The Cliffside News The Cliffside News is published each week in connection The Forest City Courier. B. E. ROACH Editor CHAS. C. ERWIN MISS UNA EDWARDS Associate Editors THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1925 I r* DEPLORE DEATH OF MR. J. F. ALEXANDER We were distressed to hear of the passing of another of Rutherford county's leading and best citizens in the death of Mr. J. F. Alexander. He was a great man and loved by all who knew him. One friend in speak ing of him said that it is hard for us to understand God's dealing some times. He stated that apparently Mr. Alexander was just beginning to do great things that would mean much to humanity and the Kingdom of the Lord he served. THE CHRISTMAS SEASON Once again the Christmas holidays are here; the season when good will and cheer seems to be nearer the surface o§ our lives than at any oth ,er time of the year. In the of our preparations, whether they bfe pretentious or of the simplest, how many of us stop to think of the true significance of Christmas; of all that it implies to the Christian world. May we take time to think of those who are less fortunate and plan some gift or some act of kindness to bring joy and the Christmas spirit to some longing heart. This is, after all, the true secret of happiness: to bring happiness to others'and what better time than at this season. At this time of the year the unfortunate feel their plight more poignantly than at any other time and perhaps will ap preciate your'kind act more than at any other time. When we contrast tlie manner of Christmas now and when we were children. we cannot agree with those who would have us believe that prohibition is a failure. The writer can remember when a child he was afraid to be on the public high way atone, not only at Christmas time, but most any season of the year, especially on Saturday after noons and evenings when men com ing from a certain place where liquors • were dispensed would be yelling, cursing and disgracing themselves generally. How different today. It is very seldom that we see one unable to walk from the influence of this curse we call whiskey. Thanks to prohibition! BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES Last Thursday night at the Teach ers meeting a re-study of the entire Teacher Training Course was started. It is planned to take all the studies in turn thus giving some who have misied some of the books a chance to take them. ' The first chapter in the Sunday School Manual was studied and as there will be no meeting of the teachers this week this chapter will be reviewed in addition to the study of the second chapter on the -' "tot of Dec. 31st. It is an important towards building up the Sunday ' School and each teacher and officer as well as others interested and de siring to take the course are urged to attend. On Friday night of last week, Rev. H. C. Whitener of Hickory preached at the Baptist church, bringing a great message which seemed to be ap preaciated by all who heard him. His text was the last two words in the 15th verse of the 14th chapter of Exodus, "Go forward." His subject was "The Progressive Church." On Sunday Rev. C. M. Rollins of Boiling Springs preached at both the morning and evening services. Rev. Rollins has preached here twice before and has a large number of friends here who are always glad to welcome him. He is a young preach er who is making rapid strides to the forefront. He brought two splendid sermons which were delivered in an impressive spirit and manner. His subject for the morning was v "Fol lowing Jesus." The text for the eve ning was Gen. 22:22 and the subject, "The Idol of your heart." On account of the epidemic of mumps* and whooping-cough the at tendance at Sunday School and church services were off last Sunday, only 336 present in Sunday school. The Cliffside News CLIFFSIDE'S HOME PAGE, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF LOCAL EDITORS I* LOCAL 1 HAPPENINGS —«nw—n—inning 11 niiiiii mi in Mr. J. S. Rudisill and family visit ed in Forest City Sunday afternoon. « * » Mr. Chas. H. Haynes has been away on business for several days. * . * * '1 Mr. Cordie Freeman spent Sunday at Spindale. • * r ■> Messrs. L. H. Campbell and A. T. Humphries spent Sunday afternoon with the latter's parents at Gaffney. 9 m 9 Mr. Theo. Roberts who is a stu dent at Wake Forest spent Sunday night here with friends. * * * Messrs. J. F. Duncan, G. C. Dob bins and Martin Black visited near Ellenboro with friends Sunday. * * * Rev. Jeff Sparks, student at Wake Forest, spent the week-end here With his sister, Mrs. Docia Abrams. * * * Mr. J. R. Shull and children of Charlotte spent the week-end here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Caldwell. ft 9 * Mr. W. H. Haynes and family left Monday to spend the holidays in Fla. They were accompanied by Mr. Clar ence Campbell., * * * Mr. M. W. Martin and family at tended a birthday dinner Sunday in honor of Mr. Martin's father, Mr. G. G. Martin of Shelby, Route No. 6. * * * Glenn, the little so* of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Watkins is ill with pneumonia. We hope for him a speedy recovery. # * * Mrs. L. H. Campbell left last week to visit a few days with Mrs. G. K. Moore at St. Petersburg, Fla. After a few days there she will spend sev eral adys with her sister, Mrs. B» J. Davidson at Avon Park, Fla. * * Mr. Broadus Simmons, a Junior student at Wake Forest is home for the holidays. Also Rev. Marion D. Bianton who is a senior this year is spending the holidays here with his foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bianton. 