CCWtICHT Ifcl Am«ui, OW«h) Q(TNQ!T M* ' From School Teacher y To Great Eminence A young man who was brought up en a farm, qualified for district school t teacher, then man aged to save enough money to put him thru medical col- Later, he moved to Buffalo, N. Y. and today the name of this man, Dr. laiown throughout ' Golden Medical Discovery is the best known blood med icine and tonic. More than fifty million bottles have been sold. If your dealer does not sell the Discovery, in liquid or tablets, you can obtain a pkg. of the tablets by sending 65c to the Dr. Pierce Clinic, i:i Buffalo, N. Y. Also write for free medical advice. Run-Down | | gave out easily | 1 "MY health wasn't any ac- r J count at all," says Mrs. jfc i S H. L. Cayton, of Washington, > JJj N. C. "I would start to do \ £ my housework and I would H ,1 give out before I had done £ 4| anything at aIL I did not ? 5J| have any strength, and if I did jv >jl the least thing it seemed to fj 5 [ tax me so I could not finish, ft %\ ! I was run-down sure enough. & / "Several of my friends had K 4 taken Cardui and they said I* a to me, 'Why don't you try it?' ? v I knew I needed something to ? A build up my general health K »} I and to increase my strength. 5 "Finally one day when I jj sj was recovering from a spell > / of sickness, I decided to try K j Cardui. I got a bottle and be- ft jj gan to take it I could notice ft sj that I was improving as my ? / appetite got better and I did v jl not give out nearly so quick, f* Jj I took several bottles and I ju 41 felt lots better. / 3 "Two years ago I decided S *1 to take it again. It built me J up and made me feel like a h \ different person. It is the J grandest medicine for women % 1 that I know anything about." - I 4 I CARDUI IL F° r Female Troubles 0 SHEET METAL CON STRUCTION * * for all purposes is our spe cialty. Anything and every thing in tin and sheet metal for store and house fronts, roofs, cornices, gutters, metal ceilings, drain pipes, etc. All work guaranteed by us, prompt service, and reasonable rates. Get our estimate before plac- ing vour order. H - Tin Shop * FOREST CITY, HIGH SHOALS iDEMOCRATSENDORSE j SENATOR OVERMAN i I ♦ ! Also Elect Township Officers— j Working for Party Interests. i i * Avondale, May 17.—A joint meet ing of all precincts in High Shoals Township was held at Avondale in the public school building on Thurs day evening, May 13 at 7:30 o'clock! for the purpose of nominating a township committee and secretary.! t On motion Z. O. Jenkins, seconded by M. B. Mahaffee, Dr. A. B. Holland was nominated for township chair man and was unanimously elected | for the term of two years. Next in order was the election of a township secretary. On motion C. H. Wilson, seconded by G. A. Sil ver, M. B. Mahaffee was nominated and was unanimously elected secre tary for the term of two years. Next in order was the election of the township precinct committee con sisting of the following: Gaither Kennedy, Dr. A. B. Holland, M. B. Mahaffee, M. C. Blanton and Eras tus Sprouse. Next in order was the nomination of the township officers. Tom Early, of Avondale, was nominated as con stable; Sam Harris, of Caroleen, jus tice of peace; B. B. West, of Henri etta, justice of peace; G. A. Silver, of Avondale, justice of peace; G. L. Goforth, of Cliffside, justice of peace; R. Z. Revis, of Ferry Pre cinct, justice of peace. The endorsement for reelection of Senator Overman for the U. S. Sen ate was unanimously adopted. It was decided that several meet ings would be held between now and June first to px*omote the interest of the democratic party. There being no further business to be transacted the meeting ad journed. Z. O. JENKINS, Secretary of the meeting. OAK GROVE NEWS Ellenboro, Route 2.—May 10.— Miss Mae Harrill entertained a number of her friends with a party Saturday night. A good time vsas enjoyed by all present. Miss Belle Wilkie furnished music with a guitar. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Webb visited Mr. R. R. Randall at Caroleen, Sat urday night. Mr. J. M. Biggerstaff and fam ily visited at Lawndale Saturday. A large number attended the Memorial at Oak Grove Thursday. Rev. J. N. Randall preached in the morning and Rev. C. F. Tate in the afternoon. Talks were made by Revs. J. W. Groce, O. C. Houston, J. C. Gentry, E. J. Poe and Mr. G. B. Pruett. Miss Leigh Harrill spent Sunday with Miss Belle Wilkie. Miss Geneva Harrill, from Spin dale, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Odell Harrill. Miss Jolley, from Spartanburg, spent the week-end with Misses Pearle and Mozelle Jolley. Mr. E. R. Magness and family, of Marion, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Hester Magness. Mr. Bruna Beam and family moved to Caroleen last week. Mr. L. D. Wilkie is visiting his soft, near Melvin Hill this week. Miss Ruby Brindle visited in this community Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hawkins and little daughter, Marjorie, of Avon dale, visited at Mr. J. M. Bigger staff's Sunday. Mr. Ernest Blanton, of Ball Creek is spending the summer at Mr.'J. F. Blanton's. Mr. John Tate and family, of Belmont, visited Mr. W. P. Tate