HENRIETTA NEWS Henrietta, May 18.—Rev. and Mrs. M. B. CI egg of Biltmore, visited , their daughter, Miss Mary Ella Clegg last Thursday. Mrs. Boyce Scruggs and little son Boyce, Jr., spent part of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. AV. Camp, at the Henrietta Inn. Mr. R. A. Bradley has resigned his position as assistant overseer of the cloth room at Henrietta Mills. Mr. Floyd Henderson, formerly with the Monaghan Mills, at Green ville. S. C., is now assistant over seer of the cloth room at Henrietta Mill No. 1. . Mr. Thomas Wall, who has a po sition at Hendersonville. visited his mother, Mrs. H. A. Wall here Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mahaffee, Misses Mary EHa Clegg and Bertie Lee High, visited friends in Shelby Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Higgins, of Shelby, visited at the teachers home here last Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. R. N. Childress and Rev. F. A. Bwwer were dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Lovelace last Thursday. Misses Annie Belle Sane, O'Lema I Flack, Dovie Sue Harris and Brama Lane, spent Monday afternoon in Shelby. The sale put on by the Henrietta Mills Stores at Henrietta and Carf leen last week was a great success. The unprecendented bargains to be had at this sale drew peeople fron? all the near-by towns and surround ing country. I The League of Women Voters will meet at the home of Mrs. C. B. Wiseman next Thursday afternoon at 3:30. Mrs. C. F. Gold and Miss Brooks will be the speakers of the occasion. Mrs. Theron Childs, of Lincolnton, is visiting her mothers Mrs. C. B. Wiseman. The revival which has been in pro gress at the Baptist church for the past ten days will probably clpse Wednesday. Rev. F. A. Bower, of Albemarle, has preached some won derful gospel sermons with a con vincing and convicting power that went straight to the hearts of his headers. A meeting will be held at the Ki wanis club rooms at Forest City, next Saturday at 7:30 for the purpose of organizing a textile club. Invi tations have been sent to the super intendents, overseers and foremen of departments of the mills of the county to be present and help or ganize the club. A number of girls and boys from the Sunday school classes of Mrs. J. P. Hornbuckle and Mrs. M. B. AGENT """PL A \Y7 Q *4-l~ PROMPT BUTTERICK * /~\Ug. W . 01X11111 V^O. MAIL ORDER SPARTANBURG, S. C. PATTERNS SERVICE Order Our Samples and Compare Them With Others SALE OF SILK AND RAYON BLOOMERS AND VESTS • f We were very fortunate in being able to secure these wonderful values—and just at the time when Bloomers and Vests are so much in demand for graduation pres ents. These garments are 50 per cent silk and 50 per cent Rayon, and there are sizes for every one. They come in flesh only. BLOOMERS VESTS 51.65 SI.OO % Order them by mail—we have your size. If they do not come up to your expectations return them to us. ou may find also in our Silk Underwear Department a beautiful assortment of ( repe de ( hine Gowns, ( hemise. Panties, Dance Sets (consists of Pantie and Bras siere.) Most oi these are trimmed in beautiful laces. A gorgeous assortment of colois and styles, and at* prices far below those which you would have to pay for garments like these. Rest Room tor Ladies Maid in Second Floor -*• a- > i Mahaffee enjpyed a picnic at Sulphuu I Springs last Monday afternoon. They were chaperoned by Misses Mary Ella Clegg and Bertie Lee High. Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Lovelace had as their dinner guests last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lovelace, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan Lovelace, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lovelace, Misses Lil lie and Daisy Lovelace, of Moores boro. Quite a number from this place attended the memorial service at Providence last Sunday. Miss Lueiie wall's music pupils will give a recital at the Henrietta- Caroleen high school building next Friday night. Miss Wall has taught music here for a number ol years. She studied music at Boiling Springs and at Brenau Conservatory of Music at Gainesville, Ga. She is well qualified -for her work, being pains taking and conscientious and her pu pils show the result of her careful instruction. A treat is in store for those who attend the recital Friday night. Mrs. T. C. Lovelace and Miss Edith Jenkins attended a delightful re ception given by Mrs. Durham Moore at her home in Shelby last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Moore en tertained in honor of the June brides-elect and Miss Jenkins was one of the honor guests. The Junior Order held the district meeting here last Saturday after noon and night. A supper prepared under the direction of Mrs. J. D. ] Manney, was served in banquet j hall of the Waif are House to the ; members, delegates and a few in-! vited guests. It is said that the larg- ! est number of people ever seated ! in this hall was present on this oc- \ casio n. The Junior Order No. JI, of Henri- j etta is one of the livest fraternal organizations in town. Thirty new members were taken into the order last week, j Memorial services will be held at High Shoals next Sunday. This is ; one of the prettiest country churches in the county. Mr. R. E. Price will be one of the speakers at the morn ing services. There is an old adage which says, "a straw can show which way the wind blows." If the hearty endorse ment of the democratic township committee is any criterion of the political pulse in' this part of the county then it is beating strongly in favor of Senator Overman. It is ! the opinion of this scribe that "Our | Bob's" handshake will have to have | some pull to overbalance the 23 years i of faithful service which Senator j Overman has rendered to the demo ; cratic party and the country at large. In the words of a Raleigh corres pondent to the daily papers, "we do not see how Bob is going to make port." THE FOREST CITY COURIER. THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1926. MT PLEASANT Mr. J. L. Elmore Dead. i Forest City, Route 2, May 18.