)\ \ ji:'M'i^i&oj-.! II *• ■•:.•••; ' ! il I ' b# \ —*-~Rx v / ' ■-'•■ '/ ,rmn4H^ -- - -- •••'. : .=v--.. ; - feV /• ! (i i Im >\ •' • • / l . r fvi\- V,-/ • »-'V ///.il it//i* j' -L- 1, j> ? £■ 7 wMi >_> gR •'•? / ,; .:• =? »-■■ _ i ( \«* " .. •• •i' \ V •*w vAiC *• I i—- »* \s,'! im y' / / ' \ ?' | I \ I I , V. •,:•• fV I Bm HBgfcfes~Ji&V-' •».,' I I j il ' |j j \ : ■ iagMi& i W. L. FANNING AND COMPANY 11 ' , CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO THE ||j| t : SUMMER SEASON }jM i FRIDAY AFTERNOON AND .EVENING \ I||7 MAY, TWENTY-FIRST FOUR TO SIX and EIGHT TO TEN O'CLOCK if ■i MUSIC BY THE TAR HEEL SYNCOPATORS J v.v.v.v.v.v/avwav.v.vj J\ | | ■.■.*.V.V.V.Vr-.",.".".'.V.".".'.".V.V" "i % I* ? \ I ;■ .' '. '. .' NEW J \ :■' STORE CLOSED ;j r.-.-...-.-,-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--..-.'.-.-.---.---.---------------.----------------------------------------"-----"--'- ;j CUSTOMERS DRIVE J j | i: FRIDAY UNTIL 5 5 BEGINS } V 1 I; 4 p jyj j j; SATURDAY, MAY 22ND J •' ViWW.V.V.WVAVrtWW/A f J Mg Evs[ l -.-.-.".-.-.*.-."."V.---.-.-..---."--."---"-~-"-"- , . / W YOU DESERVE IT WE WANT IT AND WE ;j Pride in Our Town—Faith in the Progress of This Sec- /fe j| BELIEVE YOUR PATRONAGE WORTHY OF IT. \ tion—A Desire to Better Serve Its People— 119 Prompts This Movement. I I | More than eighteen months ago we into our present home, j, Q ur motives for makign FANNINGS one of the very best stores in j if H snice then much of our time has been spent studying the requirements of Western North Carolina were not altogether selfish. That is a sincere stale- |tf our nitrons and how we might better serve the people of this community. ment. Every dollar of profit for the past few years has been put back N& Kj Ahout ihirtv davs aeo we perfected a plan and have just completed a re- t into the business to build it to higher levels of efficiency, to keep pace with nuu 1 J ... j • a4~ »,,4 fiij c dm-** in thp fore- rapidly advancing community. In that sense the store has been created 51 ft# arranging and re-stocking program desig P ,j £ or .^ g p a ( rons ye would have you entertain the thought that it is a |sj front of establishments of this sort, not only in fenelby, but in s '• f ac { | n w hich the community should take pride that such an establishment MVM Carolina. \ exists here. Through its existence you are offered the privilege of buy- US ssl V nig in a store in which, through its physical commodiousness, it is a pleas- i|| j®? This opening is to nve the people of Shelby, Cleveland and adjoining f ure to purchase, from big stocks, with wide range of selections, where gj % counties an opportunity" and privilege of visiting the store under inviting srevice is a supreme factor. M circumstances, with our sales features eliminated, to see the kind of .-tore j s true that from one point of view we are organized for profit, but r| which has been provided for their benefit. jl from another point of view the store is an asset to the community, which M We think we have provided here one of the best merchandising es- p eo ple cannot afford to be without. My J tablishments in Western Carolina. \ Jjjk •I From that standpoint it is a co-operative enterprise—and it is that j |N' !; way we like to view the work of building this business. And we would like So, you are invited to visit FANNINGS to see, we repeat, what has «| f 0 j lave you see th e j ssue | n that light—that the store is made for you for done to make this store worthy of the best support of the people of ;! your service and your convenience, and the more you appreciate it and this community ' '' patronize it the greater becomes its ability to serve you. i W. L. Fanning and Company jy| Shelby, North Carolina ' ||i™||| . I J I/ •Jit ! :!i!i ... ......... .-.---.-V ..v ri ..%v...vAv.vv.v.v.*.%v.v.v.".v.v.%w.v.'.v*.v.v'.VnV.v.v.v.v.vj '7; THE FOREST CITY COURIER, THURSDAY MAY 20, 192 G.