and family last week. Misses Clara and Etheleen Ran dall spent Sunday at Mrs. Sallie Biggerstaff's. Little Gladys Randall spent Sun day with Reba and Essie Bailey. Mrs. Jane Walker, of Bostic, is visiting Mr. D. M. Harrill. Miss Frances Walker is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Hester Mag ness. Mr. Grady Randall is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Delia Randall. Mr. John Blanton and family, spent a while Saturday night at Mr. D. M. Harrill's. Messrs. Joe and Bunyajj. Haw kins, of Avondale, visited their father, Mr. M. E. Hawkins, Sun day. Mi', and Mrs. Than Tate and chil dren, Theron and Edwin, and Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Beam and children, Mary Jean and Maurice, visited at Mr: M. S/Beam's Sunday. THE FOREST CITY COURIER, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1926. PRESBYTERIAN NEWS NOTES Of Interest to Presbyterians of Rutherford County and Others , Concerned in Religious Affairs. Forest City. Rev. John Knox Johnston, honor student in his class at Columbia Theological Seminary this year, will preach at the Forest City Presby terian church next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 8 o'clock. Sunday School with classes for all ages and sizes will meet at 10 o'clock a. m. Christian Endeavor Society for young people will have a splen did program at 7:30 p. m. A little church with a big, hearty welcome. "Come and see." Mrs. J. T. Stainback, who has re cently finished a business course in Charlotte, and later connected with the National Delphian Society, has returned to Forest City and accep ted a position with the Cyclone Auc tion Company. Mrs. Stainback and fine children are loyal members of the local Presbyterian church and heartily welcomed to our midst. Duncan's Creek. Memorial Day services will be held at this old Presbyterian church next Saturday, May 22, morning and af ternoon. Rev. G. R. Gillespie, of For est City, will preach the memorial sermon in the morning at 11 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to all services of the day. Ellenboro. Dr. William Black and singer, Mr. Andrew Burr, completed a most suc cessful series of evangelistic meet ings at the Presbyterian church Sunday night. A large number of conversions resulted and many will unite with the church of which Rev. O. C. Houston is pastor. Beginning Monday, May 24, Mrs. A. T. Banks, of the General Assem bly's training school at Richmond, Va., will conduct a daily vacation Bible school in this church for two weeks. Cliffside. Rev. John Knox Johnston, of Ches ter, S. C., signified his willingness to begin work June 1 as pastor of the Forest City and Cliffside Presby terian churches. Devoting half time to each of the churches in preach ing services and pastoral work. Mr. Johnston is one of the ablest young preachers in the church, a splendid mixer, with a winsome personality and should mean the spirit ual life of the two places. W. M. S. MEETS The Woman's Missionary Society of the First Baptist church met in the church, Friday afternoon, May 7, for the regular monthly business meeting. Began by singing I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say: Devotional exercises were conducted by Mrs. A. H. McDaniel, chairman of Adams Circle. Scripture lesson fi*om Acts 3:1-16. Sentence prayers for our hos pitals, then song of The Great Phy sician. This circle also rendered a very interesting program on our hos pitals at home and abroad. The meet ing was then turned over to Mrs. B. B. Doggett, the president. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. That the society is in terested in the work is shown by the reports from the different circles. Personal service report as follows: Visits to the sick strangers and shut ins, 218. Garments given, 82. Trays sent out, 62. Flowers given 15, also 38 quarts of milk. Collection $46.65; to charity $14.30; other objects, $6.18. Total $66.13. A white offering, consisting of sheets and counterpanes will be sent last week from this Society to the state hospital at Winston-Salem. j HENRIETTA - CAROLEEN COMMENCEMENT MAY 27-29 j , i —- j The Henrietta-Caroleen High, school commencement will begin j Thursday, May 27, and extend | through Saturday, May 29. Thursday at 2 p. m.—Graduating , exercises. Thursday evening at 8 o'clock —; Baccalaureate sermon by Dr. Zeno i Wall, pastor of the First Baptist! church of Shelby. Friday evening at S o'clock—Class ; day exercises. Saturday evening at 8 o clock— Presentation of diplomas by Supt. j J. B. Jones and address by Dr. J. ' H. Highsmith, state inspector of high schools. ! All programs will be given in the Centred high-: school. buaWiQ©. j-j;- _,~. ~ IL— •;•. 11 pjj|^v: v :^R^B| Our Friendly Service Appeals Cordiality and friendliness are just as im •» portant in business as in private life. We realize this. So, in addition to provid ing adequate resources for guaranteeing financial responsibility, this bank takes a friendly interest in its client's affairs. Farmers Bank & Trust Company FOREST CITY - - CAROLEEN f® mm cm* Capital and Surplus $400,000.00 AN EXTRA MEASURE OF SAFETY ATI EXTRA MEASURE OF SERVICE % ❖ ♦ ♦ ❖ ♦