9 * a Miss Willie Carpenter entertained her Sunday School class of young ladies last Friday night. They met at the Memorial Building at 7:15 and went in a body to the church where they heard Rev. H. C. Whitener of Hickory preach returning to the Memorial Building after the service. Miss Carpenter had prepared an in teresting program of an informal na ture and just before time to leave she presented each of her large class with a gift. It seemed that the trick' was turned though for then Miss Carpen ter was in turn presented with lovely gifts from her class. CAROLEEN NEWS Caroleen, Dec. 21^ —Miss Inez Al len, the talented daughter of Mr. and Mrs. TL K. Allen, was married at the bride's home last Thursday night at 7:00 o'clock to Mr. Sam Melton. The bride is well known here. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Melton. We join in with their many friends and relatives in extending congratula tions and ba?t wishes. - The elementary school of Caroleen closed last Friday for a two-weeks vacation for Christmas. And also the Henrietta-Caroleen High school is closed for a two weeks vacation. There will be a Christmas tree at the Caroleen Baptist church next Thursday, Dec. 24th and also a play. Every one is cordially invited. Miss Pearl Neal who .is a student at Asheville Normal came home Fri day for a two weeks vacation, also Misses Mafy and Ruth Lynch. v # * Mr. C. Marray Dead. The community was saddened and shocked to learn of the death of Mr. C. Murray which occurred at his home here Monday morning at 2:00. He had only been sick~for about two weeks. He will be buried at Race Path Tuesday, Dec. 22, at 2:00 o'clock. Our sincere sympathy is with the bereaved family. 9 i Published in Connection With The Forest City Courier y —— r—r School closed at Cliffside on De cember 18, 1925 and will open for the spring term on January 4, 1926. With the closing of school for the glad Christmas holidays and the clos ing of the calendar year the editors of the Cliffside School News want to take this opportunity of expressing to the Editor and the force of the Forest City Courier our sincere ap preciation for their co-operation in publishing the Cliffside School News. ItMKs been a real pleasure to write fdnrsuch a fine paper. The entire school and faculty joins the school editors in wishing the Editor and force of the Forest City. Courier a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. May all the glad tidings of this happy season be theirs. William Allhands, Editor. Sue Edwards, Assistant Editor. Last week was a very busy week and a very short week in school. Be sides closing for the holidays it was the end of the month and that meant tests and examinations. It was a fa miliar sound around the superintend ent's office to hear "Mr. Erwin, are you busy?" So many passed in and out one day that they pulled the door knob off. But Mr. Erwin is always ready to see everybody and patient and popiTlar with the students. The election passed off fine and the civics class got some valuable expe rience. William Allhands was elect ed with a big majority. Any one wanting to know anything see Wil liam—he knows. Santa Claus was very much in evi-i dence Friday afternoon. Christmas trees in every ijpom were bending j with their loads of presents and many! happy children left the school grounds amid the sound of horns and shouts of the boys. Santa must have read the letters written to him and published in The Courier with the i school news. *** ' , j Chapel Programs Monday the chapel period was giv- j en to the candidates running for the ' office of walking Dictionary of Cliff side High School. This was done in order that the whole school might \ hear their speeches. The chairman j was Mary Jenkins and the time-keep- i er Virgie Padgett. The first speaker j was Glenn Calhoun who introduced > the Federalist candidate, Albert Thomas. Owen Padgett introduced William Allhands, the national candi date. jCraig Watkins introduced Kath leen Roach/the independent candi-, date and Charlite Carpenter intro duced the last speaker, Irma Bridges, the candidate for the people's party. Tuesday the tenth grade, under the direction of Miss Jenkins, gave the chapel program. Paul Nanney read the scripture which was the birth of, Christ. He paused in certain places Christmas Everywhere Everywhere, everywhere, Christmas tonight! Christmas in lands of the fir tree and pine, Christmas in lands of the palm tree and vine, Christmas where snow peaks stand solemn and white, Christmas where cornfields stand sunny and bright, Cbristmas where children are hopeful and gay, Christmas where old men are patient and