutherford county, held at the First Baptist church in Forest City, Mon day afternoon, two new organizations looking to closer relations in Ruther -1 ford religious circles, were organized. A temporary organization of the : ministers of all denominations of the ! county into the Rutherford County ! Ministerial Alliance was established jand a committee on permanent or jganization, with Rev. J. O. Ervin, I chairman and Revs. C. C. Matheny 'and G. R. Gillespie, appointed to re jport at a future meeting, to effect a permanent organization. Rev. Dr. W. R. Ware and Revs. C. C. Matheny and G. R. Gillespie were appointed a committee to pre ! sent to the several civic bodies of the j county and the several cities a mat jter of vital import affecting the mor tals of social and religious life in | Rutherford county, i A permanent organization of the 1 Forest City Ministerial Association | was affected with the following min isters present: W. A. Ayers, D. D., jw. R. Ware, D. D., C. C. Matheny, Frank Settlemeyer and C. P. Rich, the latter is the successor of Mr. Set tlemeyer as pastor of the Wesleyan Methodist church. Dr. W. A. Ayers I was elected president and G. R. Gil lespie, secretary-treasurer. Monthly I meetings of the City Association will | be held in the Hut of the First Bap tist church and will cement into a ! i closer fellowship the splendid Chris tian spirit of co-operation already ex isting to such a gratifying extent in the protestant church circles of For est Ctiy. Rev. C. P. Rich, who cemes to the Wesleyan church from Altavista, Va., brings with him the commendations of the ministers of other denomina tions with whom he labored there and where he did a most splendid con structive work for his church and de- nomination REV. MR. RICH ACCEPTS CALL TO FOREST CITY Rev. H. P. Rich, for nearly three years pastor of the Wesleyan Meth odist church here has accepted a call to the church of that denomination at Forest City, N. C., and will leave for his new field within a few days. Mr. Rich came to the local congre gation in December, 1922, at which time the membership totaled less than twenty members. Under his Godly leadership the membership at the congregation today is sixty odd. The total sum raised for all purposes during Mr. Rich's pastorate here was in round figures $3,500, reports show. The report to the 1924 con ference showed $5,119.83 raised for all purposes or a net gain over the first year of more than sixteen hun dred dollars. This year's report will compare very favorably with that of last year it is understood. Rev. Mr. Rich was appointed to the Forest City charge by the presi dent of the North Carolina confer ence of which the local church is a part, the Forest City congregation leaving the filling of their pulpit to the president. Mr. Rich preached for the people he will serve Tuesday of last week, while in Forest City looking the field over. He was very much pleased with the outlook of his work he states. The town of about three thousand population, is located on the Southern, S. A. L. and C. C. & O. Railways. The departing pastor and his wife carry with them to their new field of labor, the best wishes of a host of friends made during their sojourn in Altavista. —Tri-County Democrat, Altavista, Va. Prepare now for that Turkey din ner. Dress up and have your old clothes Dry Cleaned too. We sell good clothes and French Dry Clean your old ones. Two ways to save. J, & Priee A So* FORMAL OPENING AND DEDICATION OF NEW HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING To Open Monday Evening> Nov. 16—Address By Dr. J. Henry Highsmith. I The magnificent new high school ! of Cool Springs Township will be for ; mally opened to the public and dedi j cated on next Monday evening, Nov. j 16th. The doors will be opened at 1 7 o'clock and the citizens of the town | ship are most cordially invited to go j through the building and inspect the | various departments before the pro j gram. The beauty of the building ; and completeness of the equipment j will be a revelation to the commu jnity. No high school in the state ■ is better fitted to do good work. Each jof the ten departments is equipped J with the standard material and they I will all be open for the inspection 'of the citizens. The faculty and students urge the visitors to avail ! themselves of the opportunity to see the