— ! Death has claimed another good man of our community, Mr. L. El ! more passed quietly away Sunday morning. .Mr. Elmore was a loyal member of the Baptist church and a kind J husband and father. He leaves a widow and three children, Claude, Ralph and Mrs. Grady Jenkins; three sisters and several brothers, togeth er with a host of relatives and | friends to mourn their loss. Funeral services were conducted at Mt. Pleasant, Monday at 2 o'clock p. m., by his pastor, Rev. C. C. Ma theny, and brother whose name we failed to learn. He , was laid to j rest under a beautiful mound of flowers which showed the high es teem in which he was held. The family has the sympathy of the community in their bereave ment. Several of our community attend ed the memorial at Providence Sun day. Mr. T. E. Randall and two daugh ters, Misses Clara and Etheleen, visi ted the former's brother, Mr. A. G. Randall, and family Sunday. Miss Dee Toms is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Randall. • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wooten spent the week-end at Avondale visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wooten. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Robbins, of the Sulphur Springs section, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. O. C. Holland and family. Dr. RALPH R. HOWES Dentist New Poole Building Telephone 156 FOREST CITY, N. C. FOR OVER XOO YEARS haarlem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver ana bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. correct internal troubles, stimulate vita' organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist TO the original genuine GOLD MEDAV NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the District Court of the United States, for the Western District of North Carolina, in the matter of J. E. Haney, in bankruptcy, trad ing as'the Royal Store: Notice of meeting' upon bank rupt's petition for discharge: Notice is hereby given to all creditors and other parties interested in the above bankrupt's petition for discharge has been referred to the undersigned as Special Master; that pursuant to the terms of said order the said petition has been set down for a hearing to be held before said Special Master at 12 o'clock noon, May 29th, 1926, at the office of the said Special Master, 210 Law building, Charlotte, N. C. This the 18th day of May, 1926. JOHN M. ROBINSON, 32-2t. Special Master. Mr. R. O. Huntley, of Newport NeWs, Va., is the guest of his parents Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Huntley and Mr. R. O. Huntley, visited in Hendersonville, Monday, going out to see 'Jack Dempsey in action while there. Mrs. A. M. Glickman left Tuesday for her home in Kentucky, being called there on account of the ill ness of her mother. READ CAREFULLY Why a man quit using a Fold— He died. B. B. Doggett A Special Demonstration Westinghouse AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC RANGE Will be Held at the Electric Service Company May 24th and 25th *The Range j the M ' SS AsbUry ' Sent eSpe " ~cially from the Factory,, I with the Manufacturers B You can be a better cook even than Mother I by using Westinghouse Automatic Electric g *» Think of it! You can prepare a big roast, JV . and five vegetables simultaneously—all will be B ready for serving at the same time—none will K taste of the others, even if one of the vegetables MB \ That's only one of the marvelous you'll ' learn at these demonstrations. All without: obligation. Be sure to come while tho Expert Economics Instructor is here. anTLrvtd wine "ye" wa7,' OUS h ° USeh ° ld •»«-« ™ will be cooked All are welcome, and an acceptance of this invitation implies no obligation. work a^ e , V h: y iaboT an - n * fc U ."» ,i " s s cti ° n to »>ow these wonderful ranges worK, and labor saving their use afford.s ' a~o e 6.' he dates ~ Monday - May 24th and Tuesday, May 25th. Hours 10 to 12 ( ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. National Bank Building Fo«e«t City, N. C. * ,■ - r - ~; .; . _ ; j , "THE SONG OF SOLOMON" RUTHERFORDTON, MAY 25 Many people from Forest City j and surrounding section will go to j Rutherfordton, next Tuesday even ! ing, May 25, at 8 p. m. in the ele- I mentary school auditorium to see I the famous play. "The Song of Solo » ! mon. This interesting play was given at j Spindale House, Spindale, April 10, ' and was such a success that it will i be given again so that many in the j county who did not see it will have j the opportunity next Tuesday eVen | ing. It will be given under the aus- I pices of the Presbyterian church of | Spindale and the American Legion j of Rutherfordton. Admission will be only 25 cents for all students of the county, 50 cents for adults and 75 cents for reserved the latter being on sale at the Rexall Drug j Store, Rutherfordton. j Elaborate costumes, impressive play and most attractive stage decor '• ations will be features of the pro -1 gram. Many who saw it in April.' i .state that the scenery is better than , that of any minstrel that they ever Saw. The material used in dl'aper [ ies and costumes was made from ar -1 tificial silk or Rayon, manufactured ' by the Industrial Fibre Co., of New I York. It was woven by the Stone ' cutter Mills of Spindale. The cos . tunies were designed by Miss Flor ! ence Howard and made by the ladies j of the Presbyterian church of Spin- I dale. Costumes qf King Solomon's ■ day are used. The drama is full of interest and keeps the audience wondering what is next. This is the best drama of the * season. Get your reserved seats early, but be sure to see this great entertainment.* EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of J. L. Matheny, deceased, late of Rutherford county, N. C., this is not notify all persons having claims against the estate of the de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 15th day of April, 1927, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate wil: please make immediate settlement. * This the 15th day of April, 1926. MRS. PANTHA MATHENY, Executrix of J. L. Matheny, dec'd. ExRHT • BATTER IES -i 1 Made by the world's largest manu facturers of Storage Batteries, for every purpose. Broadway Garage Forest City, N. C.