gray, Christmas where peace, like a dove in his flight, Broods o'er brave meir in the thick of the fight; Everywhere, everywhere, Christmas tonight! Foistfhe Christ-child who comes is the Master of all; No palace too great, no cottage too small. . . and the grade sang appropriate songs. Next was a pantomine by three girls. A reading by Aileen Gola and a song by the grade. Wednesday Miss Players' room rendered the following program: Cradle song by the grade. Two plays, one Uncle Sim's Visit and the other The Accommodating Christmas Tree and last a recitation, Santa Claus' Champion. Thursday Miss Biggerstaff's grade gave the chapel program which con sisted of two songs by the grade, a play, ..The New Fangled Christmas Tree, dramatization of Silent Night and Christmas songs by the grade. Friday Misses Hord, Morris and Mintz gave the following program: Several recitations, two songs by the children, a visit to Santa Claus, a story and a drill, The Snow Fairies. I Avondale, Dec. 21.—The Lottie I ». i i Moon Circle of the W. M. U. met with j Mrs. G. L. Champion Friday, 18th.! ! I Joy to the World was sung for the' • opening' hymn. Devotional reading - , jI. Samuel 1:20-28. The scripture : was read by Mrs. G. L. 'Champion, i prayer by Mrs. C. G. Hamrick, fol- 1 lowed by other scriptures, I. Samuel 1:15, by Mrs. P. B. Freeman; num ber 6:1-4 by Mrs. J. L. Hawkins. j Reading, The Child from the Glory i I Land, by Mrs. D. E. Hawkins. Read- j I ing, Common Characteristics, by Mrs. |j. B. Watkins. Reading, Angels An-; jnouncement, by Mrs. A. D. Wilsom > i Song, The Heavenly Hymn, sung M the tuhe Saved by Grace. A business meeting followed. There I being nine present. Silent Night was «ung for the closing hymn. Dismissed with prayer by Mrs. P. B. Freeman. The Junior and Senior Baraca classes of the Haynes Memorial Bap- Alexander Schools, Inc. A school for boys and girls located on The Southern Railway, 10 miles north of Rutherfordton, and 16 miles south of Marion. Only mile and half from Tate station on the C. C. & O. Railway. Location and climate ideal. Full Preparations for College Entrance A Home For Motherless Children. Spring Term Opens, Jan. 3, 192-3 For Catalogue Address N. R. PRICKETT, Principal, Union Mills, N. C» tist church gave a social on Satur-for the Parent-Teacher's Association day evening, Dec. 19th. Both classes were well represented. Several de lightful and helpful * speeches were made. The speakers were: Messrs. J. G. Gentry, Z. O. Jenkins, Paul Nanney, Hatcher Melton and Rev. W. R. Jenkins. Prof. F. S. Hall, teacher of the Senior Baraca class, intro duced the speakers. Both churches are planning to have a Christinas program on Thursday evening, Dec. 24th. The public school closed for the Christmas holidays on Dec. 18th. An impromptu program was given by the different grades during the chapel hour. The teachers are spending the holi days at the following places: Miss West, White Stone, S. C.; Miss Free man, Shelby; Miss Jackson at Dun can, S. C., and Boiling Springs; Miss Edwards at Cliffside and Mr. Ilall at Rutherfordton. , HARRIS NEWS Harris, Dec. 21. —The Woman's Club entertained the faculty and community of the Harris school and County Supt. Erwin with a six o'clock dinner last Thursday evening. The dinner was served in one of the do mestic science rooms which" was at tractively decorated with the season's colors, the table decoration being a miniature* Christmas tree. After a delightful four course din ner had been served Mr. Erwin made a short address on the organization of the Parent-Teachers' Association for the Harris school. This address was followed by a short talk by Mrs. M. M. Young. Due to the smallness of attendance an organization was not attempted that evening, but the teachers and patrons hope to do work This is the Place To get your Stoves, Ranges and Furniture of all kinds —IN MI 11 M-uau NJJIUUI ir—WW Special price on Sellers Kitchen Cabinets. Enjoy music in your home with one of our famous .Edison Phonographs. See our nice line of new attractive furniture before you buy. t We can save you,money. Cliffside Mills Furniture Store The Home of Furniture CLIFFSIDE, N. C. in the near future. Misses Minnie Dexter Long, Bess Long, Elizabeth Tanner and Mr. Ed McFarland motored to- Spartanburg last Friday afternoon where they did some Christmas shopping. Mrs. D. C. Stewart spent Monday in Rutherfordton. Miss Elizabeth Tanner was unable to return to her work "on Monday morning. She is quite ill and will not be in school again until after the holi days. The pastor of Wesley Chapel is to hold a series of revival meetings at the chapel beginning on the Sunday night after Christmas and continuing through the -following week. Mr. Jack McKinney made a busi ness trip to Spartanburg last Tues day. Mr. Clayton Harris who holds a po sition with the Harris Supply Co., spent the week-end at his home. READ CAREFULLY Why a man quit using a Ford- He died. B. B. Doggeti Forest City Lodge No. 381, A. F. & A. M. Regular Kleeiivifj Dafev 2nd and 4th Tuesdays mpV Members and Visitors Urged to Attend. DR. H. L. ROBERTSON DENTIST Cliffside, N. C.