building and equipment. The formal dedication will begin at | eight o'clock. Music by the gram | mar grade glee club, by the high school glee club and by the faculty quartette will be one feature of the evening. A new concert grand piano has been placed in the auditorium. It is a Balwin, a standard make and jis a very fine instrument. It was | used in the Stevens meeting at High ! Point and the school authorities re jgard themselves as very fortunate in ! securing it. Mr. Clyde Erwin, newly elected Superintendent of Rutherford County schools, will be present at the dedica tion. The Dedicatory Address will be de livered by Dr. J. Henry Highsmith, of Raleigh, State Inspector of High Schools. Dr. Highsmith is one of the most forceful and dynamic speakers on the State Board of Education and the local board regard themselves as most fortunate in securing him for this occasion. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NEWS Preparatory to the revival to be conducted at the Forest City Presby terian church, beginning Sunday, Nov. 22, by Rev. Dr. William Black and his singer, Mr. Burr, there will be prayer service in the Presbyterian church every night next week, begin ning Tuesday-night. These services will consist in praise and prayers oJ intercession for the coming meeting of one-half hour duration conducted by the pastor from 7 :30 to 8:00 p. m. each night. The public is cordially invited to these services and the mem bers of all other churches are urged to join this congregation in supplica tions for the Spirit of God to bring a religious awakening to our fair city. All children in the city from the ages of 6 to 16 inclusive are cordially invited to enlist in the junior chorus. Mr. Burr is a great lover of children and takes special joy in training their voices. All singers more than 16 are cordially urged to enlist in the Senior chorus by the music committee of which Miss Claire Reid is chairman. Regular services will be held at the Presbyterian church next Sunday, with Sunday school at 10 a. m. and preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m., having for his subject "The Steward ship of Life." Christian Endeavor Society meets at 7 p. m. and preach ing at 7:30 p. m. All who are not identified with other churches are cordially invited to make this church their church home, where there is al ways a hearty welcome. HI-Y CLUB MEETING The Hi-Y Club held it's regular meeting Monday night, Nov. 9. A large part of the evening was taken up with a very impressive initiation of the following boys: Daniel Smith- Craig McClure, Glen Toms, Clarki Matheny and Pierce Hyder. Aft J the initiation the meeting was for discussion. Several of the oldfl boys spoke, welcoming the new me l bers and all of the new memb« made short, enthusiastic talks ind® ing the principles of the Hi-Y fl d and pledging their support. MM At the next meeting we will rW| a round-table discussion on the ject 9i "Clean Speech." mi CRIMINAL COUR' HAS ADJOIj Judge Harding's ChfJ Grand Jury RepoV Findings of the 11 (Special to The Co« Rutherfordton, Nov. H W. F. Harding of CharlcH ed the Superior court o J l|| county, criminal term JHI morning, Nov. 2, J. solicitor. The old opejHß used as a court room. Roach was foreman of In his charge to thcWH Judge Harding said in H jurymen should be Civilization is a Man gets higher and IO'SM any other animal. M on. We need to get jHI right. A person who think of it. I never 19 years of age in H9|g with a crime who school regular and 1 with him. flSl "The law protects, mine and everybody] Some people think i violate the law as 1 not caught. The ri' and driving an au4 miles per hour are J this. Some people* laws enforced whi:B ers. We must fir« es before we urgefl per cent America!! obeys the law at -S of whether a poli S not. Rutherford I ] right thing in 1 modern court h Mk Report C We, the gran term of Superi j submit the foil! We have pa* I presentments have made du' j thereon. I We exam in 1 the several oi* the same in a I circumstances M i ined the com 1 | good condition A j well cared foj ! Sheriff HardiiM ; agement. fll We visite Kg 'the aged an 1R found it ! feel that thfljra fortunate tution of wIJB ford count SIN also fecit S|jjH in supervisic HgH Royster, agement ypfjaM to thanlflßHß piess uMmm during fflfwfH Th of: A McK ipe, i McCl Kin',l ShaJ Dul lio fl Pajß 1